By shylpeter8

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The arrival of Sheetal creates havoc in Khushi's life, causing her husband and family to disregard her.She de... More

Chapter 14


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By shylpeter8

It's been a week since lakshaya was brought in Haven Villa heavily wounded. He forgot the physical pain inflicted on him the moment he set his eyes on his crime partner. Rather his heart pricked when Khushi expressed her disappointment on how he is as a person due to his immature actions.

Laksh was ashamed and fell on Sanskar's feet apologizing for the mishap his immature behaviour caused. The two brothers solved their difference for Sanskar was aware in way even he caused some damage in their relationship . Even though Khushi was happy she hid her happiness with a straight not wanting to show the two that she cares.

The two teamed up planning on how to gain their sister's forgiveness who was behaving obvious of their presence. Khushi who was enjoying her ice cream in the company of Ruhi ,eagerly waited to see on how the two planned to appease her her even though she was nolonger mad at them.

"Just tell them you've already forgiven them. My innocent brother-in-laws keeps stressing on ways to manofy your non-existence anger"told Aryan pitying them

"Why don't you join them ,since you pity them. In that way they'll have your company, right Ryan?"told Khushi smiling sweetly at him.

Aryan berated himself especially seeing Nk who stared at him mischievously. He turned his attention towards his laptop without giving her response.

"Sanky, lucky no need of peeping when  your bodies come out not even hiding the head. Next time before peeping atleast ask how it's done "told Khushi without raising her head from her ice cream while the two brothers started blaming each other for being caught.

"Bhai your the reason we are caught,I told you to let me be infront but no you gave out your reasons and now see"hissed Lucky while Sanskar eyes widen hearing his blame

"You!Lucky Bucky am sure your the one whose body was out and instead of admitting your blaming me"glared Sanskar thought before laksh can retort words flew from Khushi's mouth

"I thought with years they grew but still same whose brain works backward even Ruhi is better then"told Khushi while the two brothers mouth widen

"Still no respect for elders, how can Cutie brain work better than SM"murmured sanskar while laksh elbowed him on his stomach.

"And you've just proved me right Sanky,whining monkey"added Khushi while others hid their chuckle seeing Sanskar whose eyes almost popped out.

They occupied a seat Infront of Khushi and Ruhi who were savouring their ice cream lost in their world.The three men looked at them who were enjoying without minding others presence but Aryan knew he has to intervene less they savour all ice cream in the mansion.

"Jaan, Princess that's enough. How much will you both eat?he said trying to take the container from them though he met with their puppy eyes and pouty lips "am not going to fall in both of your trap but if any of you wants to continue taking ice it's  ok"he said watching the two reaction whose eyes twinkle giving him the desired result"but she should be ready to take medicine first then I'l allow her to take it"hearing the word medicine both mother-daughter demeanor changed and they were glaring at Aryan who wasn't fazed alittle.

The brothers who were watching the two understood their sister still the same whose eyes will twinkle on the mention of ice cream. But remembering the life their sister lived, they wanted to destroy those who hurt her but her warning is stopping them and learning they were Uttara's to be in-laws they felt helpless.

Aryan took a wet towel wiping both mother and daughter who were covered in ice cream as they make faces at him for preventing them from continuing their ice cream party.

"Bhai, Bhaiyu I forgave both of you long back but when it comes to your wives don't compel me for they need reality check and I'l be the one to show them"the brothers pounce at her hugging the daylight out of her,even though they feared for their wives knowing there sister as she devil .laksh was hurt knowing how Ragini got him and was ready to throw her out of his life but after getting his sister lecture,he understood even they contributed to the person she turned into.

"Thank you so much Doll/Chutki we promise to correct our mistakes"They exclaim happily but glared at each other

"Come on !Khushi doesn't believe in promises but action. Show me you've changed especially on the department of standing for your wives. Stop leaving them to face elders wrath alone"told staring at Sanskar,"Anyway tomorrow both of you with be heading to Kolkota and so is Didu after her arrival from Delhi,I'l follow the next day and am sure you're wives will arrive at MM immediately they'l learn of both your return. I really miss Ma and I can't wait for long"told Khushi who the brothers hugged tight

Shantivan, Delhi
They were taking breakfast happily even though there was no conversation between them. The past days with the arrival of their one member the mansion at least looked alive they don't know if it's because he was close to one person who loved them truly or what.

Looking at certain places it reminded them of the person they greatly wronged and took for granted whom they later learned of her importance when she slipped away from their lives. Every corner of the mansion has history about her,it haunts them when they hallucinate her yet they could nothing rather than living with the void left behind.

Nk stared around the table and was at least relieved Arnab was taking care of his daughter and so is Anjali who was nolonger dependent on anyone. Seeing this change he didn't know what to conclude for the time it would have been of use it wasn't their less it would have done some damage control.

He could do nothing rather than sighing,he stared at Payal not knowing what to think about her who betrayed his best friend opting for a good future but instead she's living a miserable life to the extend of loosing the pregnancy which made her unable of bearing her own child.

He sigh seeing her who was running behind their 4yrs adopted daughter inorder to feed her. The only thing that makes that mansion stand out is the antics of the three children who keeps it alive. He prayed for the three not to be affected by the sins of their parents.

The table looked silently awkward and NK decided to start a conversation while others kept silent though following it.

Nk: So Akash when are you planning for Akshaya to start her kindergarten?

