Lover Boy

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Today was the day. Black excitedly danced around his office while Sharp glared at him. Sharp finally had finished his and Black's secret project. Black longed for this day for many weeks. The day when you could be by his side...purely by his side. 

"Headmaster..." He growled, holding a small vial. 

"It's done! It's done!" He cheered, twirling Sharp as he danced. 

"Headmaster...please stop." 

"Y/N will be so pleased!" 


"Perfectly pure...just like me." 

"Black!" Sharp snapped, catching Black off guard. 

"Sorry..." Black muttered, sitting in his desk chair. Sharp cleared his throat, handing Black the vial. 

"All she has to do is drink it." Sharp nodded with a frown. "I don't advise this, Black. She may reject this idea...and this is a great magical feat. This potion is one of a kind--" 

"And perfect for my beloved." Black smirked, examining the vial. Sharp shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He knew all too well that there was no way you would except this. He wished he could tell Black that with him flipping out on Sharp. "Y/N deserves better than this." 

"Better than what exactly, Black?" Sharp asked, shaking his head. "Better than the likes of those you consider beneath you or this entire place? Do you think she would survive outside of Hogwarts right now? She is on her death bed--" 

"What did you just say?" Black's eyes widened with shock as he looked at Sharp. He had never considered that...that...

"She is on her death bed, Black...and you know it. She will die if we do not find a cure." Sharp didn't meet Black's eyes. "Maybe she deserves someone better than you...someone who could save her." Sharp limped away towards the doors. 

"You can't just leave after that!" Black roared, basically pushing his desk away from him. "How could you think something like that!?" 

"How could you believe she actually loves you? No one loves you, Black." Sharp left the room, leaving destruction behind him. Black didn't know what to say. He didn't understand what just happened. How could Sharp say you didn't love him? You expressed everyday that you loved him with little kisses on the cheek and the hugs. He did the same in return. You didn't even care that the other kids were beginning to pick up on your relationship. Black sighed, staring at the vial. 

Your heart pounded as Black walked into the Hospital Wing. A large smile planted itself on your face as you reached up and planted a small kiss on his cheek. He smiled back as he leaned his forehead on yours. 

"I come baring gifts." He whispered in your ear as he produced a small vial. You stared at it curiously. 

"What is that?" You ask, examining it in your hands. 

"It's a surprise." He said. 

"Is it a potion?" You open the top of the vial. 

"Correct. Ten points to Ravenclaw." Black chuckled, leaning beside you. "It defines our love. It defines why we can not be together." 

"What's that mean?" 

"It means that this small potion could purify your blood. You would be perfect." Black smiled, but you did not do the same. He watched as you placed the top back on the vial. Just like Sharp had didn't want this. 

"You think I am imperfect?" You look at him with a sorrow like the sea. Vast and deep, something Black couldn't understand.

"You are perfect...just not your blood." Black reassured, but that did nothing to help. 

"My blood is a part of me, Phineas." You hiss. Black's stomach dropped. What had he done? He ruined his love...again. First with Ursula and now with you. What did he do wrong? He never meant for any of this to happen. He just wanted everything to be perfect...for everything to be exactly they should be...beneficial for everyone...including himself. 

"I didn't mean...I'm sorry...I never meant for any of this to happen. I just wanted to avoid the avoid what others would say if they found out about us." Black stuttered, grabbing the vial from you. This was a mistake. Everything was a mistake. He placed the vial in his coat pocket and backed away from the bed. He could fix this, he just needed more time. 

"Phineas, we can talk about this--" You looked like you wanted to cry. He couldn't handle that. He didn't know how much you cared about him. He didn't know that you knew his struggle. You knew that it would be hard for him to break free of his family legacy. You wanted to help...

"I can fix this!" Black burst, getting closer and closer to the door. "I made just one more mistake. One. More. Mistake." 

"Phineas, stop! It's okay! Just talk to me! Just talk to me...Phineas." You plead. Black slowly walked back over to your bed and rested next to you. You wrap your arms around his body as he laid next to you. "I don't want to purify my blood...but I understand why you tried to. Do what you think is right, Phineas. Even if that means...leaving me. I want you to be happy. You deserve that. I've never met anyone who needs it more that you." You chuckle lightly as Phineas melts into your were perfect...pure or not. 

"I want to be with you. If my family doesn't be it." Black rubbed our hand with his thumb. "You mean're all I have left." He thought about his children who have avoided him for awhile now. He loved them so dearly, but he didn't know what to do. He was a terrible father and lover. Maybe he could try again...with you. You were his family now. 

"You have the school. Professor Weasley...Professor are the great headmaster this school has ever seen." You whisper. 

"I've never heard someone say that before." He chuckled as you drifted into slumber. You were right though. This was his school. For once, maybe he had to actually stand up and fight for it. Little did he know that that would come sooner rather than later. Cornelius was on the brink of his attack and who knows...this could really be...your death bed. 

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