
Par chaenjen

100K 6.3K 1.5K

Y/n is pretty sure her entire family hates her and her commitment issues are starting to make her life (as we... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 2

2.4K 129 23
Par chaenjen

While she listens to Sana’s admittedly soothing voice, she stops crying and even cracks a smile here and there. Her back is still facing Sana when the latter stops talking after what seems like hours. Y/n didn’t think it was going to work but she feels a little better now, the heavy feeling on her chest having disappeared as well as the lump clogging up her throat.

She clears her throat, wiping the remaining wetness from her cheeks. “Thank you.”

“Do you feel better?” Sana carefully asks. Y/n shuffles to turn around, looking up at the girl for a moment.

“I do.”

“Good.” Sana gives her a toothy smile. Y/n’s eyes are drawn to her pearly white teeth automatically.

“Your teeth look weird,” She blurts.

Sana’s smile falters for a second. She reaches up to her mouth. “Really?”

“Your canines are too long. Are they like… medically okay? And your front tooth is a bit crooked. There are invisible braces these days, you know, if you’re worried about your beautiful face.” Y/n honestly doesn’t mean to come across as an asshole but alcohol makes her do and say things she normally never would.

But to her luck, Sana doesn’t seem to be an easily offended person because she just shrugs her shoulders, smiling that much wider at Y/n. “But I’m still beautiful, right?”

Y/n shrugs, huffing slightly. “You look okay, I guess.”

“Just okay?”


“Don’t you think I’m beautiful?”

The question catches Y/n off guard. Her eyes flicker over Sana’s features, her intense eyes, the shape of her dark eyebrows, the gentle slope of her nose. She has full lips and a sharp jawline. To be honest, Sana has got to be one of the most good-looking people Y/n’s ever met. But she can’t say that out loud without making a fool of herself.

“You’re asking me like you don’t already know.” Y/n snorts, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

“But I don’t.”

“The guys in there couldn’t keep their eyes off of you.”

Sana blinks at her. “Maybe. I’m asking for your opinion though.”

“Why do you care about my opinion?”

“Why do you question everything?” Sana asks back. “Can’t you just answer?”

Y/n feels herself shrink at the question. Sana doesn’t sound angry or annoyed but she manages to make Y/n like shit anyway. She knows she can be annoying as hell with her constant questions but it’s not really something she can control.

Before she can open her mouth to answer, the fire escape rattles once again, a girl cursing as she steps out of the window to join them. Sana and Y/n both turn around to look who it is.

“Here you are,” The girl groans, looking at Sana. Y/n doesn’t recognize her. “Girl, we’ve been looking for you everywhere. What the hell are you doing here?” Her eyes flicker to Y/n. She looks Y/n up and down once, something like a scowl appearing on her face. “Made a new friend?”

She makes it sound like a joke. Like the thought of Sana befriending someone like Y/n is funny. Y/n tries not to feel hurt by it.

“Shut up, Ryujin.” Sana sighs, her eyes flickering to Y/n as if to check that she’s okay. “What do you want?”

“Come back inside!” Sana’s friend rolls her eyes. “Jisoo wants to introduce you to her friend. You know, the hot one with the built-up body we saw at the party last weekend—”

“I’m kind of busy.”

“Busy?” The girl scrunches her eyebrows up, looking between Sana and Y/n. “With what? Her?”

It could’ve easily been an insult, because it sure as hell sounded like one. The way the girl is looking at Y/n definitely speaks for itself.

Y/n gulps and quietly stands up. She doesn’t speak another word as she pushes past Sana’s friend, carefully climbing back inside.

“You’re a fucking asshole, you know that?” She hears Sana say but she doesn’t stop to listen any further.


Y/n walks into the kitchen and refills her cup with whatever liquor that’s still around. It tastes awful and makes her want to puke on the spot but she doesn’t really care anymore.

There are even more people around now and she has to push her way through them to get to the couch where she last saw Jeongyeon. Some of them give Y/n annoyed glares and one girl laughs when she bumps into Y/n and nearly makes her glasses slip from her face.

Jeongyeon is not sitting on the couch anymore, but Dahyun is, chatting to a girl but she immediately waves Y/n over when she spots her. Y/n shakes her head, not wanting to interrupt them but Dahyun just stands up and grips her wrist.

