Fate/Fragmentary Tales

By Delta3859

447 42 3

After the events on the 4th Grail War happened during 1994, the Grail managed to escape and displaced itself... More

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 2: Mutual Bonds. The First Encounter
Chapter 3: Under the Moonlight
Chapter 4: Battle Through the Black Wind
Chapter 5: A Cursed Turn of Events
Chapter 6: The Sky Fell Down (Part 1)
Chapter 7: The Sky Fell Down (Part 2)
Chapter 8: The Blazing Encounter After the Calamity
Chapter 9: The Good, the Bad, and the Great Tree that Sustains Life
Chapter 10: A Sharp Rain under Yggdrasil's Shadow
Chapter 11: The Return upon the Jeweled Spear of a Revenant God
Chapter 13: The Plan for the Wandering Calamity of the Night
Chapter 14: Surprises in the Mighty Night
Chapter 15: An Ending to the Grail War..?

Chapter 12: Boundless Sky Shining over a Familiar Past

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By Delta3859


3rd Person PoV

Tuesday / Abandoned Storage / Dusk

It was early in the night still for a battle to take place, but just like in any Grail War, every night at least one Master will have to fight another, this one wasn't gonna be an exception either. A two against one battle between a Rider and an Assassin cursed by the moonlight and a Lancer with nothing but a spear, with the curse dispersed upon the mention of the God's true name the curse that Lancer wielded and molded was no more, thus making him lose the skill to summon his many spears...but that didn't matter in a battle against immortals

The three Masters watched as their Servants faced in combat, Rider was focusing more in close combat with a blade made of her divinity's feathers while Assassin dashed across the area as if she was teleporting, occasionally charging in for an attempt of an attack with her Kama, the Lancer might be at the defensive now but even without the curse...even without his usual advantage, he seemed much lighter, faster and confident than he ever did before

Assassin: "AHAHAHA! BE SPLIT INTO LITTLE PIECES!" Nahatly shouted through the dark night, jumping towards Kazuki with a spinning move wielding both Kama in her hands for max effectiveness

Kazuki reacted to move aside and let a strike from the feather sword hit Assassin, such was the strike that Assassin was pushed back and landed on the ground injured by the attack

Lancer: "Figured Rider's sword could cut through the immortality of Assassin, that's a Divine Construct after all, made to kill, by and for the Phoenix..." He knew the story behind Shinki's weapon, a known one that he knew would work in his favor if used right

Lokhan: "Good work figuring that out, but how do you plan to fight now!"

Nahatly got up again as the injury healed back, act done by Rider sharing her regeneration with her. Kazuki tapped the ground with his spear before dual holding it crouching a bit to take a defensive stance

Lancer: Things aren't looking too good...without the curse trying to eat my existence away i feel much lighter than before, my speed is impeccable and i'm at my strongest now, but...

Rider and Assassin landed one at each side of the other, holding their weapons infront of them to ready another attack

Lancer: Even so...Assassin's Noble Phantasm made them formidable opponents, if i remain on the defensive i might just lose...

Assassin: "Giving up so soon? WHAT SHAME!" She threw many grenades at the air, all of them engulfed in a black aura that didn't make them seem inoffensive

Lancer: Alright...time to go on the offensive then!

Rider shot a fireball at one of the grenades to detonate it, detonating all the grenades on the air all around Lancer to blow him up alongside them. As smoke raised from the place they blew up in, a spear made a cut on Rider's arm to alert her of the ram that followed from Lancer coming at their side. Nahatly lunged forward to slice him with her Kama as Kazuki hit the ground with the spear to boost himself and jump above Nahatly leaving her to slash before the time was right and allowing a clear hit from the divine spear that sent her towards Rider's position. Both girls got up with the slight injuries that they got, but unlike the ones from before, these ones didn't heal up like they were supposed to

Lokhan: "Wait you...how did you do that!? Assassin's Noble Phantasm deems any injury worthless and heals her up like nothing happened!" Lokhan was the first to notice what was wrong, seeing the attacks from the spear weren't regenerating

Lancer: "Eh, long story of the God that blessed our bloodline, the spear of Nosora cuts anything back to it's origin, be it a spirit, a God, or an immortal!"

