My Boyfriends Brother (Book 1...

By white-wolf-girl

192 19 10

He was a sinner yet he was Saint. He only follows one simple rule, do not hurt women. He cannot stand men w... More

Cast list.
Chapter 1:- The Offer From Cain
Chapter 2:- Surprises.
Chapter 3:- Date Night.
Chapter 4:- Under Pressure
Chapter 5:- Breaking Point
Chapter 6:- Slowly Giving In.
Chapter 7:- Late Night Visit.

Chapter 8:- Plan To Stay Away.

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By white-wolf-girl

warning:- talk of r@pe at the end of chapter. May be triggering for some people so beware the trigger warning.


Words- 4665.

Song:- Alexander Stewart if you only knew.

Freya's P.O.V

The first thing I felt was warmth, more warmth then I've felt in a long time. I almost wanted to stay here forever.

That was a lie I did want to stay here forever, but if it wasn't the bounding in my head that made me aware of my surroundings.

The it certainly was when the memories came crashing back.

I was never one to forget anything, despite the amount I drunk the night before.

I guess you could say that was a gift of mine.

The first memory that came crashing back was drinking, then second later everything caleb did to me came crashing through my brain.

My body throbbed in that moment and I had to keep from groaning in pain.

Caleb could literally go and f*ck himself.

My eyes snap open when quick flashes of everything that happened after.

Everything that involves cain.

My heart beat picks up as I remembered how amazing and sweet he was, but I also remember how my dumb arse showed him all I've been hiding.

The one thing I can't remember is if I told him who hurt me... The thought alone made me shiver.

How could I have been so stupid, to of gotten drunk then in my weakest of moments, rush to the one person I've been meaning to hide from.

My eyes finally focus on everything around me and it was then I stopped to take in the view.

I saw staring at cains face that was clearly carved from the gods themselves, being this close to him allowed me to see a few scars not visable from afar.

The man was the definition of perfection.

I take notice of his arms around me and the warmth and safety it created, it was dangerous! But I found myself wanting to stay here forever.

But I knew deep down, hell I knew with everything in me I couldn't and this would probably be the last time this ever happens.

I knew I needed to get out his arms and collect my clothes then leave, but I found myself laying there a moment longer.

I allowed myself to imagine what it would feel like to wake up in the arms of someone who cares for you.

Cares for me?

God he was amazing last night, he took care of me more then anyone else I knew and for that I knew he would have a special place in my heart.

F*ck my life, why did it have to be so complicated?

And why couldn't I have met cain first!

I made the mistake to look at him again and this time I found myself turning to face him fully, allowing myself to take in as much of him as I can.

I found myself moving a piece of hair that fell into his face, my finger tips just faintly graze his skin that causing him to stir slightly and my hand to freeze mid air.

The guilt swelled inside me as I realised after everything uncle Mike worked so hard with me on and I go and break being sober without a second guess.

I ran my hand gently on his stubble as I felt the tears burn my eyes as I wish desperately that it could be different, that I was with the right brother instead of the wrong one.

With a deep breath I finally pull myself gently from his arms. Carefully not to walk him.

I felt angry at myself a so feel the tears burn my eyes, I didn't want to leave but I had to.

I couldn't allow myself to be stuck in this fantasy because I was scared that once I was in his arms, I'd never want to leave again.

And it's safer for him and especially safer for me if I stopped everything before it got to far.

I know this is right so explain to me why it feels so wrong.

Why I feel as if my body was crumbling the more and more I thought about leaving.

I let out a quiet yet heavy sigh.

The pain entered my body the second I stood making me want to second guess my decision, yet I still push through.

Slowly I walk around his apparently collecting my clothes, I knew nothing happened between us last night but I also know he knows everything.

Or as close to everything as you can get and that thought alone scared me.

I collected them up before looking at the material in my hands, some of it was ripped to the point I had no idea how I came here in it yesterday.

My hands slightly shook as the clothes made the memories of caleb crash back.

He wasn't like this when we met! He was nice and so bloody sweet.