“Y/n, where have you been? Jeongyeon just went to look for you.”

“I was getting some fresh air.”

“Oh. Okay. Are you fine?” Dahyun tilts her head.

“Yeah, of course.” She gives the younger a smile, turning her head trying to spot Chaeyoung in the mass of people.

“Are you looking for Chaeyoung?” Dahyun asks. “She just went to the bathroom. She didn’t drink anything, don’t worry.”

“Thanks for looking out for her.” Y/n gives Dahyun another smile but it must be a sad one because Dahyun’s face falls a bit. She reaches out and squeezes Y/n’s shoulder.

“Y/n, Chaeyoung isn’t mad at you. You know how sensitive she is. She’ll come around.”

Y/n gives Dahyun one last thankful smile, reaching out to pat the girl’s shoulder. “Don’t drink too much.”

“I won’t.” Dahyun smiles brightly at her and Y/n gives her a push.

“It’s not nice to keep ladies waiting, you know.” She tilts her head towards the pretty girl on the couch who gives Y/n a shy smile when their eyes meet.

Dahyun laughs, rolling her eyes. “Sorry, I forgot you were the dating expert here.”

Y/n is about to hit her upside the head but Dahyun ducks away, cackling loudly as she walks back to the couch to join the girl. Y/n smiles a bit and turns around, deciding to try and find Jeongyeon.

It doesn’t take too long, because she finds Jeongyeon in front of the TV, playing karaoke with a few other people. She’s singing so loudly she’s almost overpowering the music blasting through the entire apartment. Y/n snorts. Jeongyeon has the attention span of a goldfish. She probably got distracted on her way to find Y/n.

“Y/n!” Someone throws an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into their body and when Y/n turns to glare at them she sees that it’s her very drunk best friend. Lisa’s face is flushed but she looks so extremely happy that Y/n doesn’t even have it in her to tell her off for already being this drunk. “I missed you. Thought you went home. Don’t go home.”

“Why are you already so drunk?”

“I’m not drunk.” Lisa leans closer to whisper into her ear, Y/n hunching her shoulders up because she’s too sensitive around her ears and neck. “I’m. In. Love.”

“Is that so?” Y/n chuckles, pushing Lisa away from her. “Let me guess. Jisoo?”

“How did you know?!” Her best friend gasps. “Fuck, Y/n/n. She’s the love of my life. I gotta marry her. She’s the one.”

“Does she feel that way too?”

“I don’t think so.” Lisa’s face falls all of a sudden. “She’s too pretty for me. She’s rich and intelligent and so pretty. Y/n/n, I’m depressed.” She stops to let out a quick burp. “I’m in love with her.”

“I’m sure she likes you too.” Y/n rolls her eyes, awkwardly patting Lisa’s back. “Why aren’t you with her?”

“She’s talking to Sana.”

Y/n freezes at the name. “Sana?”

“Yeah. She’s Momo’s bestie. She’s also Jisoo’s cousin or something. You haven’t met her yet?”


“Come on. I’ll introduce you. Gives me an excuse to talk to Jisoo again.”

“No, wait you idiot—” But Lisa already has a death grip on Y/n’s arm, forcefully dragging her through the living room towards the hallway. They pass a guy who looks like he’s about to puke.

“Don’t even think about throwing up here Joon I’ll fucking come after your ass.” Lisa mutters groggily, whistling when she sees Seokmin making out with a girl on the other side.

“Lisa, I already know—”

But it’s too late because they’re suddenly standing in front of Sana and Jisoo who are both leaning against the wall, stopping whatever they were saying to look up at them.

Jisoo stares at Lisa and Sana stares at Y/n and vice versa.

“Sorry for interrupting but Y/n really wanted to meet Sana.” Lisa grins at them.

Y/n’s entire face is on fire. She’s sure of it. She can’t even meet Sana’s eyes anymore. Said girl is still quietly staring at Y/n.

“We already met,” Y/n finally manages to grit out.

“Oh, my bad.” Lisa doesn’t sound sorry at all. She’s still staring at Jisoo like the girl hung the moon and stars. At least Jisoo smiles back at her, her cheeks slightly flushed so Y/n guesses Jeongyeon was right about the attraction being mutual. “But you haven’t met Jisoo, right? Jisoo, this is my best friend Y/n.”