Akash: Hmm i think next year will be ok

Nk: Won't that be abit late? she will be 5 by then?

Akash: Your right but what should I do when Payalji keeps pushing forward whenever I want to admit her?

Payal stilled hearing the conversation,she didn't yet want to be separated from her daughter ,she kept evading  that conversation whenever Akash brought forward but she knew this time it was impossible. Even though Anjali and Arnab felt bad for NK never talked to them from the moment he returned but they were happy at least he mingle with their children keeping their difference aside

"Maasi we will be taking our leave immediately from here"said NK while others stilled for they didn't know of there departure

"Nanhe bitwa you never told us you'l be going today"told Nani

"Sorry Nani but I already told Maasi"told Nk unapologetic while others were greatly hurt
but they understood with their past doing they lost their respect

"Ok Nanhe bitwa but soon am expecting your wedding with my bahu and make sure to take care of her or else you have me to deal with"told mami controlling her emotions

They touched the elders feet and moved out with Hp who was carrying their luggage without looking behind. The youngsters were hurt for neither he looked or bid them farewell. All remembered what has occured since there arrival.


Next day after Shyam barsi,family  members were shocked seeing Mami emerging from the kitchen that to in the company of Hp and his brothers carrying dishes. They kept silent looking at her but there eyes almost popped out seeing many different variety of dishes coming from the kitchen.

"Is like Am hallucinating seeing Manorama"told Nani not believing her eyes

" If your dreaming so am I, I think I even saw Mano coming from the kitchen"added Mama not believing his wife step in the kitchen  for the second time after marriage

" HBB. Hp put them there and you can go do your work"continued Mami not minding them

"Now am sure it's Mano, where did the sun rise from today?Mano abandoning her beauty sleep and coming from kitchen ?Even if I die today i'l die a fulfilled man after seeing this site"said Mama dramatically though inwardly happy

Mami: Are you teasing me?Sasuma look at him

"Shut up Manohar!how can you tease our Mano in  that manner?only that  right is mine"said Nani while others burst out laughing forgetting there differences.

"Sasuma!even you?"whined mami

Nani: Ok none should tease Mano, let's taste what you've prepared it's long since I tasted your food

"Sasuma first wait,a visitor will be joining us...before they can questioned they were interrupted by a calling bell on the door.

Mami took off happily not before taking pooja Thali while others followed behind seeing her face shinning with happiness. When Mami opened the door they gasp seeing the owner.

Their eyes immediately watered seeing him after long and they didn't fail to see him holding the hands of the female he came along with. Though they were curious of the relationship the two shared they didn't want to probe knowing their equation.

Mami welcomed them inside not before taking them for a hug. Though Uttara didn't want to be there ,she still came to accompany her husband and the past home of her baby sister. They touched the elders feet and moved from there without looking at the youngsters.

Mami took them on the dinning table serving them and they enjoyed the tasty food.

Nk: I didn't know Hp can cook such sweet food

"Ma is the one who prepared it"commented Akash without looking from his plate while Nk chocked hearing him. Uttara patted his back glaring at him which NK mouthed sorry holding his ears.

Others who saw the interaction ,looked between the two but they didn't comment.

"Maasi I never knew you can cook this well, why you never cooked?I would have enjoyed yours and Khush cooking everyday. Please can you cook until am here"told NK in flow not knowing the bomb he drop but others assume it to be someone else for he used to refer to her as Khushiji.

"Ok ,am only doing this for you beside I like cooking for that was my work before I marry in Raizada"told Mami while others looked at her shocked for the 1st time she admitted of being Raizada's cook.

After they finished breakfast they assemble on the living room and the children were introduced to there Chachu and NK gave them the gift they brought for them.

"Nanhe bitwa tell me where do you live nowadays and who is this beautiful lady beside you"asked Nani

"I live in Mumbai and the lady beside me is Uttara my wife"told Nk casually dropping the bomb and the ladies were hurt knowing he married even without informing them.

"She's beautiful Nanhe bitwa it's good you've given me one beautiful bahuriya am happy if you are happy" told mami controlling her tears and Nk felt bad for her.

"Maasi I brought gift for you"told NK and instantly mami mood was changed . Nk started distributing gift even to others who promised to hold it dearly for they didn't know when he can gift them again.

"Nanhe you really know my taste"commented mami while others thanked him which he didn't respond

"Actually Uttu was the one who chose all the gifts,I only explained to her"explained Nk

"Thank you bitiya, but you didn't tell me about yourself and family and Nanhe how did you meet with my bahuriya"asked Mami while others became attentive

"We met here in Delhi when she came to supervise her sister's hotel renovation which was going on. We became friend and started meeting continuously. And with time she became my 2nd best friend ,months later when her work was over she had to return back to her home. Though since I had fallen for her I reveal my feelings to her which repricated and here we are"Nk explained briefly

"Oh what about your family bitiya"asked Nani

"I have father and mother,badi ma and bade Papa ,three elder brothers and one younger sister"explained Uttara

"What do they do"questioned Mami

"My papa and bade Papa work in our family business and so is my one elder brother, my 2nd elder brother has his own business and 3rd still finding what to do,my younger sister has her own business and I myself am the co-owner of KUM event mgt"told Uttara proudly

"What about you Nk bitwa"

"A  photographer in my brother -in-laws company'


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