Takashi: "It is Nosora's spear after all, descendant of the Gods of Creation Izanagi and Izanami and all" Takashi was now confident in Lancer, the display he showed with his much higher speed and skill with the spear put him at an advantage now

Lokhan: "I see...so that's what it is, then lets just do this as carefully as possible. Assassin, do not let that spear hit you no matter what!"

Nahatly nodded her head, now focusing her speed to dodge more than to attack, both Servants ran towards Kazuki who stood smirking as he ever does. Once everyone was at a close range, Assassin jumped into the dusk of the night to begin her sneak attacks leaving Rider to do the hard job by slashing and punching whenever she found an opening, despite their attempts and increased speed due to the night's effect neither of them could land a hit on Lancer, he was gracefully avoiding each strike and parrying when he got the chance, eventually getting to the finishing point where he jumped over a combined attack from the two Servants and landed behind them, jumping backwards as he threw the spear at them in an attempt to impale them, only getting to hit Rider as Assassin was fast enough to get off the way just in time. The spear returned to his hand after taking a small flight across the field after it had pierced through Shinki's chest, though she seemed to hang on to life despite the fatal wound

Lancer: "The divinity that Shinki has is amazing...even with Nosora's spear that can kill immortals like her, she's still standing her ground"

Assassin: "Aaaall my doing!"

In a flash, Assassin appeared infront of him face-to-face to startle him, even if he wasn't surprised Nahatly still managed to hit him with a quick knee to the face that knocked the spear out of his hand and pushed him backwards. She tried again to hit him with the Kama's blade at the same speed, but it was blocked by the spear levitating up to his hand and deflecting the blade just in time. Both remained in the weapon clash trying to push the other back, but Nahatly had the same- if not more- strength that Kazuki did thanks to the night's curse

Assassin: "I'm powering our Spirit Cores up! Since she's a Divine Spirit i figured this wouldn't kill her, the overload of energy in our bodies makes us be on par with even a God of Creation!" Confidently stated the Assassin with a crazed laughter, showing her strength in the clash that Kazuki was slowly losing

Lancer: At the level of a God of Creation!..if that's true, then i'll have to put it to a test in behalf of our God!

He broke the clash by disappearing the spear, making Nahatly slash the air before him to hit her with his fist and punch the air out of her, it didn't have much effect in her so he summoned his spear again and tried to make a finishing blow on her just like Rider who was slowly healing herself on the sidelines, but as he tried to hit Assassin she simply vanished into the air with her laugher echoing through the night, followed by a flash of darkness that rushed at Kazuki and left a clear cut on his cheek before vanishing into the darkness again

Lancer: Tch! I lowered my guard too much!

Assassin: "Try to keep up, o' avatar of a God of Creation, KYAHAHAHA!" Her voice sounded in all places yet none at once, confusing Lancer's instincts and practically leaving him in a blind eye against her

The same flash of darkness came at him from another side, making another cut on his arm as another followed that left a cut on his back, the process followed with Kazuki trying to fend the Assassin off but never able to see her thanks to the ungodly speed that she presented, even with the skill and strength to stop her, it was useless if he couldn't see her

Takashi: "S-she never used this kind of speed before! Lancer's having trouble, this Noble Phantasm..."

Lokhan: "Surprised? Nahatly Milton Luogki is a Servant that's in her own level, her speed can only be mistaken for wind and her presence for shadows, the eclipse she was born in cursed her, so long as the eclipse exists she's faster than even a Mystic Eye can catch!"

