Oc Book

By Kaito5382084

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Basically book about my ocs and I don't own anything here More

Crimson Blade/Kenji
Ultra Kenji
Akuma's powers, abilities and weapons
Blade's forbidden form
Kazumo's Armour
Kenji and Kurayami's ancestors
Katsuro's harem
Leonardo Sparda
Rex Tokita
Kurayami and Alice's children
Mega Man
Son of Sung Jinwoo
Bella's forms
Omni Classic Blade/Kenji
Omni Classic Dark/Kurayami
Kelia's forms
Kenji, Kurayami and Katsuro's friends
Destroyer Kenji
Kurayama Kure
Wrath Kenji
Rebbeca Gremory
Proto Kelia
Yin/Yang Kenji
Sarah Light
Y/N Omni and Y/N Darkness
Monster Kenji
Echo Blade/Kenji
Echo Dark/Kurayami
Echo Katsuro
In honour of the greatest ranger
Entities within Kenji
Entities within Kurayami
Aguya Magnar
Star Wukong
Blade Wukong
Dark Wukong
Minwoo Jin Wukong
Kazu Jin
Kanji Jin & Mary Jin
Kazumo Hui
Megumi Hui
Kenji Jung
Katsuro Jin
Kenji Ashura Jin
Bella Wukong & Kama Wukong
Kenji Dan
Konji Jin
Kaori Jin
Kyra Jin
Hyo-Sonn Lee
Hiroshi Park
Kenji Okumura
Justin Parker
Chainsaw Kenji
Kyrie and Shane
Jade Inferno
Fell Kenji
Fell Katsuro
Kenji Shiva
Sara Park
Yama's forms
Lucia Tokita
Mezha and Kezha
Yang Ming
Feng Wukong
Kaina and Haruna
Lunar Belladonna
The Primordial Chaos
Hyana and Kaden
Jagger Todd
Ronin Kenji
Gary Mikazuchi
Selena and Yashna
Tokita Kenji
Draken and Drakon
Issei Akuto
Dillon Fenton
Eldritch Blade/Kenji
Kirby Kenji
Issei "Mason" Jin-Hyoudou
Blade/Kenji's students
Blade/Kenji's Last Student
Seiya Chaos
Son Nagato
Son Aine
Fierce Deity
666: Satan
Cyber Kenji
Yang Huan
Dark Mafiens
Andrew Wilson
Superboy Prime Jay
Slayer Kure
Heartless Kenji
Kirika Hanma
Kanji Crimson Chaos Sieghart
Kage Crimson Shadow Sieghart
Taka and Orochi
Jace Goro Gensai
Kaima Kure
Kenji and Kelia's Beasts
Minwoo Chaos Tokita Kazama-Mishima
Katsuro Inferno Kazama
Minjun SKKM
Gojira Kenji
Kaiju Forms
Zilla Benzou/Kazumo
Zilla Mayumi/Megumi
Gojira Minwoo
Gojira Kazu
Darkran/Destoroyah Blade/Kenji
Biollante Annie
Space Gojira Blade/Kenji

Scarlet King Blade/Kenji

111 1 0
By Kaito5382084

Name: SK Blade/Kenji

Real Name: Primordial Chaos

Titles: Khahrahk
King of the Darkness Below
Shormaush Urdal
Crimson Khan
Red Shah
Lāla Rājā
The Crimson Monarch
The King who Rose from the Bleeding
Lord of the Throne of Despair
Defiler of Worlds
The Demon
The Dragon
The Red God
Red (by the Saturn Deer)
The Red Ruler
The Seventh King
The Red King
The Enemy
The Old God
The New King
The Scarlet Khan
King Adorned in Red
King Whale
Past Looks:

Human Look:

True Form:

Age: ???

Height: 7 feet 8 inches(Human form), 20 feet tall

Gender: BOI!

Weigh: ???

Race: Demonic Tulpa Deity

Personality: Brutal, Serious, Twisted, Psychopath, Evil, Insane, Maniac, Hateful, Fierce, Selfish, cruel, aggressive, mysterious, terrifying, Homicidal, Genocidal, Cold Hearted(to his enemies), Annoying(on purpose), Jerk(for fun), charming, carefree, joyful, positive, cocky, confident

Likes: His family, Kenji, Blood Kenji, Fighting, watch people sinners, killing innocents, his generals, his servants, Genocide, Killing, Chaos, Power, Destruction, Gaining power, rule everything, his battles with Classic Kenji, his obsession with his final battle with Classic Kenji, Winning, Torture Classic Kenji,

Hates: Heroes, Villains, Union, The Alrest Empire, Not getting what he wants, seeing Classic Kenji get weak, losing to Classic Kenji, arrogant people, perverts, the 3 factions, Khaos Brigade

Powers and Abilities:

Reality warping
Blood manipulation
Fire manipulation
Suffering empowerment
Interdimensional travel
Mind manipulation
Causality manipulation
Reality dreaming
Nature manipulation

Scarlet King, although originally the 'smallest' of the Celestial Princes and children of Asherah, grew to be the most powerful after unlocking his true powers. He is a near-absolute being that emobodies an unstoppable force of darkness, madness and fanaticism. He is a conceptual corruptor larger than Satan, as Satan is seen as the Master of Destruction, while Scarlet King is more than a master. He is the conceptual outlier of all things that humanity seems to despise and avoid, with supremely intelligent entities like SCP035 and Hanged King describing him as more of 'The Idea of Evil' than a physical entity. In his prime state, he is far superior to his Abrahamic siblings and is only equaled by his mother Asherah.

