episode 22

498 11 11

(2 months later)

Y/N:*Laughing with Taeyong*

Taeyong:K-Kitten-Your face!*Laughs*

Y/N:*Giggles then wipes her face with a tissue*I told you not to apply frosting on me!!


Mark:Here I come,Y/nah!!!

Taeyong,Y/N:*Looks at him*

Mark:*Runs then puts frosting all over Y/N's face*

Taeyong:*Can't control his laugh*



Taeyong:*Laughs*Y-You're dead,Mark!

Mark:*Stops Laughing, confused*Why?

Y/N:*Looks at Mark*YOU!!

Mark:Oh-Shit!*Runs away followed by Y/N*


(Meanwhile Felix's POV)

Skz(except Felix):*Sitting on the living room*


Skz(except Felix):*Looks towards the noise*

Felix:*Comes downstairs*

Han:Holy shit-Hell no..don't tell me..*Whisper*


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I.N:F-Felix hyu-*Cut off by*

Felix:*Growls*I-Im gonna kill him*Says in a different tune,wipes his mouth*

Bangchan: Felix-Calm down!

Felix:*Groans*I fucking can't live without her!!*Yells in. Different tune*

Minho:Felix-dont let him out!control yourself!!*About to touch him*

Felix:Pushes him away*

Minho:*Stumble back*

Felix:I'm not listening to anyone of you!!I'm going to get her today-itself!!*Leaves the house*

Skz(except Felix):*Quickly follows him*

(At NCT House)


*Door slams opens*

NCT,Y/N:*Looks at the person*

NCT,Y/N:*Looks at the person*

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
Psycho....||Lee Felix FF||Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum