The Assistant [MxM]

By InfinitiAkira

154K 11.8K 23.7K

It wasn't until his boss gave him a chance and purpose in life once he was on edge, and giving up. Not knowi... More

8. |part one|
8. |part two|
10. |filler chapter|
13. |filler chapter|
18. |part one|
18. |part two|
20. |filler chapter|
22. |part one|
22. |part two|
28. |filler chapter|
32. |filler chapter|
37. |filler chapter|


3.5K 299 708
By InfinitiAkira


"Kennedy would be here after school, I'll need you to take her to her father for me when you get off. I have a really busy day ahead of me," Cassidy spoke quickly to Sincere who had just made it through the door, handing her a coffee as usual.

On time, not a minute late.

He was excited to hear the news, a week quickly turned into two for Kennedy being gone. She'd told him that they spent the first week in Florida and then Shakur wanted to take her to a Cabin in Tennessee to show her survival skills and to fuçk with her since she had him doing things he didn't want too he returned the favor knowing how much of a girly girl his child was. Kennedy had kept Sincere updated on it all, he could tell she was genuinely happy and enjoying her time. He missed her though.

He just hoped with today being her first day back to school she'd behave and stay out of trouble.

"Yes ma'am," he smiled at her and grabbed his files he would help her go over and headed into his office.

Cassidy wasn't her usual self, he didn't know what was bothering her but he knew the work place wasn't really the place to be asking or trying to pry into her personal life. They talked outside of work but they were both big on keeping their relationships private.

The last two weeks for Sincere had been great actually, he and Xavier had been doing really good. He was starting to think that Xavier finally came to the realization of being a gay man, as hard as it was for him. Sincere hadn't fully believed him at first but the morning after he admitted to being in-love with him he didn't switch it up. He asked if they could still be private a while longer but other than that he didn't  shy away about his feelings anymore. In private atleast, they still couldn't be out publicly.

"And by the way you look really good today. Manly even, sexy." Cassidy paged over his speaker causing him to burst into laughter.

Everytime he didn't dress girly it was as if the whole office went into a frenzy, all the women knew he was gay but it really didn't matter because each time they threw themselves at him anyway. The men treated him as a man on the days he dressed masculine, while other days they babied him. "Off my phone Cassidy, I don't want you hunny."

He heard her laugh before the line went off, being she hung up.

Sincere always dressed how he felt for the day, it depended on if he wanted to do his eyebrows or not. Rather his hair was dyed or not. It all depended on his mood, honestly.

BabyFace: Always the me, for me 🫰🏾

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Sincere received a text from Kennedy once he finally settled in to start working, he knew she must've seen his Instagram post from earlier. She was another clown when he dressed down.

KenBen: IG post giving real masc, real vers, real top energy babe. If I was ya man I'd be like hannit' HEA 🤲🏾😩🌚

Kennedy pls do some school work hunny. I keep telling y'all it's yo daddy who I really want 😩🥹

KenBen: Oh? Let me just screenshot this to him then. You're literally obsessed at this point. It's giving desperate 🫵🏾.

I'll never talk to you again if you do that.

KenBen: Don't give me bottom energy now 🍑.

Goodbye 🤣 I should've never taught you terms, do some work. I'll see you later babes. Love ya.

After telling him she loved him too Sincere put his phone down to focus on getting his work done, he wanted to get as much done as possible before Kennedy got out of school so he could get off early. Xavier told him that he had something special planned for him, and he was excited to see what it was.


Sincere and Kennedy laughed walking through the parking garage, at the nonsense that always seemed to come out of her mouth. "I'm only saying that if she wanted to be my girlfriend she could've just said that. I got ten days for fighting her only for her to ask me on a date? It's giving set up to me. There's no way,"

"I've never met anyone with so many hoe problems,"

"You've met my mom," she mumbled but Sincere heard her and raised his eyebrow.

"I know that heffa ain't ever cheat on my man!" He held his chest, "Let me tell daddy to come on home. It's time," he joked.

Kennedy laughed at his dramatics as they finally reached his car and got in to head to her house, she didn't know if her parents knew or not but one night she had overheard them arguing about her infidelity. Her excuse was it didn't mean anything she was only curious because the only man she ever knew sexually was Shakur, him being the man he was he eventually forgave her and they went to counseling only for months later the man she cheated with started causing problems becoming obsessed with her, it had became so bad she had to get a restraining order on him. He had randomly disappeared a while back and in Kennedy's heart she knew her dad had something to do with it.

