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De justarcane

129K 5.2K 3.6K

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2.8K 136 71
De justarcane

"Leona-san, we have to talk about something." Reggie put down the laundry basket and closed the door. He sat on the chair as if something serious had happened.

Leona had just finished changing and was laying on his bed, scrolling his phone. He couldn't help frowning as his head had been painful since he woke up, and he didn't know why. It's probably because he had to deal with the Housewarden document last night and didn't have enough sleep.

He slightly looked up at Ruggie before returning to the screen and asking, "What? Those idiots are fighting in the lounge again? Just go to stop them, easy." He had no time to deal with those troubles when his head was going to explode.

"No, it's not about the dormmates." Ruggie shook his head. "I want to talk about Y/n-chan."

Hearing your name, Leona's finger stopped scrolling through the screen for a second, but he soon continued as if nothing had happened. "Why are we talking about Herbivores then?" He asked without making any eye contact with Ruggie.

The hyena couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Fine, I'm gonna come straight to the point." Ruggie crossed his arms and continued.

"Are you in love with Y/n?"

Leona's room became silent, with Ruggie looking at his housewarden, waiting for a reply, and Leona using his phone to block his face.

"HAHAHAHA!" The silence was soon broken by Leona's laughter. "Ruggie, your creativity can always amuse me. How hilarious."

Ruggie rolled his eyes again. Leona might be able to trick the others, but definitely not him. "Really, Leona-san? Sure you wanna keep on lying?" He uttered.

Leona put on his usual smug smirk. "You think I am one of those kids who are having a crush on someone? Have you been watching too much Shojo manga, Ruggie?" The lion teased.

"I also cannot believe that you, Leona Kingscholar, are actually in love with someone." Ruggie shrugged, "But your actions have sold you out."

Leona put down his phone and turned to Ruggie, "I don't even know what you're talking about."

Ruggie was done which his housewarden who wouldn't tell the truth until the last moment. "Really? You want me to count them one by one? Fine, let's do it."

"First, you are going to the cafeteria for lunch. You used to say the cafeteria is noisy and full of stupid herbivores, and you'd rather have lunch in the botanical garden." Ruggie listed his first observation. "But now, you nearly go there every day, and guess what? Every single time, you would go to Y/n-Chan's table to talk about literally anything. Even if you don't, you still constantly look toward her direction and hear what she's talking. Don't think I can't see that."

Leona kept silent.

"Second, you don't even need me to wake you up on the days in which class 1A's potionlogy and your free period are both the first lessons. You'll wait there in the freshman's building until Y/n-chan walks by. You'll then pretend that you are just wandering around but not waiting for her, and join her to walk to the class together."

Leona seemed a little bit startled when he heard what Ruggie said. "Oi, were you stalking me-"

"Don't ask why I know all of these. I didn't stalk you. Someone who sees that every single time told me that, so don't think of denying that." Ruggie cut off his housewarden and explained.

Leona tsked before he returned to his phone, trying to act like he didn't give a damn about what Ruggie said.

Ruggie hadn't finished, in fact, he still got a lot of proof. "Third, you are no longer late for the Spelldrive training..."

"... Fourth, I saw you staring at the checkerboard and smiling when you're playing chess alone."

"...Five, you roll your eyes 3 times in a minute whenever you saw Vil-san chatting with Y/n-chan.m, with your tail swinging impatiently."

Ruggie couldn't count how many proofs he had shown. Leona kept his phone in front of his face and didn't show any significant responses, except that his tail was constantly flicking on the sheet, noticeably irritated.

"Last but not least, Sam told me you bought a box of the newly arrived strawberries pocky last time I went and bought daily necessities for the dorm. You are not even a fan of fruit! The only reason I can think of is Y/n-"

"Urusai Ruggie! Have you done yet?!" Leona yelled and stopped Ruggie from explaining further.

"Pff..." Ruggie couldn't help himself and chuckle. "Leona-san, wouldn't you be... shy?"

