Genshin Impact: Lemons

By Godslayer2468

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A book of lemon's that will involve of course lemon with many of Genshin lovely waifu's. The Characters who... More

Chapter 2 (Mona)
Chapter 3 (Nilou)
Chapter 4 (Shenhe)
Chapter 5 (Faruzan)
Chapter 6 (Yoimiya)
Chapter 7 (Raiden Ei)
Chapter 8 (Lynette)
Chapter 9 (OC x Sucrose)
Chapter 10 (Layla)
Chapter 11 (Liyue Ladies Set 1)
Chapter 12 (Hu Tao)
Chapter 13 (Kokomi)
Chapter 14 (Navia)
Chapter 15 (Yae Miko)
Chapter 16 (Clorinde)

Chapter 1 (Ayaka)

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By Godslayer2468 reading this's a Genshin lemon book. It was only fitting and right that I get to writing soon or later. And well given I'm so far made a few lemon for MHA and RWBY already; why not add ANOTHER fandom I'm in to the mix!

It not like I'm already horny and down bad as I already am.

So how would this work; well for one it more how I feel and what I want to do and go about it. You can ask for request but the chances of them actually happening is low. Given this book main people will be Aether and an OC's if I see the fit to do so (mainly for Lumine because there no way I'm having Aether fuck his sister, sorry I have standards).

Let make something clear again I'm not the greatest when it comes to lemon!! So please keep that in mind! I'm just a guy who writing and doing his best at the skills and knowledge he has. And also being a horny son of a gun! LOL!

I won't take too much of you all time; let's start this lemon stuff with one of truly best girl in the series Ayaka!! LOL! It only fitting I start with one of my favorite; the white hair cyro waifu herself!!

Just how I start with best girls in MHA and RWBY! I'll shall do the same HERE!!

Heavily inspire by the lemon god himself; GrandLeviathan.



We go to an island called Inazuma and see the main traveler Aether finishing some commission. His set of commissions today was in the land of thunder. Thankfully it wasn't too tricky.

After wrapping up the commission for the day, Aether thinks about what he could do today. His flying companion, Paimon, was talking about getting something to eat. Not too far off from being hungry, the two of them decided to make their way to one of the good vendors in the city. As the two order a plate of food, Paimon orders much more food than Aether.

Aether and Paimon would talk about what they should do after eating, at first they thought about going over to see Itto and Shinbou to see how the Arataki gang was holding up; they also brought up whether they should pay a visit to Grand Narukami Shrine to see how Yae Miko was doing?

Paimon: "Oh I know how about we visit Ayaka and them. It's been quite some time since we last visited them."

Aether thought it about and thought, why not. The two finish up and make their way toward the Kamisato clan estate. A place Aether loves visiting a lot, mainly seeing a specific white hair clan member, Kamisato Ayaka.

Aether couldn't quite explain why, but he had feelings for the eldest daughter of the Kamisato clan. He was still determining when it started, but they had begun developing since that date of the festival. Aether always tries to hide his feelings while traveling the land of Teyvat. At first, starting in Mondstadt, it wasn't too hard, even with the Liberian there named Lisa always teasing him; yeah, he got flustered, but it wasn't anything to hard handle. It became challenging dealing with a certain outrider and astrologist in Mondstadt being around, but Aether could control himself....somewhat.

Then in his second region in Liyue, the difficulty got so much harder for him; he was able to distract himself from the 'passing' of Rex Lapis. But afterward, while exploring that region, he befriended many of the people there and, in turn, lovely ladies.

From a member of the Liyue Qixing to a half-Adeptus half-human lady to even a prankster director, Aether's emotional feelings for the opposite sex slowly cracked piece by piece. And then he got to Inazuma, and things just broke.

Through regions befriending and helping people throughout the region more and more, many of the vision users stuck with Aether. But the one who stuck with him the most was the daughter of the Yashiro Commission's Kamisato Clan, Ayaka.

