There Is No Light ๐ŸŒ‡ Without...

By MaryMorningstar81

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In this fourth and last book of the MAGIC OF LOVE series we meet the youngest son of Jace Haronnate Nicolae a... More

Fifteen Years Later ...
Cause And Effect
A Visit To Budapest
Alice In Wolfland
The Way She Makes Her Bed, She Has To Sleep In It
Every Action Has A Reaction, And Every Choice Has Consequences
Italians Do It Better
Unexpected Betrayal
Book Of The Damned
It's Showtime!
A Promising Fender Bender
Moonborn's Secret
Together Again
Delusions Of Grandeur
Dead Man Walking
The Strongest People Are The Ones Who Get Hurt The Most
Greed Is The Worst Sin
Vintage Night
If The Child Survives, There Is Hope
Valentine's Eve In The Light
Valentine's Eve In The Dark
Valentine's Day In The Light
Valentine's Day In The Dark
The Prophecy

Witch's Heart

190 19 1
By MaryMorningstar81

The witch takes a few steps back and looks around at the guests with a pleading look. She thinks that since her magic can't save her, they're her only hope. But JJ dashes even that small hope.

JJ: Don't bother. They can't hear you anymore.

Witch: That can't be!

JJ: Try. Scream as loud as you can.

She takes a deep breath and screams at the top of her lungs, but no one in the bar reacts. The couples continue to make out and the men sip their drinks and talk to each other as if nothing happened.

Witch: What did you do?

JJ: Nothing complicated. I just made us invisible and put us on mute.

Witch: Goddam Nephilim!

JJ's eyes shine golden.

JJ: Try the opposite. I took the blessing of God personally.

In a last desperate attempt to save her bacon, the Witch runs for the door, but she screams again as it automatically closes in her face.

Witch: What the hell?

She grabs the knob and tries to open it, but the door remains firmly shut. She changes direction and runs first to the window and then to the back door, but both react the same way as the door. She turns and looks at the two men who haven't moved from their table.

Damon: Judging by your reactions, I guess your friend didn't tell you the whole truth about us.

Witch: You're wrong. She told me everything.

Damon: Then you're an idiot. There's no other way to explain your attempt to run away from a telekinetic hybrid.

Witch: What the hell do you want from me?

Damon: First of all, I want to know what the hell Maggie is up to with the heavy ritual during the blue moon.

Witch: I don't know. She didn't tell me. She just brought me a spell and asked me to translate it and tell her the ingredients.

Damon: I find that hard to believe. The spell has to do with the moonstone. Didn't you ask what she was trying to accomplish with the most powerful item in the universe? Did you just agree to help her? What did she offer you?

Witch: Money. She paid me enough so I didn't have to ask any questions. I didn't even ask who the man was with her.

JJ: You mean the human?

Witch: No. I mean the vampire.

Damon looks at JJ in amazement. Is there another man besides Eliot? And even a vampire? How far has Maggie fallen? What else is going to come out for her?

The surprise is evident on Damon's face and the witch chuckles.

Witch: Apparently, she didn't just leave me in the dark.

With an almost imperceptible deep breath, Damon regains his composure and looks menacingly at the witch.

Damon: It's all right, little witch. We'll know everything when the spell you cast is broken.

Witch: I'm sorry, pretty boy, but Maggie foresaw this and that's why she asked me to make the spell irreversible. Your little sister will never have another vision about her.

Damon: Don't be so sure. Someone else has a different opinion.

Witch: Really? Who?

Damon: The Devil.

This time she's the one left stunned.

Witch: Do you know him? Do you know our lord?

Damon: Better than you can imagine.

Witch: And what ... What did he tell you?

Damon leaves his chair and walks over to her.

Damon: He said that an irreversible spell can only be reversed if the witch who cast it dies.

He's very close to her and she gulps as she feels the strange heat emanating from his body.

Witch: I ... I told Maggie that, but she ... She assured me that no one would try to kill me in cold blood ... Especially not you.

Damon: Let me tell you something. Maggie has no idea what I'm capable of.

The arrogance and superiority she has shown disappears and the Witch's face takes on a pleading expression.

Witch: Please ... Have pity on me! I didn't know ...