Hearing that, Leona noticed that he was yelling out of nervousness and stopped for a second before he put on his frivolous smirk. "Tsk, Ruggie. You'd be dreaming if you think I have anything to do with being shy." He shrugged before walking towards the door.

"Quit bullshitting and get ready for your class." Was all he said before he pushed the door and ready to leave his room, and also the hyena, so as to end this discussion.

All of a sudden, someone's phone rang. It's Ruggie's.

"Good morning, Y/n-chan! What's up? Oh, you're with Vil-san." Ruggie intentionally raised his voice and asked.

Hearing your name, Leona, who was already out of the room, immediately looked back into his room and questioned, "WHY DO YOU HAVE HER PHONE NUMBER AND WHY WOULD SHE CALL YOU?!" He was already irritated enough due to the headache, and here came this call. Leona didn't understand why you were calling Ruggie, who you weren't that familiar with, instead of him, not mentioning the fact that you are with that Vil Schoenheit.

"Shi shi shi, I made that up. It's Jack-kun who called me. SHIHAHAHAHA! Neh, neh Leona-san, why are you so nervous? Shi shi shi!!" He teased with laughter.

"Oi, Ruggie-senpai, I'm Jack, not Y/n from class 1A. What's wrong?" They heard Jack asking with confusion on the other head of the phone, with Vil asking why Jack stopped running from behind. At least he wasn't lying about the "with Vil-san" part though.

Leona realized that he had been tricked. He glared at Ruggie while trying to suppress his anger and embarrassment, or Ruggie would definitely keep on teasing him.

"Tsk, you are even more childish than my nephew, Ruggie. Quite making up stories." He once again walked out of the room.

"And from today on, don't you think of claiming the laundry and errands fee from me." Was all he left before slamming the door.

"Wait, WAIT NO LEONA-SAN! I AM SORRY! I AM SORRY ALTHOUGH I AM ONLY TELLING THE TRUTH! LEONA-SAN!" When it came to money, Ruggie stopped joking around immediately and ran out from the room, chasing his housewarden. There is no way he would use his own money to do Leona's laundry and buy lunch for him.


Walking on the bridge hallways in Savannaclaw, Leona couldn't help shaking his head to get rid of not only what Ruggie had said back in his room, and also what the freshman asked him some time ago.

"Leona-senpai likes Y/n, am I right?" Ace all of a sudden asked Leona during a break in the night basketball training.

Leona who was gushing the water into his throat stopped for a second when he heard Ace's question, but he soon continued drinking water and acted normal, "Why asking?"

His upperclassman not denying, Ace continued to tell his thoughts. "Leona-senpai has been spending a lot of time with Y/n. Although you often seem so annoyed, you never walk away in the middle."

"The look in your eyes when you are looking at Y/n, and that tiny smile, it's literally the same when my elder brother is looking at his girlfriend."

"You don't even like to move or walk, but you learn basketball for her. Aren't these the iron proofs that you actually like her?" Ace stated while clipping his fringes onto the top of his head.

Leona looked at the floor. Your face came across his mind. A small smile appeared on his face. Perhaps, maybe.

"Who knows? Probably not." Was all Leona replied before he stood up from the ground and stretched. "Done resting? Let's start again." He said and walked toward the middle of the court.

"Perhaps, maybe..." Leona mumbled after coming back from the recalls while unconsciously shaking his head to make the pain disappear. It's a question he had had an answer to for quite a while. He knew the answer, but he just didn't want to or dare to admit that.

"Are you zoning out, Leona? You'd bump into someone if you're not watching the road." All of a sudden, Leona heard a familiar voice. He looked up from the ground and found you standing in front of him. He was too focused on his thinking that he didn't realize he had already arrived at the mirror room of Savannaclaw.

"Herbivore, why are you here in the morning." Leona seemed a bit startled by your sudden appearance.

You took out the chess set you had been hiding behind your back. "20 minutes before the first lesson, wanna play a few rounds?" You smiled and asked.