His words weren't to exaggerate either, her speed only seemed to increase with each slash that reached Lancer her speed only seemed to increase, it was just a matter of time before he was defeated and both Masters could see it

Takashi: "I-if i use a Command Spell...Seiki should-"

Nosora: "Don't waste it, that wont work...we must find a way to heal him" He lowered her hand the moment she tried to raise it, if what Assassin said was true, then the Command Spell would be used for nothing

Takashi: "I can do that much!" She pressed a hand on her chest and raised the other to Kazuki, an orange shape appearing over her chest revealed the form of a bird and startled Nosora in the process

An orange aura covered Kazuki for a moment, all of her injuries healed up right then and allowed a more focused sight on Nahatly's movement thanks to no injury being present anymore. With the knowledge on her speed and all his injuries healed up, he could now parry each attack that came at him almost as if on natural reaction, his look was more cheery and carefree than when he was about to be cornered and lose

Lokhan: "It looks like Lancer can keep up after all..."

Lancer: "I was just taken aback by the sudden burst of speed she got! Don't mind me haha!" a last parry from his part managed to make Assassin lose her footing, being vulnerable for enough time to let him deal a fatal wound across her chest that forced her to dash to Rider's side

Once they were together again, Rider put her hand over Assassin's cut, a flame emerging from her body to heal up the wound in almost an instant

Takashi: "Seiki can not only use the Phoenix to reincarnate repeatedly after dying, but she can also draw it's power to accelerate the healing process of any injury if even by a second!" Shouted Takashi to pass down the tip to Kazuki

Lancer: I see...her immortality's not the only thing she has huh, and if she remains on Assassin's side...

He glanced at the Master of Assassin, who had his arms crossed infront of him smiling with confidence on the duo that served under him

Lancer: "...i can't let them win, that'd be bad for not only us, but everyone in the Holy Grail War..." He stood straight again, holding his spear as it touched the ground awaiting for the others to heal up

Takashi: "W-wait! You should kill them before they heal completely!" Said desperately Takashi fearing for Lancer's life, he was their only hope after all

Lancer: "...Takashi, you want your Servant back right? You want Shinki-Itten to be by your side again, correct?" A rather odd question when it wasn't time for that, yet spoken with a slightly sad yet confident tone on his voice, as if he had a plan

Takashi: "I...i do, she's like the supporting sister i never had, but if it can't be helped...if she wont return even with my three Command Spells being used, then just don't let Assassin and her Master take her and win no matter the loss!" A tear rolled down her cheek, she had become really fond of her Servant in all the time they spent together, even if neither Nosora nor Kazuki knew what happened between them to have such a good bond, they understood what it meant for her

Nosora: "Takashi..."

Lancer: "Then...i guess i have no other choice" He held the spear infront of him in an horizontal way, taking a deep breath once he confirmed his opponents had healed back up and were ready to continue "...if i want to free Rider and kill Assassin, then there's only one thing i can do. Kid, you know what to do"

By pointing out Nosora needed to do something, he immediately understood after the Lancer's gaze landed on the Master's Command Spells. Nodding to himself, he knew what was gonna happen now and raised the hand with the Command Spells up

Nosora: "With my second Command Spell i order you Lancer..." The two remaining Command Spells on his hand began lighting up "Do not let Assassin win the war, send her back to the hell she came from!"

The order was executed and Lancer's spear was thrusted on the ground, he placed his hands together infront of him and closed his eyes, lowering his head

Lancer: "...Dear God above. May you carry me by the back when i fall down to the pit of my useless self pity..." The spear began glowing in a peculiar tone as he said his prayer, yet he kept his eyes closed not minding the scene

Lokhan: "W-what's going on!? Will he use a Noble Phantasm!?"

Assassin: "He wont..."

Assassin tried to dash towards him to stop his chant, but just as she did a sword thrusted into her shoulder before the blade vanished, the handle of the blade returning to the hand of the one who threw it as she fell to the ground as if she was carrying a great weight on her

Nosora: "Not happening" A Black Key was what he threw, specifically made to keep her down

Lancer: "May you bring me down when i rise to the needless vanity of my arrogance..." The ground started to shake the more the spear glowed, all of the Masters in the battle feeling it

Assassin: "W-why can't i-!?" She was having a hard time getting back to her feet, even more so with the shaking of the ground as if an earthquake was starting to manifest

Nosora: "A Black Key that Priest-san gave me, that one was an Incarceration Key, it will put over you the weight of your sins and keep you down for enough time for grandpa to finish his chant!" Said Nosora saving the Black Key into his jacket

Lancer: "In Heaven or Hell, may you chain me to the Earth. Neither a deity nor a monster, may you remind me what i am..."

