INNOCENCE || 18+ [on hold]

By LivingMyFantasyyy

945 17 2

Aleyna has got herself in a mess well more volunteered Aleyna is a lawyer, hard worker, and she has a set and... More

Disclaimer || Aesthetics
1 || Work
2 || Memories
3 || Runaway
4 || The offer
5 || Gone
6 || Last Resort
7 || World
8 || Shit
9 || Days
10 || Just the beginning
11 || New normal
12 || Hulk
13 || Lucia

14 || Noodles

20 0 0
By LivingMyFantasyyy

Song: Easy-DaniLeight ft Chris brown (sped up + pitched)



Dramatic, dramatic! I look up at the man to my right in complete utter disbelief at his words. A busted lip, a fresh crimson painted scar that drags from his dark curls all the way to his lower neck, painted in dark ink. A bruised rib cage and a sprained arm. Not to mention a cut so deep Ella was stitching him up right now with her delicate fingers.

Making sure not to hurt him. Yet from the looks of it he looks as though he could care less about the pain.

And this man with blue eyes so dark he could cut glass with was staring down at me, amusement clear as day on his sharp features telling me I'm dramatic. When he looks like scar face.

Me on the other hand had a small bruise on my forehead and a sharp pain in my ribcage from when he decided to launch himself at me. Not that i'm not grateful considering... well his condition.

Bewilderment closes my lips shut as I just close my eyes and try to take deep breaths, telling myself that it's ok, i'm going to be ok, and Lorenzo will be ok. I open my eyes at that last affirmation questioning why I even care for his health when hes the reason we were both here sitting in his matte black office getting bandaged up by a maid.

Yes a maid I roll my eyes, eyeying Ellie who's taking her sweet time with Lorenzo and my light brown irises don't miss her unnecessary lingering touches.

"Enough" Lorenzo draws back his voice echoing in the still room, his eyes meet mine telling Ellie to bandage me up. Which she does with a hauf. I still don't understand why we could not have just gone to a hospital where there are professionals.

And nurses that are not just worried about bandaging the attractive mysterious figure covered in ink. My eyes betray me as I watch Lorenzo get up moving towards his desk with not so much as a grunt. Shifting my gaze back to Ella I eye her skeptically at the sudden change in her demeanor, and her delicate fingers are now nowhere to be found.

Squinting my eyes in pain trying to hold back the tear as the needle and stitches dig into the skin on the side of my forehead. I fail by the time she finishes I swear a tear must have escaped my eyes gliding down my cheek. Shes dismissed from the room and then I was told to rest, not move until needed for the healing process of my bruised rib cage.

Lorenzo was told the same but here he was out and about going through paperwork. I raise a dark brow at him, "were you not told to rest" I asked him my voice a bit bitter. Considering my inner turmoil at his hands.

Flipping a page over he doesn't so much as look at me "were you not told to shut the fuck up."

Not getting the hint I perked my lips up wondering when I was told that, "I was not."

He does not bother saying anything, we stay like that for some time until I let my thoughts persuade me. "why did you save me."

"I did not" he responds his tone less than dry. I honestly do not understand why hes so mean. I eye myself than him my gaze going over all his bobos, Letting him know exactly what i'm saying. Slamming his paper on his wooden desk in frustration he sees that i'm not going to let the topic go.

"because it's not your fault."

I already know that, all this was his fault for kidnapping me to begin with. But I don't say that. "You can blame it on your bad driving," Looking less than pleased he stands "and you can blame it on your little lingering touches." My cheeks flame knowing exactly what hes talking about, thanking God that there's melanin in my skin.

Yet I don't think there's enough in the way he looks at me, he takes a step towards me "but it's not gorgeous, that car was sent to kill us" he pauses "or you." My eyes widen at his words while he says it so casually as though its nothing.

He sees the fear in my eyes, lifting my chin up I retort "no it was sent for you and whatever illegal business you do." I murmur also hoping that I would get an answer or even a nudge about whats going on in this mansion that I think I now live in. It's not like I have anywhere else to go.

Lorenzo's lips tip up to one side, hes so tall that he has to kneel on one knee before me in front of the sofa. My eyes roam his figure for any pain they find none. Before I can say anything I feel his large calloused fingers covered in dark ink grip my chin lifting my head up. I still at the sudden move, his face mere inches from mine. "And what do you consider... illegal" he breathes his hot breath fanning over me. What type of question is that?

Answering the obvious I open my mouth, "anything bad." I swallow thickly, he hums his thumb going to trace the sudden bulge in my throat. His features darkening, "Like what" he muses.

My thoughts blur at his touch and a sudden strange feeling reaches my body, "Hurting others, lying, killing" I pause eyeing the fresh scar on his face, "kidnapping people and excetera."

His features show hints of curiosity at the double meaning in my words which deeply concern me. However I say nothing drawing my stare away from his, I make a move to get up away from him lifting myself of the sofa away from his hold, I cant help the small crie of pain that escapes my lips.