Hearing that, Leona smiled. He then combed his long fringes backward and turned back to the direction of the lounge. "Sure. Let's grab the time, or I can only beat you in two rounds." He looked back at you and joked with a playful smirk.

"I should be the one who says that, Leona. Don't forget that I was the winner last time we played." You said while fastening your speed to catch up with the lion boy.

"Well, for one round, only." Leona smirked.

"Don't be arrogant, Leona. Let's see who is the winner this time."


Leona in the afternoon was grumpier than usual. He was planning on joining you and the idiot trio for lunch, but he found that Vil had brought you, a few of his Pomefiore fellows, and his movie club mates to an exhibition in the town. It was scheduled that the event ended at 5 pm. There's no way Leona would ask Vil to let him join them, not to mention that Rook Hunt would also be there.

"Tsk, it's always that Vil Schoenheit..." Leona muttered and walked towards the botanical garden for another nap.

Since the morning, had seen you since the morning. There weren't any potionlogy lessons for your class today. At recess, he was lectured by Trein for procrastinating on the project for half a month. The worst part was the fact that there would be extra training for the Spelldrive team after school, and you wouldn't be there as you'd still be in the exhibition, admiring those artworks that he wouldn't even understand.

After the last lesson, Leona used his magic to change into the sports uniform. He walked out from the main school building and looked toward the sports field, where his teammates were already gathering around. However, something seemed strange. There were way too many people if the crowds were only formed by members of the Spelldrive team. Obviously, students who were not part of the club were also gathering around the field.

"Mendokusai..." Leona muttered out of annoyance. It seemed like all troubles deliberately chose this day on which Leona had a headache to occur.

"What is it?" Leona asked a random Ignihyde student who was shaking in fear as he walked toward the field.

"Ah!" The student in a blue t-shirt screamed as Leona patted his shoulder. He was relieved when he found that it was Leona.

"Le- Leona-sen- senpai... the monster is... is... here..." the student replied while shivering. His face almost turned blue.

"Hah?" What stupid nonsense are you talking about? Monster? You think we're still in the ancient magic era?" Leona questioned impatiently.

"No... Leona-senpai... the monster in real life ... Ma- Malleus Draconia is here!!" The student screamed before he ran toward the opposite direction of the sports field.

"Malleus?" Leona was a bit surprised that Malleus was here, at their training venue, but what came along with the surprise, was a jolt of anger and irritation.

"Tsk, that Lizard Bastard...!" He would not spare anyone who dared to step into his territory, especially when that someone was Malleus Draconia.

"Oi oi oi, isn't that his highness Malleus Draconia? What brought you here, a place full of us ordinary folks?" Leona raised his voice when he entered the middle of the crowds and saw Malleus.

Malleus, who was in his sports uniform, turned to the back where Leona's voice came from. "Kingscholar." Malleus greeted.

Leona stopped in front of his rival. The smirk on his face all of a sudden disappeared. A deadly stare appeared instead. "What the hell are you doing in my field?"

Malleus's thin lips curved into a smirk. "What's with the anger, Kingscholar? I am here to join your training, and perhaps have a contest with you and your team, to boost the level of our school's representative."

Hearing what the person in front of him said, Leona who was already in a bad mood was totally pissed off. He grabbed the collar of Malleus' sports uniform and bellowed, "So you're implying that you'll definitely beat us all, beat me, aren't you, bastard?"

"I thought I was the winner of last year's inter-dorm Spelldrive tournament." Malleus reminded, no matter he did that intentionally to provoke Leona or not. The crowds around the sports field became larger. Everyone was whispering with one another. Nobody dared to make any noise, as all of them could feel the intense atmosphere between the two most terrifying Housewardens in this school.

"Go back and admire those god-knows-what or whatever weird stones that you love a lot with your club mates." Leona provoked, followed by his lips forming a mischievous smirk, "Oh, I nearly forgot that you are the only member of that club."

