Hogwarts Legacy: The Curse of...

By OKStudios

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(Spoilers for Hogwarts Legacy) It had been two years since the events that transpired underneath Hogwarts. Li... More

Seventh-Year Growing Pains
In The Commons
Mending Cracks
Toujours Pur
The Shadow
The Respiratory
Trial 1
A Sirius Matter
Secret Affairs
The Ominis Curse
Trial 2
The Raven is Dead
To His Dismay
The Guide
Trial 3
Trial 4
Ancient Magic
Lover Boy
Return of the Raven
No More Pure Bloods
Final Battles
Pure of Heart

Up to Bat

121 9 1
By OKStudios

"It seems you remember me." Violet smirks and pulls her wand out. "Let's see how well you fight old man." Violet looks like a ballerina as she points her toe in front of her. She spins her wand like a baton around her before staring at Black. 

"Better than you." Black remarks, mirroring her stance, (not very well), and lifting his arm above his head like a warrior. The two are at a standstill as they stared each other down.  "Long time no see, Violet. It seems your boyfriend wants to take over the world now." 

"He does that." Violet jumps and spins in the air, sending blasts of magic at you and Black. 

"Protego!" Black yells as you duck form the blasts. 

"You're still a very defensive man." Violet smirks, stepping backwards as magic dances around her feet. 

"You're still impulsive as ever." Black replies. Violet's face scrunches into anger as she hisses at him like a snake. "Can't take criticism either." Violet violently blasted shots at him, knocking him backwards. You search for your wand, but you don't even know if you have magic anymore. You see your wand next to Black and you reach for it. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Violet points her wand at you. "This could end very poorly for you if you don't comply with what I want." People are screaming and running around them, none of them realizing that the most powerful wizard in school was on their knees in front of Violet. 

"That is enough, Violet." A menacing voice rang down the hall as Sharp appeared in the walkway. Sharp looked way too happy...it was unsettling. Suddenly his appearance changes into the familiar dark brown hair and purple cracked skin. 

"Alright, dear." Violet replies with a smile and kissing Cornelius. 

"Hello again, Y/N." He walks up to you as you look up at him. 

"I have nothing else to give you." You whisper, looking up at him with tears in your eyes. Cornelius smiled as he bent down to be at her eye level. 

"You have already given everything." Cornelius says sarcastically, "Absolutely everything?" He smirked, looking around at the destruction that danced around them. "You have not lost everything, you still have more to give...like Professor Fig." 

"No!" You scream as Cornelius punches your face into the floor. "Someone get to Fig, now!" Black blinks as he hears your words. He quickly waves his wand and apparates to the Map Chamber. 

"Fig!" He calls but no one responds. He searches around for Fig, but he is nowhere to be seen. Black begins to panic, hoping that Fig was okay. "No, no, no..." 

"Black!" Fig's portrait appears behind him, making him jump. "What is happening?" 

"Fig, you have to get out of here! Cornelius is coming for you!" Black looks behind him, making sure no one was coming. 

"Oh no..." Fig disappeared form his portrait, hopefully finding a way into another portrait nearby. Black sighed as he heard kids storming into the Map Chamber. 


"Black!" Ominis runs down the steps to meet him, "This is bad! I mean really bad! Cornelius is using the Ravenclaw House to attack the other students! The teachers are getting overthrown and...they captured Professor Weasley--" 

"What!? We have to save her!" Black rushes towards the sound of foot steps with Ominis close behind him. 

"Black, where are we going?" Ominis asks as they reached the Floo Powder station. Suddenly a familiar face appears. 

"Black! You better have a good reason--" 

"Not now Sallow!" Black snaps, "There has to be some sort of safe place for the students and I'm tasking you to find it! I'm finding Matilda!" 

"Wait! What about Y/N?" Ominis ask as the others turn to him. 

"You find Y/N! Alright, we know the plan? Sebastian find a safe place, Ominis find Y/N, and I'm finding Matilda." Black growls as he used the Floo Powder, appearing in his office. He rushes down the steps and out the door, hoping Matilda would be in her room down the staircase. He kicks open her door, but finds no one. He frowns, shutting the door. 

"Don't scream." A wand was held to Black's forehead. Cornelius stood behind Black, smiling as wide as the horizon. 

"Where is Matilda?" Black asks, sternly, "She has nothing to do with any of this, let her go!"

"I don't think so...come with me." Cornelius hisses. 

Ominis rushed through the halls, avoiding Ravenclaw students like the plague. He listens for your cries amongst the other students and soon he is able to pinpoint the source of the cries. 

"Y/N?" Ominis touches you shoulder as you look up at him. 

"I feel nothing." You whisper, placing a hand above the other. "My cracks...my magic is all gone. Leave me, Ominis. I don't have anything to help you." 