Assassin: "Tch...Rider! Get him!"

Shinki was about to fly towards Kazuki, right before a fist connected across her face and threw her to the ground by taking her unaware

Takashi: "It's rude to interrupt someone during a prayer, Seiki!" Joined in Takashi being the one who punched down Shinki, adjusting the bracelet around her hand

Lancer: "Let me live as the person you created me to be, struggling through life for the sight of redemption..." The ground and the sky began cracking, the floor started to shake even more violently and the spear's glow decreased considerably, it wouldn't be long before it shone brighter again though

Lokhan: I have a really bad feeling about this...i must do something

A fireball appeared in his hand, pointing it at Kazuki to try to stop him, however the fireball was blocked by one of the Black Keys being thrown at it to protect Kazuki, Nosora walked in between them with a smile

Nosora: "I don't think so"

Lancer: "...so, as i pray, may you give me the virtues of a man until the end of the road..." The spear's glow ceased and the cracks on the ground and sky increased in size and number, and as Kazuki opened his eyes again, with a smile... "...amen"

The spear glowed again almost instantly in a blinding light that covered the world, not letting anyone within see anything. It wasn't until the glow ceased and allowed them to see again when they saw the light of a bright new day, the first to open their eyes were Takashi, Nosora and Lokhan, gazing upon a new and old land that seemed to be many generations old...

Nosora: "Grandpa...is this..?" He could recognize the place well, even if it seemed hundreds of years old, he had a familiar vibe coming from it

Takashi: "A Reality Marble...Lancer can pull one of those out too!?" Takashi on the other hand was completely fascinated by the place they were in, recognizing it thanks to her years training to be a good Magus

Lokhan: "So a Reality Marble...i didn't know he had such a thing..."

Lancer: "Just like our God, or like the kid, i'm full of surprises...welcome to my era, a recreation of it at least, the old and distant Tokyo that i grew on and lived my life protecting my family...and now, it will be your grave"

Assassin and Rider stood infront of the Master now seeming to be much better compared to before, Lancer stood infront if his Master as a smug smile across his face as if he knew something about the place they were in

Lancer: "I'll take you to the Throne with me, Nahatly Milton Luogki"

Assassin: "YOU MAY TRY!" She ran at him at full speed, disappearing from everyone's sight and going in for the kill...as she was about to hit him, at just the same speed Kazuki raised his hand to block the Kama barehanded, breaking the blade on top of that and leaving only one Kama at Assassin's disposal "W-what..?"

Lancer: "My turn"

With a punch to her face, Kazuki sent Nahatly crashing towards the ground making a massive crater on it, then he flashstepped behind her to kick her into the air and threw his spear right into her stomach, followed by teleporting over her to pull the spear out from her and knocked her down by hitting her head with the weapon's blade, leaving her severely injured

Rider: "LANCEEEER!" Joining the battle, Rider flew at Lancer with her wings bursting on her back flying at an immense speed in a ball of fire towards the opposing Servant

As she was doing so, a raging wave manifested infront of Lancer forcing the fire off and getting Shinki wet from it, enough to distract her and allow a clear hit from Kazuki's spear that knocked her to the ground as well. His strength had increased considerably and he gained the ability to fly, it's almost as if he was a different person at that moment, yet his attitude remained the same

Lokhan: "T-this can't be happening..." He noticed how his Servants were losing ground, even in a two against one, defeating the Lancer would be an impossible task with the skill he displayed, speed that made it seem he was teleporting, and the single spear that seemed that it could split anything by it's sharpness

Assassin: "He wasn't this strong a moment ago!"