Shakur mainly stayed with her mother because of her, Kennedy honestly wish he would have left and took her with him.

"Sincere?" Kennedy turned down the radio as they made it half way to her home.

"Yeah bunny?"

"Do you like my dad forreal? Honestly speaking,"

Sincere chuckled, "I don't know him enough to like him. I can tell he's some kind of homophobic though. I'd never get with that type again." He shrugged, "I do find him attractive though, like really attractive. He makes me nervous, I guess it's a little schoolboy crush,"

Kennedy smiled, "It would be cool if you guys ever dated. I know it's a stretch but I'll be here for it."

"Girl, you have a whole mother." He laughed and she laughed too, shrugging her shoulders.

As they arrived to her house, Kennedy put the code in to be buzzed in. Pulling into their circular driveway Sincere gawked at the house how he'd always done, it was so beautiful. He only wished to be able to live like them one day, he lived nice but not as nice as his boss. He never understood why they needed such a big house for only the three of them. It was mind blowing.

"Oop, look at your man. All sweaty, under that hood of his old school." Kennedy tapped him seeing her dad work on his old school as always.

Sincere quickly looked up to follow her gaze, "Lord, there is a God." He mumbled. "Come on, let me walk you to the door as a good assistant would."

Before Kennedy could protest he was already out of the car, and to her side opening the door for her. She tried controlling her laughter as they got closer to her dad, for sincere to be so afraid of her dad he always made sure to make some type of encounter with him. It didn't matter if he was giving him a hard time or not. He made sure Shakur atleast said some kind of smart remark towards him, just to hear him talk.

"Hey dad," Kennedy yelled and he rolled from under the car with a smile on his face.

Sweaty, shirtless, oily.

"Hey princess," Shakur stood and she quickly moved backwards being he was trying to hug her.

"Don't you dare!" Kennedy yelled and then ran behind Sincere. "I'll have my body guard beat you, ain't that right Sincere?"

Shakur finally looked to see Sincere, he had caught him completely off guard from the way he dressed and looked today. "He ain't gone do shît," Shakur told Kennedy.

"Oh, it's a lot he'd do to you. Actually,"

"OKAY! Time to go do some homework Kennedy," Sincere immediately pushed her into the side door of the house being it was open. Kennedy laughed like an hyena on the way up the stairs.

Sincere smiled at Shakur and started to make his way back to his car, "You know some about cars?"

Fuçk. Should he lie? "Uh, yeah. My dad's a mechanic,"

"You think you can help me out with some, you know if you're not too afraid to get ya hands dirty?"

"I would love too, but I have a date." He told him honestly, that and he felt blood rushing to the wrong places the more he stared at him.

Also, he knew how Xavier would act if he was even a second late. He didn't have time when they'd been doing so good.

"Look, that nigga can wait. I don't usually ask twice,"

Dominant, in control, top energy.

"I— okay fine. Wassup?" He sighed, he didn't want him to have to ask twice, it was something about him that made you do what he said the first time.

Shakur had a smirk on his face, "you gone get under the hood in that?" He asked.

"I ain't ever say I was gonna get under anything, I'm gone sit here looking cute and hand you the tools or something. That's it."

Shakur laughed, "Aight pretty,"

Sincere put his head down to hide his blush, "When I get down there hand me the torque wrench,"

The next hour had went like that, having random conversations that Shakur had brung up. Once it was all finished he thanked him and told him to have a nice date. Shakur always confused Sincere, one minute he was a asshole and seemed to have an issue with his sexuality and the next he didnt seem bothered by it and forced him into being around him. Calling him little nicknames, and doing things that he knew Sincere would be bothered by. It confused Sincere but also intrigued him to see how far he could get Shakur to go.


Making it home before Xavier, Sincere was thankful. He had showered and was now getting dressed when Xavier finally came through the door. He was holding flowers and balloons, making Sincere break into a smile. "Hey beautiful," Xavier kissed him.

"Hey baby," he took the flowers and smelled them. "Thank you, I love them."

Sincere got up to put them in a vase, while Xavier freshened up. Sincere waited patiently as he sat on his phone scrolling through instagram, it was what he did to past time. He was on Instagram real bad.

