episode 28

361 12 4

*Knock Knock*

Y/n:*Backs away looking at the door*

Felix:*Groans in annoyance*Who's there...

*Door opens*

Minho:*Looks at Felix*Bangchan Hyung told me to meet him after you're done with your treating...

Felix:*Sighs,nods*Now please leave...

Minho;*Roll his eyes*Sure,lovebirds*Close the door walking away*

Felix:*Turns to her,smiles*Let's continue

Y/n:*Stands up with the mit-kit*No, you're treatment is done and chan needs you....you should go*Keeps the mit-kit on the drawer*

Felix:*Sighs standing up*But love-*Cut off by*

Y/n:*Looks at him*It might be important


Y/n:*Small smile,nods*

Felix:*Pecks her forehead then leaves the room*

Y/n:*Sits on the bed taking out a piece of paper,reads it*

You better leave him before your life becomes more worse than it already is,Y/n



Taeyong:*Points the gun at Wooyoung*

Wooyoung:*Slips the piece of paper on Y/N's back pocket*You better read it after we leave..*Whispers*

(End of flashback)

Y/n:*Bites her lips*What did he mean by that....is it in a good way or bad...*Whispers,sighs then slips the paper back into her pocket*

(Time skip,Night)

Y/n:*Staring at the moon blankly lost in her thoughts*

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Y/n:*Staring at the moon blankly lost in her thoughts*

Felix:*Comes back hugging her,smiles*

Y/n:*Keeps her hands on his hands*

Felix:*Pecks her neck*What are you doing here,Love... I've been searching for you everywhere

Y/n:*Small smile*Just taking in the fresh air..

Felix:*Hums*You smell good




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