What's changed?! What did I do to deserve all this?!

I have don't nothing but treat him like a king, admittedly we haven't done anything but kiss but I'm not ready and he said he wasn't with me for that.

I crept to the bathroom and slipped into the clothes as carefully yet quickly as I could, only to pause when I saw my own reflection.

The bruises and cuts as enough to make me shiver again, I didn't know how much longer I could do this and yet I was a mess and no one could ever want me!

Not like this.

I couldn't take it ant longer, so I pull my eyes away from myself and change as much as I could.

I was quick despite how much it hurt me.

As I did the few button up on my shirt my eyes jump up to cain asleep on the bed, making my movements freezes for a second.

I couldnt help but wonder did I deserve how he treated me?

Or did I deserve how caleb treated me?

And above all was he serious, did I really deserve the world?

And above all why did I really want to see if he'd actually give it to me?

I let out a heavy sigh and by the time I had finished dressing I'd realised my body had gravitated me towards cain on the bed.

God this man knew how to invade my mind and have my body acting on its own accord.

I find a frown taking my features the more I stared at him, that's when I realised I really didn't want leave, I wanted to stay! And that feeling alone was dangerous.

Before I could stop myself, I lean down and place a soft kiss on his lips.

As I started pulling away I found myself freezing; hover above him. One hand on the wall and the other in the nightstand.

I couldn't resist, if this would be the last time I see this God then I will have something to cherish forever.

I place a soft kiss on his lips before pulling away and whispering in his ear "thank you for being my Knight in shining armour"

My eyes take in every bit of detail as the burden began to crawl up my back already.

"I wish with everything in me that things were different, that I met you first" I said as I stared at his face before leaning back towards his ear.

"goodbye saint" I finally manage to pull myself away, my heart clenching with every step I took closer to that door and further from him.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I walked out the door quickly but quietly and began my journey 'home'.

Every step I took closer to my home and further from cain, I felt the world little by little begin to weigh me down once again.

Cain's P.O.V

My hands traced down every inch of her body as she trembled beneath me.

I couldn't get enough of her, my hands touched everything they could whilst my mouth followed close behind.

Everything I did it just wasn't enough, I wanted more and more of her, so bad I felt almost addicted.

Touching her, hearing her, seeing her when she's around, God I wanted her so much, more then I've ever wanted anyone before.

I kissed up and down every inch of her body, she shivered every time my tongue or lips glazed her skin, when my mouth goes lower; her angelic voice reaches my ears.

"it's to late" her voice was breathless, excitement and something el- what did she just say?

My lips almost freeze as the frown touches my features, I was about to forget and carry on when she speaks again.

"it's only a matter of time cain and we'll be ripped apart!" her words made my heart sink more then it ever has before.

I didn't think words could hurt me so much.

I slowly looked up and the view of her face made me shoot from the bed, my heart dropped and all but stopped.

Freya sat up, looking up at me with her once beautiful face battered and torn, she barely looked like her anymore.

My breath was uneven as I took her in, what the hell happened to my girl?

We seemed to stare at each other and just as she opened her mouth, blood came pouring from her mouth.

My blood ran cold and I swear I've never been so scared before in my life, but something about watching her bleed and bruised like this just didn't sit right with me.

If this is a dream then It sure as well turned from a good dream to a nightmare real quick!

My heart showed no sign of slowing down, in fact it sped up more and more and I found myself slightly panicked that I may have a heart attack.

My wide eyes seems to snap up to stare into hers as she speaks again, her voice note sounding as soft and angelic anymore.

"his going to kill me cain, I know it, you know; hell even he knows it!"

Stuck in a trance almost, I shook my head at her "I'd never let that happen, Georgia girl" I could barely recognise my own voice in my ears.

"but it's to late cain you already have, I'm already gone! You could have saved me but now it's to late, his going to kill me and you. Did. Nothing!"

If it was possible, as she spoke her appearance only seemed to get worse.