Imperfect Omnipotence: Being a child of Azathoth and Asherah, Scarlet King possessed immeasurable power and was nigh-unstoppable. He possesses unfathomable divine-eldritch powers that put him leagues above any of his siblings and even surpassing the Ascended God Castiel. At one point, he was a peer to Ayin and Amara and his existence installed fright in the hearts of the Celestial Princes. His powerful is so great he can take on multiple supreme beings at once without much trouble and could effortlessly destroy anyone in Hell who challenged him, except Ara Devi who herself was an enigmatic existence and could rival him in every aspect. Azathoth greatly respected his youngest son's strength as the greatest adversary of the Cosmic Guardians Xadldir and Driuna and the being that almost eradicated every high-tier celestial in existence. His shard, Anti-Spiral could fight Jesus Christ as an equal and could nearly destroy all of Heaven, Hell and Earth. His Prime Power was only inferior to Four Great Gods.

Creation: Scarlet King can create organic or inorganic matter from nothing, either as finished objects or simply unfinished elements. He can create anything he can think of, whether conceptual or sentient. This includes the creation of energy, souls and life of any complexity, dimensions or realities, stars, etc.
Destruction: Scarlet King can utterly destroy things. This could be anything and everything from small objects to entire galaxies or universes and possibly even abstract concepts and/or natural forces/laws.
Immense Strength: The Scarlet King's true power is unknown, though he can conquer and destroy entire worlds and civilizations, and easily defeat most Primordial Entities. For beings below Primordial level, his true power is presumably beyond comprehension. According to Dr. Bright, Scarlet King might be truly omnipotent and inevitable as no matter how much the SCP Foundation in every timeline tried, they could never affect G.O.D, Ara Devi or Scarlet King in a significant way. Scarlet King himself has said that he could easily destroy the entire SCP Multiverse if he wished, but chose not to due to finding its existence not only amusing, but also as a beneficial source of new servants. It's said that he was very much a peer to Ayin and Amara in terms of how much of a threat he had become to existence. Xadldir has said that with the exception of God and Barbelo, no one in Heaven would have been able to face him evenly. His power is so great that even while he's using a vessel, he could pin an exhausted Cthulhu down with ease and inflict some significant damage. Almost all of his children, consorts and creations are afraid of his might and thus serve him with unshakable loyalty. Scarlet King could effortlessly break apart Satan's powerful light spears with ease.

Immense Durability: As a primordial and a eldritch entity, Scarlet King is nigh-indestructible and could remain unfazed from a full on assault by 100 000 000 000 Dr. Clefs armed with space-deleting weapons, which were even more powerful than Sacred Gears. He was so impossible to get rid of by the SCP Foundation, that his son SCP-682 nicknamed "Hard-to-kill Lizard" seemed pathetic in comparison. In his battles with Xadldir and the Sephiroths, he could endure through extremely powerful attacks from Xadldir and his many tools and advanced weaponry.

Immense Speed: Scarlet King is immensely fast as he could casually evade Gate Guardian's attacks, which were said to move faster 'than the speed of the concept of the action itself'. He could also keep up with Cthulhu while merely testing him.

Immeasurable Divine Power: As the child of Asherah and Azathoth, Scarlet King possesses a truly unfathomable amount of divine and eldritch power. His power transcends Creation and reality on many levels, to the point where him merely entering a 3D world causes it to instantly collapse in on itself as a simple universe is incapable of handling that much pressure. Scarlet King also stood far superior than all the children of God, Asherah, Barbelo and El being able to dwarf all of their power on his own, either by simply having more power or going through tremendous evolutions during a fight. Scarlet King's true aura brings about an omni-madness and endless pestilence that usually kills most beings on the spot due to the intense shock. He is most well known for being able to fight on par with Xadldir - the Personafication of the Endless Cosmos.

Master Magician: Scarlet King is also one of the greatest magician in existence as a whole. His magical abilities put him on the level of G.O.D, Ara Devi and even Xadldir. He can preform Magic of such immeasurable proportions that even he himself does not know what his magic limit is. He has been seen preforming elemental, divine, angelic, abrahamic, eldritch, conceptual, anti-magic-, self-enhancment magic, healing, cloning, corruption magic, darkness-light magic, space-time magic, magic deconstruction, magic seals, absolute magic barriers and absolute magic spears and weapons, as well as existence-destroying magic. To list all of his abilities would take a literate man two whole years and with ten additional years of research for magical arts that most beings, including Primordial Entities aren't even aware of. He and his partners were also capable of coming up with several personal Magic Arts that allowed them to more creatively toy with SCP Multiverses. Even Amara's skills do not reach these heights.

