episode 15

509 11 5

(Felix's room)

Felix:*Sits beside her on the bed*Dolly...

Y/N:*Looks at him*

Felix:*Smiles then Caresses her cheeks*


Felix:*Smiles*Let's go to bed?

Y/N:*Mind=Huh..I thought he had something to say..**Nods*


Y/n:*Lays on the bed,close her eyes drifting off to sleep*

Felix:*Pecks her forehead then leaves the room*

(Living room)

Felix:*Sits on the sofa*

Skz(Except Felix):*Looks at him*

Bangchan:Have you told her?

Felix:*Sighs then shakes his head as"No"*

Minho:When are you planning to tell her?

Felix:*Looks out of the window*

Seugmin:You know..you gotta tell her before it's too late...

Felix:*Smirks*Ofcourse...just waiting for the perfect time....*Sad but doesn't show it*

Bangchan:*Sighs*I'll go pack up*Leaves*

Hyunjin:*Walks away without saying anything*

Felix:*Sighs then leans his head on the back of the sofa closing his eyes*

*Everyone leave him alone*

Felix:*Punches the sofa**Sighs*It hurts like fuck..*Whispers then keeps his hands on his stomach*Fucking...*Opens his eyes then looks towards the basement*Rose...*Stands up then walks towards the basement*


Felix:*Comes then falls on his knees Infront of Rose*

Rose:*Looks at Felix shocked*

Felix:*Chuckles darkly*

Rose:,What the fuck is happening?!

Felix:*Looks at her weakly*

Rose:*Mind=Something's wrong...*

Felix:Park..Rose..*Coughs out blood*

Rose:*Gasp in shock*

Felix:*Wipes his mouth the giggles darkly*You see it don't you?


Felix:*Looks at her*I'm leaving tomorrow to America..


Felix:*Scoffs looking away*I have cancer..


Felix:I'm going there for treatment before it's too late..

Rose:*Tears built up in her eyes*

Felix:That doesn't mean I'll not come back..*Looks at her deadly*

Rose:*Blinks multiple times*

Felix:I will come back..I will come back for My Dolly..


Felix: Till then*Coughs*I want you to protect her from my stupid Brother..will you do it?


Felix:*Chuckles*I never thought of myself begging you to take care of her..but*Glups*P-Please..take care of her until I r-return...please..I don't want to loose her like I losed my...mother*Tears build up*


Felix:K-Keep her protected..please?

Rose:*Looks away controlling her tears*

Felix:*Wipes his tears*

Rose:W-When will you come back?


Rose:*Looks at him*

Felix:..I-I..I don't know myself but I'll come back..I'm not leaving her just like that..I have future with her..

Rose:*Mind=He really does love her.. does he?*

Felix:..Will you?*Coughs*

Rose:*Sighs*Ofcourse I will she's my Friend after all..more like a sister...

Felix:*Smiles weakly,close his eyes*Fucking hurts...*Keeps his hand on his stomach*

Rose:*Watching him quietly*

Felix:*Stands up,coughs*I'll go sleep... I'll get you out of this room tomorrow*Leaves*


(At Felix's room)

Felix:*Falls on the bed beside Y/n,let's out a deep breath,cuddles her*Dolly?

Y/n:*In deep sleep*

Felix:*Smiles*I promise I'll be back..*Whispers,pecks her forehead then goes to Dreamland*

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