Malleus seemed to be irritated by that last sentence of Leona. Him being the outcast was the one forbidden thing that nobody should talk about. The next second, a loud thunder was heard, and a sudden lightning appeared in the sky.

"Kingscholar, you're picking up a fight." Malleus growled while lifting his hand, ready to cast a spell.

Leona didn't seem even a bit frightened. "Isn't that obvious?" He sneered while taking out his magic pen from the back pocket of his trousers.

The most horrifying fight in the history of NCR was going to start,


"Y/n-san, thank god you come back! We're gonna die!!" A Savannaclaw beast man from the Spelldrive team cried when he saw you in your uniform, walking into the sports field.

Hearing your name being called, the two housewardens who were ready to fight stopped and turned toward the direction where the voice came from.

You had just returned to the school from the exhibition. The activity had ended earlier than its scheduled time, and you remembered that there would be extra training, so you decided to check on the team, and you didn't even have time to change your uniform.

You first looked at Leona with confusion. What on earth is going on? But when you saw the person standing next to him, you could only widen your eyes in surprise. It's the first time you had seen him at places other than Ramshackle Dorm.

When Tsnotarou first saw your appearance, the first thing he could think of was disappearing. There's no way you would not find out that he is that Malleus Draconia under this situation. You'd be scared of him like anyone else. But the nervousness and anxiety ok his face slowly faded when he saw you waving at him from far away.

From Leona's point of view, he could also see you waving at their direction. Your unexpected arrival caused a smile to appear on his face. It seemed that even his head was less painful.

Knowing nothing about you and Malleus, he sneered when he found Malleus slightly waving at you. "Tsk, who are you waving at? Quit acting like a freak, she doesn't even know you." But a glare before his eyes returned to you was the only reply he got from Malleus.

"Tsunotarou!" Leona heard you called. Not having even a single idea that there would be any possibility that you actually knew this lizard bastard next to him, Leona thought you were calling him by a new nickname. A satisfied smile appeared on his face. "Stupid Herbivore, those are ears on my head." He sighed, softly smiling.

Leona was going to walk toward you, but the smile on his face slowly vanished when he saw you stopped in front of Malleus instead of him.

"Tsunotarou, why are you here?" You wondered.

"TSUNOTAROU??!!" Almost everyone on the sports field gasped when they heard the way you called the most feared student in this school.

You were startled and confused by the reaction of the crowds. "What's the matter? Hey-" You asked before Deuce and Ace all of a sudden came out from the crowds. They hurriedly stood in front of you and apologized.

"Malleus-senpai, we are sorry. Y/n has only been here for a short time. She doesn't mean to be rude or disrespectful." Ace nervously did a half bow.

"Yes, Draconia-senpai! It's hard to explain, but Y/n is from an isekai. Please have mercy!" Deuce next to you also explained.

Looking at the weird actions of your friends, you only got even more confused, especially when Ace, the smug one in the duo, also seemed anxious. "Why are you two scared? He will not eat you." You asked.

"Speaking of that, you said his name is... Malleus?" You recalled how Ace called Tsunotarou and turned to the boy with horns with a proud smile, "So your name is Malleus, right Tsunotarou? Finally, I know that!"

Ace quickly covered your mouth and whispered nervously, "Why are you calling him Tsunotarou!? Are you out of your mind!?"

"How can you call him directly with his first name and without any honorifics??!" Deuce on the other side added.

You looked at the nervous face of Ace, and then at Deuce's. "Okay, what exactly is happening?" You questioned directly. Why were they so frightened by Tsunotarou? He might be so much taller than usual and had a pair of huge horns, but this is NRC, where beastmen with animal ears or mermaids were seen everywhere.

Ace couldn't help but facepalm. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. "Listen, Y/n. Malleus-senpai is the Housewarden of Diasomnia. He is one of the 5 top mages in Twisted Wonderland, at the same time, the heir to the throne of Barley Valley."

