Worlds Collide 2 : A LOTR/GOT...

By timbegs

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Continuing on with the 2nd Part of the Journey of Middle Earth. When a Cosmic and Strange Event happens right... More

Prologue: The Gates to the Next World.
Chapter 1: Emyn Muil.
Chapter 2: The Taming of Smeagol.
Chapter 3: The Kingdom of Rohan.
Chapter 4: The Burning of the Westfold.
Chapter 5: Fangorn Forest.
Chapter 6: The Dead Marshes.
Chapter 7: The White Wizard.
Chapter 8: The Black Gate.
Chapter 9: Purging Edoras.
Chapter 11: Enter Gondor.
Chapter 12: Warg Attack.
Chapter 13: Isengard Unleashed.
Chapter 14: Arwen's Fate.
Chapter 15: Sons of the Steward.
Chapter 16: Where is the Horse and the Rider?
Chapter 17: The Battle of Helm's Deep.
Chapter 18: The Turn of the Tide.
Chapter 19: Finish the Fight.
End of Book 2.
Book 3 is up!

Chapter 10: The King's decision.

275 9 0
By timbegs

All of Rohan had gathered in Edoras as Theodred's body was moved by the Rohirrim to be buried outside the city gates. The body was followed by Théoden, Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Jon, Sansa, the Hound, and the people of Edoras to pay their respects. Eowyn waited with other women. And she struggled to keep her emotions in check. 

At Theodred's tomb, his body was passed to the women, Sansa held Jon's hand. Although, she didn't know who Theodred was, she still felt sympathy for the King who had lost his son. Eowyn also sang shaking as she did so. "Bealocwealm hafa. freone frecan forth onsended giedd sculon singan glaomenn sorgiende on Meduselde oat he ma no ware his dryhtne dyrest and mega deorost. Bealo..." (An evil death has set forth the noble warrior. A song shall sing sorrowing minstrels in Meduseld that he is no more, to his lord dearest and kinsmen most belover. 'An evil death...)

Theodred's body was passed into the tomb and the doors shut behind him.

Finally, when all was said and done. A single Simelmyne flower lay in front of it. 

Théoden, Gandalf, Jon, and Sansa were still outside.

"Simelmyne. Ever has it grown on the tombs of my forebearers." Théoden said. Then he turned to the others. "Now it shall cover the tomb of my son. Alas that these evil days should be mine. The young perish and the old linger. That I should live, to see the last days of my house." 

"It wasn't your fault." Sansa replied quietly. 

"Sansa's right. Theodred's death was not of your making." Gandalf agreed.

"No parent should have to bury their child." Théoden said in clear pain in his voice. Then he went back to weeping on the ground falling to his knees. The pain of a Parent to have to lose their child. A child they saw enter the world. And would do anything to see live a good life. But for it all to leave so soon. There are many names to call people who have lost loved ones. Widows, Orphans, Widowers, Only Children. But there are no words to describe a Parent who had lost a Child.

Sansa also broke a little. "We never got to say goodbye, Jon." She said.

Jon realized who Sansa was talking about. "You're not talking about Theodred, are you?" He asked.

Sansa nodded her head. "I watched Father die right in front of me. His Head falling from his neck. And Mother and Robb. I heard it from a letter how they died. And how I lay awake at night... thinking about how they died." She admitted.

"There was nothing you could've done." Jon replied. 

"Did I make it worse, Jon?" Sansa asked. "By asking for mercy, did I, doom Father to death?" She still remembered going on her knees in front of Joffrey and begging to show mercy for her Father. And how Joffrey promised to be merciful. But then he took his head. 

"No." Jon answered. "You were-" 

"A stupid little girl with stupid dreams who never learned." Sansa interrupted. And Jon shushed her and held her close.

"He was strong in life. His spirit will find its way to the Halls of your Fathers." Gandalf told Théoden. He then said a prayer for Theodred that he would go well. 

"Come on. Let's get back up the Hill. This place is depressing." Jon suggested to Sansa.

"Okay." Sansa nodded.

Gandalf also left with them. 

As they walked up the hill, Gandalf turned to see two children riding on a Horse. The same children from one of the Villages of the Westfold, Eothain and Freda. They were on horseback, but Eothain fell to the ground. Jon and Sansa also turned. 

"By the Gods." Jon said. And he ran over to help them and get them inside the city.

Sansa also ran up as well. Jon kneeled down to Eothain.

"Help... us." Freda said clearly exhausted and in pain. "Is he... is he dead?" She asked.

"No. He's not dead." Jon answered. 

Gandalf also walked up to them. 

"It's okay. You can come off the Horse now." Sansa insisted Freda as she got her off the horse.

"Mama?" Freda asked.

"Come. Let's take them back to the Golden Hall." Gandalf said, as he took the exhausted horse.

The Children ate ravenously in the Golden Hall, as Eowyn sat with them. Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Sansa were all sitting at one table. The Hound eating some chicken was sitting at another table. Jon stood by the side. Théoden sat on his throne with his head in his hand, as Gandalf sat next to him. And the children told them their home was attacked. 

