Rebirth of Poisoned Empress...

By alyun100719445

256K 7.9K 604

Shen Liang was beautiful and cold like jade, but he was also extremely cruel to his enemy. Pei Yuanxian who k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Untitled Part 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128

Chapter 80

2K 64 4
By alyun100719445

At the time of Chen the next day (7-9am), the Duke of Qingping had amassed a large number of armored troops and marched out of the Imperial City with great fanfare, under the illusion that he was curious about the monk Hui An's prophecy. With his extravagant nonsense, not only did the common people pointed at him, but the civil and military officials were also filled with righteous indignation. It was said that during morning court, the emperor's face and complexion also drastically changed on the spot. The moment court was adjourned, General Ling also requested to once again return to the City of Wangyue. The old emperor approved. three quarters after the time of Si (11:45), General Ling had also amassed his troops from the Eastern Barracks and headed to the City of Wangyue again.

That day, it became a fervent topic of interest amongst the public on the two troops that left for the City of Wangyue one after the other. Their attention had been tuned to it and no one would have imagined that two quarters later (30min), the Death Bell rung from the Imperial Palace and echoed in the Imperial City's walls. The civilians froze where they stood, dazed as the news was released from the palace that the Empress who had been ill for several years now had finally passed away. The Imperial decree stating that the Mother of Qin had passed away and the entire empire will enter its state of mourning. All celebrations were to cease for an entire month's time.

"Master, you were right. The Empress passed away," Lei Zhen, who returned after finished with his arrangements outside had a complicated gaze. It wasn't that he doubted anything, but he was only concerned that the City of Wangyue's prophecy would indeed come true.

"There must be chaos outside now with the Empress's passing," everyone had their attention on the City of Wangyue and no one expected the Empress to pass away at this time. 

"En. The less wealthy families are alright. They have their closets filled with coarse linen clothes, but the rich and affluent families have all crowded into the linen shops to buy linen. However, the supply has already been confiscated and cut off by the Murong Family. The most recent import won't be until the day after tomorrow. Many people have went to the Murong Family, including members of the Imperial Family. There are too many people in the palace and there simply isn't enough linen.

Although Lei Zhen remains in the Zhonglin Courtyard, he still received news of what conspired outside the walls. His information remained up to date and clear.

"The merchant ship won't arrive. Lei Zhen, send another person over to the Murong Family and tell them to hold on. They must persevere. Obtain the maximum profit with the minimum cost."

Tomorrow with the rain, not only would the City of Wangyue flood, but all the waterways would be affected as will. Ships will have to berth near their closest chores, including the ship that was delivering the linen. Murong Family was a family of merchants. Shen Liang did not have to go into detail with how to proceed. They would naturally have their own methods.

"En," nodding his head, Lei Zhen retreated. 

Shen Liang picked up the children's rattle and teased the baby, "Yue Ge, pass the order that from today on, Zhonglin Courtyard will go under lockdown. Those from any and all courtyards, whether the back courtyard or the main will be turned away.

"Yes," Qi Yue hated that this order couldn't remain indefinite as to prevent those people from coming to harm them again.

"Will you not head to the academy tomorrow?"

"I won't be able to. The Academy will go on break once again. This time, I'd be able to take good advantage of the time to spend with our You'er now."

Shaking his head, the latter half of his words were clearly addressed to Shen You, who was seated in his children's chair. Perhaps because of his special birth and long-distance travel, but Shen You was not only well-behaved and easy to raise, but also a very playful and energetic child. Everytime he was cheated and teased by Shen Liang, this uncle of his, not only did he not cry, but he was always laughing and giggling as well, filled with excitement and energy.

"Liangliang, don't pinch him anymore. I highly suspect the little chubby flesh on his cheeks aren't baby fat, but flesh that had been made swollen by you." But everytime, Fu Ying would be distressed and chastise Shen Liang. Which Uncle like to pinch their nephew's cheeks every single chance he derived like him?

"Hehe... can't help it. The feeling is too addictive," seeing the child picked up and hugged by fu Ying, Shen Liang laughed at his itchy fingers. When little Shen You saw his uncle laughing, he reached out for him eagerly and intently. He kicked his feet, asking for a hug. Fu Ying pulled his hands down as he gave Shen Liang an angry look, "Little Master, be good. Uncle likes to bully people. Let's ignore him."

"Ah. Ah..."


Little Shen You simply couldn't understand Fu Ying's good intentions at all. He only had his uncle in his eyes and was teased to the point both Shen Liang and Qi Yue couldn't help but laugh. In the end, Fu Ying finally couldn't help it anymore and also laughed helplessly. Perhaps it was because of familial bond? Clearly Shen Liang had spent the least amount of time raising the child amongst them all, but Shen You also seemed to like him the most. Every time he saw Shen Liang, he would want to cling to him.