Your jaw almost dropped to the ground when you heard what Ace had said. Housewarden? Top mage? Heir to the throne? You had thought of different possibilities for Tsunotarou's real identity, but definitely not these, none of these. You had never thought that this person who you had known n for months was actually a to-be king. It would even be less shocking if he told you he's an alien or a vampire.

You could hear the crowds around you start to discuss again.

"Oh my god, I don't wanna be cursed by him!"

"I've heard rumors about him cursing a classmate when he was a freshman."

"Kowai! God knows what kind of power he's holding right now!"

The discussion never stopped, and Malleus could surely hear them all.

You turned to Tsunotarou, who had not been speaking anything. Anxiety was all written on his face. "Is what Ace said true?" You asked.

Not knowing what to say, Malleus hesitated for seconds, before he finally sighed and nodded. "Yes, it's true. My name is Malleus Draconia, and what Trappola-kun said is true. Sorry for hiding that from you." Malleus apologized. This's where things end, Malleus thought. You'd be angry at him for lying about and hiding his true identity. After knowing who he truly was, you would be scared of him, like everyone in this school.

"Pff." Out of Malleus' expectations, you let out a small giggle. Malleus widened his eyes out of confusion and surprise.

"Why are you apologizing, Tsunotarou?" You smiled. "I am not even a bit angry." Everyone had their own reasons to keep their own secrets. Not everyone would like to share their backgrounds with others, including you. You wouldn't want to tell everyone about your complicated family either.

Malleus' eyes were almost sparkling in hopes when he heard that unexpected answer from you, but at the same time, he didn't understand. "Even after knowing who I am... and those rumors... You still prefer calling me Tsunotarou...?" Malleus couldn't believe that, someone in this school, other than his fellows from Balley Valley and his die-hearted followers, would show not even a bit of fear after getting to know who he was.

"If you don't mind that, your highness." You joked with a playful bowl.

The worry on Malleus's face slowly disappeared. Instead, a smile appeared and slowly turned into a grin. "Tsunotarou is fine. I like it." Malleus replied, and you could feel the joy and relief in his voice.

All the students around you couldn't believe what had just happened. All of them, including Ace and Deuce, had the same question in their mind: Did that fearful Malleus Draconia just smile at you like a boy looking at his crush?


"You are familiar with him?" All of a sudden, you heard a cold voice ask. You looked towards the owner of the voice and found that it was Leona, who was looking at you with unbelieving eyes, almost freezing.

You nodded, "Yes, I've known him for a while. He would visit Ramshackle Dorm sometime. You know Tsunotarou too?"

Leona felt like a flash of lightning had just hit right on him.

"Yes, Kingscholar and I are in the same form, and we're both housewardens." Malleus helped to answer. You said something afterward but Leona's mind had almost gone totally blind.

"Oh, how is Tsuno. Junior by the way?" You suddenly think of the Tamagotchi you gave Malleus a while ago."

Another lightning hit right on him.

"Ts- Tsuno- Tsuno. Juni- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" Leona couldn't but yell in shock, but he stopped when he saw Malleus take out the small machine toy from his pocket.

"Jezz, Leona, language!" You reminded.

Leona couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. Why would you be familiar with him, especially that "him" was Malleus Draconia, that lizard bastard? When he wasn't even aware of that, Malleus had already become someone who seemed so close to you. How could he not notice that? Seeing you two chatting and laughing, while he was standing aside like an outsider, Leona felt not only anger and confusion but more of a feeling of hollowness gushing out from his heart.

"Leona? Hey, Leona! Are you alright?" You asked and waved your hand in front of his eyes when you found the lion boy totally frozen and stood there, looking at the front with widened eyes, without a single movement.

Leona blinked twice before he came back into sense. He grinned his teeth before he turned in the direction of the main school building, facing you with his back. "Tsk, spend your time with your lizard bastard." Was all he left before leaving the sports field.