Poised, graceful, noble, virtuous, kind, beautiful. Her presence alone was something divine and great to be around. It didn't help that all the interaction Aether has helped with Ayaka has been nothing short of remarkable, and he enjoys every minute. Even on the days he stops by and they chat, he would lose himself for hours of them joking and overall having a good time.

Aether and Paimon soon reach the estate, walking past the guards and greeting them; they soon enter the main building before knocking and entering.

Paimon: "Ayaka, Thoma, Ayato; hello! Is anyone here? Paimon and the traveler have come by for a visit!"

As they step further into the house, they outstep the white hair beauty herself, Ayaka Kamisato.

Ayaka: "Ah Paimon and the traveler; it's nice to see you. I didn't know you were coming by?"

Aether: "Heheh, sorry about that. It was just a spur of the moment type of thing. Sorry for coming a little unannounced."

Ayaka: "No, no it's quite alright. I welcome it." She smiles at them.

With that darn smile, Aether's cheeks got slightly red; hopefully, it wasn't too noticeable.

Paimon: "We see you're the only one here? Where Thoma and your brother?"

Ayaka: "Big bro and Thoma are in Ritou handling some business for the day so they left me in charge of the estate. They let me know they wouldn't be back until some point tomorrow."

Paimon: "Ah, Paimon sees."

Aether: "Did you have any plan for the day or anything."

Ayaka: "Mhmmm, I do not believe so. So I'm free today."

Paimon: "I guess we can keep you company then."

Ayaka: *smile* "I would like that if that's ok with you both."

Aether and Paimon smiled at her and nodded. For the next few hours, the three would play different games, tell jokes, play some TCG, and overall have a good time. Throughout all of this, there will be times Aether gets caught staring off into space when looking at Ayaka.

Whenever she was determined to look or ponder something, Aether couldn't help but be amazed by her beauty and purity. Ayaka would catch him staring before blushing and pulling out her fan to cover her face with her fan, telling him to quit staring, snapping him out of his trances, and apologizing. Both would be silent for a good bit until Paimon said something to get them back on track.

Paimon would look at these two and shake her head, and it was clear that they had feelings for each other. There was even a point where both lovebirds accidentally had their hands touch, both seeing this blush and looking away, making Paimon groan even more.

Soon it was getting late, and after she felt her belly too full, Paimon knocked herself out into a food coma to neither of the other surprises. The two of them giggle at the silver fairy.

Ayaka: "I guess Paimon had her full."

Aether: "Yeah, it seems so, I guess I should put her to bed; now." Aether picks up the little fairy.

Ayaka: "This is where we say goodbye.:

An aching feeling was felt in Aether's chest, hearing that he didn't want the night to end so soon. He had a great time, but it then clicked with him what he could do.

Aether: "I mean not yet, you can come back to the teapot with me."

Ayaka: *slightly surprised* "A-Are you sure, I don't see I'm invading your persona-"

Aether: "Nonsense, I don't mind here!" Aether pulled out the Serenitea teapot and quickly brought Ayaka close to his chest, getting a slight eep sound out of her.

Ayaka closed her eyes as they were veiled in a magical light; once the light died down, she opened her eyes and looked around, seeing a beautiful night sky and them on floating islands surrounded by an endless sea of clouds. A sight Ayaka will never forget no matter how many times she visits this place.

Aether: "Um, Ayaka, you can let me go now." Aether rubs his face and looks away from Ayaka.

Ayaka: "E-EH! My apology! I-I'm sorry." She quickly separated from Aether with a blush on her face, something deep down she didn't want to do.

Aether: "It's quite alright.." The two stood there in silence before Aether finally spoke up. "Um, let's head inside."

Ayaka: "R-Right."

The two make their way inside the large house building that looks like it was built out of Inazuma. The two said hello to tubby; before entering. Once inside, Aether lets Ayaka make herself home while he puts Paimon to bed.

