Ancient Magic

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Cornelius stood above Ursula, smiling down at her as you and Black watched. You feel your brightly colored cracks on your face shift as they became larger. Cornelius' did the same. 

"Who are you?" Ursula hissed. Cornelius slicked back his hair and put on a smirk. 

"My dear, my dear, it is I, your lovely boyfriend." Cornelius sneered, kicking some dirt onto Ursula's face. "You really were a fool. Who has a name like Kreacher Helga? Did you think I was related to the founder of Hogwarts? You never were very smart, were you?" He turned his attention back to you. "Y/N, how lovely it is to see you again. You're looking well." He stepped shakily towards you. 

"As well as I can be." You muster. 

"That is enough, Cornelius." Black snapped, "I'm tired of your games. We end this now." 

"As you wish, Black. I'll make this a fair fight. No curses? Deal?" Cornelius asked, extending his wand. Black nodded, drawing his own wand out. You wish you could help, but the pain of moving made it hard. How did Cornelius live with this? Ursula lifted herself off the ground. You could at least help her, even if she was...difficult. It hurts, but you run to her side. 

"Why are you here?" Ursula asked.

"To help."

"Something is wrong, isn't it? I thought you of all people would be up there fighting Cornelius." Ursula looked at her ex-husband and who she though was her boyfriend. "I'm such a fool." 

"Don't say that. He fooled everyone." You reassure, lifting her into a standing position. 

"I fooled no one, Miss Y/N." Cornelius turned to face you. Black looked confused as Cornelius left the duel. 

"Another lie to add to a vast ocean of them." You hiss. 

"Like you don't have one either." He retorted, picking a flower from the ground. He twirled in his hands, admiring its beauty. "There was a point where I dreamed you would be by my side as we took over Hogwarts, Y/N. I wanted Black to see who he created. The monsters he produced, but I see that ship has sailed. You love him. I cannot undo something like that. For I know that feeling. No with you of course." He said to Ursula who frowned and turned away. Cornelius placed the flower in your hands. "The Marionette Curse is an unforgiving one, Miss Y/N. It has already taken its toll on the Ravenclaw house...and now you." He touched one of the floor petals. Small purple cracks spread across the petal, infecting others as it spread. 

"I do not have the Marionette Curse though." You say, glaring up at him. He shook his head. 

"One person always finds a way to escape, but is always killed by the one who placed the curse. That's why there is no solution. No cure. That is where the books are wrong. We have the Marionette Curse. We will have it until the day we die, Miss Y/N." Cornelius explained as he clenched his fist and the flower wilted. 


"Why do you think we both have these cracks?" 

"You gave me these!" 

"Did I?" 

"You said something about Ancient Magic--" 

"You didn't understand me, did you?" Cornelius grabbed your hand. "Ancient Magic is very dangerous. Because of our power, everything hits us tenfold. But it brings it's perks. We should be dead right now, but the pain is a lot worse. You'll learn to live with it." He smiled. His fingers dug into your skin as you grunt. 

"You experienced the Marionette Curse?" 

"Why of course I did. I have your mother to thank for that. She was an agile young witch. Sometimes couldn't control her magic. She seemed...more powerful than the rest. She cast this curse by accident one day in class. I remember it like it was yesterday. We were all stuck there. One of the teachers found that same counter curse and released me and I suffered just like you...until they found the solution. That didn't change any of this though." He stopped, looking at everyone as he motioned to his cracks. 

"Bastard." You spat. 

"Did you think it would be that easy? I thought Ursula and Black were stupid...but I guess you were." He drew his wand to your temple. 

"No!" Black roared, raising his wand. "Crucio!" Cornelius smirked at you before shifting away quicker than you could explain. 

"Oh sh--" If the cracks weren't enough pain...this was worse. You're whole body feels like it is on fire as you fall to the ground. Ursula rushes over and pulls you away from Cornelius. Black begins blasting Cornelius with magic, distracting him from you. 

"We have to get you out of here." Ursula whispers, drawing her wand. 

"Phineas!" You reach out. 

"I'm sure he will be fine." Ursula looks up at the two figures. Cornelius currently had the upper hand. 

"No..." You say as Ursula apparates away.  Black frowned at Cornelius who had stopped fighting. 

"Hello, Black. Lovely weather were having." He remarked, gazing around. 

"You are such an ass." Black hisses. 

"I wouldn't want to be anything but that." Cornelius fends off another blast from Black. "Shall I make this quick. I have places to be since Y/N is not here anymore." 

"Your going to face me. I've waited for this moment. Now that I feel a little more...up to it." Black prepares to send another blast when Cornelius shoots Crucio at him. 

"Y-You said no curses!" Black stuttered, falling to the ground. Cornelius just laughs. 

"You broke that rule the minute you hit your girlfriend with Crucio." Cornelius begins pounding Black with magic. Blacks roars in agony and pain that builds across his body. He has to escape or he'll die! Black grips his wand firmly as he apparates away. "Pathetic." Cornelius huffs, staring at where Black had once been. He smirked and skipped away like a small child. 

"Phineas!" You rush over and hug Black who had fallen on the Hospital Wing floor. The nurse quickly rushed out and shrieked. 

"We are in terrible danger." Black whispered before the nurse pulls him away to be cared for. 

Not too long later, Black is laying in a hospital bed next to yours. He stares at you and you stare back. No words are exchanged as he steps out of his bed and sits on yours. You motion for him to lay down. He rubs his face before lifting the covers and laying next to you. It starts very uncomfortably. None of you say a word as you avoid each other's touch. Then Black turns over and pulls you close to him. You lean into him as you feel the warmth of his body. He's comforting and surprisingly gentle with you. He places a small kiss on your head. This moment made your heart flutter like a butterfly. Black had changed so much from the rough headmaster you had known him as for the past six-seven years. You didn't know if he changed or if he was always this way. Either way, it was a good thing. Better than anything else. After everything, you just wanted to melt into his hug, to just lay in bed with him by your side. You place your foreheads together and look at each other. You hold in your laughter as he makes a goofy face. Even with the pain your body felt every time it moved or touched something, you wanted him to hold you. He understood you and you understood him. You burst out laughing as he grabs the back of your head and pulls you into a kiss. This was new. It's long and was a real kiss. Black didn't stop until you began laughing again. You chuckle as you pull a hair out of your mouth. He turned Beet red as you kissed him again. The rest of the night was spent in each other's arms as you drifted into slumber. No matter what was coming next, it was going to work out. You could face anything by each other's side. Cornelius has no idea what's coming. 

Hogwarts Legacy: The Curse of The Ravenclaw HouseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora