Brother Remembered - Black Da...

By BDBFanFic

158 63 0

Night is Forgotten, as was his wish. Struck from the memories of the Black Dagger Brotherhood and even the Ch... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9*
Chapter 10
Chapter 11*
Chapter 12*
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21*
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27*

Chapter 13

5 3 0
By BDBFanFic

Hatrhed scowled as she closed the leather-bound book with reverence. Having read his story, she knew why Night had wanted to be Forgotten. She sighed and leaned back in the chair, the leather squeaking under her. "Jardine told me a century ago that I wouldn't forget Night again even when others did, by order of the Scribe Virgin. I didn't understand why at the time, but I haven't forgotten. But, what does Night's return have to do with me? I've kept his secret."

Lassiter put his sparkly Uggs on the table in exactly the same pose V had occupied the night before. Unlike with her Brother, it annoyed her to no end, but he either didn't care, or he did it on purpose just to get to her. No matter the reason, he was their spiritual—whatever he was—now, and it afforded him a little leeway. She huffed out a breath anyway.

"Wrath doesn't know he's coming back," the angel dropped.

Hatrhed's eyes went wide. "Wrath doesn't know? You might think about telling him."

Lassiter sipped at the beer Ehmily had brought him when he first arrived. "Yeah, about that. I thought you'd do it. Old friend and all that."

She let her head fall back to the headrest and sagged. "Damnit, Lassiter..."

"It's not likely to go well," he added. "Wrath hasn't completely worked his way through his issues with his parent's deaths."

"Dearest Scribe Virgin," Hatrhed swore under her breath. She didn't think she'd ever get out of the centuries-old habit of invoking the Mother. Besides, what was she supposed to swear on now? Lassiter's ass? "How pissed off is he going to be?"

The angel tipped up his beer again. "I don't know. Night is liable to beg forgiveness, even if he needs none. Maybe that will sway him to be compassionate?"

She barked out a laugh. "Wrath? Really?"

He picked at the label of his beer. "It's a long shot. But, you should take Night up there as soon as he gets here. Rip that bandaid off."

"Oh, for fuck's sake." She rubbed her temples. Damned angel. "Fine. I'll take him. When will he get here?"

Lassiter checked the diamond-encrusted monstrosity of a watch that appeared on his wrist before downing the rest of his beer. "'Bout ten minutes."

Hatrhed bolted upright. "What? Lassiter! What the fuck?"

"Hey, I have a job to do. Mehnace is going to transition, and soon. All this needs to be settled when that time rolls around."

With a grunt of frustration, she stood and downed the last of her whisky, which was a waste. Whisky of that quality should be savored. She set the tumbler down with a thud. "Does Wrath even know we're coming?"

"Nah. But he's not busy tonight. He can totally work you in."

"You're an ass. You know that?"

He grinned and winked at her. "Maybe, but you're stuck with me. How you like them apples?"

Hatrhed wondered what the consequences would be if she punched him. The thought was so tempting that she had to move away. "Well, come on. Let's let Ehmily know that we'll be having two more guests. She, at least, will be thrilled."

She tapped out a group text to her crew as they made their way down the side hall to the foyer.

Hatrhed: We've got incoming VIPs. I'm taking them to Wrath in fifteen. I'll explain the training meeting tomorrow night.

Kyle: You need me to escort them?

Hathred: No. Lassiter is bringing them.

Shocked texts and emojis of varying degrees raced in as she put her phone away.

Tristan, Nayah, V, and Phury soon joined her as she paced at the foot of the grand staircase under the ancient chandler. Everyone except V, of course, looked at her with curious expressions. V scowled, natch.

"That angel said something was up," V said, folding his arms across his chest.

Hatrhed ran her hand through her hair. "You could say that. In a nutshell, someone from the time of Wrath's and my childhood is showing up. It's complicated, but the short story is that Wrath may not be thrilled with his return. We won't know until he's presented."

It was Phury's turn to be serious, and his brow followed suit. "Who is presented?"

"Again, it's a long story, but he is Night, a Forgotten Brother."

Nayah's hand covered her mouth. "A Forgotten Brother! That's on the level of a Fallen Chosen! Like your mahmen, Hatrhed."

Lassiter finished tapping on his phone as he strolled up. "Yeah, about that..."

Hatrhed eyed him. "About what?" There was a flash of light as a portal opened behind Hatrhed. She turned to see Tarra, Night, and Ace step through.

The angel's voice announced. "This is Tarra, Night, and Mehnace... your brother. Well, half brother."

Hatrhed whirled. "My what?"

"Scribe Virgin, help me. You look just like Fleur," a deep rumbling voice filled with awe said.

She made herself dizzy turning back to Ace and damned if she didn't see her mahmen's green eyes looking back at her.

"Oh, and Rhet's your half brother, too."

Surprisingly, it was V who grabbed her when she dived for Lassiter, which was saying something seeing how Vishous hated the guy. "Whoa, whoa. No need to start something, true?" When she wrenched away from him, he let her go, calmer but still fuming.

