Through Eyes Of The Broken -D...

By PinkPuppy7

221 25 32

I'm relatively new at writing and I've taught myself, but I hope you like this story. It is set in a minecraf... More

Chapter 1, Part 1
Chapter 1, Part 2
Chapter 1, Part 3
Chapter 2, Part 1
Chapter 2, Part 3
Chapter 2, Part 4
Chapter 3 Part 1

Chapter 2, Part 2

14 2 1
By PinkPuppy7

I gasped. Silver was laying on his back and I hesitated before running over to his side.

"Silver?" I said worriedly as I kneeled down. "Silver?!"

I reached out and shook his shoulders. He didn't react. I shook him again, this time a bit rougher. He still didn't move. The only sign that he was alive was his breathing.

Panicking, I tried to remember one of the spells Silver had taught me that morning.

Shaking, I put my hands on his forehead and chest. Then, forcing myself to calm down, I turned my head up towards the forest and closed my eyes. As I started to whisper a healing spell, I could see a blue glow through my eyelids.

Focusing on positive energy, I let it flow through my arms and my hands, then into Silver. After a while I felt him shift, startling me out of my stance. I shot open my eyes and stared down at him as the glowing around my hands faded.

"Good job. Looks like you knew just what to do," Silver whispered, weakly opening his deep blue eyes and trying to sit up.

"Wh-what?" I asked, lowering my hands to my sides and continuing to look at him in disbelief.

"I cast a spell on myself when you were staring into the water. It made me sleepy and after I gave you a hug, I passed out. I did it on purpose. This was a test," Silver said, looking at me with pride and... Something else? Admiration? Care? Love? "I'm sorry if I scared you..."

I just looked at him for a time, then suddenly I felt anger well up in me and I slapped him. He touched his cheek, and then looked up at me, shocked.

"Why would you-" He started.

"I don't know! Because you scared me! You made me almost think you were dead!" A mischievously evil grin appeared on my face as I playfully added, "I'm going to kill you!"

"Wha-?!" I cut him off again as I tackled him. He struggled to get me off as I pinned him to the ground.

"Get off me!" A deep blue glow grew around his hands and I was flown off him, landing a couple feet away. Taking his chance while I was stunned, Silver ran into the forest.

I quickly got up and followed, giggling like crazy. We weaved through the trees, him running like his life depended on it. Glancing back, he tripped on a root and fell. I slowed down as I got close to him, watching as he turned around and scooted up against a tree.

We were both breathing hard. Silver lifted his hand towards me and I covered my face with my arms as a fierce wind blew across it. When I lowered them, Silver was up and running again.

The trees flew by as I sped after him. Suddenly, he turned and disappeared. I stopped and looked around. Silver was nowhere to be seen.

Closing my eyes, I tried to feel his aura. Nothing. Opening my green eyes again, I gasped.

The forest around me was covered in snow, as if it was suddenly in the middle of winter, but I didn't feel cold at all. I gazed at the fluffy powder as it sparkled in the gray light.

Picking a random direction, I walked up a hill and put my hood down. At the top, I closed my eyes and smiled. I lifted my arms, as if I was about to fly, as a strong, slightly cool breeze danced through the forest. My robe and long, brown hair danced along with it.

I stood there for a while, until the wind died down. Then, I felt someone gently put their hand on my right shoulder, making me look back at them. Silver was standing there, looking at me with a soft smile on his face. His hood was also down, letting me see his gray-silver hair. I put my arms down and turned to face him.

Without saying anything, I wrapped him in a hug, my own smile growing. I felt him hug back as I rested my chin on his shoulder.

"Gotcha," I whispered. He let out a small chuckle. Then, letting his company comfort me, my eyelids dropped and I sighed.

I felt Silver move his head and give my forehead a small kiss, making my eyes snap open. I pulled away to look him in the eyes and noticed the forest was no longer covered in snow, but was as green as it had been before.

Silver grinned at me as he gently grabbed my hand and whispered, "Come on, let's go home..."