"Hey, Leona! Wait!" You tried to stop him and ask what was actually going on. Why did he seem to hate Malleus so much? Aren't they schoolmates from the same form and housewarden working counterparts? You thought

Just when you were still wondering the reasons for Leona's weird reactions, a loud voice came from nowhere and almost made you jump out of your skin.

"WAKA-SAMA I FINALLY FIND YOU!!!!!" A boy with green hair yelled while running toward your direction.

Once he stopped, he immediately stood in the middle of you and Malleus and used his arm to block you from him.

"NINGEN! (HUMAN!) WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO WAKA-SAMA!!" He shouted. His voice was so loud that your eardrums were going to explode.

"I am not doing anything-" you were trying to explain and communicate, but you were again stopped by the green-haired boy with his loud voice.

"STAND BACK! NINGEN! WHO ALLOWS YOU TO BE THIS CLOSE TO WAKA-SAMA!!" He glared at you as if you were some kind of evil villain.

"Sebek, Y/n is my friend. She will not harm me." Malleus at the back tried to calm his guard down, but obviously, it was useless.

"How kind you are, Waka-sama, to have such mercy on an ordinary human!" Sebek praised, but then he all of a sudden changed his face and turned back to you with that I-will-kill-you face, "But humans like her are not qualified enough to speak, or stand this close to you! I, Sebek, will protect you from any harm!!" He claimed.

You felt totally offended by his harsh and rude words. "I'm sorry. What did you just call me? And what do you mean by not qualified?" You questioned. This rude guy came out from nowhere and all of a sudden insulted you. This was unacceptable.

"Enough, Sebek." Malleus finally voiced. He then turned to you while grabbing Sebek to prevent him from blocking him. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I will visit later." He said, before he and the boy he called Sebek all of a sudden vanished into thin air, leaving some fireflies like green sparks.

"Tsunotarou- wait!" You were not even able to stop him before he disappeared in front of you.

You looked around the sports field, students were still gathering around and discussing what had just happened. There was no way the team could continue their training.

You turned to a third-year from the Spelldrive team, "Nick-senpai, I think today's training may have to postpone. I will inform Leona later, don't worry."

The fox beastman nodded before he turned to his teammate and announced the cancellation of the training.


Back in Leona's bedroom, he had been tossing and turning on his bed since he returned. He tried to get to sleep to get all the annoyance out of his head, but he couldn't. He once again lost his ability to fall asleep within three seconds.

"Mandoksai." Leona muttered while pressing his temple, trying to get rid of the headache. The thoughts in his How would he not know what love was? He's a 20-year-old grown-up adult. In the past 20 years of his life, he had read books, and literature, and watched movies. There were plenty of things that told him what it was.

Childish, and a waste of time, were the only things that came to his mind when talking about having a crush or even love. Why would you waste time your precious time on someone other than yourself who would cause you to become emotional and would affect your mood, when you could simply be single and enjoy your life? He would rather spend his life alone than having a troublesome someone beside him.

His mindset had never changed, not until recently.

No matter how unwilling Leona was to admit that, deep down in his heart, he knew exactly what was happening. Too cliche, too not-Leona-Kingscholar, that he wouldn't want to admit that even just to himself.

Despite that, sometime he couldn't help asking himself, when did it all start? Was it that time in the arcade walkway, when he saw the smile on your face under the sunset?

Or was it much earlier, when you first played chess with him?

Or was it the moment back in the Enchanted Forest, when he held you in his arm after you risked your life to save him?

Or was it just a normal day, with normal weather, normal lessons, and normal annoyance happening around him, so normal that he didn't even notice or remember that.

But perhaps on that ordinary certain day, Leona fell in love with you without himself being aware of that.

Before he could notice it, he seemed to have already gotten used to you being in his daily life.

Thinking about that, Leona buried his face into the pillow. "Mendokusai mendokusai mendokusai!" He growled.

All of a sudden, he heard someone knock on his door.

"Go away, Ruggie! I am sleeping!" He yelled, but the knocking didn't stop.

