Helping Gwen 10

Por AnimeEagleScout

211K 5.1K 2.5K

Ben is driving a while after the final battle in Ultimate Alien and ends up in a portal to another world. Ben... Más

Random Portal
Family and Smoothies
Home and Work
Play with Fire
Wrinkle Brain thinking
I thought of it First
Null and Void
don't fuck with Terra [maybe a chapter?]
Grampa Proud
Human Race
Noticable Difference
it's a placeholder title
Malling About
What Grey-Matters
Galvin's Life
Kevin's Reward
Helping Out
Draining Work
Plastic Straws
The Think Tank
The Big Think
start running now. [not canon]
back on the grind.
After Shock
Week Off part 1
Week Off part 2
Week Off Part 3
Week Off Part 4
Week Off Part 5
Week Off Part 6
Week Off Part 8
Week Off Part 9
Week Off Part 10
Week Off Part 11
Week Off Part 12
Week Off Part 13
Week Off Part 14
Back Home
This is it Part 1
This is It Part 2
Incomprehension[what if]
turtle soup
Time slipping
Birthday Part 2
Birthday Part 3
Birthday part 4
Chapter Title
Ultimate Omniverse Pilot
Jade-s Christ-al
My Greatest Enemy
Ultra's End Goal [Not a Chapter]

Week Off Part 7

2K 59 47
Por AnimeEagleScout

Day 4

Meeting the Warlords and Ben helping people. Gwens first diplomatic mission.

Plumber dock

Albeta didn't trust using her rig to make it to Khoros and Max was ready for a flight instead of a 'space run'.

"Alright see you guys in two days."

"Get there safe you two." Max said hugging his grandchildren.

'Another round with Ultimate Jetray mi lady?" Ben sent.

'Of course good sir."

Ben backed up and got a running start towards Gwen.

'You know where we're headed?" Ben asked.

Ben sent the Ultimizer and Trixie dialed in Ultimate Jetray.

'Yep. Your first smoothbrain after Hacking Me." Trixie said 'But first-"

The giant claw grabbed her and relatively slowly flew out the area they kept landed ships.

'Gotta be the Big Brother in this situation."

"Ben!" Gwen shouted watching the ground get very far away. "I need air you know?!"

"We're only half a mile from the dead zone don't be a baby." Ultimate Jetray said "I wouldn't drop you without warning."

Gwen had calmed down after Ben proved not to be rising any higher "Hey this is cool."

"I'm gonna drop you in 10...9...8..."

"Wait!" Gwen and Omni shouted.

"Better dial sometimes in sis!" Trixie shouted.

"2...1..." Ben shouted as they got at a sweet spot.

Gwen was dropped and she immediately went for her Omnitrix.

"Jetray." Gwen said catching upto Ben.

"Taken." Omni and Trixie said.

"Is that a problem for naming?" Gwen asked.

"I mean no but-" Omni started.

"Lightray then." Lightray said "That was a very risky thing to do Ben!"

"We'd have made it to catch you if you miss transformed." Trixie said.

"I never Mistransform!" Omni shouted at Trixie.

"Oh what about the-"

Gwen was flying doing loops "Hey this is cool I've never had anyone that could get this far up."

"Oh we're going higher!" Trixie said before disappearing back into Ben's unit.

"Alright Gwen you're gonna go straight up and follow me I have a pitstop that's on the way so this is good practice for void travel." Ben said.

"Ben are you sure I have enough juice for this?" Lightray asked as they approached the atmosphere.

"Lifeform lock auto sets in a lethal environment." Ben and Trixie laughed as they broke atmosphere.

"That is not a pass to put yourselves in a dangerous environment!" Omni screamed.

Gwen was testing her breathing and found out she didn't have to.

The planet she had spent every second of her life on was now below her.

The view was beautiful from up here.

"Look at her." Ben's voice rang through her...chest? "A little blue marble in the cosmic stage."