Immortality Manipulation: Scarlet King can manipulate his own or others' immortality, including creating, bestowing, adjusting, removing or even negating it.

Immortality: Scarlet King is absolutely immortal, and cannot die, age, get sick, be permanently wounded, is absolutely self-sustained and, as his mind and soul are as immortal as their biological bodies, they are immune to mental/spiritual damage. Any injuries the user suffers will immediately heal, even if the user's body is disintegrated or blown up or completely erased and even if the user is completely destroyed to the sub-atomic level, they will still return to life. Alternately, some users are absolutely immune to all harm, and can never die from any natural causes. Either way, they are inerasable and are unaffected by time manipulation of any level. Users completely transcend the concept of death itself, though many users transcend both the concepts of life and death.
Life and Death Manipulation: Scarlet King can sense, create, shape and manipulate the essences of life and death, giving and taking both. He can manipulate the beginning and end of the life cycles of any/all living organisms, allowing them to adapt and manipulate the forces of vitality and necrotic influences. He is capable of rendering local to planetary landscapes lush with life (from microorganisms to complex life - plant/animal) or barren at his leisure.

Absolute Force Manipulation: Scarlet King can create, manipulate and shape force in all its forms, whether physical, transcendent, natural, spiritual, mental, cosmic, etc. i.e. all the absolute forces that make up the flow and nature of reality. He can turn a tornado into a gentle breeze, bring a raging tsunami to a halt or annihilate a continent simply by slamming ones palm into the earth, provided he understands the natural forces required for continental destruction. He can bring all supernatural powers and activity in the area to a complete standstill by denying them all the force they rely upon to function.

Supreme God Physiology: Scarlet King is a Supreme Deity, a god/goddess who unquestionably upholds sovereignty between its pantheon, so it is associated with higher divine abilities and considered far more powerful by reason of being controllers of the universe. Supreme Deities are commonly seen in mythology, and were important among ancient and current civilizations for its impact.Supreme Deities are characterized as the leader of its respective pantheon, ruling them. They're also not absolutely perfect as a Monotheistic God is said to be, considering there are stories detailing their misadventures.

Abyssal Light: Scarlet King can manipulate, generate, control, absorb and spread abyssal light - the combination of his two conflicting heriteges colliding into one mess of an element. Abyssal Light possesses the endless light energy and unimaginably large eldritch proportions of his genetic progenitors while also adding his own developed powers to it. It is an element that surpasses nearly all else, including Primordial Darkness, Primordial Time and Primordial Light and is only equaled by Primordial Void and Primordial Cosmos. It manifests as energies of pure light with incalculable quantity/quality which appear corrupted and veiled in intense blackish-red smog that appears to almost be burning.
Power of the Primordial Destruction: As the true ancestor of the Gremory Clan, Scarlet King possesses a much more powerful version of Power of Destruction. In addition to destroying all types of matter and spatial constructs, he can also break down conceptual defenses and negate most techniques that limit the abilities of Power of Destruction. Not to be confused with Destruction's abilities. Only Cthulhu, he and on rare occasions their main wives, and some of his descendant can utilize this ability to its utmost capability.
Madness Embodiment: Scarlet King becomes the living embodiment of madness and insanity and gain the ability feed off of the insanity of everyone and everything including himself. He can convert madness into energy and use it as a full source to extend his own life span or as a weapon. He may never age and may be immune to death unless certain conditions are met.
Poverty Inducement: Scarlet King can induce poverty, the scarcity and lack of material possessions or wealth which can be considered either temporary or chronic. The exact length of the effect depends on both the users skill and power and the targets current mental state.
Regression: Scarlet King can reverse anything and/or everything back to a beginning or precursor state, causing his opponents to devolve back into more barbaric or pre-evolutionary forms, cause constructed items to de-compile to their original building materials or even disperse affected items back into their composite atoms/particles and rewind time itself.
Event Negation: Scarlet King can take any event that has happened and revert it back to the state that it was previously in, as if the event never happened, thus effectively undoing any changes that occurred in said event.
Reverse Effect: Scarlet King is able to reverse the effects of an occurrence into forming the opposite results. For example, if something harmful happens to the user, such as getting punched in the face, the user receives positive effects from that outcome and feels pleasure and vigor as opposed to pain and damage.
Absolute Illusion: Scarlet King is able to generate illusions that are realistic to the point where they can confuse all the senses of the target, making it impossible to break free unless willed by the user. They can also create illusions on a large scale, from a small region to planetary or galactic region, etc.
Alien Mind: The inner workings of the his mind differ greatly from what could be considered "normal" or "sane" by the standards of most living things.
Madness Manipulation: Scarlet King can absorb, create, control, and manipulate Madness/Insanity of themselves, others or the madness energy around, whether increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise chancing insanity, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level and gain power from it.
Corrupting Madness: Scarlet King can corrupt people and objects with/by the power of madness both physically and mentally while granting them power. The corruption usually manifests as twisting the bodies/appearance of the subject. Sentient beings are driven incurably insane, although they may be able to control themselves enough to pass as normal. Corrupted individuals may be develop ability to corrupt other people with madness and spread it like a virus.
Insanity Constructs: Scarlet King can change madness energy into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures of varying permanence. Having mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything he needs.
Insanity Empowerment: Scarlet King becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by insanity of oneself and others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers.
Insanity Inducement/Absolute Insanity Inducement: Scarlet King can cause unfathomable madness in absolutely any being regardless of how powerful they are. Driving victims to irreversible and total insanity.
Madness Aura: Scarlet King carry an aura of madness and insanity, which allows him to drive others insane and create barriers of madness energy. He may be able to gain power from peoples madness and expand his aura over a bigger area.
Mental Presence: Scarlet King's mind exists everywhere and anywhere simultaneously.
Mental Disorder Manipulation: Scarlet King can induce, remove, and manipulate mental disorders, including mood, anxiety, eating, impulse/addiction, personality, dissociation, sexual/gender and behavioral disorders. He can change the intensity of the disorder, forcing someone to experience the disorder so intensely that they can hardly function and have someone experience the disorder mildly where it's hardly a problem in their life.
Boundary Removal: Scarlet King can remove boundaries, dissolving/undoing difference/order/structures - material, spiritual, conceptual, metaphysical, etc.
Ontopathogenesis: Scarlet King infects the very nature of the subject's existence. The prefix "onto" has to do with the nature of being or existing, pathogenic has to do with being infectious, and so ontopathogenic has to do with infecting the very existence of a thing. Unlike common diseases or pathogens that only infect on a biological level, Ontopathogen causes infection on a metaphysical level. Just like pathogens, they can spread to other existences.
Mental Plane Lordship: Scarlet King has authority and power within a realm within their own mind or within the collective unconscious. The exact physical appearance and properties depends on the user desires or the memories, qualities and mental state of the individual.
Mandess Aspect Manifestation: Scarlet King can manifest different aspects of madness, creating beings that embody said aspects and control them.
Divinity Nullification: Scarlet King can strip deities of their divinity, turning them into mortal beings. Despite this, some beings that have fallen victim to this ability may still have power but simply lose their divine aspects while others may be completely powerless.
Supreme Divinity: Scarlet King has supreme divinity and all/almost all divine powers granting them an extremely immense amounts of supreme power beyond the mundane, making users the highest divine being by nature, a status can surpass many of forms of divinities in the existence making the users a supremely powerful divine entities who are practically omnipotent forever above all other divine beings in their respective universes and beyond.
Power of the Crimson Monarch: Scarlet King conjures up infinite black-red-white energy at the maw on his stomach in his King of Monsters Form and fires a blast that eradicates everything upon impact.
Oudem Raeb: Scarlet King unleashes his chains, fully entrapping his opponent. He out-streches his hand, devouring the very existence of the enemy. He can devour almost anyone, though the process gets slower the more Primordial in nature the being is.
Oudem Kanaph Yiddish: Scarlet King juts out two dark red wings which are capable of surrounding the entire Equator of Earth with their immense span. The wings make Scarlet King's attacks omni-directional, rendering any attempt to dodge them useless, even with something like omnipresence. They also react to immense amounts of light and darkness energy and instantly inform Scarlet King of the best ways to avoid/cancel them out.
Photoportation: Scarlet King can turn into dark light particles that allow him to transmit from one location to another and can move faster than the speed of light to reach his desired destination by moving through molecular field. The slight drawback is that Scarlet King needs to make pauses so he doesn't fly off too far or to another world without knowing.
Abyssal Legion Bombarding: Scarlet King creates hundreds to thousands of magic circles and Abyss Light spheres to rapidly fire immense destructive energies at his enemies. In R'lyeh, Scarlet King eradicated 2/3 of all of Satan's Generals with the survivors either going mad and killing themselves or being so injuried they became deceased shortly after reporting back to Satan.
Crimson Claws: Scarlet King can manipulate his Abyss Light into black-red claws that are twice as big as his human body. He can use them to tear apart, crush or sweep away his enemies.
Crimson Gatling Gun: Scarlet King can manipulate his Abyss Light into black-red gatling gun that tears apart his enemies with limitless barrage of destruction-energy bullets. He can completely mutilate something as strong as a Lesser Archangel in seconds.
Three Laws of the King: Scarlet King gave to his followers, as well as all the inhabitants of SCP Multiverse his three main laws that dictated the reverse spectrum of everything opposed to G.O.D's design. Everything in the SCP Multiverse or originating from there is subject to these laws. They are all entrapped in an endless cycle of pure insanity that leads them to believe they are rapidly progressing to something greater when in reality it is G.O.D simply pushing humanity and other races one step forward, while Scarlet King pushes them three steps down.
Law of Blood: The law of the Scarlet King. It is defined by poverty, violence, starvation, hate and most of all fear. It is a power that Cthulhu similarly possesses with his abstract terrorization of mortals on Creation. The only way to live is to regress backwards to your roots and the only way to achieve that is through unspeakable horrors that break down the illusion of 'modernism' and 'civilization'.
Law of Concrete: The law associated with Xadldir. It is defined by, according to his followers, 'the modern age' and 'empty safety'. Constructs, ever-expanding creations, technology, easily accessible resources and an extremely beneficial system for the individual. The things that Scarlet King sees as despicable and unhealthy to Omniverse. With the Law of Concrete, the races of SCP Multiverse are only allowed to advance to a certain point where they get a taste of what it's like to be Gods. At that point, the Law of Blood is activated in full force, plundering all their progress down the hyper-cosmic toilet.
Law of Howling: The law of the concepts. The conflict between the old and the new. The colliding forces of two opposite ends of histories meet at one point, creating a singularity that implodes the world in itself, causing a total collapse of events. In addition, the more humanity and other races tried to understand him, the stronger he and his children grow.
Apocalyptic Force Manipulation: Scarlet King is able to control the final force, the one that causes all of existence to end. Apocalyptic force does not mean they need to necessarily destroy, just end a universal cycle making it the representation of end or omega. He can truly tamper with the end power of existence and terminate any universal cycle, creating absolute chaos.
Crimson End of Cosmos: To destroy the multi-universal celestial fortresses of Xadldir and Driuna, Scarlet King fired an immeasurable blast of Abyssal Light that can tear through any dimensional and super-atomic structure. The after-effects are incomprihensible destruction and oblivion, mixed with utter red madness, natural disasters on an astronomical scale and unrepairable broken pieces of the realities. He was able to severely wound Malkuth and other Sephiroths and could also overwhelm Xadldir.
Existence Manipulation: Scarlet King can manipulate a given existence and can bring certain things into existence, freely manipulate all existing things, and return them to nothingness once their purpose is extinguished.