Damon, with a tender smile on his lips, reaches out his hand and caresses the witch's frightened face.

Damon: I'm really sorry, little witch, but even without your knowledge you hurt my pack, and the punishment for that is death.

With complete composure and a hard, icy face, Damon plunges his hand into the witch's chest and rips out her heart so fast that her eyes widen as she sees it still beating outside her body before she collapses dead at his feet.

Without batting an eye, Damon, still holding her heart, bends down and takes something from the dead witch's pocket, then grabs his jacket and heads for the door. JJ follows him and asks him the obvious.

JJ: What about the body, Damon?

Damon: I took care of it. Don't worry.

Sure enough, at that moment a flame of fire leaps out of the burning fireplace and engulfs the dead body of the witch. A few minutes later, when only her ashes remain, a gust of wind rushes through the window and scatters them.

As they leave the bar, JJ puts his hand on Damon's shoulder.

JJ: Are you all right?

Damon: Take me home, JJ.

Without saying anything else, JJ just nods and they're gone.


Elena sits in a meditative position on the large table, preparing for the return of her visions.

Everyone else talks quietly with each other so as not to disturb her. Lois looks excitedly at her watch.

Lois: It's been more than half an hour. Don't you think we should start getting worried, Wolf?

Sebastian: No, Kitten.

Lois: There are moments when your composure makes me angry.

Sebastian: I love you, too.

Lois snorts and the others laugh.

Stefan: What about this telepathy thing you guys have? Can't you see him or something?

Lois: Don't scratch the wound, Stef.

Stefan: Why?

Artemis: Have you forgotten, Stef? JJ is with him.

Stefan: So?

Lois: So, when your son is around nothing works. Not our telepathy, not Elena's visions. Nothing!

Lois growls at Stefan through bared teeth, and he jerks his hands up, trying not to laugh and piss her off even more.

Stefan: Easy, She-Wolf. Anger doesn't ...

Stefan's sentence is interrupted by Elena's scream before her head falls back and her eyes roll back. Sebastian and Lois run up to her and hold her hands.

Sebastian: Come on, Puppy. Show us what you see.

They too roll their eyes as they connect with their daughter and see everything she sees. Everyone else is silent, eagerly waiting to learn why this all happened and what awaits them next.

As the vision fades a few minutes later, the three hybrids return to reality and try to catch their breath. Jace stands up and walks over to Sebastian, who looks at him with concern.

Jace: Say it, Guardian.

Sebastian: We have a problem, Jonathan.

The others approach and form a circle around the two strongest men of the pack.

Matt: Explain it to us, Guardian.

Sebastian: Maggie isn't working alone. She has an accomplice.

Matt: Yeah. That Hungarian guy. Eliot, I think.

Sebastian: No. He's just their blood bag.

Jace: Their blood bag? That means that ...

Sebastian: Her accomplice is a vampire. That's exactly what it means. He's a pretty old vampire that we've never seen before.

The arrival of the boys interrupts the conversation. Alice runs to Damon and he hugs her with one arm. She notices, of course, and looks down at his other hand.

Alice: Is that ...?

Damon: It's for my mother. Give me a minute.

Alice nods and steps back. Damon kneels down in front of Lois and offers her his hand ... His bloody hand, still holding the witch's heart.

Damon: You asked me for the witch's heart. Here it is.

Lois takes the bloody heart, bends down, and kisses her son on the forehead.

Lois: Thanks, my son. You've made me proud again.

Immediately after, she throws the heart into the burning fireplace and Damon turns to Elena.

Damon: It worked, didn't it?

Elena: Yes.

Damon: Thanks, Night!

Sebastian grabs him by the shoulder and Damon turns to him.

Sebastian: Are you okay?

Damon: I'm fine.

Sebastian: Are you sure?

Damon: Yes.

Sebastian: Do you need anything?

Damon: Some time with Alice and a bath.

Sebastian: Take her and go to the nest. Take your time.

Damon: Thanks, Dad.

Sebastian: I thank you, son.

Damon takes Alice by the hand and they disappear into the tunnel. Everyone else sits back down on the couches to hear from JJ about what exactly happened in Budapest with the witch, and then they try to decipher Elena's vision to get a clue.