Gwen was having a weird feeling. she was feeling...whole for once in a long while. Like she was officially experiencing what the Omnitrix was for.

It was said astronauts had 'a state of awe with self-transcendent.' Gwen was finally getting the feeling.

"I wanna do this again." Gwen thought.

"We will." Ben responded.

Gwen yelped.

"We're space creatures Gwen. We talk at different frequency." Ultimate Jetray said "Now I'm gonna go slow so you can climb to hyperspeed without losing me."

Ben lead her past the moon where she saw a guy in a chair flipping through a magazine.

"Alright peel out we ain't got a thing in front of us."

Gwen watched Ben start to get farther and Gwen pushed further.

"What the-" Gwen screamed as a cone formed in front of her and something opened.

Gwen was seeing Hyperspace. An expansion of blue shifted light with particles dancing around her.

"Insanity is setting in. Reality is getting thin. Particles are dancing all around!" Gwen heard Trixie as Ben had pulled back to float over her.

"I can't deny the hardest thing for me Is finding time to finally breathe." Ben sang doing barrel rolls around her seemingly not even trying to keep the speed.

Gwen had realized Ben had an MP3 player in his head and they were both thinking the same thing.

"I don't know what's scarier. Those two fighting or having them on the same brain wave." Omni said the exact thing Gwen was thinking.

"Gwen we're breaking in a few seconds count to 3 and just stop as hard as you can." Ben said.

Ben gunned it forward while Gwen had pulled back.

She got out of hyperspace a distance away from the planet enough to see Ben pullout dangerously close to the planet atmosphere.


"AND FRICTION!" Omni shouted.

Ben's only response was a chuckle as his face seem to be making a mane of Energy acting like...

"Neuroblast airbreak." Ben shouted.

"You'd be surprised at Ben's ability to pull out." Trixie cackled.

"I shouldn't have to hear, let alone witness, my cousins pullout game." Gwen shouted.

Ben and Trixie had guided her to this statue.

"Ok we're going to that big statue." Ben said 'Trix I'm gonna need Clockwork and then something with speed and functional hands."

"Ben I think I can hear you and Trixie conversation as Lightray." Gwen said.

"Great." Ben said sarcastically as they approached.

Ben landed on top of it as two masses started swarming. His tail wrapped around the top of it

"Get off our statue!" Red Leader shouted.

"We aren't afraid to-"


Yes you are!" Ben shouted "This thing is valuable enough to set your whole planet to war. So here's my offer. You hear me out and agree to my terms then I get off."

"What are your demands?!" Both Leaders shouted.

"Number 1 everyone drop your weapons and take 20 steps back." Ben shouted "2 let me and my associate here actually do something to end this argument."

They glared at one another and followed orders.

Gwen watched them about face and she turned human when she landed on the ground.

Ben changed into that thing he used to save Paradox.

He jumped off the statue and slowed time on himself to float down.

Ben walked over to Gwen and tapped her Omnitrix.

"Chronora!" Gwen shouted.

Ben turned into a blue alien.

"This one had time powers. I gotta go." Ben said rushing off.

Gwen was tense till Ben sprinted back and jumped onto her turning her key.

"Hey! That...feels weird." Gwen said as Ben sprinted off.

"Needed elsewhere!" Ben said as he got out of range.

Gwen, along with both Armies, watched what just happened go in reverse and the locals were shouting different colors as they watched the status slowly regain itself.



'Kick it into high gear!" Trixie shouted "why not XLR8?"

'Strength and hands." Ben said "Need to get there but can't risk the Kenetic Discharge of the other guy."

'Send it." Trixie said.

Ben activated the Ultimizer and he felt his body vibrate and the whole world go slow.

Ben laughed as he sped up.

"Work time?" Trixie asked.


"Hero Time!" Ben shouted as he saw a mostly intact town...with a bomb hovering over it.


It was a normal day for Probity. Dodging gunfire to get her education. Praying to Zavin her house didn't blow up. Taking snuffles out for a walk it was when the whistle of a bomb was heard centered on her home.