She pointed a finger at Lassiter. "You. I don't care who you are. You will not disrespect family, any family, under my roof. I did everything the Scribe Virgin asked of me, as did my mahmen. The least you can do is acknowledge that we lost each other for the greater good and stop throwing shit around like it means nothing."

Lassiter smiled and nodded in mysterious approval, then disappeared.

She ran a hand through her hair again before facing Night, approving that he'd stepped forward in front of Tarra and Ace. She took a breath to settle herself. "Night. It's good to see you again after all these centuries." She glanced at Ace. "I think." She held out a hand to Night in greeting. "Welcome to South Carolina."

Rather than shake her hand, Night took it in both of his own. "Rhoze. Your mother would have been so proud of you."

The world went watery for Hatrhed, and she froze. "Mahmen has gone unto the Fade?" She'd long suspected it was true, but to hear it as truth? Her heart burned, a hot coal in her chest.

"I am so sorry," Night whispered, fighting the sting of his echoing tears. "She passed giving birth to Mehnace. There was nothing to be done."

Hatrhed felt her loves, Tristan and Nayah, gather close and was grateful for their strength. She slipped her hand from Night's grasp and cleared her throat. "It seems that we will have a lot of catching up to do."

Night nodded and swallowed. "Let me introduce my son." He stepped aside as Ace came forward.

Hatrhed tried to smile but felt a tremble in her chin. I will not cry, damnit, she swore as she coughed. She extended her hand again. "Mehnace. It's nice—"

She found herself in a hug as Ace wrapped around her. "I didn't know I had family, either," he gasped.

Before she could react, Night was drawing him away. Ace flushed, the red deep enough to be seen under his dark skin, and stared at the floor. "I'm sorry. I just—well, until a few days ago, I thought it was just dad and me."

Hatrhed looked at Night. "Well, this is..."

"Awkward," he finished. "More than a little. I'm sorry. I'd not have bothered anyone if it weren't for Ace. I don't want to lose him." He struggled with the tightness of his throat. It made him hoarse. "And I want to know Rhetribution, if he'll have me."

"Yo! Blade!" a booming voice called from the direction of the front door. "I'm..."

As if they were many heads of the same beast, the group zeroed in on the noisemaker. Rhet, still in full riding gear, carrying his helmet stuffed with balaclava and gloves, stood just inside the closed door. If black skin could pale, Hatrhed was certain it'd look exactly like Rhet did at that moment, slack-jawed and horrified.

"Here," he finished with a tenth of his original volume. He took a step forward, and Hatrhed glanced from the younger version to the older and back.

Rhet dropped his helmet as he clutched his head, sinking to his knees, pain twisting his face.

"Rhet!" Night shouted as he surged to get to his firstborn.

Rhet raised a hand, and Night skidded to a stop. "Don't."

"Rhet... I—"

"Don't!" Rhet shouted before his body bowed under the pressure of the memories rushing back to him. His glaze found Hatrhed. "And you. You knew, didn't you? And you said nothing."

"I couldn't, Rhet. There's more to the story—"

"Bullshit!" He grimaced, doubled over, and kept tumbling until he lay unconscious on the gleaming wooden floor.

V pushed his way through, dropping to check him. "We need your doc over here!" V rolled Rhet over and checked for a pulse. He ripped open the snaps of Rhet's outer jacket, then the zipper of his heated mid-layer, to start compressions on his chest.

Hatrhed snapped into action, hitting the contact for Vicktor on her home screen. Phury raced around to his other side and began to breathe for Rhet in tandem with V.

"Vicktor! 911 at the farmhouse! Rhet's not breathing and doesn't have a pulse. V and Phury are doing CPR."

"On it!" the colony's doctor said before hanging up. It seemed like an eternity before the front door was thrown open, and Vicktor rushed in with a portable defibrillator.

Phury tore open Rhet's tank, exposing the flesh beneath, as V received the medical equipment handoff. He slapped the electrodes to Rhet's skin and wired him up. They all raised their hands as V shouted, "Clear!" and then pushed the button.

Rhet's body jerked, and Night fell to his knees. "Please..." he begged.

V reevaluated him and shouted again when he didn't find a pulse. He administered the second shock. Rhet jerked, settled, then took a breath.

Night sobbed, and Ace rushed to him, kneeling to wrap arms around him.

Vicktor checked his smartwatch. "Ambulance is coming up the drive."

Rhet groaned and tried to sit up, but Vicktor pushed him back to the floor. "Relax, Rhet. The medics will be here soon."

"Don't let him near me," Rhet demanded.

V strode to Night and grabbed him up off the floor with a jerk of an arm. "Come on. You have another appointment, and I need a cigarette."

"Thank you," Night rasped.

V frowned as Lassiter flashed back into existence. "Where the fuck were you when all this was going down?"

"Having the Brothers clear Wrath's schedule for the night." He nodded at Night, who was watching the paramedics come through the door. "He's on deck in fifteen. Besides, you didn't need me."

V jerked on Night's arm. "Come on. You're not helping here. We can wait at the Audience House."

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