But before we follow Damon and Alice, let's go back in time a bit and see what happened to Nicolae and Luna. Let's see ...


Nicolae arrives at the spot Luna told him to and stops right behind her stopped car.

He gets out and approaches her window. He leans down and taps on the window. Luna opens the glass and smiles innocently at him.

Luna: Hi.

Nicolae: Hi.

Luna: How did you get here so fast? Did you fly?

Nicolae: Seriously now?

Luna: Jesus! You're so touchy.

Nicolae: Pop the hood.

Luna: Yes, doctor.

She smiles at him a little more wickedly this time and he does the same, unable to resist her. She presses the button and he goes in front of the car. He opens the hood and bends over the engine.

All the time she was waiting for him, she stayed locked in the car, but now that he's here, she feels safe and gets out. That was the first thing she felt when she met him. Safety. Something inside her told her that she is in no danger with him, from anyone or anything. She walks around the car and stands next to him.

Luna: Well, doctor? Have you made a diagnosis? What is the condition of the patient?

Nicolae: Irreversible. It's dead.

Luna: In that case, I should let it rest in peace, shouldn't I?

Nicolae: You should have done that a long time ago.

Luna: Don't start and tell me what I'm going to do now without a car.

Nicolae: I'll take you home tonight and tomorrow morning I'll send you a car from the company fleet to tide you over temporarily until you buy a new one.

Luna: And what about this one?

Nicolae: I'll call the crane to tow it to the junkyard. They'll take care of the rest there.

Luna: So, that's it, huh? There's no hope left. I've lost it forever.

Nicolae: Yes, Moonshine.

A tear rolls down her cheek as Luna caresses the fender of her car. She tries to hide it, but she can't. Nicolae puts his finger under her jaw and turns her face to force her to look at him.

Nicolae: Are you crying about the car?

Luna: I love this car. It's the first thing I bought with my own money and it's been my friend ever since. When I was stressed or sad, I'd drive it for hours and it always calmed me down. I know that's silly, but that car was there for me when everyone else had given up on me. It's just a machine, but I feel like I've lost a human being.

She pauses for a moment and wipes her eyes, a little embarrassed.

Luna: Whatever. Forget about it. I'm fine. Let's go.

She walks towards Nicolae's car, but he holds her by the arm.

Nicolae: Wait!

Luna: What?

Nicolae: I was wrong. It's not all over yet.

Luna: What do you mean?

Nicolae: Wait and you'll hear.

He takes out his cell phone and calls someone, who answers almost immediately, despite the late hour.

Nicolae: Good evening, Stuart. ... Yes, it's me. Sorry to bother you so late, but I need your services. ... No, it's not about an ambulance. It's about a car of mine. ... A twenty-year-old Volkswagen Polo. ... Yes. It's dead, but I'm sure your hands can bring it back to life. ... Yes. I want it to be new and absolutely safe. I don't care how much it'll cost. ... Okay. I'll send you the location where you can pick it up. ... Thanks, man. Goodbye.

He hangs up the phone and puts it back in his pocket. He looks at Luna, who is crying again, but this time for a different reason.

Nicolae: Why are you crying now?

But she doesn't answer. She falls on him and presses herself tightly against his neck.

Luna: You can't be real. God! Thank you so much!

He hugs her waist with one hand and caresses her hair with the other.

Nicolae: I'm very real and if you really want to thank me, stop crying. I don't like to see you cry at all.

Luna: Even if I cry with joy?

Nicolae: Even then.

Luna: Okay. No more tears.

She lifts her head and looks deep into his eyes, taking his breath away again. He has to use all his self-control not to kiss her.

Nicolae: Luna ...

Luna: What?

Nicolae: I ... We have to go.

As if waking up from slumber, she shakes her head and breaks free from his embrace.

Luna: Yes. Yes. Sure. Just give me a minute to lock the car.

Nicolae: Take your time. I'll send the location to the mechanic.

He goes to his car and she follows him, after first taking her things and locking the car. They spend the whole ride in an awkward silence, which she breaks when he stops the car in front of her house.

Luna: Are you coming for a drink?