A red blur was the last thing she saw before her along with her family being set down outside the blast zone.

Then anyone else within the inner blast zone appearing 2 by 2 with her in the safe distance.


Turning human she had seen the two armies looking at her.

"Sorry." Omni said before popping up "was not expecting Ben even had the Chronosapian."

"She has revealed Zavin true color!"

It was quiet till a crowd had let out a cheer for her.

Gwen was filled in on why they were waring and said "Well since it's fixed why not build a city around it and keep it maintained?"

"And how are we gonna get along?" One shouted "I ain't taking orders from no red bastards!"

"And I ain't takin ordersfrom a bunch of blue bitches!"

Gwen pushed her fingers to her lips and whistled "HEY! There's a solution for this." Gwen shouted.

3 hours later

"And on this day the Blue and Red carves the amendments that will not be infringed of anyone of the Nation of Gwen-dale." The signing of both sides leaders electing one Gwen flipped a coin for and would vote for a new leader every 4 years.

Gwen had sat down enjoying the drinks and food given to her as she just used every drop of American history she could remember.

Gwen was having a statue of her exactly 2 Zavin statues distance away so it won't get knocked over.

"How do we pay for all this?!" One shouted.

"Everyone gives a little amount of money." Gwen shouted leaning back.

"I wonder what Ben is doing?" Omni said.

The Red and White Evolved Citrakayah approached and looked at the statue.

"Good job." Ben said as food is handed to him. "How long till the statue is done?"

"We're almost done." One said.

"Great we are needed elsewhere." Trixie said.

"Where have you been?" Gwen asked.

"Had to evac a city after a bomb went off." FastTrack said stretching.

"Couldn't Ultimate XLR8 handle that?" Gwen asked.

"The stockpile would shred me at evacuating an entire town." FastTrack said.

"Wait did you evacuate a whole town as a bomb went off?!" Omni asked.

"Yup." Trixie and Ben said.

"Great tits of genasha Ben I thought you were supposed to be on vacation?!" Gwen said.

"I am!" Ben said "I need to let off some steam Gwen."

"Out running an active explosive with a whole town is not Steam Ben!" Gwen said.

"It's fixing a mistake ok!" Ben said causing all parties to go quiet.

"When Ben first hacked the old rig his first off world mission kinda..." Trixie couldn't finish it.

"An absolute fuck up." Ben said "I lied to them about the color of it them when they didn't believe I accidentally knocked it over." Gesturing to the renewed Zavin Statue. "You know how I even got here? A little girl asking for a hero to stop the war after the High War. My dumbass thought it'd be easy."

"I mean..." Gwen gestured to it now.

"I didn't have Clockwork. I didn't have anything that could have ended this like now." Ben said.

Trixie spoke "It's something both of us really wanted to do."

Gwen looked at both of them. "Is there ANYTHING else you two WANT to do that doesn't involve bombs?"

"When Tetrax gets back...I need you to do the rebirth of the society if we can't recreate Sugalite." Ben said "We'll guard you but..."

"We kinda fucked up last go round when we were fixing Petropia." Trixie said.

"I fucked up." Ben corrected.

"No it's we." Trixie said "Remember it was back before I blew up."

Gwen had looked at Omni when just whispered "I don't have the full story or what exactly happened."

"Alright Ben when they're done carving my ass we can go." Gwen said as the statue of her is down to her waist. "Relax for a bit."

"Also when we leave the atmosphere do you have Kid's in America on your music player?" Gwen asked.

Ben and Trixie had chuckled at that.


It was around 6 hours total on planet where Gwen had to stop an argument about the statues ass being too big because she knew it would just get ruined trying to trim a small amount off.

Gwen had arrived to see a mostly red rocky planet.

"Land over there were walking outside the city a safe distance." Ben said.

"Air defense lasers?" Gwen asked.

"No javelins." Trixie said "There's flying creatures that like to get close to the city and it's not exactly a good thing."

