BB & Kells

Von Ghostbuzterz

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Beyoncé and Kelly has been besties ever since they were Babies, they had feelings for each other but never re... Mehr

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter One

994 27 51
Von Ghostbuzterz

August 19th, 2020

"Bey, I wanna swirl my tongue around ya long thick dick." Jazmine says to me as she swirls her tongue around her Blowpop.

"I just wanna see how the dick does in my pussy." Londyn says as she smirks and winks at me.

"I want the print of your dick imprinted in my throat forever, Daddy." Londyn says to me as she blows a kiss at me.

"And I want the print of your dick imprinted in my pussy forever and ever, Daddy." Jazmine says to me as she winks at me.

I lightly shake my head while laughing.

"Y'all are somethang else forreal forreal." I say to them through my laughter.

"I speak real and I speak the absolute truth." Jazmine says as she licks on her Blowpop.

"Nah bitch, you speak hoe, you're really fluent in it." Alana says to Jazmine, putting emphasis on fluent.

All of The Students immediately bursts out laughing loudly.

"Hoe, don't act like you don't wanna see what Beyoncé's dick look like and be like." Jazmine says to Alana.

"Oh trust and believe that I do, I'm just not that thirsty like y'all hoes are." Alana says to Jazmine.

"Cap as fuck bitch." Jazmine and Londyn says to Alana.

"Can y'all please stawp talking about my dick, I am your Teacher." I say to them.

"Gym Teacher doesn't really count as a real Teacher tho." Londyn says to me as she shrugs her shoulders.

"Exactly." Jazmine and Alana say at the same, agreeing with Londyn.

All the other Students then agrees with Londyn too.

"I'm also y'all's Health Teacher." I tell them.

"So, who cares." Jazmine and Londyn says to me at the same time, while they shrug their shoulders.

I stare at them as I lightly shake my head.

A few minutes later I look away from them, only to see Darius and Kali suddenly walking right into The Gym, walking right over to us.

"Y'all are 20 minutes late." I say to Darius and Kali as they walk up to me and hug me.

"We have a good reason to be late tho, Bey." Kali tells me as she and Darius pulls away from the hug a few seconds later.

"Okay then, tell me." I say to her as I raise an eyebrow.

"Dar, you tell her, you know since you're the main and only reason why we're late in the first place, anyways." Kali says to Darius as she walks over to Jazmine, Londyn and Alana.

"Wow bitch, way to throw a bitch under The Bus." Darius says to Kali as he rolls his eyes at her.

Darius sighs as he then looks right back at me.

"First off, it wasn't even my fault. I was just being me." Darius tells me.

"Okay." Is all I say as I wait for Darius to continue.

"But anyways, Kali and I was literally on our way hea, to The Gym. We was talking about how goodt I looked in my new skirt, when Mrs. Stewart aka Mrs. Needs A Treadmill Homophobic Ass Bitch stawped us, mostly me." Darius says.

"Why, why did she stawp you for." I ask.

"HELLO, I was a nigga in a mothafucking skirt." Darius says to me as he rolls his eyes.

"Anyways, the bitch was like you know you're a boy right and you can't wear a skirt to and in School or anywhere else for that matter, then she was lecturing me with The Bible and then the bitch took Kali and I, mostly me to The Principal's Office, and that's where The Principal gave me a whole lecture about The Dress Code for this School, then the bitch ass nigga had the mothafucking audacity to tell me to change, which I did as you can see now, but anyways he then sent us back to The Class, that we was supposed to be in right now, which is this one obviously." Darius tells me.

I lightly shake my head.

I never really liked Mrs. Stewart and Principal Gallagher, they're really and truly whole ass weirdos, truly whole ugly ass bottom of the feet ass weirdos at that.

"And the nigga didn't even give us Late Passes to give to you." Kali says as she rolls her eyes.

"That's ight, y'all are Marked Down for hea anyways and y'all Pass today's Gym Class." I tell Darius and Kali.

"Thanks Bey." Darius and Kali says to me as they pull me into a hug.

"Y'all are so welcome." Is all I say to them as we all pull away from the hug.

"Wait." Is all Alana says.

"Wait what bitch." Kali says to Alana.

"Why was you still with Darius all the way up to The Principal's Office, when you didn't even do anythang wrong." Alana says to Kali.

"Cause, I'm a Ride Or Die Bestie, I stick besides my bestie, and you know this, we all know this." Kali says to Alana.

"Not that time you fucked Jazmine's Ex and then lied about it, saying you didn't." Londyn says in between her loud coughs.