Violet's POV

I awoke with my head pounding and I groaned. Lifting up a hand to put against my head, I heard the sharp clanking of metal. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw that around my wrists were metal cuffs, with chains connecting them to the corner I was sitting against, to the right of the bed.

Looking around I saw that the walls and floor were the same as in my room, though it was cracked in some places. The room had a bed, the same iron door, dim lights, but also the chains.

They were long enough so that I could stand and sit, but nothing else. I tried to stretch my wings, but they were restricted. Wiggling my tail, I heard the same clanking of metal.

Suddenly, I noticed there was something around my neck and I reached up to feel it. It felt somewhat like a collar, with a few tags and something like a gem pendant.

As I tried to find the clip to take it off, a zap from it made me yelp. Surprised, my hands recoiled. I tried again, but gave up when the same shock zapped me.

Groaning quietly, I closed my eyes and rested my head against the wall.

*What had happened? Why am I chained to a wall? Why did I black out?* These thoughts and ones like them buzzed around in my mind.

After many minutes that seemed like hours, I heard a faint shuffling coming from the hall, making my eyes snap open to look at the door.

Suddenly the shuffling stopped and a familiar voice spoke.


"Herobrine?" I said, my mind and mouth starting to flood with questions. "Why am I chained to the wall? What happened? Why are my wings and tail-"

"Calm down," He said, cutting me off. "First, have you ever had... Voices in your head?"

"No..." I replied.

"Have you ever blacked out before?" He asked.

"Not that I know of..." I said, now curious. "Why?"

He paused, as if contemplating something, then opened the door and came in. Shutting the door and going to stand in the opposite corner, he looked at me with worry in his white eyes.

"You might now."

"~AnD tHAt's mY CUe!~" A slightly distorted voice said in my head.

"What?" I asked, starting to become nervous.

"The reason you blacked out. The reason a voice just spoke in your head," He continued.

"H-how d-did you-?" I started.

"Because I'm Herobrine. Because I can hear your thoughts. Because I ran test after test on you, hoping that it wasn't true," He continued, taking a step forward.

"Wh-what wasn't-?"

"That your dragonic side has... Developed."


Gabby's POV

So Silver and I went to his house, as I hadn't been there many times. The two-story building was in a clearing, like mine, in the forest.

When we got there, Silver let me in, not sure what to do but enjoying each other's company.

"Hey, do you want some lunch?" He asked me.

"Sure. What do you have?" I replied.

I followed him into the kitchen, jumping up on a counter and sitting on it as Silver looked in the fridge. I grabbed my stomach as it growled. I heard Silver chuckle, making me look at him.

"Looks like we could have steak and bread," He said, picking the food items out and standing up. "Could you get some plates? They're up there."

He pointed to a cupboard above my head, making me jump off and reach up to open it. Getting the plates and shutting the cupboard, I handed them to him.

"Thanks. You can go watch TV while I cook, if you want," He said, putting the food and plates on the counter.

"Okay," I said, going back into the living room and sitting down on the couch. It would be nice to relax after all that's happened.

Looking around I found the remote and flipped through the channels until I found one that I liked.

After a while I heard Silver call, making me glance back at the kitchen door before turning off the TV and exiting the room.

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw that Silver was standing next to the table, which had two plates of food on it.

"Wow! The food looks delicious!" I said, going over to sit down, Silver doing the same.

"Thanks," He replied.

And with that, we eat lunch. Turns out, it sometimes takes a tragedy to bring people together...


Violet's POV

"That your dragonic side has... Developed."

The way he said it chilled me to the bone. It didn't help that the distorted voice in my head giggled.

"D-developed?" I asked, my voice barely audible.

"Something must have gone wrong with the original change because you now have a voice in your head," He started.

"~AnD I wANt tO CoMe OUt aGAiN,~" It whined as my eyes widened in fear.


