Fate/Fragmentary Tales

By Delta3859

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After the events on the 4th Grail War happened during 1994, the Grail managed to escape and displaced itself... More

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 2: Mutual Bonds. The First Encounter
Chapter 3: Under the Moonlight
Chapter 4: Battle Through the Black Wind
Chapter 5: A Cursed Turn of Events
Chapter 6: The Sky Fell Down (Part 1)
Chapter 7: The Sky Fell Down (Part 2)
Chapter 8: The Blazing Encounter After the Calamity
Chapter 9: The Good, the Bad, and the Great Tree that Sustains Life
Chapter 10: A Sharp Rain under Yggdrasil's Shadow
Chapter 11: The Return upon the Jeweled Spear of a Revenant God
Chapter 12: Boundless Sky Shining over a Familiar Past
Chapter 14: Surprises in the Mighty Night
Chapter 15: An Ending to the Grail War..?

Chapter 13: The Plan for the Wandering Calamity of the Night

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By Delta3859


3rd Person PoV

Wednesday / Daniel's house / Morning

After the events that happened last night, Takashi went to Daniel's house to let her Servant heal up, she was helping out by passing down a healing aura from her hands while an orange bird-shaped image was lighting up on her chest

Daniel: "Lancer and Assassin are out...better for us about Assassin, she was a dangerous girl that could manipulate the mediums to draw us into her trap, but how's Nanashi taking it?" Asked Daniel while Kain put a cup of coffee infront of him, then returned to the kitchen to help Sarah

Takashi: "I just found out his name is actually Nosora...he forgot it or something, and just the night ago he remembered"

Sarah: "So he remembered some things too?" Sarah peeked from the kitchen looking at Takashi with curiosity "Daniel said he got memories from a distant past too, and Kain said he did too, all of this happened during a night i couldn't wake up or something..."

Daniel: "The night where we fought Berserker, it awoke some memories i thought long lost, they might've not been all that important...but i found it weird that happened"

Takashi didn't get any memory of that sort, she was awake during that time yet she didn't remember anything besides the obvious things she knew already

Takashi: "Yeah...who is Berserker anyways?"

Kain: "By his way of acting, attacking and appearing, i deduce it is someone who has some authority over the night, a God of sorts"

Daniel: "A God...we can keep thinking of that later, this night i'm having you come with me and Takashi, okay Caster?" Kain nodded in understanding, with one member out of the team, it was better to fight together and even more for Daniel to start taking action besides looking from the sidelines

Kain focused on the symbol that glowed in Takashi's chest, sensing the great amount of magical energy emanating from it and the healing aura that was let into Shinki's body

Kain: "Say Takashi" She turned to him tilting her head in curiosity "What's that on your chest? It looks like it has some story, doesn't it?"

Takashi: "You mean my Magic Crest?"

Daniel: "You have one of those?" Takashi nodded

Takashi: "Yep, my father gave it to me when i was a bit younger...we called it the Phoenix Dew, it contains the Magecraft developed through all my bloodline, we've forever tried to mimic the sacred flames of the Phoenix ever since generations ago, and so far my father was the closest to reaching them with help of the Magic Crest" She placed a hand over the Magic Crest, proudly smiling at her bloodline's development all this time

Sarah: "But you surpassed your father, right?"

Takashi: "My father and i tested our Magecraft, he used his Magic Crest and i used my sole Mana, i surpassed his flames by a whole lot! It was a blazing thing to see...so he gifted me the Magic Crest wishing me good luck on enhancing the gift of my family" She adjusted the glasses on her eyes, giving a light sigh with a smile

Daniel: "Our bloodline's not all that special...Sarah's better than i in Magecraft, but i focused more on support to help Caster" He turned to Kain, who was leaning on the counter of the kitchen "But..."

Kain: "Both of us do the exact same thing Magecraft-wise, support and smithing, so he helps me when we know i need it"

Takashi: "I see- o-ow...enough for that..." The Magic Crest on her chest stopped glowing, and the aura passed to Rider stopped too, Takashi held her chest with a face of slight pain

Kain: "Are you alright?"

Takashi: "Yeah...it's just, the Magic Crest uses a skill similar to the Phoenix's healing, it can regress most injuries but the moment i resort to that it will begin burning my chest like an oven, it's blazing painful but i've grown a bit used to it" She chuckled the pain off

Sarah: "What a drawback...but in any case, we should start planning the idea for the rest of the Holy Grail War, you have Archer and Saber to deal with yet, and lets not forget Berserker" Out of all of them, Berserker was the most dangerous one, however they had no clue of where it could be and didn't really want to find out

Takashi: "Berserker is our biggest priority...do we have something to deal with him?"