"Wait these are warriors right?" Gwen asked.

"Gwen. If EVERYTHING tackles 1 thing at once it's gonna cause issues." Ben said "The javelins are for the city guards so they don't have to divert traffic."

"Think if when an alien attack happens and instead of everyone running they all bum rush towards it." Omni said as They flew a safe walk from the Beautiful City from what she could see.

Gwen could see intricate patterns carved in the castle from the distance. The closer they walked it was even more beautiful. It was nearly sundown so the way the light hit the building was beautiful.

Ben had grabbed her just as a giant fish jumped out the sand.

Ben's eyes flashed and Trixie said "Really? Armadillo is an option."

"It seems useful." Ben said.

They made it to the gate and Ben held up the invitations.

The doors opened to see a bustling city.

"The Warlords would like to meet you Mr Tennyson." The city patrol said "They are at the Grand Lodge just past The Bazzar your invite should cover family."

"I have 2 family members with me and a plus one not blood will I need to pay?" Ben asked.

"That would be a discussion with the Warlords but if you do the Ticket vendor is just outside the arena." One said.

"Thanks." Trixie said.

Gwen saw the whole Bazzar full of things of such fine craftsmanship she'd think it was made by God's.

"Such detailed stitching." Gwen said seeing a tapestry that depicted a fight with 20 soldiers vs a 300 foot tall woman.

"Oh yeah that was a nutty weekend." The one making another said looking it.

Great Lodge

Walking in Ben looked around and was greeted by a waitress asking "Visitor or Invite?"

Ben held up the invites and the server lead them to a table.

Gwen saw 2 mountains of men sitting and eating with 2 that were definitely related.

Amazonian was at one point her biggest transformation before she got Neon Flower and the girls were probably a head taller then her Tetramand form.

"Warlords." The Waitress said "Ben Tennyson has arrived."

"Really?" A voice Gwen imagined being the one to call her soul to the afterlife and another that she swore it would be from a blue whale if they could talk.

The two stood and Gwen stepped back.

"Evening gentlemen." Ben said.

"Ben Tennyson." The blue one said "Taller then I expected."

Gwen watched Ben shake hands with both "Interesting response time." The red one said.

"You know 16 Xenocite nests will do that." Ben said "Just gotta get some air."

"That sounds like a story over a drink." Both said.

Gwen whispered to Ben asking should she grab a different spot.

"Who is this?" One of the girls asked.

"I'm Gwen Tennyson." Gwen said.

"Blood cousin." Ben said "Here for the Free-for-All."

"Welcome." The red girl said walking over to her "Loona of the Red Wind. I look forward to our chance to battle."

"Thanks." Gwen said being lead to a seat between her and a blue version.

"So your Ben's blood family." The blue one said.

"Yes." Gwen said.

Sitting down Gwen was about under both girls chest.

"So do you prefer bludgeoning or Pircing weapons?" The blue one asked.

"I varies depending on what your fighting." Gwen said looking at her Omnitrix.

"Interesting bracelet." Loona said.

Trixie popped up on Ben's wrist "So about the tournament is it random or-"

"Trixie!" Omni popped up on Gwen's.

"Sorry." Ben said "I'm just wondering- oh thanks." The waitress brought what seemed like a sampler platter and some empty plates.

"Please guests first." Gar said.

Gwen looked and filled up what should have been a full meal for her of different stuff on the plate. The food had a Greek feel to it but it was definitely different.

Ben hadn't hesitated to try everything.

"Since you asked the Maiden Tournament is set up in brackets." Lar said "Since Ben is an invited he will be fighting Solara first and if he is Victorious the tournament goes to fighting him for the chance to fight my granddaughter along with the other prizes being offered."

"So about the Free-for-All." Gwen said.

"Same rules apply but if you are another woman who wins they may pick a blood family member of theirs to fight Loona." Gar said.

"Why the difference?" Gwen asked.

"It's getting too boring!" Loona exclaimed "Daddy is streamlining it."