"They had no warning. They were unarmed." Eowyn said. "Now the Wild Men are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go. Rick, cot and tree." 

"Leave it to Saruman to let savages burn the countryside." Sansa commented.

"Where is Mama?" Freda asked remembering that her Mother would find them in Edoras. But she was not there.

"Sssh." Eowyn hushed and she wrapped a blanket around Freda. 

"This is but a taste of the terror that Saruman will unleash." Gandalf informed. "All the more potent for he is driven now by fear of Sauron. Ride out and meet him head on. Draw him away from your women and children." He suggested as he placed a hand on Théoden's chair. "You must fight." 

"You have 2000 good men riding north as we speak." Aragorn added. "Eomer is loyal to you. His men will return and fight for their king." 

Théoden got up now. "They will be 300 leagues from here by now. Eomer cannot help us." He pointed out. "I know what it is you of me, but I will not bring further death to my people. I will not risk open war."  

"Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not." Aragorn countered. 

The Hound took another bite of chicken. "Clearly proved that when he attacked your villages." He added.

"But how do we fight back?" Jon asked. "We don't have enough men, and Edoras is no place to defend against Saruman's armies. And also Sauron's Orcs." 

Théoden looked at Aragorn and Jon "When last I looked: Théoden, not Aragorn, nor Jon Snow, was King of Rohan." 

Gimli who was also eating and drinking burped loudly and then embarrassed.

"Then what is the King's decision?" Gandalf asked, as all eyes were now looking on Théoden. 

"By order of the King, the city must empty!" Hama announced outside to people gathering outside. "We make for the refuge of Helm's Deep! Do not burden yourself with treasures. Take only what provisions you need."  

"Helm's Deep." Gandalf grunted, not happy with the decision. With the others walking behind him. 

"They flee to the Mountains when they should stand and fight. Who will defend them if not their king?" Gimli asked. 

"He's only doing what he thinks is best for his people. Helm's Deep has saved them in the past." Aragorn answered as they entered the stable. 

"What is exactly is Helm's Deep?" Sansa asked walking up with them. 

"It's a fortress built by the Men of Gondor during the Second Age of Middle Earth. Rohan had been using it as a fortress after their Kingdom was given to them by Gondor." Aragorn answered.

"Why haven't the Rohirrim been using that as a Capital City if that's the case?" Jon asked.

"They preferred Edoras." Aragorn answered. 

"There is no way out of that Ravine. Théoden is walking them into a trap." Gandalf pointed out. "He thinks he's leading them to safety. What they will get is a massacre. Théoden has a strong will, but I fear for him. I fear for the survival of Rohan." He then turned to Aragorn. "He will need you before the end, all of you. The people of Rohan will need you." 

"What does that mean?" Sansa asked.

"He's talking about a battle coming." The Hound answered. 

"The defenses have to hold." Gandalf continued. 

"They will hold." Aragorn insisted. 

Gandalf gave Aragorn a reassuring look. He then stroked Shadowfax. "The Grey Pilgrim. That's what they used to call me. Three hundred lives of Men I've walked this earth, and now I have no time. With luck, my search will not be in vain." He then mounted Shadowfax.

"Wait. What do you mean? You're leaving us?" Jon asked.

"Not forever, Jon Snow." Gandalf answered. "I am simply off to get you more help." 

"You're getting more men." Sansa realized. 

"Indeed." Gandalf confirmed. "Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the East." 

Aragorn nodded. "Go." 

Gandalf rode off out of the stables. 

"Just when it seemed like we finally got Gandalf back, he leaves." Sansa thought. 

Just then they heard a noise from the stable. And Aragorn turned to see two men holding a horse on either side with ropes. The Horse rearing and neighing all over the place very upset. "Excuse me." He said then he turned to the distressed horse. 

A Rohirrim Stableman tried to stop Aragorn though. "That horse is half mad, My Lord. There's nothing you can do. Leave him." He insisted.

But Aragorn walked up to the Horse calmly. "Faste stille no, faste, stille no. Lac is drefed, gefregon." (Fast, be quiet now, fast, be quiet now. A battle is stirred up, they heard.)

The Horse calmed a bit. Aragorn took one of the ropes and stroked him.

"Impressive." Jon commented to Sansa.

Eowyn who was watching from a distance turned to Aragorn. "His name is Brego. He was my Cousin's horse." She explained. 

"Brego?" Aragorn asked. "Ein  nama is cynglic." (Your name is kingly.)

"He can talk to Horses too?" The Hound asked. "This world is just chalk full of psychos." 

"Man le trasta, Brego? Man cenich?" (What troubles you, Brego? What did you see?) Aragorn asked Brego.

"I have heard of the magic of Elves, but I did not look for it in a Ranger from the North. You speak as if you were one of their own." Eowyn answered. 

"I was raised in Rivendell. For a time." Aragorn replied. He then turned to Eowyn. "Turn this fellow free. He's seen enough of war." He said as he took the Horses saddle and left Eowyn with Brego. 

"So... Elf Magic allows them to talk with Horses?" Jon asked Sansa.