Dream Manipulation: Scarlet King can create, shape, enter and manipulate the dreams of oneself and others, including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, etc., possibly including past ones. He can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap people in REM, and promote spiritual/emotional healing within dreams.

Dream Observation: Scarlet King can observe/view the dreams of other people, seeing what others are dreaming, whether it is pleasant or not, and sometimes precinct the future based on these dreams.
Dream Sharing: Scarlet King can share their own dreams with others or cause others to share the same dream, allowing those people to interact with each other or the user while they are dreaming. He used this ability to sometimes communicate with Hyoudou Issei, Norville Gremory, Kthanid and Cthulhu.
Dream Destruction: Scarlet King can destroy dreams or the dreamworld, making people dreaming dreamless, affecting their minds in a negative way, and destroying dream entities. If the users dreams are becoming reality, this power may have an effect on reality as well.
Blood Manipulation: Scarlet King can create, shape and manipulate blood of oneself, others or from their surroundings, whether it be from blood-banks, hospitals, or battlefields.

Blood Attacks: He can release/use blood to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.
Blood Clotting: He has the power to stop themselves or others from bleeding.
Blood Consumption: He can absorb (usually by ingesting) the blood of others for either sustenance, offensive, defensive, or regenerative purposes.
Blood Field Projection: He is capable of controlling their (or others') blood to such as the extent of expanding a certain amount of blood to be controlled externally, effectively creating a field around them to manipulate as they please.
Blood Generation: He can generate blood, whether by drawing from already existing blood (theirs, others or separate from the bodies), or by manifesting it from anywhere they want.
Blood Marionette: He can use blood to control the motor functions of others against their will as if they were a marionette.
Blood Solidification: He can solidify or give solid-like properties to blood with the level of solidity going from loose jelly to metal-like hardness or beyond.
Blood Stopping: He can stop the blood flow of oneself and/or others with variety of effects, from stopping wounds from bleeding to paralyzing an opponent.
Haemokinetic Constructs: He can turn blood into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures/buildings of varying permanence. He who have mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need.
Haemokinetic Wing Manifestation: He can form wings out of blood, and use them from transportation to offensive and defensive purposes such as using them as a shield.
Multiple Arms: He can grow a varying number of arms, allowing them to manipulate several objects at once, fight with greater efficiency, etc.
Tentacle Manifestation: He can generate tentacles or tentacle-like appendages (vines, grappling cables, ropes, etc.) from themselves, others or any other surface.
Haemokinetic Shield Construction: He can construct shields and shield-like objects out of blood to defend themselves from any attacks.
Haemokinetic Wall Construction: He create walls of blood from nothing or by shaping the existing blood from oneself or from the others, He can shape the wall to shape they want, but afterwards the walls are unchanging and immobile.
Multiversal Manipulation: Scarlet King can manipulate the entire multiverse and everything within. The multiverse is the collection of all parallel universes of a certain universe regardless if it's fictional or real. Scarlet King may be unlimited to control over their own multiverse or the multiverse of a particular universe. Advanced users of this power can manipulate multiple or all multiverses.