He lets go of me surprisingly allowing me to leave, I take a step on wobbly legs fighting back the pain that was caused by him. I needed to get away from him. "shouldn't you be resting" he muses shooting back to me my own words.

I turn to him to find his stare already on me. I hate the way he looks at me and this time I cant seem to find the will power to pull my light irises from his dark ones. His gaze roams my body from my torn dress to the small limp in my walk, He nearly smirks, his thoughts elsewhere.

"I should" I spit back politely "and that's away from you."

His dark blue eyes look less than impressed with me as he makes his way back to his glass desk, not bothering to look down at me, "lay the fuck down." I hate how I comply without a second thought.

Seconds of anger turn to minutes, and those minutes turn to hours of sleep. My body needed it considering what the ignorant brute mere feet away from me put it through. Fighting the drowes from my body I lift my head up to check the time on my phone to see that its two am in the morning.

Only darkness shines from the floor to ceiling window. Gosh what is this mans problem with floor to ceiling windows. Forcing my feet to work I ignore the discomfort I feel in my body. I don't have to look around to know that Lorenzo is not here.

His mere presence is enough. Leaving his office I do not even have to think twice to know where my legs are bringing me. The kitchen, one of my favorite places in a house. Considering the fact that I got a tad lost the journey took me a total of 15 minutes. Which was worth it when I saw the large marble countertops.

Going through the cabinets I find a mini kingdom of ramen noodle packets, and decide to go with the chicken flavor. Already grabbing all my needed seasonings, soy sauce and hot sauce I make my way back to the stove ignite the fire and start doing my thing.

That is until I hear heavy footsteps and murmurs wracking through the nearby hallway. I stop feeling some kind of relief once I'm met with dark brown eyes. "Damnnnn" Dante calls out closing his eyes in aw of the scent. As though hes in heaven.

Walking up towards me or the pot of noodles he stops, taking his sweet time to bask into the scent once more. Deciding not to ruin his moment I continue stirring the pot and giving the noodles more of a caribbean touch.

Making sure to drown them in hot sauce. The next thing my eyes see catch me by complete surprise. A fork and a spoon. In my pot. Dante actually just pulled out a fork and spoon from his sweatpants pocket.

What in the world?

My mouth gasping open like a fish I stand there in shock of the nastiness that my eyes are beholding.

And Dante is to busy acting as thought everything he just did is normal to realize my shocked face. There's no way. Using the fork to catch the noodles and the spoon for the soup he takes a mouth full without asking.

Such improper etiquette.

"Damn this is fire" he finishes chewing "quite litterly" he gasp a bit of liquid building at his eyes. Before he puts his pocket cultury down.

Showing me he would like some he takes out two bowls from the cabinet with and extra fork and spoon for me. I'm surprised he did not have a bowl stuffed away in his other pocket.

Basking in the silence I divide the noodles equally between us and set our bowls on the counter before we both take a seat.

"You start training with me tomorrow" he calls out drawing my attention, his voice ruff from the heat.


I don't speak the thoughts on my mind and instead push them back asking a simple question. "Why?"

He pauses moving away from his food to look down at me his eyes dramatically opening moving up and down on my torn up dress.
His message clear.

But no instead he decides to open his mouth and further explain. "Considering the fact that you look like you've been to war and back, or shall I say fought a bear, and my the way you lost considering well..."
Dante draws leaving the rest of his sentence to my imagination.

"Well" he speaks out again in contemplation, "at the end of the day It was not your fault rather the big meanie fault who never looks at the fucking road."

I laught a small snort at the word he used to call Lorenzo, "He's mean to you too." I ask generally curious.
Tapping his hand on the table he answers "who is he not mean to" he pouts " I swear he has daddy issues and mommy issue." He laughs.

"He even had the audacity to beat me in uno yesterday." He mumbles angrily under his breath.

Raising a brow in contemplation he speaks once again. "Don't tell him I said this" he whispers concern taking over his features, "but I think he has brother, sister and all kind of issues." He laughs raising a hand up as thought he is proud of himself for finally speaking the words that came from his mouth.

His smile is contagious.

And just by seating here with him for not even five minutes do I feel a bit better.

That is until a certain type of questions reapers in my mind fat to often. Turning to Dante I watch him slurp up his last noodle before I muster enough courage to
speak my mind.

"Why am I here" I question him, my voice laced with sorrow. He stops slurping to draw his attention back to me nit before holding my gaze to see if I really wanted the truth.

And I did, I wanted it badly, not wavering from his dark irises I stand there determined for the truth even if it will break me. He sees this in my eyes as he lowers his gaze before speaking.

"Lorenzo does not do anything unless it benefits him in a way" he pauses finding my irises "he's using you, I don't 100 percent know what for but just know that he is."

He doesn't have to speak words for me to know he was not supposed to tell me that. Meaning I had to keep my mouth shut of the knowledge he just gave me.
The same knowledge that I had vaguely already knew of.


Ty for reading❤️

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