"Well, that explains how Arwen was able to talk with that horse when she took Frodo with her to Rivendell." Sansa remembered now. 

"Was that what that was?" The Hound asked. "I just assumed she was bored with her horse." 

Sansa rolled her eyes. 

Meanwhile, in Isengard, a land preparing its war machine. Grima Wormtongue rode up to Saruman who had not taken losing control of Théoden and all of Rohan very well. "Gandalf the White. Gandalf the Fool! Does he seek to humble me with his newfound piety?" He asked himself trying to make sense of all of it as he walked around the Palantir. 

Wormtongue had entered the room. "There were six who followed the wizard. An Elf, a Dwarf, a Woman, and Three Men." He informed. 

Saruman took one whiff without looking at Wormtongue. "You stink of Horse." Wormtongue left to take his leave. But as he turned, Saruman stopped him. "The Men... were they from Gondor?" He asked. "And what of the Woman?" 

"No." Wormtongue answered. "The Woman was very beautiful I will admit. Long Red Hair, Blue eyes-" 

Saruman remembered now. "The Girl that Gandalf found in the Shire with the Halfling. That was her. Sansa Stark if I recall." 

"2 of the men with her seemed to be guarding her with a fury." Wormtongue added. "A Man was with Black Hair, and Brown Eyes. Did not appear to be from any land I could recall. And the other Man was very cut up and a large burned scar on his face." 

"Hm." Saruman pondered. "It appears to be far more off worlders than I thought. What of the Third Man? Was he off world?" 

"No. He was from the North." Wormtongue answered. "One of the Dunedain Rangers, I thought he was. His cloth was poor. And yet..." His mind pondered something. "He bore a strange ring. Two serpents with emerald eyes. One devouring, the other crowned with golden flowers." 

Saruman turned to his book to confirm what he thought the ring looked like. He found the page that described the ring in great detail. "The Ring of Barahir. So Gandalf Greyhame thinks he's found Isildur's heir. The Lost King of Gondor. He is a fool. The line was broken years ago." He said closing the book. "It matters not. The world of Men shall fall. It will begin at Edoras." 

Back in Edoras, they people were leaving the city. In the Golden Hall, Théoden put on his gloves, ready to leave. "I am ready, Gamling. Bring my horse." He ordered.  

Gamling nodded and then he walked away, still in deep thought. Théoden spoke to him. "This is not a defeat. We will return." He assured. 

Gamling nodded and walked out. Théoden turned to himself. And tried to reassure himself with his own words. Even if he didn't believe it. "We will return." 

As the Golden Hall was carrying the chests from the Golden Hall. Eowyn opened up a chest, in it was a sword and unsheathed it. She held it up and ran her hand down the blade. She swung it, turning her head. Swiping through the air. And as she turned around, her sword met Aragorn's knife.

Jon and Sansa were by the chests and helping people move things. And they saw Aragorn's and Eowyn's weapons held against each other. "You have some skill with a blade." Aragorn noted. 

The Blades rounded swiftly, releasing from each other. "Woman of this country learned long ago: Those without swords can still die upon them." She explained, as she put the sword away. "I fear neither death nor pain." 

"What do you fear, My Lady?" Aragorn asked.

"A cage." Eowyn answered turning back to Aragorn. "To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them. And all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire." 

Aragorn shook his head. "You're a Daughter of Kings. A shieldmaiden of Rohan." He said sheathing his knife. I do not think that would be your fate." He then bowed his head taking his leave. 

Sansa walked up though. "I think you'd really like my sister, Arya." She said to Eowyn. "She preferred being a knight to a Lady." 

Eowyn also saw the sword Sansa had beside her. "And what about you? That Elvish Blade seems to suit you fine." 

"Well, it serves its purpose." Sansa admitted. "Even if I'd only started using it only a few weeks ago." 

Eowyn nodded. "Better late than never." She replied. She also looked at Needle that was by Jon's side. 

Sansa also saw it. "That's Arya's blade, Needle. Jon had it forged for her. And when we find Arya. We'll give it back to her." She explained to Eowyn. 

"And where is Arya now?" Eowyn asked.

"With a giant talking tree." Sansa answered.

"You mean the Ents?" Eowyn asked. 

"Yeah, that's it." Sansa answered. 

The people of Edoras were last seen leaving through the city gates, led by Théoden and his guards, with the Hound, Jon, Sansa, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. Théoden paused to look back at Edoras. Then rode off. The people of Rohan weaving its way down the hill side. 

Back at Isengard, Wormtongue wiped his mouth with a handkerchief. "Théoden will not stay at Edoras. It's vulnerable. He knows this. He will expect an attack on the city. They will flee to Helm's Deep, the Great Fortress of Rohan. It is a dangerous road to take through the Mountains. They will be slow. They will have women, and children." He reported to Saruman. 

Saruman agreed with that. And he had developed a plan. A plan of surprise. He walked down to the pits of Orthanc. And summoned the Head Orc. "Send our your Warg-riders." 

The Orc grinned, as he prepared out the Wargs who were growling and fighting amongst themselves. They would make sure that the Rohirrim never arrived at Helm's Deep. 

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