"So if I win the Free-for-All you get a chance to fight Ben." Gwen said.

"Along with pick of one of Daddy's Car Collecton and whatever is decided to be added." Loona said taking a drink.

"You can keep the other prizes if I get Loona." Ben told Gwen.

"Can you even survive both?" Gwen asked "Wait I don't wanna hear the answer to that."

"I wouldn't get my hopes up Loona." Solara said putting a hand on Gwen's shoulder.

"Excuse me?" Gwen raised an eyebrow "I'm absolutely gonna win if I fight her."

"And I look forward to our battle." Loona said.

"Oh it will be interesting." Ben said "It ain't the size of the dog I the fight."

"Yes but she is definitely-" Solara started till a blue flash and a clawed hand was on her shoulder.

"I think YOU should be worried about fighting him." Neon Flower said leaning down and poking Solara in the chest.

Loona smiled "Oh my an Atasian?! Our battle will be legendary!" Wrapping an arm around her.

"Word of your transform of an odd Sonorosian has reached me." Gar said turning to Ben "I am to believe hers is the true Omnitrix while you weild a replica."

"Did at one point." Ben said "I recently got a...I wouldn't call it an upgrade but a...remodel and Update."

'Oh I'm not considered an Upgrade?" Trixie asked.

'Well you aren't in the Ultimatrix exactly." Ben sent.

"Ours has more teeth." Trixie said "And was built as a weapon."

'Trix dial it back." Ben said.

"Oh really?" Solara said leaning towards Ben her chest size being bigger then Loona and Ben getting a glance from the angle.

"Would you allow a demonstration?" Gar asked.

"Well..." Ben said looking around.

'Red or Blue?" Trixie asked 'Coast Clear?"

"Blue." Lar said before Gar could say red.

'Yes." Ben sent as he checked to see the majority of the Grand Lodge was hammered. "Alright."

Standing up Ben made sure all 4 Tetramand at the table got a look at the dial materializing on his arm.

"Is it just inside the arm?" Loona asked looking for any visible opening or anything since Ben wasn't wearing any sleeves to hide anything. (Charmcaster still has his jacket.)

"It's in his bones." Trixie said as she materialized the dial on Ben's shoulder then to his chest.

"You know your getting a little too chatty Trix." Ben said 'what part of low profile do you not get?"

'Hey if your gonna bang both of em we gotta go hard here." Trixie said as the hologram appeared 'Read the room, These are two women of action."

'True." Ben said slammed the dial and turning into Blue Four Arms.

The shock of a Tetramand suddenly appearing before them had the only received eye widens from the battle hardened but then Trixie changed into Classic Red.

"Well." Solara smiled "We certainly will have an interesting fight."

Ben sent the Ultimizer on Classic Red and said "Oh honey-"

They watched as the transformation seem to slow for the Spectacle.

His body turned blue and the lower arms twisted into his torso before exploding out his body and wrapping around it.

[Was gonna turn Muscular red but too much effort.]

"-We'll be telling our grandchildren of it." Ultimate Four Arms said.

Solara clapped her hands together and shouted "YES!"

The lumbering figure had met Gar and Lar in hight.

"Gentlemen...I look forward to fighting your daughters." Ultimate Four Arms said.

The night ended with a bar fight between Lar and Gar, Loona and Solara and Neon Flower vs Power Plant.

"Tap out." Gwen said managing to get the Ben into a arm bar.

"We called no form changing." Omni shouted as she saw Trixie preparing a transformation.

'She's right." Ben sent as he tapped out.

"I'm surprisingly stronger then I thought." Gwen said realizing her Atasian form was even bigger then any of the highbreed she's faced. (You know the high council highbreed? Neon Flower and Power Plant are equal hight.)

"Yeah because we're Plantains cuz." Power Plant said getting helped up.

"You've only seen bananas." Trixie said.

The two got their own fully paid for rooms.

Ben felt good in the warm breezy night of Khoros.

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