They quickly shake hands and Y/n finds that Jisoo has a really sweet voice and she’s even prettier up close.

“Hey, Sana. Can you keep Y/n a bit company?” Lisa asks. She’s trying really hard to act sober in front of Jisoo, that much is clear. “She’s a bit shy.”

Y/n grits her teeth together, one second away from dumping what’s left of her drink over her best friend’s head.

“Sure.” Sana smiles. Before Y/n can even protest Sana pushes away from the wall, looping her arm over Y/n’s shoulders like they haven’t only known each other for less than an hour. She walks into the kitchen and starts pouring two drinks, handing Y/n one after she’s done.

“Thanks,” Y/n mumbles. She feels way too awkward, especially with several people looking at Sana and thus automatically looking at Y/n with confused expressions. She quickly gulps down the whole content of the cup, pulling a face at the strong taste.

Sana lets out an amused laugh. “You should slow down.”

But Y/n doesn’t want to slow down. She wants to get drunk. Well, drunker than she already is. “Can you give me another one?”

“I actually think you’ve had enough—” Sana starts but Y/n just pushes her aside and pours the drink herself. She takes the cup and is about to leave the kitchen but Sana suddenly grips her arm.

“Where are you going?”

“Somewhere else.”

“Lisa told me to keep you company.”

Y/n frowns at her. “Lisa just said that so she can be alone with Jisoo. You don’t have to stick with me.”

“Well. Maybe I want to.” Sana shrugs, taking a sip from her drink. Someone shouts Sana’s name. Sana looks up and waves at them, smirking a bit.

Y/n rolls her eyes. “Do whatever you want.” She walks away, aware that Sana actually is following her. She wants to go back to the fire escape but she figures it’s too cold for that now so she walks down the hallway, hoping that the seat on the window sill isn’t occupied.

She sits down, ignoring the couple making out almost right next to it.

She doesn’t expect to see Sana sit down on the other side. She looks up with a slight frown. The seat isn’t big enough for the both of them but Sana still sits down, forcing Y/n to pull her knees to her chest. “You really don’t have to stay with me.”

“I already told you I want to.” Sana sighs, watching Y/n as she gulps down her drink in frustration. Her vision starts swimming. That was definitely one drink too much.

“You’re weird,” Y/n blurts after both of them look at each other for a while.

“You know, if I were someone else I’d be hurt by now. First my teeth and now you’re insulting me as a whole?”

Y/n shrugs. “You’re obviously here with your friends. They’re probably looking for you.”

“Nah. They can survive a night without me.” Sana stares at Y/n who does everything to avoid her eyes. “I’m starting to think you really don’t like me.”

Y/n finally looks up at her again. “I didn’t say that.”

“So you like me?” Sana starts grinning.

“I didn’t say that either.”

This makes Sana chuckle. It’s quiet between them for a while. She hears someone scream and it sounds a lot like Jeongyeon. She hopes the girl isn’t doing anything too crazy. She’s known to lose all sense of self-control when she’s drunk. “Hey,” Sana speaks up again.

Y/n looks at her to show her that she’s listening.

“I’m sorry for earlier,” Sana says. “My friend’s a bit of a douchebag when she’s drunk.”

“It’s fine.”

“No it’s not.” Sana sighs. “I know you were upset. Don’t try to deny it.”

Y/n shrugs. She leans her head back because everything’s spinning all of a sudden.

“Are you okay?”


“I think you had too much to drink.”

“I think you talk too much.”

“Y/n.” Sana mumbles, quietly, and Y/n feels her neck prickle, hearing Sana say her name like that. “Stop ignoring me. I’m a nice person, you know.”

Y/n smiles a bit. “I never said you weren’t a nice person.”

“Then why are you like this?”

Y/n blinks her eyes open, chuckling softly when she sees the pout on Sana’s face. “Like what?”

“I don’t know. Cold, I guess.”

Cold. That’s a good way to describe Y/n. Her mom always used to call her cold-hearted when she pulled away when she tried to kiss her. “That’s nothing personal. It’s just how I am.”

Continuer la Lecture

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