New cuts appeared, new bruises, more blood then suddenly in a quick flash I could have sworn I saw a glimpse of her all tided up, her clothes torn, you could barely make our a girl underneath every cut, bruises and dirt on her skin.

The imagine was enough to make me turn my head away, I couldn't see her like that my heart all but broke.

"stop" I broke out, my voice not sounded strong at all.

I closed my eyes tight, maybe if I couldn't see her this wouldn't be happening.

Then I felt cold hands touch my face, they wasn't soft like her skin normally is, their cold and rough.

The hand turns my head back straight and my eyes seem to open on their own.

I stood there staring at the face that didn't look one bit like Freya anymore, staring into the eyes that was full of pain, anger and so very lifeless.

This wasn't my Georgia girl.

Not yet anyway.

"your a coward! Your to weak to help me just like you was to weak to help your mum!" my eyes widen as my heart drops.

I saw movement in the corner of my eyes and when I turn to look, there she was.

My mum standing in one of the worst states I ever witnessed her in my life.

And I did witness her in this state, because of... Him.

This was the very day I forced her at 16 years old to leave my father and we went to stay with my auntie.

Who taught me everything I know today, who helped me get my mum back and helped my mum raise me.

I found myself stumbling back slight, shaking my head and pinching myself. Trying to get out this stupid dream.

Both their mouths spoke in union, their voices blended together as if it was the same voice.

Taunting me on the thing I've feared since Ive met this women early on the morning, walking home alone.

"your going to let him hurt Freya just like you let your father hurt you mother! It's going to happen and their nothing you can do about it!"

The words hurt me deeply, stinging like a fresh cut.

I took another step back, shaking my head "stop it!" I snapped, I've had enough of this bullshit!

I would not let what happened to my mum happen to Freya!

I will protect her even if I died trying!

They seemed to step closed, continuing their taunting.

This time Freya seemed to talk first "you will do nothing because that's what you do best" her words came at such forced they caused me to step bsck again, only I didn't see the thing behind me and it caused me to full back on my arse.

Now they both hovered over me as I looked duo at them, I felt as if the room was closing in on me.

"I will protect her! I won't let anything happen to her she's mine!" I shout back at her.

The dream Freya seemed to let out a humours laugh "am I? Not if he kills me first"

I shook my head again, placing my hands on my head and closing my eyes, one more moment in this dream I'm gunna go crazy.

The guilt of my mum putting up with as long as she did still ate me up, I couldn't let it having again. Not to anyone let alone Freya.

"I won't let it happen again! I won't let it happen again!" I mumbled, over and over again trying my best to block their never ending taunting voice.

Suddenly an angelic voice runs through the air as a light comes from the far end of the room.

Freyas voices!

Freyas real voice.

"I wish with everything in me that things were different" her vooiced caused the other two to fall silent, I slowly move my arms from my head and look towards the voice.

My heart picking up as my brain slowly starts working again.

This was a dream! Well a nightmare but not real none the less.

I all but rushed to my feet, slowly taking a couple steps towards the light.

"that I met you first" her words made me frown, why did it sound like she was leaving?

And about meeting first ever since I looked into them eyes of hers, I can't shake off the feeling that I know her from the past.

But as I've said before, I would never forget someone like her.

I walked quicker towards the light, ignoring the calls from the dream version of Freya and my mum.

"goodbye saint"

She was leaving!

I all but ran, ran as fast as I could, screaming freyas name as I got closer.


My eyes shoot open and i shoot up right.

My breath came out uneven and I felt sweat dropping off me.

I frowned, it took me a moment to get a grip on reality but then I rememebered the dream then I rememever the voice.

I let out a couple breaths to calm myself, that's when I notice how quiet it was.

"Freya" I called out, even my voice came out breathless as I looked around.

Noticing her clothes her gone and the silence became so deafening and real.

I threw the cover off me and move to the edge of the bed.

"Georgia girl?" I called out again, hating the feeling that began to sink in.

I threw myself back on the bed for a second, then I rememebered the click I heard making me shoot back up and look at the door.