Lotus Fragrance Courtyard

"What? Unable to buy any?" the moment the news of the Empress's death came out, Zhao Lan, who was in charge of the courtyard affairs immediately sent servants out to buy linen from the cloth shop. But even after paying a visit to all of the shops in the Imperial City, the steward couldn't get his hand on a single foot of linen. The mother-in-law and daughters-in-laws group of three who were originally seated in the Lotus Fragrance Courtyard discussing the Empress's death immediately had a change in complexion. The Imperial decree had already been passed. Everyone was to go into a state of mourning. If they couldn't buy any linen, then...

"How can that be? Are you sure you checked all of the shops? Did the ready-to-wear clothes shops not have any either?" Zhao Lan's face immediately turned pale. If she couldn't get her hands on any linen, her position as the head of the back courtyard wouldn't be hers for much longer.

"This servant has gone to all of them, without doubt and exception. All of the shopkeepers and merchants stated that they have ran out of supply. At this time, they wouldn't dare to deliberately raise the price of the goods. But..." halfway through his statement, the servant raised his head to look at the madames present hesitantly. 

Zhao Lan was infuriated and immediately slapped her hands on the table, "But what?! Speak!"

"Yes. Yes. Yes," the servant was startled and frightened. He hurriedly responded: "I heard that the entire Imperial City is short and out of linen because the Murong Family has been amassing them for a long time now. According to them, they were planning to use the linen to make into clothes to donate to the refugees and civilians who faced hardships due to the disaster. In fact, an hour after the Imperial decree was passed, the Murong Family began to set up stalls in the outer city and donate the ready-made linens to the poorer families with no money or cloth. Such actions have already won the acclamations and praises of many civilians. They're all saying the Murong Family is a family of benefactors now."

Not only that, but before his return, he had seen many wealthy and affluent families' stewards crowding outside the Murong Manor to beg for linen. He originally wanted to go as well but the Murong Family were merchants in the end. If they decided to raise the price on them and the linen was bought more expensive than normal, the second madame would have his skin pulled. Hence, he only wanted to return and report the matter first. 

"What is the Murong Family planning? Taking advantage of the opportunity to win the civilians' hearts. Are they planning to rebel?" Zhao Lan was already angered to the point she lost her composure and no longer looked after her words. 

The old madame frowned imperceptibly and chastised in a low voice, "Zhao Lan, watch your words!"

Regardless of whether the Murong Family was truly doing charity or not, the fact that they had already became fragrant buns was an indisputable fact. If her words were spread out, not only her, but even Shen Ruiqing wouldn't have an easy life to lead. 

"Yes Mother. I was too impulsive," with her reminder, Zhao Lan finally regained some semblance of composure. 

Only then did the old madame turn her gaze toward the steward: "Since only the Murong Family has the linen, then buy it from the Murong Family. It should just be a matter of a few more silver coins. Right now, the most important thing is getting that linen."

Since ancient times, there has been the saying that civilians will not fight against officials. No matter how renowned the Murong Family was, they were only merchants. Their Marquis Donglin Manor willing to send their stewards to their door was already giving them enough face.


"This what this? Still isn't going?" The steward's hesitation successfully incited Zhao Lan's anger, which hadn't completely extinguished yet. Her retort frightened the steward into repeatedly calling out "Yes," as he scrambled away from the pavilion. The old madame saw but was too lazy to bother about it. She closed her eyes and casually rolled the Buddhist beads in her hands. However, to their surprise, two hours later, the steward still returned empty-handed.

"What is it this time? The Murong Family dares to offend my Marquis Manor?" This time, not only Zhao Lan, but even the old madame's brows furrowed. They watched as the time of Han (9-11pm) was creeping near and they still hadn't derived any linen. Tomorrow morning for morning court, Shen Ruiting had to wear the linen to report. If he wasn't able to do that, then the Marquis Donglin Manor would be finished.

"No. No. Old madame. Second madame, there's simply too many people at the Murong Manor requesting linen. There's simply no room for us?" the signboard of the Marquis Manor was only just so-so. But the last part, the steward only dared to muse in his own heart.

"Did you not say you're from the Marquis Donglin Manor?" the mother-in-law and daughters-in-laws furrowed their brows. 

The steward responded with a mournful face, "I did, but they didn't buy it."

Even those who said they were from the fourth prince's manor weren't able to buy any, much less them, a meager Marquis Manor?

"How impudent!" Zhao Lan slapped the table as she stood up. "They're nothing more than a family of merchants with nothing but a house filled with copper coin stank. They actually dare to not put us in their eyes?!"

