The Respiratory

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"You must be mad!" Ursula said, following Black down the corridors of the school. "You aren't thinking about letting a child help you fight against a dark wizard!?"

"She isn't a child. She's eighteen and very much capable of taking care of herself. I worry more for myself." Black hissed, passing a couple of Gryffindors who didn't seem to pleased with his presence.

"She's barely an adult, Phineas. There is no way you can allow this." Ursula walked in front of him. Her face a painting of absolute malice. He stopped walking and rolled his eyes.

"Then do you want to help me?" He glared at her. She bit her lip as her silence spoke many words.

"That's what I thought." He growled pushing past her and down the stairs near the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Sure enough, you were sitting on a bench near the floating orchestra. He smiled seeing you looking well after your encounter with Cornelis. Ursula was following him as he walked up to you.

"Professor Black! There you are! I've been wanting to show you..." You trail off, seeing Ursula. She had a stern look to her as she turned towards Black. Her dark draped over her shoulders and swayed with her movements.

"This girl is who is helping you?" Ursula hissed, looking at you with a worried expression. You had no idea what the matter was, but it seemed to be pretty serious as Black looked more upset then ever.

"This young lady is helping me defeat a demon from my past...and her own." He looked at you with a sense of pity.

"She has encountered dark wizards before?" Ursula looked repulsed.

"She's the girl who defeated Ranrok and Rookwood." Black gave his wife a smug expression. She just glared at him.

"So you must be Y/N L/N." She sat next to you. You didn't understand why she was getting so close to you.

"Yes and you must be Ursula Black?" You say with a shaky voice. She nodded with a smile.

"You seem familiar with the Black family. I know that it must be such an honor for you to get the chance to talk with us...our sons as well." Ursula swelled with pride as Black rolled his eyes.

"Uh, yes. I haven't gotten the chance to meet your sons. Sirius and Phineas, right?" You keep your composer at her strange words. 

"You are a keen one my dear." Ursula replies, touching your hand. You give her a nervous smile as Black becomes impatient like a child. 

"What is it you wanted to show me Y/N?" He asked, motioning for you to stand up and escape Ursula's grip. You nervously stand up and look uncomfortably at Ursula. 

"It's just a place that can help us with Cornelius." You give him a look. He nods and turns to his wife. 

"Ursula, we have some work to do and it won't interest you--" 

"Are you trying to get rid of me? What are you and this girl planning to do?" She hissed and Black knew he hadn't worded his phrase correctly. 

"Of course not dear. I just don't want you to be bored, that's all." Black jittered as you slowly try to walk away. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Ursula snapped at you. Shrugging, you turn and walk towards your friend Poppy Sweeting. 

"Hey Poppy!" You say, looking behind you at Ursula who seemed to have already forgotten about you. 

"Oh, hi Y/N." She smiled, walking up to you. A bright and cheery Hufflepuff with the largest smile, Poppy was always a pleasant person to be around...even when her adventures got out of hand. "Is everything alright? I heard about the little incident in the library yesterday." 

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