Daniel: "Well, Saber has an Anti-Divine Noble Phantasm that can nullify the authority of a Divine Spirit and weaken them to the minimum point, he used it to nullify Rider's skill to regenerate and depleted her energy to keep fighting...if we add Archer, we know he can summon Yggdrasil and boost the power of his allies while regenerating their Mana, it further boosted Saber's Noble Phantasm too"

Kain: "Ryo Arlan the Emperor's Sword, and Esben the Guardian of Yggdrasil...one fought countless demons and faced the Buddha, the other protected the balance of the Nine Worlds and Yggdrasil while he was at it, i think they'd do great to kill Berserker"

Sarah: "All that's left is to draw him out"

Takashi thought for a second of a way to do that, it was hard enough as it is and specially for them if they didn't know what the God's name was

Takashi: "I'll go ask Liviana and Daiki, they should have some information to help us"

Daniel: "While we're at it, we can ask them if we could use the help of their Servants to kill off Berserker" Both Masters nodded at the idea, seemed good enough for them if the others were gonna cooperate, and since Berserker was a problem for everyone to deal with they'll have no other choice but to accept

Sarah: "I'll keep Rider here for a while then"

Kain: "And i'll stay behind too, i'll work on an artifact that could heal Rider up...though the problem is not in her injuries" For starters, Shinki had no injury over her, not besides the ones done by Kazuki in his Noble Phantasm to get her out of the curse

Daniel: "Then i'll accompany Takashi to the others' houses, Kain you're in charge of the house" Sarah and Kain saluted at them understanding his instructions

Takashi: "Well, lets get going!"


Both Masters were walking to the spot where the opposing half was at- as usual, their home -. Takashi had her hands behind her head walking with a carefree smile, and Daniel looked at the surroundings to make sure they wouldn't be followed, or something among those lines

Takashi: "Say Daniel...what can you say of your Servant?" Takashi suddenly had the urge to ask, she didn't know a lot about the story behind Kain but she sure was curious to know

Daniel: "About him? Well...if i say too much i might reveal his Noble Phantasm, and that is a weapon he really dislikes using..." He chuckled at the last part, though it was more a chuckle of pity than one of fun

Takashi: "A Servant that hates their strongest weapon? How does that work?"

Daniel: "...first i should explain that he had a wife, she had two special Reality Marbles that she gifted him later on, one of them was a smithy trapped within time where they worked on their weapons together without worrying of spending a week or more inside as time would be stopped outside, and the second was a really wide storage where they saved their weapons and materials alike for later use. Kain's a blacksmith as you know, he trained how to make weapons more than anything though he also focused on magic, but out of the two his wife beat him in both Magecraft and smithing weapons, so they worked on anything that came to their mind together as a team in search for making their life's dream" He explained as a way to consume their time, wanting to make it a bit entertaining on their way to the others' house

Takashi: "And...what happened? Did they make it?" Her curiosity had been piqued, the story was somehow intriguing and it was a good conversation topic for their walk

Daniel: "Well- i'll explain later" Takashi looked infront of them, seeing that they arrived to their destination and stood right infront of Daiki and Liv's house as they spoke

Takashi: "I'll knock!" Offering herself to do it, Takashi walked infront of Daniel and knocked twice on the door to wait for the others to answer

Soon enough, the door opened letting in the sight of the Master of Saber, opening the door whole to let the view of the inside of the house

Daiki: "Takashi...did you need something? Liv's not here at the moment, she's at her-"

Takashi: "Actually we wanted to speak to you, are Saber or Archer here?" The mention of the class of both Servants drew his attention, he could feel that Takashi and Daniel came alone and without any of their Servants, so something was up

Daiki: "...come on in"

The Masters went to sit down on the living room, Daiki led them to sit down on some chairs over the dinner table and he sat on the opposing side to them

Daiki: "So, what is it?"

Takashi: "Let me explain it all from the beginning..."


Daiki: "...if i understood correctly, Lancer took down Assassin at the cost of his own life, Rider is in a coma after that and Berserker is still on the loose" Takashi and Daniel nodded in unison "Then, what do you know about Berserker?"

Daniel: "I have my suspicion that he is a Divine Spirit, one that has authority over the night overall" Followed Daniel with his deduction

Takashi: "From what you told me, Berserker can self regenerate no matter how much damage is done upon him..."

Daniel: "Sounds about right, Kain and the other Servants did their best to knock down the beasts made by that thing but they always regenerated and fought again, attacking them only seemed to make them stronger..."

Ryo: "Then we need an Anti-Immortal Noble Phantasm" The Saber materialized at his Master's side, having his arms crossed while one hand held the sheathed sword "You can't lie, Rider has one of those, her Divine Construct is the exact same sword that killed her and dispelled her Immortality at the same time"

Takashi: "I know, but she's in a coma didn't you hear? Even if we wanted to resort to her sword we can't do it, fighting Berserker with her isn't an option" Takashi got up from her seat punching the table, giving out her point and why she didn't resort to it...again

Esben: "Then we have one only option remaining" The Archer manifested at Saber's side, the only difference being that he held his bow instead of a sword and had a carefree smile too "Ryo will use his Noble Phantasm, Takashi and i are fast enough to hold Berserker for enough time to let Ryo charge it up"

Daniel: "Caster and i can provide long range backup, so count on us"

Daiki: "Guess that solves it...i'll inform Liv about this, but do we have a plan to draw Berserker out?"