Lancer: "I wasn't...but i've used Nosora's authority to summon this place, so long as we are inside, my authority over this world is just like the sky...boundless, limitless!"

With a swing downwards from his spear, the sky turned to a dark color surrounding itself by clouds, many powerful lightning bolts fell one after the other over the two Servants that were on the ground, their regeneration and immortality was not applying anymore nor did they have the same strength as before. Once the lightning stopped, Kazuki threw his spear at the sky to let it drag into the ground a meteorite from outer space, crashing it against Assassin and blowing both up before the spear returned to his hand. Even with that, Assassin still got back up panting in pain and tiredness with a glare of fear that looked at the flying Lancer

Assassin: "I...even if i...d-die here, Rider wont be freed! Y-you know that right!?"

Lancer: "Oh? She wont?" A small chuckle escaped his lips, the spear in his hand was slowly starting to glow even more "The authority of our God is over the sky, the limitless sky that surrounds the Earth, no one can reach it no matter how hard they try...it represents the limitless possibilities, the boundlessness of creation, the skill to make anything possible, that is what my world is!"

Lokhan raised his hand ready to execute a Command Spell and making them shine for his order to be done

Lokhan: "With my remaining two Command Spells, i order you Assassin! Kill Lancer by any means necessary, exhaust my Mana and end him to survive however you can!" The two remaining stripes of the Command Spells disappeared, all orders had been used up already

...but nothing happened, no usual shining as they used to do whenever any order was done, and as this happened Kazuki chuckled in a low tone

Lancer: "You don't get it do you?" Assassin finally looked at herself, examining her body to see one of her suspicions...she no longer had the veil of darkness covering her, her Noble Phantasm had ended without her giving the order

Assassin: Anything is possible for him within this world...therefor, even Command Spells, Noble Phantasms, those can be nullified too!?

Lancer: "...dear God that blessed my bloodline, with one last strike of your spear i ask of you...bring forth the chaos that it was before, let me finish this fight with this last blow..." He raised his spear up as it's glow stopped increasing at last, he prepared to swing the spear downwards seeing Rider and Assassin on the ground

Assassin turned to her Master having accepted her fate at the hands of Lancer, she knew she couldn't possibly win now...and knowing her end was nearer than it seemed, she beamed a smile at him

Assassin: "I'm sorry...we couldn't stay...for a longer time..."

Lokhan: "Assassin!..."

Lancer: "...behold the divine spear of our God, this is the last name you'll hear...AMENONUHOKO!" With his shout that filled the empty air of the entire world, he swung his spear forward making a slash in the air that made an invisible cut in the sky. Soon enough...

The invisible cut increased in size to a massive length, splitting the whole world by the half and obliterating Assassin's Spirit Core with it, the enemy Servant had been defeated, and he had won. The environment returned to the town of Kyoto that they were on before, Kazuki stood infront of Takashi and Nosora while Shinki was unconscious on the ground at his side, and Lokhan was on the ground looking at where Assassin was supposed to be at...nothing, not a sign of her life was there, and not a sign of her presence either...

Nosora: "You...you did it grandpa!" Congratulated Nosora excited by their win, he was starting to doubt if he was really going to do it thanks to their combined efforts, but in the end Kazuki was the one who won

Takashi: "Seiki! Are you okay!?" Takashi ran over to her Servant, kneeling at her side to check her pulse

Lancer: "She'll be fine, i stroke down the curse placed on her along Assassin's Spirit Core, neither of them live now" Takashi breathed a sigh of relief, knowing her Servant was back to being herself brought great joy to her again

Takash: "...thank you, Lancer"

Lancer: "Call me grandpa, you're part of the family right? Haha!" As usual, he couldn't stay quiet without mocking both of them

Nosora: "I told you were friends grandpa!"

Lancer: "Ouch, must be hard being rejected"

As he finished speaking, he was engulfed in a faint blue aura and his body started to fade away, the spear in his hands vanished into the air unable to keep itself together any longer

Lancer: "Ah...i've done it this time..." He chuckled out the situation as if it was nothing

Nosora: "G-grandpa..?" His happiness and excitement soon turned to sadness upon seeing how his Servant was starting to disappear, all the opposite to his reaction

Takashi: "I figured it out...while Kazuki kept the God's will within him, he was not the God himself, so using that kind of power and pushing his limits to perform the authority with such strength..."