Multiversal Embodiment: He can become or already is the embodiment of the multiverse itself, and therefore he have absolute control over everything inside of it - time, space, reality, causality, probability and everything else - without limits.
Totality Manipulation: Scarlet King can manipulate the concept of totality, and is capable of manipulating everything in it, which is the entirety of everything/anything. He can manipulate the totality, which is forever the undisputed and absolutely largest thing conceptualized and imagined by any/every mind that has, will and never exists, it is even larger than the omniverse. He absolutely encompasses anything and everything, making him essentially omnipotent.
Anti-World: Scarlet King can create malformed versions of worlds on a multiversal scale. Creating a second multiverse filled with an infinite collection of blasphemous and chaotic realities. a verse formed of every fear and bad decision ever made or dreamt, a verse made up of every possible horror imaginable and grows more powerful with every evil action, bad thought or sin from the original multiverse and it's inhabitants. This verse literally feeds and thrives off "everything wrong".
Absolute Destruction: Scarlet King can destroy everything without limits, from concepts, boundaries and causation, to studies like metaphysics and science, even irrational "concepts" like the fabric of nothingness or the totality itself.

Total Event Collapse: Scarlet King can destroy every single object in a universe, the universe itself, and every parallel universe, alternate dimension, plane of existence, possible universe, impossible world, divergent timeline, alternate continuity, and reality, effectively annihilating all of creation, even up to destroying the very origin of the verse/series franchise, effectively undoing the very act of creation itself.
Universe Destruction: Scarlet King can destroy an entire universe with ease.
Big Rip Inducement: Scarlet King can cause the Big Rip, progressive tearing apart of the universe through accelerated expansion.
Big Freeze Inducement: Scarlet King can cause the Big Freeze, the heat death of the universe, a scenario under which continued expansion results in a universe that asymptotically approaches absolute zero temperature, reducing the universe into a boundless, empty void.
Multiverse Destruction: Scarlet King can destroy an entire multiverse and everything in it.
Destructive Force Manipulation: Scarlet King can create, shape and manipulate destructive forces. The forces behind and causes anything to be annihilated from reality, he can control these destructive forces to perform powerful feats such as erasing the existence of anything, control how something is destroyed, erase cosmic sized material, to the point that the destroyed object may never be brought back.

Anti-Energy Manipulation: Scarlet King can conjure an energy capable of totally annihilating everything under the definition of energy. The transformation and manipulation of the energy conjured lies only on the will of the conjurer.
Concept Destruction: Scarlet King can destroy any/all forms of concepts.
Life and Death Transcendence: Scarlet King can transcend the concepts of life and death. Therefore, he cannot be regarded as living, dead or even amortal, as he may have been alive/dead at some point, making him a whole different kind of being.

Spatial-Temporal Lock: Scarlet King exists outside of time and space and as such is immune to just about anything that would affect or harm him: if time should stop then he would not be affected. If reality would change, he would remember both the previous and have knowledge of differences from the old to the new. If the area around him explodes or the planet which he is on vanish or does not exist any more he is not affected since he does not exist inside space.

Meta Power Resistance: Scarlet King is completely and perfectly resistant to any and all powers in existence regardless of its type, status, or level of power, including but not limited to omni and meta-level powers. He is able to resist the control of G.O.D, as he, Ara Devi and SCP-682 have known to have altered some of their own plot-lines, preventing G.O.D from ending their saga and completely rewriting the plots for the SCP Multiverse.

Ultimate Invincibility: Scarlet King is completely invincible in every or many different ways physically, mentally, spiritually, existentially, etc. making him supreme in one or several ways.

Probability Manipulation: Scarlet King manipulates the probability of an event to happen, making unlikely things occur more often or instantly and preventing liable events from happening. They can cause and prevent both good and bad luck, sudden deaths, natural disasters, and even apocalyptic events.

Information Manipulation: Scarlet King can manipulate the knowledge, records, memories and physical evidence of a person or thing's existence, changing it or even erasing it while the target still exists physically the way they always have. This could change how people think or know about the target, as if it is a special item or they are CEO of a company (when they were not before) or just erase that information from everyone, making them not know who or what the target is.

Dimensional Travel: Scarlet King can travel between different dimensions and universes, and cross over different planes of existence or travel across various forms of reality.