Hearing this, the steward felt quite speechless. From where they couldn't see, he silently rolled his eyes. It wasn't like they were the Imperial Family. Did they really take themselves to be the most honorable family in the Imperial City?

"Old madame. Second madame. The Marquis has sent people to inquire if the mourning clothes have been prepared yet?"

A second class maid from the Lotus Fragrance Courtyard hurried in. When they heard her words, Zhao Lan almost didn't vomit blood where she stood. They hadn't even derived the linen yet. Where were they supposed to get the mourning clothes from? 

Have him return first and tell the Marquis it still hasn't been done yet."


The old madame waved her hand and sent the maid away. After a moment's deliberation, she then said in a low voice: "Since it's like that, Zhao Lan, you'll have to personally pay a visit to the Murong Family then. I'm afraid what they want isn't money. In such an urgent time period, even if we don't want to owe them a favor, it appears this favor must now be owed."


She, a dignified madame had to personally pay a visit to a merchant's home for some mere linen?

Zhao Lan was infuriated and her complexion darkened. When the old madame saw this, she sighed helplessly, "Go now. Right now, it is more urgent to get our hands on that linen. As for other matters, we'll discuss them later."

"Yes!" after enduring, Zhao Lan finally stood up unwillingly. No matter how humiliating it was, she had to go. Who let her be the head of the back courtyard?"

Time of Han. Zhonglin Courtyard.

"Master, the second family's Zhao Lan, personally went to pay the Murong Family a visit," just as Zhao Lan carriage drove out of the Marquis Donglin Manor, Lei Zhen reported the news to Shen Liang.

"Hehe... I suspect she must be infuriated? It appears this Zhao Lan is more intelligent than Lu Yang. Acclaimed to be born as a high-ranking aristocratic legitimate daughter and now, with the airs of a madame from the Marquis Donglin Manor, heading over to the Murong Family in such anger. I suspect she'll be raising quite a fuss at the Murong Manor. What should I do, Lei Zhen? I feel inclined to head over and take a look for myself."

Since the Murong Family delivered him their promise, then they will give him this face. The setting would inevitably be quite an intriguing sight to see. Shen Liang gazed at lei Zhen and caused Lei Zhen's scalp to tingle from the cold gaze. In the end, he could only respond in an uneasy tone, "Let's, let's not, Master. It's windy out at night. What if you catch a cold? If you want to know, I'll find two people to act out the scene for you tomorrow."

For him to get stuck with a Master who liked to watch the fire burn as it is fueled is indeed a troublesome matter at times.

"How could people who act it out be even a third as good as seeing it firsthand? Lei Zhen, your qinggong is pretty good, right? Why don't you take me flying for a bit?" *Qinggong is a martial arts skills that is mainly used for stealth and resembles being able to step on air. It is tantamount to running in the sky and being able to hide in trees.*

Shen Liang, who was originally only saying it developed some sincere interest now as he stood up eagerly. 

"Don't. Don't Don't. Master, my qinggong actually isn't that good."

Beggin you little ancestor to please not make any more trouble!

Lei Zhen felt like sobbing without tears. Why didn't he find his master so troublesome and mischievous before?!

"What nonsense. I've already asked around. You're qinggong is the best out of the Nether Guards. It can't be bad at all."

Liangliang drew closer step by step. His smile appeared to grow more and more sinister, resembling a certain someone. Lei Zhen took two steps back as he was forced to bury himself: "Master, you must have misheard. My qinggong truly is only mediocre. The person who excels in it is actually Xiao Yu. That, news from the Fourth Prince's Manor should be arriving soon. I'll go take a look. Master, you should rest early."

The moment the words fell, Lei Zhen had already disappeared without a trace.

"Haha..." After being momentarily stunned, Shen Liang couldn't help but burst into laughter. Who would've thought that their family's leader of the Nether Guards could actually be so amusing?

"Liangliang, Zhen Ge is doing this for your own good. What's entertainment could they afford to be worth joining in on?" Qi Xuan had always had a good relationship with the Nether Guards. Recently, Lei Zhen had been personally teaching him martial arts instead. He defended Lei Zhen with a yawn.

"I know. It's almost the time of Zi (11pm-1am). Go along and get some rest now."

"Alright. Liangliang, you turn in early as well. Don't think about heading out again."

"Yes. Yes. Yes," the master and servant exchanged a few more retorts back and forth before each heading back to their own respective rooms. However, Shen Liang could not sleep at all. He leaned against the window and gazed out in the direction of the City of Wangyue. Tomorrow would undoubtedly be a day filled with chaos.

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