Peter Parker's Wild Field Trip

By Walker28714

5.4K 87 57

Peter Parker has a secret. One he hopes no one will ever find out while he's a student at Midtown High, and n... More

The Start
Midtown High and Peter
Get Away From Me
A Bio Chem Agent
I'm Sorry Pete.
Wall-Man and Mercury
CEO Privileges
Peter. Benjamin. PARKER
Pretty Carpet


708 13 0
By Walker28714

"Friday!" Peter exclaimed. "Don't break the protocol!"

"Sorry Peter, that protocol has been overridden." Replied the AI.

Oh no.

"Penis how much did you pay someone to set that up? $100? $1000??"

Peter didn't care about Flash. He cared about his protocol. The protocol that was no longer in place. Suddenly Peter became extremely nervous for when he had to scan in.

"Ok guys, we're going to start the tour now, if you would please walk through this metal detector and scan your pass we'll make our way to the first stop."

And here it came.

"Betty Brant, Level Red" FRIDAY read off. "Flash Thompson, Level RED, Ned Leeds, Level Green" FRIDAY continued.

"Wait, why are you green?" Flash asked rudely

"Because I come here with Peter, Flash." Ned quickly snapped back.

"Michelle Jones, Level Green." FRIDAY read off again.

"Fri, How many times have I told you to call me MJ" MJ told the ceiling.

"Sorry MJ, I'll update the systems" FRIDAY replied.

"Thanks Fri" MJ replied.

The class was silent observing the interaction between MJ and FRIDAY. There was only one person left who had yet to go through the entrance. Peter. Peter was worried, especially since someone had discovered and deleted the protocol. Someone in the Avengers knew he was coming today. Tony knew he would be coming today. Peter gulped as he slowly stepped towards the machine.

"FRIDAY.. I have Karen with me." Peter whispered softly to the ceiling, telling her so she won't set off the metal detector. "Can I override the override?" Peter asked intently.

"I'm sorry Peter, your override cannot override this override at this time, I have strict orders from the boss." She said with a warm tone.

With a shaky hand Peter scanned his card.

"Peter Parker, Level Black, Welcome home from school Peter, you're home early. Shall I inform the Boss of your arrival? I've been told to tell you not to enter the kitchen today, the chef is preparing something special for dinner tonight" The ceiling said.

"Home?" Flash introjected.

"Don't inform Mr. Stark Fri, He already knows I'm here." Peter muttered sadly.

"Ok Peter I've informed Mr. Stark, enjoy your tour" The AI replied.

"Thanks Fri" Peter muttered to the ceiling, giving up all hope for a normal tour.

As Peter turned to walk and join the group he saw the entire class looking at him. His face turned red as he realised that everyone just heard him interact with FRIDAY. Grace, also noticing the interaction, put the puzzle pieces together that Peter was the mystery level black person. Her mouth was agape in shock. After a short time Grace regained composure and began directing the tour to the elevator. Peter walked over to MJ and Ned, the two people who knew he had an internship here, and the two people who weren't reacting.

"Mr. Stark knows I'm here on a tour, I thought I had kept it hidden. I was being so careful." He whispered to the pair.

"Sorry Peter, I'm meant to be comforting, but now this means that there's a chance we will be able to see an Avenger." Ned whispered back excitedly.

"Ned, you've met all the avengers...." Peter stated.

"I know, but they are just so coooool." Ned finished as they arrived at the first stop.

"Welcome to the avengers museum everyone. We'll be spending about an hour here, feel free to roam around but no pictures please. Stark Industries takes pride in being in the moment. If you try to take a photo, FRIDAY will deactivate your phone for the remainder of the trip. Take Care!" Grace said to the group.

"Can we go see the Iron-man exhibit?" Ned asked.

"Sure," Peter mumbled.

As the trio walked around the avengers museum, they heard some commotion coming from a room to their side. It was Flash being overly excited over a display.

"Dude, I didn't think they would have him in here since he's not an avenger." A student yelled.

"Of course He's in here. Why wouldn't he be?!" Flash scoffed.

This peaked the interest of both Peter and Ned, MJ as always wasn't interested. They all walked into the room to see what the fuss was about, and as Ned laid eyes on a familiar blue and red suit he turned to Peter and let out a shrill of excitement. Peter, on the other hand, wanted to sink into a hole and die. In the Avengers museum, there was a Spider-Man exhibit. No one of course had told Peter it was there. And Peter hadn't been down to the museum since the new additions. He guessed that this was the new addition.

