
By TonyaRed

422 54 10

It was a beautiful day in L.A.Weather forecasts called for clear sky's.Four friends Ann,Red,Trish and Jannet... More

11 part 3


25 3 2
By TonyaRed

We need one more robot to find where she is."I say.We go back outside."Where do we go?" Jannet asks."Here."I say."Robots! Come get us!"I yell."Kill humans."I hear.A robot walks out of the shadows.The man who refused to get off the elevator.Trish shoots him.Red gets on her knees and slits his throat."I'll save him."she says.She runs to the computer an puts the chip in."My lab is located in Boston Massachusetts,be careful.Its heavily guarded."the woman says and shuts off."Lets go!"red yells."How will we get their?"Trish asks."Plane?"Red says."No.Robots have taken over everything.You remember where Peter lives right Red?"I ask."Well,Yeh I remember his address,Im such a stalker."she says."Most famous people have a private jet."I say.
His house wasn't that far from HQ."Ive always wanted to come to his house....not to steal his jet to save him tho."she says.Luckily,he did have a jet.We get in it."Who's gonna drive?"I ask.Everyone looks at me."What?No no no!"I say."Yes yes yes,your idea."Red says."Can't be that hard."Jannet says,so,I try,and I do.
When we get in the air,Red's hugging her knees to her chest with her head hurried."Whats wrong?"Jannet asks."Ive always been scared to fly,scared we'll....crash.And having a pilot who knows nothing about planes doesn't help any."she says."Hey,I know something about planes,and that this isn't a plane it's a JET."I say.
Anyway,we survive.An hour or two later,we're landing at Boston airport.Im glad that jet had a GPS!
Red wastes no time getting off."Now we have to find here she's hiding."I say."That won't be hard.Wherever robots are standing in front of a building."red says."Lets get a higher look."Jannet says pointing to a old abandoned building.We slip through a broken window and walk up the stairs.We catch a glimpse of a old warehouse building with men holding guns in front."Lets go."I say.We get to the corner of the building in front of the warehouse.We each kill a guard then go inside."Hug the walls."Red says.That doesn't mean actually hugging the walls,it means stay covered.We peek around one wall,then another shooting off guards where we see them.We reach the top of the building.Theres a door separating us from the room."Lets go."I push open the door and the same women's recording more videos.I run and point the barrel of my gun at her head."Where's the prisoners?"I ask."There dead."she says."Dead?!"Red yells.She shoves my hand away and puts he own gun to her head."I'll kill you,I promise ill kill you...." "Stop! She's just saying that Red!"I say."Where is he?"she Asks."Where who? I have so many."she says."Peter!"she yells."Oh yes.The coward never did what I told him to so,I ordered one of my guards to take him out back and....teach him a lesson." "You say guards like their your kids."Jannet says. "Sweetheart they are my kids." "You better tell me where he is!" red demands."He's in there."she points to a door on the other side of the room.Red runs to it and opens the door.She screams and falls to her knees.She runs out and grabs her gun."Why did you do this?"Red asks."Oh sweetie he's not dead just unconscious.Shoot me and you'll never find out how to shut the system down."she says."Do it."I say.And Red pulls the trigger.Then Robots and tornados start appearing.Robot are surrounding us and there's no way out.No way but one,a window.Its ten feet down,but we'll die here anyway."Jump on three.One,two,three!" And we jump out the window.I suspect to fall to the ground with pain,but when I open my eyes,I'm at the concert?

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