Nicolae: I want to, you can't imagine how much, but unfortunately, I can't. I've to go back home.

Luna: Is someone waiting for you?

Nicolae: Not only one. My parents and my uncles.

Luna: Are they back from their trip? When?

Nicolae: This afternoon.

Luna: And you abandoned them to come to me?

Nicolae: Yes, of course. How could I not come?

Luna: I'm sorry, Nic. I didn't know. Damn it! Why didn't you tell me? Who knows what they think of me now?

Nicolae: Don't worry about it. My whole family and especially my parents aren't like others. You'll get to know them and then you'll understand.

Luna: When?

Nicolae: Soon. As soon as we solve a family problem, I'll take you to them.

Luna: What kind of problem? Is it something serious?

Nicolae: No. One of the usual stupid family problems.

Luna: I told you everything about me, but you still keep secrets from me. Why? Don't you trust me?

Nicolae: Of course, I trust you and I promise you that I'll tell you everything, every little and big secret of mine, but not yet. There are reasons why you should stay away from my family right now. Soon everything will be cleared up and you'll get the place I've dreamed for you. All I ask is a little patience. Will you do that for me?

Luna: Of course, I will. It's the least I can do for you.

Nicolae: Thanks.

Luna: Shall we meet tomorrow?

Nicolae: Absolutely. I'll call you.

Luna: Ok. I'll wait.

She leans over and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

Luna: Good night, Nic.

Nicolae: Good night, Luna.

She gets out of the car and he doesn't leave until she's safely in her house. On the way home, Nicolae thinks about Luna. He's sure that she has feelings for him. If she didn't, she wouldn't have asked to know everything about him. She just needs a trigger to express them. But not yet. It's not the right time. Not when there's a mortal threat hovering over their heads. When it's all over, he'll take the plunge and ... whatever the future may hold!


Although Damon is usually very talkative when he's alone with Alice, this time is different. He comes out of the tunnel and goes straight to the bar. He grabs a bottle of whiskey and drinks straight from it.

But since alcohol doesn't have the same effect on him as it does on humans, he wipes his lips and throws the bottle away in annoyance.

Damon: Screw it! It's fucking pointless. I can't get drunk.

Alice, who has just been sitting next to him all this time without saying anything, walks over to him and tries to touch his hand - the one with the blood - but he's shaking like he's been electrocuted.

Damon: No! Don't touch that hand. Not you.

Alice: Why not me?

Damon: You're the only pure thing in my life, and I want to keep you that way.

Alice: So what? Will I get dirty if I touch your hand?

Damon: That hand just killed a human being in cold blood. Her blood is still on me, and if it didn't stink, I'd lick it off my fingers.

Alice: There you have it! You said it yourself. Her blood stinks. She wasn't an innocent human being. She was a vile witch who conspired against us to destroy us. She stole your sister's visions, for Night's sake!

Damon: Don't be so sure. She could have been innocent. Maggie bombarded her with lies.

Alice: Her problem. Not ours. If she was smart, she'd have investigated before aligning herself with Maggie.

Damon: Yeah, but ...

Damon's words are interrupted as Alice grabs his bloody hand and raises it to his eye level.

Alice: Listen and listen well, Damon Stefan Jones. This hand didn't kill. It saved us. It saved the whole pack. It gave Elena back her visions and now we know what's coming and we can defend ourselves. You promised to protect me and this hand helped you keep your promise. Keep that in mind and don't you ever dare move away from me again.

Damon: Is that an order?

Alice: Hell Yeah!

Damon: Okay, then.

Alice: Awesome! Let's wash you now, because between you and me, you stink. Come on, move your ass!

She starts pushing him towards the stairs and he lets himself be pushed.

Damon: You're bossy. You know that, don't you?

Alice: Pure and bossy. That's a great combination.

Damon: You can say that again, baby.

They go laughing up the stairs and into the bathroom. There, Alice helps Damon clean up the remnants of his encounter with the witch, and now they're both sitting in the large bathtub filled with hot water, essential oils, and bubbles, sharing a glass of red wine. She takes a sip and hands him the glass.

Alice: Are you feeling better now?

Damon: I'm feeling much better, baby and I owe it all to you.

Alice: Then you can talk to me.