While waiting, Ayaka looks around a bit, seeing that Aether has renovated a bit and added something to the house's first floor. Of course, he had a lovely couch and fireplace inspired by Mondstadt, with some seats and wall decorations from Liyue; she even saw different covers, swords, and mats from Inazuma. Aether took things from all the regions he had explored so far. It wasn't soon after Aether came back from upstairs.

Aether: "Like what I do with the place, I know it seems a little chaotic but I try different things from the places I travel."

Ayaka: "Not at all, after all it's quite lovely. This is your house after-all it's only fitting you make it as such."

Aether: "I'm glad you like it. You take a seat, I'll get us something to drink."

Ayaka: "Ah, thank you."

Ayaka sat on the couch shortly after Aether returned with a cup of tea. Ayaka took it with a smile before blowing on it and sipping.

The two would then talk a bit about how things have been for them, for Ayaka taking care of some of the smaller tasks in Inazuma the Kamisato clan had to overlook. And for Aether, he would tell her stories exploring Sumeru and the crazy stuff that has happened there so far.

While the two were talking, they enjoyed each other's company. Neither noticed how they would slowly inch closer and closer to each other; soon, their shoulder was touching, making both of them slightly blush a bit, trying not to overthink it. But then Ayaka got a little bold and put her head on Aether's shoulder.

Aether went stiff but slowly relaxed and smiled. Aether would wrap his arm a bit around Ayaka's lower back; the two of them would sit there in silence, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and each other company.

Ayaka: "This is so peaceful."

Aether: "Yeah."

Ayaka: "Aether thank you."

Aether: "Hmm, for what?"

Ayaka: "Well not just today, but for always helping me and being by my side. You did so much not just for Inazuma but many wonderful things for the Kamisato clan, and well for me. really mean a lot to me."

Aether: " it's really no problem. I enjoy spending time with you really. You're such an awesome individual, you're kind, sweet, talented, and beautiful."

Ayaka blushed from Aether's complement.

Aether: "I never get tired just spending time talking to you and joking around. You help me as well in more ways than you believe Ayaka. So, I guess I should thank you myself."

Ayaka: "A-Aether..." Her face got even redder.

Aether looked into Ayaka's light silver-blue eyes, feeling growing more with each passing second. Aether couldn't hold back anymore; he brought his hand up to Ayaka's face and brought their face closer. With only a little time to react, Aether kisses Ayaka.

Ayaka's eyes widened!! Aether was kissing her!?! He was kissing her!?! Not knowing what to do, she kisses back while closing her eyes. The two of them would slightly moan and soon broke for air, leaving a trail of silva only thing behind that was connecting their lips.

Both of them have a permanent blush on their face, and at a loss for words, Ayaka uses her hair to cover a bit of her lower mouth, looking off to the side.

Aether: ""

Ayaka: "No! I mean it's ok... it..." her eyes shot Aether back to the side with each word.

Aether: "R-Really?"

Ayaka: "Mhm." She nodded. "If it o-ok with you...c-can we kiss...a-again."

God, this girl was so cute. Aether gulped before turning his body a bit more toward Ayaka, and he brought his face closer with his mouth slightly open. He slowly stares into Ayaka's eyes before connecting his lips with hers again.

The kiss was slow at first, but slowly the two began to get into it; Aether pushed his tongue inside Ayaka's mouth and started swirling it around, getting a moan out of her. Ayaka's hands would begin to make their way up and around Aether's body, starting around his abs, getting a good feel for them, then going up towards his chest, under his shirt, and around the under part of his armpits to his back.

Ayaka's hands wouldn't be the only ones exploring as Aether felt her hands explore his body; he would begin first by bringing in closer with her arm and, using his other arm and hands, slowly unwrapping her ribbon and red knots. The two would break for air once more.

This time Ayaka's eyes clearly showed some haze, with her face all flustered; Aether was slowly losing himself more and more; he began to take off his shirt. Ayaka's face got even redder than it was before. Once Aether took his shirt off, he quickly kissed Ayaka.