"That's a back stabbing bitch ass and fake ass friend to me." She adds in between her loud coughs.

"Yous a messy bitch." Alana says to Londyn through her laughter.

The other Students starts laughing.

"Bitch, that was in The Past, this is The Future, besides Jaz and I moved on from that, so you should too." Kali says to Londyn.

"Okay, okay." Is all Londyn says.

"But, anyways like I was gonna say, was that, that I wasn't even gonna let DarDar go through that shit alone, so as the great bestie that I am, I started cussing Mrs. Fat Oompa and Principal Dumbo the fuck out for being Homophobic to my bestie, I even threatened to harm them so mothafucking bad and hard, so now I got 10 Weeks of After School Detention." Kali tells us.

"So starting today my After School Detention starts." Kali adds.

"Damn okay then bitch." Londyn says as she highfives Kali.

Jazmine and Alana then highfives Kali.

Whew these Teens now adays are real real different breeds, and that's just on Mary Had A Little Lamb.

"Ight, ight for the rest of Gym Class today, y'all can either walk around The Gym, Stretch or sit anywhere in The Gym, where I can see y'all." I tell them.

All The Students cheers really loudly.

I smile as I then make my way over to the bleachers.

And as I finally approach the bleachers, I make my way to the top and sit down.

I take a few deep breaths in and out as I look at all of my Students.

Some Students are walking around The Gym, and some Students are Stretching and other Students are just sitting on the bleachers and or in the corners of The Gym so that that they can charge their phones.

"So Daddy, are you gonna lemme ride that Monster Rollercoaster of a dick." Jazmine asks me.

I jump a little, cause damn why she startle me like that.

I look around me, only to see Thee Thirstiest Students at this School, Jazmine, Londyn, Alana, Kali and Darius.

I honestly thought I was and gonna be up here all alone all by myself, but obviously not.

I thought wrong, all the way wrong, completely wrong.

These five never quit, they never let up when they make it known to me that they want to fuck me, every single chance that they get.

I mean I know I am fione as all fuck but I ain't even gonna go to Prison for none of them, and that's just on God, Jesus and The Human Race.

"Get in line Sista." Londyn says to Jazmine.

Jazmine, Londyn, Alana and Kali all then instantly start arguing about who's gonna fuck me.

"Y'all bitches are so damn thirsty and for what." Darius says as Jazmine, Londyn, Alana and Kali.

"Nigga, please. You shouldn't even be talking, with your thirsty as fuck ass." Alana says to Darius.

"Exactly." Kali says, agreeing with Alana.

"Now shut the fuck up as us real women decide on who's gonna be fucking on Bey." Londyn says to Darius as she, Jazmine, Alana and Kali go right back to arguing.

"Bitch, if any one is gonna be fucking on Bey, it's yours truly." Darius says as he points to himself, while smiling proudly.

I shake my head.

Jazmine, Londyn, Alana and Kali immediately stop arguing with each other as they all snap their heads in Darius direction.

"I know you mothafucking lying my nigga." Jazmine, Londyn, Alana and Kali says to Darius at the same time.

"Nah, I'm not lying, I'm mothafucking telling the truth. Cause for one, I am The Throat Goat and for two, I have the best pussy at this School." Darius says as he smiles.

"You mean bussy." Alana says to Darius.

Jazmine, Londyn, Kali and I burst out laughing so loud and so hard. Tears are rapidly rolling down our cheeks.

"So, I still got the best one." Darius says to Alana.

"Plus Bey and I can have Swords Fights with our dicks." Darius adds.

For some reason that takes me all the way the fuck out.

Like I'm literally coughing through my loud and painful laughter, and the tears that are rapidly rolling down my cheeks, burns.

"Y'all needa leave me and my dick alone." I tell them as I try to stop laughing.

"Nah, we really don't." Jazmine, Londyn, Alana, Kali and Darius says to me at the same time.

They really and truly are somethang else.


"OH. MY. MOTHAFUCKING. GOD." Kelly yells out through her loud laughter.

I just got done telling Kelly what happened in one of my Gym Classes today.

And here we are now with Kelly rolling on the floor while laughing her heart out and crying her eyes out.

"I-I c-can't g-get u-up." Kelly says through her loud laughter as she tries to get up.

I lightly laugh as I quickly pick Kelly up and help her back in her seat.

And once I know for sure that Kelly is good in her seat, I sit right back down in my seat.

I look at Kelly til she finally calms her laughter down.