Damon: About what?

Alice: About what's on your mind.

Damon: You get it, don't you?

Alice: I felt it, I'd say better. There's something under the surface. Something that's bothering you, and I don't mean the threat of Maggie and her vampire accomplice.

Damon: You're right. There is indeed something, but I'm afraid that if I tell you, it might change the way you feel about me.

Alice: That's not going to happen, no matter what comes out of your mouth. Tell me.

Damon leans back and looks at Alice with a somewhat wistful look.

Damon: I liked it, baby. I didn't want to admit it, but I enjoyed it.

Alice: What?

Damon: Her murder. The process. The moment I put my hand on her chest and pulled out her still beating heart. Her eyes, the way they looked at me as the life drained out of her and she collapsed at my feet. I felt good.

Alice: I see.

Alice stares at him, unblinking, and for the first time Damon can't understand what she's thinking.

Damon: Come on, say it.

Alice: Say what?

Damon: That I'm a monster.

Alice: Is that what you want to hear?

Damon: I want to hear what you think.

Alice: Won't you be mad if I tell you?

Damon: Never with you.

Alice: Then I think you're talking nonsense.

Damon: What? Why?

Alice: Because it makes perfect sense that you liked it. That's what you are. A killing machine. A ferocious predator, except your prey is evil. How can you be a monster when a few years ago you threw yourself off a cliff to avoid hitting that puppy? Can you remember that?

Damon: Yes.

Alice: If all the monsters in this world were like you, there would be no monsters at all, Damon.

Damon: Do you really believe that?

Alice: With all my heart.

The way Alice speaks, her words coming straight from her heart, her pure heart, calms the turmoil in Damon's soul and this is reflected in his face. His tense and sad expression changes and he smiles.

Damon: Thanks, baby. I really needed that.

Alice: You're welcome, but don't you think it's time I got my paycheck?

Damon: It is, huh?

Alice: Yeah, it is.

He reaches out his glass and sets it on the floor next to the tub. He moves his body forward a little and opens his arms.

Damon: Come on.

She straddles his legs in the water and loosely wraps her arms around his neck. His hands touch her face and she enjoys his touch. But she's not the only one who feels beautiful.

For the first time, Damon understands the words of his father and all the other males in the pack, that the female has the ability to soothe the male's soul just by her presence, but she can also dispel sadness with just a few words.

This is exactly what just happened to Damon. He was very afraid of all the emotions he was feeling at the time of the murder. He was really afraid that he could be a monster. But Alice, in just a few words, told him everything he needed to calm down and focus on what was really important. Saving the pack from this new threat.

But aside from that, Damon realizes something else that makes him even more sure of his decision. Margaret never had this effect on him. He smiles, still touching Alice's face, and she looks at him questioningly.

Alice: Why are you smiling?

Damon: Because I'm happy.

Alice: And why are you happy?

Damon: Because I made the right decision.

Alice: I don't understand.

Damon: I chose you, baby.

Alice: Oh!

Damon: Is that all you have to say?

Alice: I've something else, too.

Damon: Then what are you waiting for? Say it.

Although his senses are extremely sharp, her attack surprises him and he starts laughing into her mouth as she presses it against his.

Damon: I'm getting crazy when you say things like that.

Alice: Please shut up and fuck me.

Damon: Hell Yeah!

His happy mood changes immediately and he slides his tongue into her mouth, searching for hers. She seizes on him and he clutches her ass. His cock, now reaching its full size of ten inches, stimulates the neurons between her legs even more than the hot water already did.

But the water, with its natural buoyancy, does something else. It aids their movements as she wraps her legs around his waist while he lifts her a little and places her in just the right spot.

The pleasant ache in the center of her womanhood makes itself known as he penetrates deep inside her. She moans out, but not as loudly as she does when his fangs dig into her shoulder. His fingers tighten around her waist as her blood runs down her back and down his neck. He greedily drinks her blood while simultaneously rubbing her insides with his staff. No one knows which of the two gives her more pleasure!

Their hearts coordinate and beat faster as the moment of climax approaches. They both throw their heads back. She screams and he howls as their orgasms combine into a torrent inside her. Before the final kiss, she licks the blood still dripping from his fangs, and he runs his tongue over the wound on her shoulder, healing it.