It wouldn't be long after Aether separated from the kiss and began planting small kisses on Ayaka's soft white creamy skin, getting her to gasp a bit before letting out some small moan.

As Aether continued to perk small kisses on her skin, he would slowly remove Ayaka's armor and clothing with her help. Soon all she was in was a pair of white panties and a bra.

Aether's bulge was getting bigger, and it slightly hurt being contained, but he held it still. Aether continued his small kisses on Ayaka's skin before getting to her smooth tone stomach, planting a few kisses on that. Ayaka whimpers a bit from Aether's lips, using her hand to cover the sound of her moaning slightly.

Aether would work his way back up to her chest, bringing his firm hands under the bra and giving them a nice gentle squeeze. Ayaka gasps a moan as she turns her away. Aether gave her another kiss on the lips as he massaged her breast in his hands. Moaning into his mouth, Aether breaks the kiss and takes Ayaka's left boob in his mouth.

Ayaka threw her head back, causing a much louder moan to escape her lips. While sucking on one, he would use his other hand to massage the other one in his free hand. Then switching to the other one, drool would come down the corner of Ayaka's mouth as she tried to hold back moaning, her body quivering from Aether sucking on her breast.

Ayaka: "Ah...A-Aether..." Letting a gasp of breath.

Aether let the breast out his mouth, returning to making out with Ayaka. His hands caress Ayaka's thighs, working around her nice butt. Ayaka did not want to let Aether do all the work even though she was inexperienced, and she did what she felt was natural.

Moving her hand to his pants and rubbing the other layer of his lower region where Aether's bulge was, Aether let out a small moan as he felt Ayaka's hand on his lower area. Seeing this get a reaction out of him, Ayaka continued this before slowly finding her way into his pants, now rubbing the other layer of his tights.

Aether helped make it easy for her, and he would pull his pants down and step out of time, leaving him in his tights. Ayaka continued to caress Aether's bulge before finally taking a moment and going down to her knees as Aether stood up.

Ayaka: "Trav-No...Aether allows me to reward you for everything you've done."

Ayaka would look at Aether bulge in front of her; with a deep breath, she would finally pull them down, letting Aether member finally free in the air allowing her to see all its glory.

Ayaka was surprised by the size of it; he was hiding this in his pants...and it was hard...because of her. Ayaka was already wet from Aether touching and him sucking on her boobs; seeing this was making her a little wetter.

She would then wrap her slick fingers around the shaft mid, causing Aether to let out a gasp feeling her touch. Taking this as a good sign, Ayaka would jerk him off, moving her hand up and down the shaft. Even though it was a little rusty, it was no mean bad still felt amazing getting a handjob from the girl Aether had a crush on for a while.

A bit of precum began to leak out from the tip; wanting to see how it tasted for real, Ayaka gave Aether the tip of his dick a tiny lick tasting the precum, salty. The lick made Aether shudder and moan from the small action.

Ayaka licked the shaft more, jerking him off before taking a bit of dick into her mouth. Aether moaned, moving his finger into Ayaka's hair. Ayaka would slowly begin to suck his dick, taking it inch by inch, slowly getting better and feeling more confident with each passing second.

Removing her hands from his dick and placing them on his hips, Ayaka continued to bob her head back and forth and got more aroused. She is also starting to use her tongue, making Aether moan and grunt as his leg shakes at one point.

With his mind getting more and more in lust, Aether was slowly unable to control himself, with such a beautiful girl currently giving him a blowjob. Aether, not with the opposite for so long, begins to creep in, and his dominant side begins to slip in. Aether would move his hand to the back of Ayaka's head and pause. Causing her to stop a second with a hmm, around his dick, sending a quick shiver up his spine.

Aether: "A-Ayaka!"

Aether would force the rest of his dick right down, making Ayaka's eyes widen and slightly gag. Her nose touched his lower pelvis. Aether moaned as he held her there for a bit before rocking his hips back and then forward inside Ayaka's wet tunnel mouth.