"Like you saw with Enderpixel's little "outburst", that voice has a need to kill," Herobrine said, ignoring my gasp. Leaning against the wall, he muttered to himself, "I knew that all Ender Dragon hybrids had dragon sides, but I never thought it would go this far..."

I started shaking, drawing my wings and tail around to me.

"Wh-why did I-I b-black o-out?" I asked, peeking out from behind my relatively new limbs.

"~ThAt wOuLD bE Me tAkINg oVEr. I hAd eNOuGh Of bEIng sILenT aNd yOU wErE 'LOsT iN yoUR mEMoRieS', aS thEy sAY,~" The voice said again, it's tone a bit bored.

"Yes, but since it was the first time, you did black out. Other times you will not; just 'switch places' in your mind," Herobrine continued.

"S-so I'll b-be conscious? While... It... Is in control?" I asked, looking down at my hands.

"~ExCuSe Me! I aM nOt JuSt aN 'iT'. My NaMe iS Vi,~" The voice said.

"Yes, you should be," He said, answering my aforementioned question and walking over out of the corner of my eye.

"Is th-there a way t-to get rid of i- Vi?" I asked, my voice quivering. I feared what my new 'side' could do to me. Could Vi take over whenever she wanted?

"I... Don't know..." Herobrine replied. "This is the first time this has happened to anyone in this... Place. But don't worry; you'll be fine."

I'm not so sure...

He kneeled down and gently put a hand on my wing but I shook it off, tightly wrapping them around me more. Doing so, I thought I saw sadness on his face as he got back up and went over to the door.

"Be careful," He said without turning around. Before opening the iron door, he lifted his hand up and the cuffs around my hands loosened enough to allow me to remove them. I unfolded my wings and took off the cuffs, standing up.

"Wait," I said to him as he walked out of the door, making him pause.


"What is this thing around my neck?" I questioned, pointing to it even though he was still facing away from me.

"It is a tracking collar. If you try to take it off it will zap you," He said.

"Oh... What do the tags say?" I asked.

"Name, type of hybrid, and personal information," He replied curtly.

I gave a small hum, letting Herobrine know that I had heard him.

"Do you have any other questions?" Herobrine asked, finally turning to look at me.

"Yes; Where am I? Am I in a different room than what I first woke up in?"

"No, you are not in a different room. I added the chains while you and Vi were both unconscious," He again replied before exiting the room and closing the door, leaving 'us' to our thoughts.

"~He SeEmS sO mUcH dIfFeReNt WhEn He'S nOt TrYiNg To KiLL yOu...~" Vi said as she trailed off.

"What?!" I said, surprised at her sudden revelation.

She didn't answer. Grumbling, I walked over to the bed and sat down, trying to soak in all that had happened and what I had learned.

About 3 days ago I was sent flying into a tree by a creeper, captured by Herobrine, and taken away from my friends, not knowing if they are okay. Then, yesterday, got changed into this Ender Dragon hybrid along with Lavapixel, or now, Enderpixel. This morning, Herobrine and I went to see Enderpixel, came back, and I blacked out while holding-

"My headband!" I yelled, wondering what happened to it. I searched the bed as Vi asked what I was talking about.

"Before you took over and I blacked out, I was holding my cat-eared headband. It's really special to me. I got it when I was young and wore it ever since. Except now I can't with these," I replied, twitching the dragon-like ears.

"~Oh... ThAt'S wHy YoU wERe HoLdiNg iT...~" Vi said, sounding a bit sad.

"What did you do to it, Vi?" I said, anger and worry bubbling inside me.

"~I DiDn'T dO aNyThiNg To iT! I DiDn'T sEE wHaT HaPpEnED tO iT, bUt I tHiNk HeRObRiNe tOoK iT,~" She replied.

"Why would he take it?" I inquired, pausing from my search.

"~I dON't KnOw; bUT wHy ShOuLD I cArE?~" Vi said, sass in her voice.

I sighed. "You're going to be difficult, aren't you?"

"~YuP!~" She replied with a twisted giggle.


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