"Those are truly different breeds of I don't even know what." Kelly says to me through her light laughter as she lightly shakes her head.

"I know right." I say to Kelly, agreeing with her.

"That's what I've been saying." I add.

"So, how is Beauty." Kelly asks me, changing the topic.

I genuinely smile.

I smile when my Daughter Beauty is brought up, I just love her so so very much.

I love all of my Kids so so so so very very very very much.

"She finally said her First Word yesterday." I tell Kelly as the smile never leaves my face.

Kelly gasps loudly as a big genuine smile forms on her face, immediately.

"BB, tell me every single thang, and don't leave nonthang out." Kelly tells me as she gets more comfortable in her seat.

"Ight." Is all I say to her.

"Okay, so....." I start to say.

"Broderick Zachariah Knowles, come hea please." I yell out to my Son as I move the coffeetable.

"Coming Dad." Broderick yells back to me.

I place one of Beauty's blankets on the floor.

I then pick Beauty up from off the couch, causing her to smile at me.

Beauty is such a loving and happy Baby.

"I love you Beauty." I tell her in a soft tone as I kiss both of her cheeks.

Beauty smiles even more as she tries to kiss my cheek.

I smile at Beauty as I carefully sit us both down on her blanket.

A few minutes later Broderick finally walks into the living room.

"What took you so long." I ask Broderick as he walks up to me.

"I was playing my Game." Broderick tells me.

"Okay, but when I tell you to come hea, you drop every single thang and come right hea." I tell him.

"Got that, do you understand." I ask him as I raise an eyebrow.

"Yes Dad." Broderick says to me.

"Okay, good." Is all I say to him.

As Broderick and I just stare at each other, we don't even say a word each other.

"Now, I need you to go into my room and get Beauty's Bear." I tell Broderick, breaking the silence between us.

"Okay Dad." Broderick says to me.

And just as Broderick turns around and runs right outta the living room, I sit Beauty down right in front of me.

Beauty smiles up at me as she claps her hands while giggling.

"You're so cute Beauty, yes you are, yes you are, yes you are, yes you are, my beautiful Babygirl." I tell Beauty in a Babyvoice.

I smile down at Beauty as I clap my hands while giggling.

A few minutes later Broderick finally runs back into the living room, running straight to me.

"Hea you go Dad." Broderick say to me as he holds Beauty's Bear out to me.

"Thanks." Is all I say to him as I take Beauty's Bear from him.

Broderick then turns around and runs right outta the living room again.

And just as I'm about to hand Beauty her Bear she just snatches it from me.

I lightly laugh as I shake my head.

I then lay back against the couch as I watch Beauty giggle and play with her Bear.

I stare at Beauty, just admiring her, she really and truly is such a beautiful beauty and she really is so adorable.

"D-Da." I hear.

Wait wait wait wait.

Cause nah seriously wait a minute.

Did that just come out of Beauty's mouth.

"Beauty, Babygirl. Did you just say somethang." I ask Beauty.

"D-Da Da." Beauty says to me as she looks right up at me.

I quickly wipe the tears off my cheeks as I just smile at Beauty.

"Broderick, tell ya Sister to come hea and you come hea too." I yell out to him.

"Okay Dad." Broderick yells back to me.

And as I continue to look and smile at Beauty, I hear footsteps approaching Beauty and I.

I turn my head, only to see Broderick and Blue.

"Dad what is it that you want." Blue asks me.

I only smile at Blue and Broderick.

"Beauty, finally said her First Word." I tell Blue and Broderick.

Genuine smiles immediately forms on Blue and Broderick's faces.

"Really!!" Blue and Broderick yells out in excitement as they sit down right next to me.

"Yeah really." I answer them.

"See look, watch this." I say to them as I then look right back at Beauty.

"Beauty, Babygirl, say Da Da again." I tell her.

"Da Da." Beauty says as she claps her hands.

Blue and Broderick smile even more while cheering on Beauty, which causes Beauty to smile even more and brighter.

"Awh." Is all Kelly says as she then punches my arm really hard a couple of times.

"Ow, damn Kells. What was that for." I ask her as I rub my arm.

"Cause ya ass didn't even call me the second Beauty said her First Word." Kelly tells me as she rolls her eyes at me.

"I'm sorry Kells, I really am, I was just so in The Moment." I tell her.

Kelly just hums in response.

"Well, I did record her saying Da Da more. So I'll send it to you later." I tell her.

"You better Giselle." Kelly says to me.

Kelly and I talk til we have to go back to teaching our Classes.


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