"I don't care if you could end this with the snap of a finger or if you couldn't do anything, I still want you to be safe. Listen, Sebastian is trying to find a safe place for the students. Any ideas?" Ominis tries to comfort you, rubbing your shoulders.

"The Room of Requirements." You say suddenly. Ominis gives you a curious expression. "Ominis, I know where to go! Follow me!" She grabs his hand and they rush towards the nearest Floo Station. 

"What's the Room of Requirements?" Ominis asks as they you take his hand and use the floo powder. Suddenly they appear in the room as Deek appears.

"It's you!" Deek exclaims, noticing Ominis, "We are in danger." The beasts that resided in your small sanctuaries that were placed around the room were free and roaming around the space. Ominis freaked out when one of the Puffskeins liked him. 

"We need to get as many people in here as we possibly can, Deek! Any ideas?" You ask as Highwing prods your shoulder. 

"Deek has a few ideas." He snaps his fingers and the room shifts a bit. A portrait appears at the front of the room where Fig appears. 

"Fig, thank goodness you're here!" You exclaim, running towards his portrait. 

"It's all thanks to Black that I found my way." Fig smiles, but you can sense that Fig wants to tell you something. 

"What's wrong?" You notice his gaze drifting behind you. You turn to see Violet posed at the entrance of the room. 

"Hello, darling." She smirks, returning to her ballerina like form and pointing her toe towards you. "It won't be too hard to get rid of a pretty face like you." Her wand begins to glow. It's hopeless, there's nothing she can do. She had no magic it all was taken by Cornelius. Ominis stepped in front of her with his wand pointed at Violet. 

"How are you going to stop me?" Violet hisses, swiping her foot on the ground and sending a blast towards Ominis. He dodges it with ease and quickly sends a shot back at her. 

"If you knew me, then you would know how easy it is for me to stop you." Ominis says before sending a wave of fire towards Violet. She dances around it as swift as can be, before twirling in the air and landing on her toes. 

"Is that all you got, pretty boy?" She laughs and sends more shots towards him. Ominis continues to dodge and weave around them like he was invincible. The two exchanged blast after blast after blast until they both were beginning to get tired. Their wand strokes and blasts were weaker and their breath was jagged. Violet glared at Ominis as she drew her wand in front of her. A large ball of energy formed around her wand as she grew a large, menacing smirk. Ominis stood his ground as Violet drew her blast and shot straight for him. Ominis didn't even flinch as he shifted his wand directly into the energy and caught it! He sent it flying straight back at her and she was blasted out of the room into the hall. The door hid itself again as she left. 

"Woah, Ominis! How did you do that?" You run up to him and give him a large hug. 

"Let's just say that being blind doesn't stop me. She used her feet a lot so I was able to sense her feet touching the ground and when she would strike. I got to admit, she was pretty blind to my technique." He smirked, trying to make a joke, but you just shake your head. 

"Someday, you'll make a good one." You pat him on the back as he looks at you disappointedly. 

"That was a good joke, I have no idea what you are talking about!" Ominis snaps as you head back to the floo station. 

"Alright, this place is called the Room of Requirements. Gather kids and floo powder them here, okay?" You nod to him as you both disappear. 

Cornelius paced around Black. Matilda sat beside him. They were both tied to chairs and their wands were quickly disposed of. 

"What exactly do you plan to gain from this, Cornelius?" Matilda asks, calmly. Black on the other hand is blood red with anger. 

"How could you destroy the place that made you so--"

"ENOUGH!" Cornelius roars. They're in Black's office, but now everything is destroyed and toppled over. "I am sick and tired of your grading voice! SIlencio!" Black tries to speak, but no words leave his mouth which makes Cornelius breath a sigh of relief. 

"Can you answer my question, please?" Matilda asks again. Cornelius nods, fidgeting with his wand. 

"Yes, of course, Professor Weasley. You are a lot more tolerable that he is. First off I am gaining a school, second off I am able to rid the world of any new form of pure bloods. You know, Black. I was the one that made that pure blood potion." Cornelius smirks, twisting his wand in his hands. Black's eyes grow as wide as the sun as he says this. 

"You see, playing the part of Sharp was not easy with you around, but it did have its perks. It takes one way to make another. If I made a pure blood potion...than I can make a Mudblood potion." Cornelius laughs, pulling out a vial. Professor Weasley's mouth hangs open in shock at his word choice and content. 

"You can't be serious? You can't have one with out the other!" She says. 

"Exactly. There will be no pure blood, no half-blood, no muggle borns...there will only be blood. Now doesn't that seem fair? I'm not hurting anyone, am I?" Cornelius waits for one of them to give him a reason why he shouldn't do his plan, but Professor Weasley stays quiet. Black is bursting at the seems as he wants to scream his thoughts into Cornelius' face but he can't. "No objections? Great, let's get started than." He draws out his wand and incants something as the vial floats into the air. Magic swarms around it as a blinding light falls over them. Both of them knew that somehow, some way, you were going to have to save them.

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