I rushed over to the door and pull it open, the cold wind kissed my face and instantly made me come to my senses.

My eyes searched like crazy but she was no where in sight, I let out a huff and close the door leaning my head against it.

The dream came back into my mind, making a shiver travel through me. It was an amazing dream until it wasn't.

what am I going to do? About all of it, if I can't get her away she will die.

If I ignore it... I can't ignore it so that's not even a choice!.

My eyes snap open instantly and my head snaps over to my front room table where my laptop sat.

I rushed to it, collecting it up and turning it on as I walk over to my bed.

After it loads, I click the file I've been looking for.

Instantly the video of freyas flat popped up on my screen and before my eyes, yesterday's events began to play.

I know! I promise I'm not a weirdo, but when I knew she was with caleb, I knew something had to be going on.

The sense to protect this women was strong even when I first met her.

So when I got her flat sorted out, I got camera installed to keep an eye.

The only f*fucking place they didn't do wad the bedroom.

My phone blasts suddenly making me jump slightly, I answered without even looking and mazes voice reaches my ears.

All anxiety and anger seemed to leave my body the second I heard my best friends voice, she always had this effect.

"good morning sunshine" she chirps making me smile.

"God is it good to hear your voice" I breathed out and chuckle when I hear her awe.

"awe I knew you loved me, you big softie! I got a surprise for you" she carried on speaking but the second I saw calebs fix connect with freyas face everything I couldnt hear anything other then my blood pumping through my body.

I hit the volume button and his words ring in my ears.

I saw everything, how he beat her all because he wanted sex and she didn't want to have it with him.

My blood runs cold when he says he will get what he wants one way or another.

My grips almost broke my phone when he says if she give it to anyone else he would kill her.

Not if I kill you first f*cker.

"oi! Cain are you f*cling listening to me!" mazes voice reaches my ears making me snap bsck to reality, I press the pause button.

"sorry" I clear my throat "sorry maze, what was you saying?"

I clicked out of yesterday's footage and clicks on the live, seeing what is going on in that moment.

My eyes narrow when I see him sitting in her flat, texting away not caring about the mess he made.

"I said we got him cain, his in the basement now" this got my interest, as I rememebered Freya telling me what that stupid dickhead said to her at the match yesterday.

I closed the laptop and instantly stood, rushing around to get changed.

I put the phone on speaker and lay it beside me.

"I'll be right over... Oh and maze" I rushed out before she hung up, throwing a long sleeve shirt on that hugged my muscles tight. "I need a favour"

Freya's P.O.V

I walked almost numbly towards my 'home' numb because it was cold and because I really didn't want to go back.

My body has turned numb the moment I felt the safety of cain, making me no longer feel pain.

Every step I took made my feet feel heavy as if a force was trying to stop me.

I was a block away, I would be bsck in my nightmare in five minutes, ten concidering my condition.

Just as I was about to cross the street a lout horn rings out behind me making me jump.

I turned around and raise a brow when mazes car pulls up, my head follows it's movement till it stops dead in front of me.

"hello beautiful" she smiles which instead made me smile.

I was about to open my mouth, when she shook her head "girl have you not learned"

She kissed her teeth before leaning over slightly "don't question it, don't even ask how he knows"

Just then a blue uniform it's my face before landing in my hands, when I looked down I notice it's a unitofrn from the hospital making me looking up at her in confusion.

I'm not confused about who she meant when she says don't question him, cause obviously it's cain she's speaking about.

But why did I need my work uniform.

I looked up at maze and the second our eyes connect she speaks "just put it on before you get home, if anyone asks you've been at work all night"

Okay? Why am I doing that again?

Who asked me to do that again?

"maze what is this? Who asked you to do this?" at my question she gives me a look that screamed 'are you serious'.

"why cain silly!"

I frowned but this time at myself, didn't I just work that out? I've never been one to forget shit so quickly or be confuse at anything.

Maybe it's lack of sleep and all the stress.