Lancer: "...sounds about right, i shattered my own Saint Graph..." He confirmed her doubt doing a finger gun at her, winking his eye and smiling through the situation

Nosora: "N-no no no...wait a moment, we can fix this right!? I can use a Command Spell and-!"

Lancer: "Don't sweat it"

Nosora: "W-what..?" Kazuki walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, from his height he could still get high enough to do that

Lancer: "Listen kid...our wish is granted, my role as a Servant is complete...i don't belong to this era, so even if you could do something to help me...it wouldn't be right for me to stay"

Nosora: "But...i'm n-not ready to let you go..." He wrapped his arms around the child ancestor, who did the same thing back hugging him with a sad laugh

Lancer: "You've shown me how much our bloodline has grown, and that's enough...and besides, you have someone here that will take care of you"

Both turned their gazes to Takashi, she had been silently watching them holding back her own urge to cry

Lancer: "I never belonged to this era, but she does...and the cheer fact she hasn't fallen for me is a miracle, one of a kind i assure you, my luck is the only thing the curse affected me on and not in the good sense hahaha!"

Nosora: "Grandpa..."

They letted go of the other, standing straight infront of each other as Nosora wiped the tears off his face for a more proper farewell

Lancer: "And Takashi...take care of him, i hope you consider joining the family" He mocked her again reaching his hand out for a handshake with Nosora

Takashi: "A-a-ah...i'll t-think about it!" Takashi's face had gotten red in embarrassment, suffice to say it had gotten a cute sight for the Master of Lancer that looked at their conversation

Nosora: "You need to teach me how to do that..." He joked reaching his hand to take Kazuki's

Lancer: "Trust me, you probably know that already, just let your luck act for you" Both of them shared a small laugh shaking each other's hand, the blue aura around Lancer had expanded and almost covered his entire body already "...take care kid, i'll be with you all the way"

The aura consumed him completely as his body vanished to blue dust that dispersed into the air, the Command Spells on Nosora's hand had disappeared indicating he was no longer a Master of the Holy Grail War...

Takashi: "Are you okay..?" She asked Nosora getting closer to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He was looking at the sky where the dust of the body that was once Kazuki flew by

Nosora: "...i'll be fine, he was right, he doesn't belong to this era...and he already did more than enough for me" He turned his gaze to the ex-Master of Assassin, he was standing on his feet with his hands clapping infront of him to congratulate them

Lokhan: "Bravo, good job you two, you killed my Assassin and that costed you your Lancer...a shame really, he seemed crazy strong"

Takashi: "Tch-!" Takashi was about to run into him, but Nosora stopped her and looked at her

Nosora: "Leave this to me"

Takashi: "What? But-!"

Nosora: "As the Master of the Servant that killed Assassin..." He turned again to Lokhan with a determined glare "...it's my responsibility to kill you too"

Lokhan: "Now that's more like a Master would behave..."  Both adopted a fighting pose, Nosora reached into his jacket to pull out two Black Keys and readied them to battle

Nosora: "Takashi, go with Daniel and heal up Shinki"

Takashi: "And you!?"

Nosora: "I'll be back, i still have some unfinished business out of this battle after all...but i have to ask him something too, and i get the feel he wont tell me unless i decide to go against him" Lokhan smiled in response to that

Takashi had her doubts still, but right now Rider's health was more important...she had to do something to help her, and his plan seemed stable enough

Takashi: "...please don't die" Putting her trust in him, she placed her glasses back over her eyes and carried Rider on her back, running off heading towards Daniel's house

Nosora and Lokhan looked at each other with a glare into each other's eyes, they knew what they had to do, and now was the best time to do what they were thinking of doing...a last face off between Masters for the Holy Grail War


[Word count 4861]

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