His to fix

By MamMthimkhulu_W

6.2K 278 27

They say you need to heal in order to not bleed on people who didn't cut you but how do you heal when you see... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 7


362 17 6
By MamMthimkhulu_W


I quickly take the stairs in hopes to find Mbali downstairs but I guess when you live in the ninth floor of a 12 floor flat you're bound to miss a person using the elevator. Damn these electrical things! When I arrive downstairs I find the spot Mbali's car was parking on empty. To say I'm hurt would be an understatement. I just take what's left of my heart and go back inside the building and catch up on some studying. I try studying for an hour but my mind is just too distracted so I end up ditching them books and catching up on some sleep.

After some time my phone rings and I just grab it from under my pillow with a very displeased attitude because one thing about me I really treasure my sleep. I just answer without checking who is calling and I just say my infamous 'ufunani' everytime I answer with when I'm pissed off.

'Heyi when Qhawe musa ukungibhedela , how dare you speak like that to me huh? Since when mntanami? My mom asked with a tone laced with annoyance and I knew if I shot back with an attitude I'd literally push her to fly to joburg just to give me a piece of her mind.

'I'm sorry maZulu it's just that I was sleeping and you know how much your son loves his sleep. What's up mah cause ngiyazi you wouldn't call me for nothing' I said with a sincere voice.

'hawu so I can't call my son and just check up on him? I miss you mntanami, when are you coming back home futhi Qhawe you're not getting younger boy, when are you settling down and give me some grandkids huh?' my mom said with her voice breaking.

'haibo maZulu. Im still very much young and it's seems like uyakhohlwa ukuthi you have three sons mama and 2 daughters who are all very much capable of giving you what you're asking for. As for coming back home mama I will come sonner than you think. ' I try assuring her cause y'all my mom is dramatic asf.

' Qhawe there are many beautiful and respectful girls back home and you know I just want the best for you which is why I think you should come back home and try meeting up with maDlamini's daughter uSimphiwe. She's a great person and she's doing her third year in law mntanami I just want you to meet someone who's driven and ambitious as yourself'.she says trying to convince me and I know uSimphiwe and honestly she's not my cup of tea. I like mine young and fresh.

'look maZulu we'll talk a call us coming through. Ngyakuthanda mama'.i say and quickly drop the call to just put an end to this dreadful conversation. I swear my parents will drive me crazy one day. If it's not her it's my dad telling me about taking over the business and getting married yoh hayi.

I decide to wake up and clean around the crib, not that it's dirty but I guess I'm just a clean freak. I use cleaning as my way of distressing and after an 2 hours Im done and I just order some pizza because I'm just too drained to cook. As I'm waiting for my delivery I decide to stroll through my insta account and stalk Mbali and I see that she posted something. With too much curiosity I click on her account and she has posted herself wearing a bikini  and another one where she's hugging a guy but the photo only shows the guys head. I'm so pissed right now and the conversation that we had earlier that I've been trying to avoid comes flooding in my mind.

'I'm a virgin' plays in my mind endlessly and I contemplate calling her but then I decide to give her space to cool down. Mbali is a great person but she's also childish. The pizza guy comes and I pay and take my food. Honestly I don't even have an appetite anymore but I just eat and then hit the books again. I study until it's 2am in the morning and then I go and dip with mbali's words ringing in my mind.


When the lift arrives at the basement I bolt for my car and get the fuck out of Qhawe's building. I see him arriving through the cars mirror while I'm driving out. I speed through the robots and I'm even shocked how I arrived home still in one piece because my mind wasn't really there.

I find mom and dad watching some movie and I just walk past them because as much as I was the one who had love bites, my dad really did a number on me because I don't even think I'll be able to wear my school skirt without the belt marks showing. Just as I am about to take the first step leading upstairs I hear dad's voice telling me to come and sit down.

'Nkosazana kababa unjani?' he asks and I just see that he's just tryna pick up whether Im still mad at him but what our parents don't see is that I'm the closed off twin while Nkossieyy is the expressive twin.

'I'm okay and yourselves' I say with an emotionless face.

' We okay baby. Your father has something to tell you' my mom says while facing dad.

'okay this seems serious, don't tell me that one of you is dying' I say with a dry chuckle.

'Nop nana but I would like to apologize and say I'm sorry for beating you up like that. I let my anger cloud my judgment and I couldn't control myself. Ngiyati kutsi kuthi nxese akushintshi lutho kodwa ngiyaxolisa Mahlangu omuhle'.dad says sincerely.