He was already annoyed by the headache that he had been suffering since the morning, and here was this irritating noise of banging on his door. He stood up from his bed and walked straight to the door, ready to scold Ruggie or whoever was outside.

"Ruggie, I said I was-" he opened the door and was about to open fire, but he stopped when he saw it was you standing outside his room.

Your sudden arrival had totally caught him off guard, especially when he was literally thinking about you. "Her- herbivore...?" He widened his eyes and uttered.

"Ruggie-senpai is in the lounge, if you're finding him." You told him before you crossed your arms and doubted, "And apparently you weren't sleeping."

Leona didn't know how to reply. His mind had either gone totally blank or become a total mess. "I- I was..." he was thinking of what to say, but he all of a sudden remembered the Malleus incident that happened not a long time ago.

"Why are you here anyway. Weren't you with that lizard bastard?" He coldly asked and looked to the other side.

"Malleus? Oh, a rude green-haired boy came out from nowhere and brought him away." You couldn't help but roll your eyes when you remembered how rude that boy who Tsunotarou called Sebek was.

"Anyway, that's not what I'm here for." You reminded yourself of your main purpose for coming to the dormitory of Savannaclaw. You then reached your hand into the pocket of the school jacket and took out a small box. "Here, take this." You handed that to Leona and said.

The boy was again surprised by your action. "What is it?..." He took the box from you and asked.

"Headache killer." You replied. "I saw you keep pressing your temple and shaking your head while frowning this morning." You did ask him whether he was fine, but he told you he was. From his reaction, you could tell he wasn't fine at all. But it was just Leona being Leona Kingscholar, keeping everything inside himself.

You added that you brought it from a pharmacy in the town before you returned to school. Vil told you it was the best painkiller among all the brands, but it was only sold in that pharmacy in the town. Not even Sam's Mystery shop had it.

"Thought you probably wouldn't have time to go to the town and buy it." You tucked a wisp of hair to the back of your ear, slightly looking away.


"Ohlala! You're having a headache, Mademoiselle saviour?" Rook asked back there in the town when he saw you buying the medicine.

"Oh, it's not me. I am buying that for someone else." You replied, though you still didn't understand why he had you call you by that weird nickname.

Vil standing next to you guessed, "Your two friends from Heartslabyul seemed more energetic than ever when I saw them at school, and I assume Grim cannot take us humans' medicine." A smirk appeared on his face, "I can only think of one person left, that you would actually run to the pharmacy and buy medicine for him, Y/n. Isn't Le-"

"Vil!" You stopped him before he could say Leona's name out. You didn't realize that your cheeks turned a little red. "Don't joke around, ok?" You sighed.

Vil and Rook gave each other a smirk, followed by their iconic Pomofiore laughter.

"What?" Your ears turned red either when you found the two third-year upperclassmen teasing you.


"Take that once three hours. You may be a little bit sleepy afterward, but Vil said there aren't any other severe side effects." You came back from the embarrassing recall and reminded Leona.

Leona looked down at the medicine in his hand, and at you. You couldn't help but look away when his eyes meet yours out of unexplainable nervousness.

"Thank you, herbivore." Leona smiled and thanked you. You probably wouldn't notice that, but Leona's tail was flicking nonstop behind him, with his cheeks getting a little bit warmer.

"Guess I just didn't get enough sleep last night. Housewarden things, you know." He told you, "I will take the medicine."

"Take more rest." You reminded with a smile.

"I remember that we haven't finished the last round of chess this morning. Care to finish it now?" Leona suggested.

"Shouldn't you take the medicine and go to sleep?" You doubted, but Leona said a little bit of tiredness could not defeat him. "When it comes to chess, I never get tired." He added, and so you agreed.

On the way to the lounge, Ruggie's question in the morning popped up in his mind again. He looked at you with a tiny smile, before he moved his sight to the setting sky outside the dorm.

Perhaps, maybe, I am.

Continuฤƒ lectura

O sฤƒ-ศ›i placฤƒ ศ™i

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