"Friday" Peter muttered. "Why is this here?"

"This is the new Spider-Man exhibit Peter" Friday replied.

"I know that Fri, but why Spider-Man?" He asked again.

"Boss wanted to commemorate Spider-Man's efforts around the neighbourhood of Queens, and his efforts in the Civil War dispute."

Peter's heart filled with happiness as he stood there looking at Spider-Man's exhibit. Looking at his exhibit. The tour slowly moved on, their time at the museum coming to an end. Next up was the R&D labs, or the research and development labs, one of Peter's favourite areas in the entire building, aside from his lab of course. Peter liked going and talking to the interns and scientists that were always working with in the labs, they all often bounce ideas off each other. The tour, surprisingly was going smoothly, that was until they all got into the elevator to head up to the R&D labs.

"Peter" FRIDAY said into the elevator startling some of Peter's mates who weren't used to FRIDAY.

"Yes Fri?" Peter inquired.

"Mini Stark Protocol has been activated. Boss has been called to an important mission regarding the Avengers, and Pepper is unavailable at this time." FRIDAY said with a calm voice. "I've sent a private message to your phone, it is urgent that you read it now." FRIDAY continued with a commanding voice.

"Shit" Peter cursed.

Peter was stunned and nervous, the one thing he didn't want to happen today was the activation of the Mini Stark protocol. A couple of years back, after dealing with Thanos, Tony decided he needed to select an heir to Stark Industries. He chose Peter and Harley, to be the new Pepper and Tony. Of course because both boys were dealing with school, their fortune would not be announced until something happened to either Tony or Pepper. To prepare for this big role, both boys had training done, this gave rise to the Mini Stark Protocol. A protocol that will only be activated in an extreme emergency. This protocol gives full access and CEO abilities to both Peter and Harley. Peter slowly pulled out his phone and stared at the message.

FRIDAY: There are intruders breaking into the second floor. The suspects are unknown at the moment. I have secured the lower levels and am currently evacuating the lobby and lower floors. The target for these intruders are unknown at this moment.

Ok, holy shit, this was a big moment and Peter was immediately pushed into his superhero mode. Peter looked around to his classmates and his teacher who all had shocked expressions.

"FRIDAY, what's the safest floor away from the targets?" Peter asked the ceiling. Targets of course being the code word Peter had just thought of as to not alarm the tour. Friday being a smart AI of course picked up on the code word.

"The Penthouse Boss." FRIDAY replied. Peter cringed at the use of Boss. But he decided to move on because there was a more urgent matter at hand.

"What about the training room?" Peter inquired. He didn't want his classmates to go to his home..his living quarters, that would be weird.

"The training room is not reinforced." Friday replied. The reply caused a couple of his classmates to stir.

"Peter? What's happening?" Mr Harrington asked.

With a sigh Peter said "I cannot disclose that at this time. I can tell you that Stark Industries is on lockdown, no one moves in or out." Peter turned towards his classmates and with all the courage he could muster said "OK! Listen up guys, there is an emergency situation happening downstairs, as for the moment the tour is suspended and will most likely be postponed. Don't worry I'll reorganise it with FRIDAY for the next available school tour. Currently, a protocol has been activated which means that I am in charge of the entire Stark Industries. So what I says goes." The elevator starts moving upwards towards the Penthouse.

"How are we expected to believe you? How do we know that you haven't just paid someone to set this all up" Flash said.

As if on cue, a large explosion was heard coming from one of the lower floors.

"FRIDAY" Peter said. "FRIDAY" Peter said sternly. "I don't give you access to take everyone to the penthouse."

"I'm sorry Peter, it's for the safety of everyone that I take them up to your penthouse. There is nowhere else with enough reinforcement that could contain such a large group."

"FRIDAY!" Peter yelled "You know that no one can go there. Take them to my personal lab instead. Can you get Dum-e, U and Butterfingers to pack up all classified documents and equipment and put them in Mr. Stark's lab?"

"Wait Peter where are you going to go?" Ned asked. Peter just turned to Ned and gave him a knowing nod.

"Oh" Ned responded

"Please be safe," MJ said.

"You know I will" replied Peter as he hopped off the elevator to go deal with the intruders. 

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