'okay baba it's okay. If that's all I would like to be excused.' I say with an emotionless face again and this seems to agitate my parents.

'Mbalenhle come on?! Your father is trying here mahn the least you can do is meet him halfway. Mina angisazi abantu bako Mahlangu why ninamakhadza acinile'. My mom says while getting up and heading to the front door.

I just go to my room and just cry. I cry because of what Qhawe said to me, I cry because my parents don't understand me, I cry because I just feel shitty and broken. After that break down I decide to just go and take a shower and then go and study for a few minutes to get my mind off things.

I'm woken up by my alarm ringing and I just wish I could die. Ugh it's winter now and Mina I'm not a fan of this cold weather honestly. I wake up and fix my bed and tidy around the room because as much we have a maid, I don't feel like they should be obligated clean our personal rooms. After that I go and take a shower and then get dressed in my school uniform. I then take my bag and get down stairs to find everyone having breakfast. I just take a sit and quietly dish for myself and after eating my twin and I are ready to bounce. Talk about a weird quiet breakfast!

We get to school and I go on about with my head girl duties and I'm glad Lwazi and crew don't cause drama today. I bet their have a hangover because Lwazi's only purpose in life is to party and spend his parent's money.

We then get to our first class which is mathematics and I notice we have a new girl in class. She's pretty with short hair, small eyes and I observe that she's a shy person, mhhm might as well make a friend. While Mr Dlomo is still explaining, Lwazi passes a folded piece of paper to me and just when I'm about to read it, I notice Dlomo has been staring at us the whole time and I just know that shit is about to hit the fan because Dlomo once shot his shot at me this year and I rejected him. Not that he's old or ugly, nah his occupation was what caused me to reject him because I was not about to be caught in one of those 'teacher learner scandals'.

'It's nice neh miss Mahlangu, busy passing love letters in my class, do you mind sharing what's written there huh?' he asks with a smug on his face.

' I'm sorry sir for disturbing but Lwazi was just asking for water' I say with a straight face.

' I don't appreciate people who disturb my class and I won't hesitate to throw you both out of my classroom. Are we clear?' he says looking between me and Lwazi.

After that I shoot Lwazi a stinky eye because now that Mr Dlomo has put me in the spotlight, Lwazi's girlfriends will start bothering me and I always have to be the bigger person because im the head girl. Fuck my life for real. The rest of the periods go fast and it's now break. I go and collect my food at the reception because hello!?? I can afford ordering food every day from different restaurants and this has led me into being the 'cheese girl' amongst other nasty names. I had order three burgers and juices and I call my twin and he comes and takes one portion.

I go to my usual spot behind the workshops and I find the new girl chilling there alone, eating dunked wings. For a moment I'm taken aback because not only is she sitting in my spot, she's just not bothered by my presence. I then decide to make myself known and also mark my territory.

'Hi I'm Mbalenhle Mahlangu , head girl of St George Technical High and you are? I say with a confident voice while handing out my hand for a hand shake.

' Hello, I didn't see you and I'm Zinhle Mbatha, the new girl 'she says while still eating and sitted on my spot and pressing her phone. She has a Xhosa accent and if she thinks she finna act ratchet on me then she's got a another thing coming because I'm no push over.

' well it's was nice meeting you girl but right now you're utilizing a taken spot and I'm not saying you must move but can I not find you here tomorrow because I really value personal space'. I say and she's looking at me in a very bored manner.

'okay sure, Queen of London'. She says staring at me. I feel my blood boil but then I remember I'm a leader and I'm not easily vexed by weak ass bitches. I eat my food and then go chill with Lesego and Phiwe who have been my friends since grade 8.

After lunch we get back to class and lessons proceed smoothly without any disturbances. Before I know its time to go home and as Im waiting for our driver I see Zinhle being fetched by Mrs Mbatha ego who works in my dad's company as COO. Talk about a small world. The driver arrives and soon enough I'm at home and I just greet everyone and then go upstairs to change my uniform and do homeworks.

After homeworks I go downstairs and we eat supper and Nkosiiiey helps me with the dishes and we watch a movie and then head to bed.

When I get to my room I start sorting out my school uniform and books and then I see Lwazi's folded paper falling out of blazer pocket. I open it and it's written 'dinner at  Mike's kitchen @ Rosebank mall, time 6pm and dress casual. This is my way of saying sorry so you're not allowed to say 'No'. Love L. K.

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