The last part of the plan was still in play, they didn't have much information to draw him out of his hideout, they only knew that Berserker attacked during Sunday but that's too long to wait, the second week of the Holy Grail War was in play and after that the war would be over

Takashi: "I'll go talk with Nanashi later today, he should know a bit more of this" Offered Takashi raising her hand, that was the only viable option she foresaw

Daiki: "Go do that then, Daniel and i will discuss the methods of our plan...say Archer, you don't think you could go try to help Rider wake up right?" Everyone turned to the Servant, awaiting his reply

Archer: "It'll take me at least two days to do that, i use a special energy to summon Yggdrasil that i call...Eter, without Eter i can't manifest that projection of Yggdrasil or use it's power to help Rider, it'll take me a while to reunite it so give me at least that much time" Daniel looked at the opposite side, as if one of his questions had been answered he thought to himself

Daniel: I knew that Noble Phantasm had to use some kind of energy, if Yggdrasil gave them an unlimited supply of Mana something else must've been in play...

Takashi: "Send Archer to Daniel's house then, he can send you the address and tell Sarah you're coming" She said walking from her seat to the door, waving at them as if she was already leaving

Ryo: "And why don't you do it?"  Takashi stopped walking the instant he said that, standing as if paralyzed in place with a nervous chuckle

Daniel: "Takashi has problems with technology, me and Sarah know how to use them, but she's...a special case" Daniel answered the doubt leaning to look at Takashi

Takashi: "I-i just never bothered to learn okay!? I'll ask Nosora to teach me after this war is over..." She touched the index finger of each hand with each other in a nervous expression

Daiki: "Then, our plan will take action the night after this one, Takashi will find out what she can with Nosora and Archer will do what he can to help Rider, but if he can't do it by that time, he'll reunite with us and we'll take action with our plan"

Ryo: "If my Noble Phantasm hits Berserker, his authority will be out of the game and we will be able to kill him without worrying for his immortality" Both Servant and Master agreed with each others' plan, now the others' choices was a thing

Daniel: "Sounds good to me, i'll tell Caster whenever Archer's ready to go"

Takashi: "And i'll do my part tomorrow too, it's kind of late..."

Their talk and walk had taken most of the day to finish, by now it was really possible that Nosora was asleep so asking him was out of the plan

Daiki: "...Archer, go look for Liviana, she might've gotten lost again" Esben sighed at the possibility of that happening again

Esben: "On it..." He vanished into his Spirit Form, disappearing his presence from the house

Daiki: "I'll tell Liv of the plan and send Archer to your house, send me the address and i'll do the rest" Daniel nodded, getting up from his seat

Daniel: "We'll go home then, talk to you tomorrow Daiki and Saber" Daniel joined Takashi on the door, waving at their soon-to-be rivals again in the Grail War

Takashi: "Bye Daiki! Say hi to Liv for me!"

Daiki: "Will do..."

Both Masters left through the door and closed it, walking into the street to head towards Daniel's house first so that she could escort him there

Takashi: "...i hope he's okay" Suddenly said Takashi to break the silence, thinking back to the last time she saw him

Daniel: "What do you mean?" 

Takashi: "He was gonna battle the Master of Assassin when i left, he said he needed to know something but he wouldn't be told about it unless Nosora defeated him...i hope he made it out alive" That was most of her only worry- that and the small thing that Lancer asked of her

Daniel: "He'll be fine, you know him better than anyone, and with the Black Keys he'll manage" Daniel tried to reassure her with simple knowledge, regardless of how strong the Master of Assassin was, Nosora had to have a plan if he didn't think twice on fighting him

Takashi: "Right..."

Eventually both Masters reached Daniel's house, Sarah and Kain were waiting for him there knowing that they should be somewhere near thanks to the bracelet Daniel had

Daniel: "Get as much rest as you can, there wont be any battles tonight, so lets save our energy for tomorrow" Takashi nodded twice, everyone came to a mutual agreement so no battle should happen that night if they wanted to be at their best

Takashi: "I'll head home then, take care of Rider for me" Confident enough to trust them with her Servant, Takashi left her in their hands

Daniel: "Leave it to us, bye Takashi"

They said their goodbyes to one another, and Takashi walked away right after, smiling to herself thinking that it would all go according to plan and that she was bound to make it out of the war alive. The plan and date had been set, all that was left was figuring out a way to draw Berserker out of it's hiding spot, a question to think of until they had enough clues to piece together, but something was for sure...the Holy Grail War was about to end


[Word count 2854]

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