Thrusting after the next pumped him between her soft lips, one of his hands settling on the back of her head and fucking her face more than she did blow him, his balls hitting her chin every time he sheathed himself down her throat; silva coming down Ayaka chin. Ayaka was gagging from a few thrusts, tongue slashing all around Aether rock hard cock as he used her mouth, lost in pure pleasure.

Ayaka's eyes watered as she shut her eyes as felt Aether's dick continue ravaging her mouth; as she continued to pleasure him, Ayaka wasn't expecting Aether to have this side to him. She would expect this to be a turn-off, but for her, someone who always upholds an was slightly turning her on? Was it because Aether was doing this because of her? Or was it a heat of the moment? She couldn't put her finger on it but enjoyed herself as she got wetter downstairs.

Ayaka: ''Gh... ghk...!!"

Aether was drowning in a sea of ecstasy, and the whirlpool grew stronger as pleasure began to build more in his balls. Aether thrust as fast as he could feel his bust at any moment; Ayaka's mind slowly realized what was about to happen as his dick got bigger in her mouth; he was getting ready to cum.

Getting a fresh slew of wet grunts from Ayaka from his face-fucking, her throat muscles convulsing around the tip of his throbbing dick. Aether grunts and pump as much as he can instill-

Aether: "A-Ayaka!"

Aether shoved his dick to the back of her throat, and her nose pressed into his pelvis before he unloaded thick, gushing ropes of cum that burst all over her tongue and went down her throat. Ayaka's eyes widened from the flow, and the volume of white cream forced down her throat. Ayaka gulped as much she could as waves of cum made their way into her stomach, some leaking out.

Ayaka's eyes had half-lid open from the lack of air; thankfully, Aether came down from his high and slowly pulled his dick out, cum falling out of Ayaka's mouth. Ayaka coughs as she gathers much-needed air while covering her mouth.

Aether slowly realized what had happened, and as he came out from his lust a bit, he quickly helped Ayaka, kneeling to her.

Aether: "Oh crud! Ayaka are you ok!?! I didn't hurt you, did I?!?!"

Ayaka: "*cough* N-No...I'm fine. I wasn't expecting be...umm...rough."

Aether: "I... didn't go too far...did I?"

Ayaka: "No it's quite alright. I...actually didn't mind it. It was interesting to see that side of you." Ayaka looked off to the side, messing with her finger white her face got red again.

Aether couldn't believe what had just happened. This girl still finds a way to be so cute. He proceeds to help her up to her feet.

Aether: "W-Would you like to continue." Aether rubs the back of his head.

Ayaka: "Mhm, let's us."

Aether would then sit on the couch with Ayaka joining him, throwing her leg over his lap and straddling him. Ayaka and Aether removed the last bit of their clothing as Ayaka's butts rubbed up against Aether rock hard members, getting a moan out of Aether.

The two would take one last look at each other as both give each a confirmed look knowing they're about to take the next step and there is no going back. With one last look at each other before Ayaka begins to rub her pussy against the tip of Aether's dick, getting a low grunt out of him.

They both moaned as his tip went inside her, going down slowly, inch by inch. Ayaka grits her teeth slightly as Aether slowly gets to take her virginity. Aether moaned at how wet she was and tight, his dick still slightly sensitive from his the blowjob a few minutes ago.

Soon Ayaka could force herself down to take the rest of the Aether member inside her, making tears run down her face. When she finally settles down, her ass rests on his thighs. Her body quivers from the pleasure, nearly making her orgasm.

Aether would wipe away the tears as he kissed her. The two would moan as they wrapped their arms around one another; the kiss was a slow one with ease and passion. The two broke the kiss as they stared into each other's eyes.

Ayaka: "Thank you...just give me a minute."

Aether: "Take your time, Ayaka."

Ayaka gave him a quick kiss, and she would slowly lift herself before going back down on the dick, causing both of them to moan, pushing up off of Aether, only to sink back down, soon falling into a slow, steady rhythm. A low soft moan escaped Ayaka's mouth as she moved her hips in a wave-like motion and went up and down. Aether's arms wrap around Ayaka's lower back, moving his right hand down to cup and feeling Ayaka's butt cheek.

