Psycho....||Lee Felix FF||

By Yongbok-Shiiiii

21.6K 441 244

Felix:I will kill everyone for you,Doll. Y/N:Please,Leave me!! More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
episode 4
episode 5
episode 6
episode 7
episode 8
episode 9
iepisode 10
episode 11
episode 12
episode 13
episode 14
episode 15
episode 16
episode 17
episode 18
episode 19
episode 20
episode 21
episode 23
episode 24
episode 25
episode 26
episode 27
episode 28
episode 29
episode 30
episode 31
episode 32
episode 33
episode 34
episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37

episode 22

498 11 11
By Yongbok-Shiiiii

(2 months later)

Y/N:*Laughing with Taeyong*

Taeyong:K-Kitten-Your face!*Laughs*

Y/N:*Giggles then wipes her face with a tissue*I told you not to apply frosting on me!!


Mark:Here I come,Y/nah!!!

Taeyong,Y/N:*Looks at him*

Mark:*Runs then puts frosting all over Y/N's face*

Taeyong:*Can't control his laugh*



Taeyong:*Laughs*Y-You're dead,Mark!

Mark:*Stops Laughing, confused*Why?

Y/N:*Looks at Mark*YOU!!

Mark:Oh-Shit!*Runs away followed by Y/N*


(Meanwhile Felix's POV)

Skz(except Felix):*Sitting on the living room*


Skz(except Felix):*Looks towards the noise*

Felix:*Comes downstairs*

Han:Holy shit-Hell no..don't tell me..*Whisper*

I.N:F-Felix hyu-*Cut off by*

Felix:*Growls*I-Im gonna kill him*Says in a different tune,wipes his mouth*

Bangchan: Felix-Calm down!

Felix:*Groans*I fucking can't live without her!!*Yells in. Different tune*

Minho:Felix-dont let him out!control yourself!!*About to touch him*

Felix:Pushes him away*

Minho:*Stumble back*

Felix:I'm not listening to anyone of you!!I'm going to get her today-itself!!*Leaves the house*

Skz(except Felix):*Quickly follows him*

(At NCT House)


*Door slams opens*

NCT,Y/N:*Looks at the person*

NCT:*Stands up*

Y/N:*Heart skips a beat,gets scared*

Skz(except Felix):*Comes panting heavily*

Taeyong:*Keeps Y/N behind him,Glares at Felix*

Felix:Give her to me..*Says in a different tune*



Taeyong:*Looks at Bangchan*

Bangchan:He Losed his control-you better give her to him before he kills you all here!

Felix:*Cracks his neck,eyes never leaving Y/N*

Y/N:*Staring at him terrified*

Taeyong:*Holds Y/N's wrist tightly*

Y/N:*Looks at Taeyong*


Y/N:*Flinch,looks at him surprised*

Taeyong:*Shocked, holding her wrist tightly*

Y/N:*Opens her mouth to say something but nothing comes out*

Taeil:*Looks at Taeyong*Don't you dare say it now,'s not the right time...*Low tune*

Taeyong:*Takes a deep breath*Lee Felix!

Felix:*Looks at him deadly*

Taeil:Taeyong don't you dare-*Cut off by*

Taeyong:I'm inlove with Y/N!*Smirks*


Y/N:*Shocked,Stares at Taeyong shocked*


Felix:What did I say,Y/N!*Dark tune*

Y/N:*Flinch,looks at him*

Taeyong:*Tilts his head*

Felix:*Looks at Taeyong deadly*And you.. I'll take that sentence as a misheard...give Y/N to me*Dark tune*


Felix:*Losed his control,Burst out laughing loudly+Creepily*


Taeyong:*Mind=....Forgive me..*Watch me!Lee Felix!*Pulls Y/N*

Y/N:*Caught off guard*

Taeyong:I'm sorry..*Whispers,Kisses her on the lips*


Y/N:*Processing, Shocked*

Felix:*Staring at their lips blankly*

Taeyong:*Backs away*

Y/N:*Breathing heavily*

Taeyong:*Looks at Y/N in the eye*

Y/N:*Looks at him in shocked*W-Why...

Felix:*Runs towards Taeyong*

Taeyong:*Smiles,looks into her eyes for the last time*I'm sorry...I truely love you Y/ wasn't my plan to fall for you but..look what you made me do..*Soft tune*

Y/N:*Didn't notice Felix*

Taeyong:*Glups*My e-end is was nice.. being with you,Kitten..

Y/N:*About to say something*

Felix:*Jumps on Taeyong*

Taeyong:*Falls on the ground with Felix on top of him*

Felix:*Punches him Continuously*

Y/N:*Froze,Can't move*

Taeyong:*Closing his eyes tightly, injuring the pain*

NCT:*Tries to stop Felix*

Skz(except Felix and Hyunjin):*Joins them

Hyunjin:*Checks on Y/n*

Y/N;*Looks at him but then suddenly Starts getting Flashback*

Hyunjin:Are you okay?Does Anthing hurts-*Cut off by*

Y/N:,H-Hyunjin...*Low tune*

Hyunjin:Yes-*Stop,looks at him shocked,Mind=I..I don't remember saying my name to her after the accident...**Glups*

Y/N:*Looks at the scene then at the house*I-I.. remember..*Looks at him*

Hyunjin:*Backs away*G-Guys stop!!SHE REMEMBERS EVERYTHING!!!*yells staring at Y/n*

NCT,Skz(except Felix):*Looks at him shocked*

Felix:*Punching Him*

Han:*Tries to stop him*Felix stop-Y/N got her memory back-*Cut off by*

Felix:Don't stop me!!!-*Cut off by*


Felix:*Freezes,looks at Y/N*L-Love?

Y/N:F-Felix...*Low tune*

Felix:*Gets up then goes towards him*Love-*Cut off by*

Y/N:*Hugs him tightly crying in his chest*

Felix:*Hugs her back tightly,crying too*

Taeyong:*Weakly sits then wipes off the blood from his lips,Groans**Watches them,sad smile*

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