Finney x Robin oneshots

By 20MommyYouth07

36.9K 433 884

this is my first Oneshots book so please don't come at me hope you all like it. Also you can request anything More

Request and Rules
I love you Finneta Blake
Me and you forever
Happy birthday Mi Amor~
You'll always be My Queen
Love you to Mi Amor~
Never Again
I'll See You Again Soon pt 1
Its Always Been You
Let Me Go
I Guess Dreams Do Come True
Your Mine
Kiss Forever
I'd Never Leave You
I Love Both Of You Guys So Much pt 2
The Arellano Adventures newbook?
Baby Rinele:No boyfriends
Finn? pt 1
Somewhere we only know pt 2
Dont worry be happy
I Just Dont Want To Lose You
Rinney Headcannons
Karma Feels Good Doesn't It?
Nothing Proves I'm Dead, Nothing Proves I'm Alive
That's My Girl
Merry Christmas
I Love You Guys So Much A/N
Riney Headcannons pt2
Im Always Here Robin pt 2
Your Mine.......Got It?
TBP x Fear Street
All about: Rinèle Ciara Arellano pt 1
sorry for not posting
A/N to a TBP GC Chapter.
TBP GC Chat pt1
TBP GC pt 2
TBP GC pt 3
TBP GC pt 4
TBP GC pt 5
TBP GC pt 6
TBP GC pt 7
TBP GC pt 8
TBP GC pt 9
TBP GC pt 10
TBP GC pt 11
TBP GC pt 12
TBP GC pt 13
TBP GC pt 14
Collab Story A/N
TBP GC pt 15
TBP GC pt 16
TBP GC pt 17
TBP GC pt 18
TBP GC pt 19
TBP GC pt 20
Rinney origins
opinion break
Always in our hearts
TBP x FT crossover one shot
TBP GC pt 21 final part
Finns Astology ramble
Story idea
a Growing realization (idk i suck at titles)
TBP GC pt 22

Friends to Lovers

215 5 1
By 20MommyYouth07

Once upon a time, in a small kindergarten, there were two boys named Finney and Robin. Robin was the outgoing and popular kid in class, while Finney was the quiet and nerdy one. Robin was older than Finney by four months, making him five years old while Finney was only four.

Despite their differences, Robin and Finney became friends in kindergarten. Robin was always there to help Finney with his schoolwork, and they would often play together during recess. Robin's outgoing personality helped Finney come out of his shell, and they became best friends in no time.

As they grew older, their friendship started to change. Robin began to see Finney in a different light, and he started to develop feelings for him. Finney, on the other hand, was still shy and unsure of himself, but he was happy to have Robin as his friend.

As they entered high school, Robin and Finney were inseparable. They would often study together and hang out after school. Finney would help Robin with his homework, while Robin would watch horror movies with Finn even though he knows he doesn't like, but Robin loves when Finney holds on to him when there's jumpscares

One day, while they were sitting in Finney's room, Robin looked into Finney's eyes and realized that he was in love with him. He took a deep breath and made a move, leaning in for a kiss. Finney was surprised, but he kissed Robin back, realizing that he had feelings for him too.

From that moment on, Robin and Finney were a couple. They would hold hands in the hallways at school and sneak kisses when no one was looking. They were happy together and knew that they were meant to be.

As they sat in Robin's bedroom, laughing at all the silly things they did as kids, Robin looked into Finney's eyes once again. He knew that he loved Finney more than anything in the world, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him.

Without a word, Robin leaned in and kissed Finney. Finney smiled and kissed him back, knowing that they had a lifetime of happiness ahead of them. And as they held each other in their arms, they knew that their love would last forever.

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