Corruption: Scarlet King use the ability to corrupt a person into doing anything. It does not control the victim, but it prevents them from realizing what they would, otherwise, not do as the user suggests. Therefore, they become much more malleable. The user needs a small amount of proximity and contact to corrupt someone.

Space-Time Manipulation: Scarlet King is able to manipulate, distort or bend the space-time continuum, the fabrics of reality in which all exist in. Space-time serves as the boundary of existence, separating different realities and timelines and keeping them flowing properly; distorting this boundary can cause devastating effects, causing timelines to become fluid, even destroying all the world.

Space-Time Constructs: Scarlet King can change space-time effects/energies (including their own bodies) into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures of varying permanence. As he has mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need.
Spatial Contortion: Scarlet King can bend the space of the target, whether being, object or anything else, in order to reshape them by stretching, twisting, deforming and bending them in any way possible without harming them, tearing them apart or breaking them (even if they are inelastic). Manipulating an object's space, one could do things such as tie an elephant into a knot without harming its body or folding a computer without damaging it. The contortions are rather inelastic, and whatever is warped will remain that way until the user decides otherwise.
Time Destruction: Scarlet King can destroy or dismember a timeline. This may be accomplished by accelerating to the end of the universe, reducing it until it seizes or by simply annihilating it. By doing this, the user can end bad memories or affect peoples lives positively or negatively by threatening to destroy others futures or erase moments and events that were crucial and affected the lives of many people, such as a war or a massacre.
Temporal Erasure: Scarlet King can isolate and completely erase time and/or certain periods in time whether from the past or future. They are able to eliminate moments in time and completely destroy the time that moment occurred within; making all records and memory (in exception of the user) completely altered as if that event never happened and all things that would or should happen will replace the deleted event. Upon deletion, Small-scaled erasure will effect a specific few people while large-scaled erasure will effect the masses or even the entire universe drastically.
Space-Time Fabric Manipulation: Scarlet King can manipulate space-time as if it were a fabric; he can wrinkle, ripple, bend, break, crack, tear, stretch, add to, remove, displace, move, compress, fold, cut, shatter, etc., space time as if it were a piece of cloth or paper, without harming anyone/anything within the space-time area, unless he want to or if he actually do damage what is in that boundary.
Space-Time Rift: Scarlet King can create cracks by taking two parts of time and space and pressing them together, causing a split in the very fabrics of reality. Some cracks can act as wormholes between two different places in time, others release time energy that has the ability to erase objects from time itself as well as events. Time travelers would be able to remember erased events or objects if they are not directly involved with their past. When the time energy erases a person or event, the consequences would still remain (i.e. erasing a war with the present day remain the same war-affected world).
Absolute Concealment: Scarlet King can render himself unseen and unfindable by anything, making him unable to be visually, physically, conceptually, etc. detected by any means including magic, technology, divine beings, etc.

High-Speed Regeneration: In addition to being almost absolutely indestructible, Scarlet King can heal from any wounds, recovering at pace that corresponds to the amount of damage he has taken. If his body is obliterated by a simple blast, he can recover in seconds, but a supreme entity attempts to erase him, he grows weaker and recovery will be harder. Xadldir says that even for Pre-Existential Entities (except Umbra, Enigma and Destiny), completely destroying and eradicating Scarlet King would be almost impossible, too.

Summoning: Scarlet King can summon beings to his location, regardless if they are in the same realm or a completely different one. Their number is also regardless. He can summon however many monsters he wishes.

