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It's been a week since lakshaya was brought in Haven Villa heavily wounded. He forgot the physical pain inflicted on him the moment he set his eyes on his crime partner. Rather his heart pricked when Khushi expressed her disappointment on how he is as a person due to his immature actions.

Laksh was ashamed and fell on Sanskar's feet apologizing for the mishap his immature behaviour caused. The two brothers solved their difference for Sanskar was aware in way even he caused some damage in their relationship . Even though Khushi was happy she hid her happiness with a straight not wanting to show the two that she cares.

The two teamed up planning on how to gain their sister's forgiveness who was behaving obvious of their presence. Khushi who was enjoying her ice cream in the company of Ruhi ,eagerly waited to see on how the two planned to appease her her even though she was nolonger mad at them.

"Just tell them you've already forgiven them. My innocent brother-in-laws keeps stressing on ways to manofy your non-existence anger"told Aryan pitying them

"Why don't you join them ,since you pity them. In that way they'll have your company, right Ryan?"told Khushi smiling sweetly at him.

Aryan berated himself especially seeing Nk who stared at him mischievously. He turned his attention towards his laptop without giving her response.

"Sanky, lucky no need of peeping when  your bodies come out not even hiding the head. Next time before peeping atleast ask how it's done "told Khushi without raising her head from her ice cream while the two brothers started blaming each other for being caught.

"Bhai your the reason we are caught,I told you to let me be infront but no you gave out your reasons and now see"hissed Lucky while Sanskar eyes widen hearing his blame

"You!Lucky Bucky am sure your the one whose body was out and instead of admitting your blaming me"glared Sanskar thought before laksh can retort words flew from Khushi's mouth

"I thought with years they grew but still same whose brain works backward even Ruhi is better then"told Khushi while the two brothers mouth widen

"Still no respect for elders, how can Cutie brain work better than SM"murmured sanskar while laksh elbowed him on his stomach.

"And you've just proved me right Sanky,whining monkey"added Khushi while others hid their chuckle seeing Sanskar whose eyes almost popped out.

They occupied a seat Infront of Khushi and Ruhi who were savouring their ice cream lost in their world.The three men looked at them who were enjoying without minding others presence but Aryan knew he has to intervene less they savour all ice cream in the mansion.

"Jaan, Princess that's enough. How much will you both eat?he said trying to take the container from them though he met with their puppy eyes and pouty lips "am not going to fall in both of your trap but if any of you wants to continue taking ice it's  ok"he said watching the two reaction whose eyes twinkle giving him the desired result"but she should be ready to take medicine first then I'l allow her to take it"hearing the word medicine both mother-daughter demeanor changed and they were glaring at Aryan who wasn't fazed alittle.

The brothers who were watching the two understood their sister still the same whose eyes will twinkle on the mention of ice cream. But remembering the life their sister lived, they wanted to destroy those who hurt her but her warning is stopping them and learning they were Uttara's to be in-laws they felt helpless.

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