Slowly Ayaka begins to pick up speed, pussy wrapping tighter around Aether, trying to make him cum already; Aether grunts from the warm and fantastic feeling he was feeling from his lower region. Aether moves both his hands to Ayaka's butt before thrusting upward into her, causing her to let out a more exotic moan and lean forward, throwing arms around Aether's neck.

Groaning from the sudden tightness he felt, Aether began to buck his forward into Ayaka, sinking into her hot, clingy depths, every squeeze of her pussy sending her over the edge and threatening to make him bust another load.

Ayaka couldn't hold back her moan as Aether thrust his hips more and more, his hips eagerly slamming up and getting crying and moans out of Ayaka's lips. His cock slammed into her slick depths, lewd squelches escaping their corresponding parts as he pistoned in and out of her rapidly, lust slowly taking over more in his mind.

Ayaka: "A-Ahhh A-Aether~" she cries out from her nether region, burning up more and more with each passing second getting closer.

Aether would see Ayaka's neck wide open; begin to give it a good suck leaving a hickey mark on her, causing Ayaka to cry out in pleasure and throw her hand back.

Ayaka: "A-Aether! I-I-I'm Ahhhhh~!!!!!"

Ayaka came through Aether, thrusting as her leg quivered and tightened her arms around his neck. Aether's mind in deep lust groaned through gritted teeth, feeling her trying to milk him, deterring him from letting her go – Aether tightened as he wrapped both arms around Ayaka's waist, forcing her down onto his dick while he thrust deep into her fucking her through her orgasm.

Aether's motion would alternate between long, hard thrusts or quicker, lighter thrusts, the sound of their flesh smacking together and Ayaka moaning only fuelling his lustful fire further.

As Aether continued pounding Ayaka, only able to moan for most of the time, Ayaka finally got a sentence out. One that would send Aether past the point-

Ayaka: "A-Aether...I-I Love you!!"

That single phrase was all Aether needed to hear; they both knew deep down they loved each other, but hearing it was something about it that made it all the more endearing. And was the push Aether needed.

Hearing that a conversation would pop up in Aether's mind with his end getting closer; up to this point, fucking Ayaka raw has felt amazing, but that also means Aether could run the risk of getting her pregnant. At first, he debated it, but when he heard Ayaka say his name and tell him she loved him. A single phrase came to his mind... 'continue the Kamisato bloodline.'

Aether: "A-Ayaka...I love you too! I...I can't resist anymore, forgive me!"

Ayaka was slightly confused; as her agape mouth was slightly open from all her moaning, Aether would smack his lips against her thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth, and begin moving with a velocity of a wild beast fucking his mate like they're the last things on the planet.

Ayaka's eyes widened from the pure intensity of Aether moving, causing her second orgasm to come much quicker. Her pussy tightened once more, and the urge was too much to resist for Aether, mind clouded with nothing but pure lust and determination.

He slammed into her regions, feeling his balls clench up; his eyes screwed shut – and then, with a breathless gasp, he forced Ayaka close to his body, held her, and forced her down as he blew his load deep inside her.

Ayaka's eyes widened once more as another big orgasm hit her, making her moan out into Aether's mouth, eyes rolling to the back of her head from the intense pure ecstasy. Filling her womb to the brim with his baby batter, his Aether kept cumming inside her. The amount Aether flowing into her was very high. Ayaka was getting pregnant from this.

Soon Aether's orgasm calms down as he fires the last bit of his load into Ayaka; he pulls out, letting his seed leak out. Ayaka lay against his body, catching her breath and feeling the warmth of his chest.

But Ayaka wasn't expecting to be flipped onto her back onto the couch, surprising her. When she looked up, she saw Aether's eyes had a golden glow of hungrier in them; he looked like a lion staring down his prey. Ayaka's face got hot seeing Aether like this.