PrincessKen: Let me tell you about my bestfriend 🫶🏽😗

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Cassidy: Baby said be ready at 8, I was ready at 7 boo. 🤣🤲🏾

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Sincere double tapped both, before exiting the app being Xavier was now ready. The two walked out the house and got into Xavier's truck before heading to their destination, he was excited because they weren't public so they rarely went out to be seen with one another.

"You sure you wanna go in here?" Sincere asked once he seen they were pulling into the new restaurant that had just opened up. The line was long, so that meant there were alot of people. "I love the fact you wanted to take me here but we can really order to go," he sighed.

Xavier ignored him before shutting off the engine and getting out, he went to open Sincere's door. "Stop worrying so much, I told you. I'm going to do better,"

Sincere blushed before getting out, heading to the back of the line. "Sincere?" He heard and looked up to see Cassidy in a different line. "Hey pooks," she waved.

Xavier held him closely while Sincere went to give her a hug, "Hey boo, okay look at you. Snatched," he turned her in a circle.

"You guys have reservations?" She asked.

Sincere shook his head no, "It was just spur of the moment."

As he said that it was announced that only reservations would be now seated, making the line groan as people started to depart. Xavier sighed, and tried to think of somewhere else they could go, he didn't want the night to be ruined.

"You guys could sit with us, I'm sure Shakur wouldn't mind." She smiled and nudged Shakur in the side seeing how his face instantly frowned up. "Right baby,"

"Aight man," Shakur mumbled looking between Sincere and Xavier. His gaze staying on Sincere a while longer makin him shy away.

"Thank you, it means a lot." Xavier spoke to Cassidy, she smiled and nodded.

The two knew of eachother, they had just never met in person. Cassidy wanted them to sit with them so she could see why Sincere put up with Xavier, and really feel him out. He was a handsome man and carried himself well, she could tell and just from how he kept Sincere close she could sense he was the controlling type already.

"Right this way Mr. Carter," the waitress escorted them to the back of the restaurant. "I can take your drink orders, however since we're just opening we recommend you go up to the bar for any alcoholic beverages." She spoke politely. "So, what can I get you all started with?"

Everyone opted on a water, Shakur went to go order them a bottle of champagne. While he was ordering he noticed Sincere walk across the restaurant towards the mens bathroom, he told them that he'd be right back but to start him a tab. He also headed to the restroom.

Once he walked in Sincere was washing his hands, "So, that's your date?" Sincere jumped a little not hearing him step into the bathroom. "I'm surprised he let you come in here alone."

It didn't take a rocket scientist to see just what type of man Xavier was just by the little time Shakur had been introduced to him. "What's that supposed to mean Shakur?"

"I just didn't expect him, doesn't seem like your type."

Sincere chuckled, "and what would my type be?"

"I don't like your tone."

"I honestly don't give a fuck—-"

Shakur's hand quickly went around his throat, not applying too much pressure but enough to let him know to watch his mouth. Sincere swallowed hard, he wasn't afraid though. Now, if this had been Xavier's hand he'd be terrified. However, Shakur turned him on.

"You're going to go out there, make an excuse to leave. I don't give a fuçk what it is but that nigga not about to sit in my face with you." He spoke lowly and clearly before letting him go.

Shakur stepped in the mirror and fixed his tie while making sure to keep eye contact with Sincere through the mirror. "Why would I do that? We make you uncomfortable?" He asked rubbing his neck.

"You can't be around two gay men? Is that what it is Shakur?"

Shakur's jaw clenched, "or is it becuase you really want me and have since we first laid eyes on one another years ago? You can't hide who you truly are no matter how bad you treat us gays."

Sincere walked behind him and his hands rubbed his chest. Shakur stared through the mirror but didn't move. Sincere hands went lower, he saw Shakur tense up and his breathing pick up once he rubbed over his hard-on.

"You see this?" Sincere whispered in his ear. "That's from a gay man," he backed away and left the restroom.

He had just confirmed what he knew all along. If Shakur wasn't gay, he was definitely curious and he couldn't handle being attracted to a man. Just how Xavier was when Sincere first met him, and as bad as he had this crush on Shakur he knew now to leave it at that becuase he couldn't go through another Xavier. Another DL that couldn't come to terms with their own sexuality.


Cassidy just keep getting better huh? 🌚

Kennedy shipping the crush Sincere has on her dad?

Shakur keep demanding my baby's attention?

The dinner/bathroom scene? 🌚

Thoughts, concerns, questions?

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