Damon and Alice exit the tunnel hugging each other, but next to the others and Nicolae, who has returned, they meet two more faces, whose presence makes Alice cry out with joy and Damon make an embarrassed grimace. Who am I talking about? But of course, Kyle and Katerina, Alice's parents.

Alice runs into her father's arms, while Damon whispers to Nicolae, who can only hold back his laughter with difficulty.

Damon: You could have warned me about that.

Nicolae: And lose that face? Never.

Damon: Are you fucking kidding me? I just fucked his daughter and drank her blood. What do you think he's going to do when he finds out?

Nicolae: Now come on. This is Kyle we're talking about. Besides, with Jason, Matty and Johnny still alive, we have every hope of surviving.

Damon: You're right about that, but you're still going to pay for it.

Nicolae: I love you too, freak.

As Alice greets her mother, Kyle walks up to Damon, who is still smiling awkwardly. Nicolae walks away whispering ...

Nicolae: Good luck, freak.

Damon: Go to hell, scumbag.

Damon then greets Kyle.

Damon: Hello, Kyle.

Kyle looks at him with an inscrutable expression on his face, but he doesn't speak to him.

Instead, he turns to Sebastian.

Kyle: Chief, can I punch your son?

Sebastian: Are you asking as a father?

Kyle: Of course.

Sebastian: Then yes. Do whatever you want.

Damon's eyes widen and his face takes on an endearing yet funny expression, making everyone laugh.

Damon: What the hell, Dad?

Sebastian shrugs apologetically.

Sebastian: I'm sorry, son, but as the father of a girl, I can relate.

Damon: Nice, Dad. Really nice.

Damon turns to Kyle.

Damon: Very good, Kyle. Do it. If you really think I deserve it, then punch me.

Kyle raises his hand, but instead of hitting, he just gives Damon a gentle slap on the cheek.

Kyle: Did you really think I'd hit the man responsible for the smile on my daughter's face? If so, you don't know me at all, Puppy.

Damon lets out a sigh of relief.

Damon: I knew it, but I can't say I wasn't a little scared.

Alice walks up to the two and hugs her father while taking Damon's hand at the same time.

Alice: I told you, baby. My dad is a marshmallow.

Kyle: Yeah, but if someone hurts my little girl, I can be a very dangerous marshmallow and I know how to hurt you.

Damon: I'll keep that in mind.

Kyle: You better.

They stare at each other before bursting out laughing. A short time later, they're all sitting together and Kyle, having learned all about Margaret's betrayal, is ready to learn the reason why they invited him.

Kyle: I don't know what to say. I didn't expect this from Maggie. She seemed to idolize Damon.

Sebastian: None of us expected that. Especially not Jared and Chloe.

Kyle: How are they doing?

Jace: How do you think? They're devastated.

Kyle: Why aren't they here?

Sebastian: They asked to stay out of it so they wouldn't be tempted to warn Maggie.

Kyle: I can't even imagine how they feel. Anyway. Now tell me what I can do. How can I help?

Sebastian: Since the witch is no longer an obstacle, Elena has seen everything. We know more or less what this is all about. What we don't know, and we'd like you to find out, is Maggie's accomplice.

Kyle: I see. What do we know about him?

Sebastian: Not much. Just that he's a vampire, pretty old, and goes by the name Frederick King.

Katerina: Since he's a supernatural being, there might be clues about him in the file we got from the leader of this faction.

Matt: The guardians of the natural balance?

Kyle: Yes. When you disbanded them, Katerina and I managed to steal all their files. They had created huge dossiers on all the supernatural beings that live on Earth. Logically, there will be something about this Frederick King.

Sebastian: Let's hope so.

Katerina: Is there anything else?

Sebastian: Yes, actually, there is. Maggie can't know the witch is dead, so we need access to her phone and emails. Damon took her phone, but it was destroyed when we tried to open it. It's obviously protected by some kind of spell.

Kyle: It's okay. I don't need the device. Just her number and of course her email address.

Sebastian: I'll text it to you.

Kyle: Okay. Give us a few hours and we'll tell you everything you need to know.

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