"don't question him" her voice makes me look back at her as she throws me a small smile "learn to trust him like we all do. You have my number, call me if you need me I'll be close by"

I fket like there was a double meaning to her saying she'll be close by, but before I could question she winks at me and drives off.

I watch her car speed off before looking down at the uniform.

What is this about?

But strangely and scarily I slipped the uniform on without another thought, showing myself how much I trusted cain in such little time.

I really should trust him.

I shouldn't talk to him.

I shouldn't even know about him.

Yet now I knew just a glimpse of that man, I wanted to discover every inch of him.

I hadn't felt that for anyone, not even caleb and I knew deep down that was bad.

I shook my head and continued closer to my building.

For some reason the second I stepped foot in my building, an uneasy feeling over came me but I pushed it aside.

I should have listened, be cause the second I stepped foot into my flat my body stilled instantly and I found myself wishing I never came home at all.

Caleb sat on the arm chair, leaning back and looking at me with a blank look.

The atmohpere in the room became thick and uncomfortable and I now understood why I was given the uniform.

How did he know?

"I came to apologise-" he starts off before standing up and walking a bit closer, I tried to act normal I didn't even want to show him I'm scared.

I fact I had a slight headache which was not like the others I've ever had, so I'd really love to just go to sleep and ignore all drama.

I shut the door as I let out a shaky breath.

"but I can see you haven't been home all night!" his voice spits, at first he didn't look at me but now he was and his eyes burned with fire even if his face showed no emotion.

"I had a night shift at the hospital" I mumbled as I quickly walked past.

I almost let a breath of relief out when his voice said "yeah that's what your boss said to"

I thought I was out of the clear, I was almost away for him and everything seemed fine.

Key word there was seemed.

I felt his eyes burn into me then suddenly he grabbed a fist full of my hair and braught me back to him.

I let out a small cry.

He instantly raised his fist and punched me in the face, allowing my body to hit the floor with force before he grabs my hair and pulls me back up.

Our faces were inches apart "I know you've been with someone yiy little white! And one day you'll slip up! And when you do-" he growls with clenched teeth making me close my eyes tight.

His hand cupped my down stairs area even though I kicked and tight to push his hands away, he held me there with such a grip it hurt me.

"if I find out you've been with someone else, I will literally tie you down and rape you!" my whole body went cold as his words traveled through me, I stared into his eyes in shock and nothing but the truth shined in them.

He tighten his grip and move his head closer" then when I'm done with you, I'll invite my friends to have their fun with you until your f*king useless to us" his eyes searched mine before he smirked and let go.

The instant he released my hair, I feel to my knees with a thud and he let me.

My eyes shut instantly when I felt him spit on me before eye turned and walked out, slamming the door hard behind him.

I wipe the spit of me as a sob slips from my mouth, I didn't even have the scrength to move as I stayed frozen in fear.

I curled into a a ball and cry harder.

My whole body shook and his words echoed over and over again in my head.

I had to stay away from cain, it was a nice fantasy whilst it lasted but that's all it is, a fantasy. I could not risk what Caleb threatened ever happening to me.

Caleb literally said he would assault me and have his friends assault me to and I knew deep down he meant every word.

So I have to stay away from cain, no matter how he makes me feel! I can't take that risk.

I can't risk anything.

But little did I know fate (like always) was not on my side.

No baby girl don't even think that! Drop the zero and come with the hero.

Caleb is the lowest of the low! At first I thought it was just cause his drunk but it's the second time his siad this to her now! Now I'm getting concerned.

What do you think cain is going to do?!

Anddddd I'm back!

I can't apologise for how long I've been away, all my old plans for this book I lost and I've been replanning this book.

Honestly I love this book and do not want it flopping at all, so I've been hard at work.

But I hope this chapter makes up for it, it only goes up from here.

What do you think of cain? If you could pick who would it be, cain or caleb.

I promise next time won't take me so long but you will have to bare with, it takes me longer to write chapters and I'm also doing another book at the same time.

So I tend to do a Chapter on that one then this one, and back and forth like that. Honestly though each chapter takes me so long to write because the plannings are so long.





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