Aether: "S-Sorry." He whispers to Ayaka; before she can respond, Aether inserts himself back into Ayaka, causing her to let out a lovely moan to the much of Aether's joy.

He would hike her up slightly with her legs in the air and him pressing his body onto her wasting little time fucking her. Grunting into her ear, making Ayaka cry out a moaning whimper as her insides clamp down on his cock as he pounds into her. Even his earlier nut didn't take away from Ayaka's tightness and how amazing it felt to begin inside her.

Ayaka: "Ah-Ahhhh A-Aether!~" She cries out in a moan.

Aether's cock hammering into her, scraping her walls and thumbing against her innermost parts, plowing her, making her his, hearing her call out his name, the tight grip she had on his cock so addictive he couldn't stop himself. Picking the speed makes Ayaka lose it more.

Ayaka would wrap her arms and legs (as best she could, given her position). To keep Aether close, he brings his head up and makes eye contact with Ayaka before the two connect their lips. The sound of smacking flesh rose in tempo, his cock hilted fully within her tight wet sheath; He could feel her insides clamping down on his shaft, her walls slick with want and only encouraging him to plow her and not to stop. Make her his and his alone.

His earlier action from cumming inside fueled him more. Breaking the kiss and burying his head into her neck, plowing his hips as fast as possible, moaning, grunting, wet slapping noise that could be heard, with the sole focus of coming.

Ayaka: A-Aether I'm c-close a-again...*moan*~"

Aether couldn't hold back, especially not when she asked for it and the thought of earlier of her having his child. Groaning tightly, he put every ounce of effort into it; feeling her pussy clenched around his cock was too much to handle, losing himself in the mounting pleasure. Primal wanted to rush up his cock.

And once he felt Ayaka's orgasm hit again, Aether slammed inside her and came, exploring and flooding her womb with ropes of his seed. He ensured she couldn't escape from under him as his balls emptied into her.

Ayaka grips his back slightly, scratching it, as her leg shoots out upward with her body quivering, drool coming down the corner of her lips with eyes shut. Feeling her pussy get splat with a wave of cum. Getting the feeling she was most lightly pregnant from this dose.

Soon they came off their high as Aether pulled out again. Both were slightly out of breath, with soon Aether and Ayaka doing another kiss.

Ayaka: "Wow...that was...amazing."

Aether: "Just like you...I love you Ayaka."

Ayaka: "I love you too Aether."

The two kiss once more, but Aether feels himself get hard again as they kiss. They look down and notice this. Aether blushed and rubbed his cheek to apologize but then felt Ayaka's hand on his chest, getting pushed to his back slowly.

He sees Ayaka staddle himself again; she puts her strain of hair behind her ear, looking down at him.

Ayaka: "It seems you're not satisfied yet, it is my duty to make sure you're happy. Dear."

The voice turned on Aether; Ayaka just used. And it would be quite some time before the two would call it a night.

After that night, the two became a thing, with many people in Inazuma congratulating and happy for both of them. Not long after, in a couple of mouths, the two of them, along with the Kamisato clan, would welcome a new family member.

End of Chapter


And that's the chapter. Hope you enjoy. i won't talk to much given this is a lemon book.

Wanted to get my feet wet with Genshin lemon; because I'm so sad that THERE AREN'T A LOT OF AETHER x FEMALE!! Like why?! Every other Aether tag (you know the ONES!!!) grows expect for us. I guess the saying goes that I love to use....

If you want something done it yourself.

Next girl on the list; One the waifu's from Mondstadt! HEH! Can't say who yet! Where the fun in that? LOL!

Other then that, Tell me what you think? What you like? What you dislike? What you think might happen next? Etc. Thanks for reading and until next time...later.

Genshin Impact own by Mihoyo.

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PART 3 IS HERE Y'ALL!! All images in this fanfic do NOT belong to me, all credits go to the artists! This is a oneshot book for both straight/gay shi...
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