Peanut: Scarlet King can summon Peanut or SCP-173 to battle. It is a statue that breaks the neck and physical form of any who are in close proximity to it. The durability of the being is irrelevant. Even if they are a Four Great Gods, their physical form still receives the damage. No physical thing is invulnerable to Peanut's neck-cracking power.
SCP-682: Scarlet King can summon SCP-682, who is also his son, to battle. He is one of the legendary leviathans, the youngest and the one with the most potential. He is extremely hard to, if not utterly impossible, to destroy/kill/eradicate. At times, even if he is conceptually erased, he can come back. If only a portion of himself is destroyed, he will regenerate and adapt, becoming stronger and stronger.
SCP-035: Scarlet King can summon SCP-035 or Court Jester to battle. He was the Hanged King's jester and his favourite of the Four Alagadda Lords. Perhaps SCP-035's most dangerous ability is a strange unexplained aura that compels anyone in a five meters radius to put it on their face. Though the nature of this ability is unknown, it is believed to be a form of telepathy. When put on, the mask's brainwaves will overlap those of the victim, rendering them brain-dead at which point 035 will take over their body. After possessing its host, SCP-035 had expressed the ability to access the memories and experiences of its host which is part of what makes it so dangerous and manipulative. SCP-035 is an excellent actor, being able to easily convince anyone unaware of it's nature (and even a few well aware of it) that it is the person is it possessing. SCP-035 is also an incredible manipulator who can get virtually anyone to obey it and can even render the victim virtually mindless if he is allowed to manipulate them long enough. SCP-035 can leak a strange black substance from it's eyes and "mouth" which is highly acidic and will slowly destroy it's containment chambers by eating through the walls. SCP-035 can change it's facial expression from "comedy" to "tragedy" at will despite being an "inanimate" mask. The instant that SCP-035 changes it's expression, everything displaying an image of SCP-035 will change to reflect this change. This includes CCTV feeds, static images, presentations, etc. SCP-035 can seemingly summon giant tentacles from it's secretions to attack anyyone it wishes.
SCP-096: Scarlet King can summon SCP-096 or Shy Guy to battle. His abilities include: superhuman durability/speed/power, the ability to track down whoever looked at his face, unlimited stamina, biological immortality, unbreakable bones, possible conceptual erasure immunity in certain ways.
SCP-049: Scarlet King can summon SCP-049 or Plague Doctor to battle. His abilities include: instant death touch, immortality, possible conceptual erasure immunity, anatomical expertise, master stealth, Parthenogenesis and zombie creation.
SCP-5001-A: Scarlet King can summon SCP-5001-A or False Yaldabaoth, one of his children too, into battle. His abilities include: space-time manipulation, madness inducement, violence manipulation, sin manipulation, immortality, possible conceptual erasure immunity, Primordial-level strength.
SCP-3999: Scarlet King can summon SCP-3999 or Nobody to battle. His abilities include: reality warping, space-time collapse, solar/lunar/storm consuming, immortality and possible conceptual erasure immunity.
SCP-3000: Scarlet King can summon SCP-3000 or The Eel to battle. It is an immensely large serpent capable of disturbing psychological and cognitive function to great extend while also manipulating space and time to a limited extend. It is said to have Heavenly Dragon-class strength.
Fire Manipulation: Scarlet King can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different.

Higher-Dimensional Manipulation: Scarlet King can manipulate, destroy, and create greater spatial and temporal dimensions than 3-D space, such as 4-D space and above.

Reality Consumption: Scarlet King can devour or absorb literally anything and everything. This includes matter, space, time, energy, spatial-temporal locks, negative energy, pocket dimensions, antimatter, anything that exists. He may grow, both in size and strength, every time they absorb something.

Power Bestowal: Scarlet King can give superpowers to others, either permanently or temporarily. If he had a well-trained human follower, he could turn them into a being with God-Class strength and above.

Abstract Existence: Scarlet King can exist as something abstract. He can be an idea, a concept or a piece of literature. This makes him even deadlier than beings like Satan, as he not only controls and embodies evil and madness, he can become these concepts themselves, carrying on as the very aspect of negativity in the multiverse

Inferno-Ergokinesis: Scarlet King is very skilled in manipulating the demonic energy of himself and others. He could radiate a teal-colored aura that he could infuse into his attacks and weapons to increase their power, especially against angelic or divine opponents.

Demonic Constructs: He could shape and solidify demonic energy to create various forms of demonic constructs, from weaponry to equipment to truly living demonic beasts.
Demon Blast: He launches several demonic energy blast from his finger tips that can penetrate anything thus bypassing conventional durability.
Possession: This technique allows him to possess anything(be it living or non-living). Once possessed he can completely control their bodies and make him do his bidding.
Meta Matter Manipulation: Scarlet King can create, shape, manipulate, summon, destroy and customize all possible forms of matter, whether organic or inorganic, baryonic or non-baryonic, etc. This also extends to "exotic matter", such as dark matter; antimatter; tachyons; and other highly theoretical forms of matter. Scarlet King can manipulate matter from alternate timelines, dimensions, universes, etc., using his immeasurable power to pluck it from one of the aforementioned categories and materialize it to his location. Along with this, he can also create new types of matter and imbue them with properties of their choosing, creating matter not of the normal variety. For example, he could create matter that grants powers to its wielder or matter that has properties or a structure that defies the established laws of physics.

Exotic Matter Manipulation: While not as great as Xadldir or Driuna, he can create, shape and manipulate exotic matter, form of matter with "exotic properties". Exotic matter can be matter with "exotic" physical properties that defy the known laws of physics, such as tachyons, that have negative mass or "imaginary" mass, allowing them to either reverse the laws of physics or simply go faster than the speed of light. It can also be hypothetical particles that have capabilities well within the laws of physics, states of matter that aren't commonly encountered, like quark-gluon plasma or Bose-Einstein condensates, or they can be states of matter poorly understood like dark matter, or normal matter placed under high pressure.
Alternate Element Materialization: While not as great as Xadldir or Driuna, he is able to sense specific objects and forms of matter from alternate universes, timelines, and realities and summon that matter to his location, regardless of where they are at the moment. The objects could be powerful artifacts or simple mementos depending on his own will and desire.
Conceptual Manipulation: Scarlet King can manipulate all existent concepts, change concepts and their definition, create new ones by warping a universal ideas or create one out of nothing. He can also overrule all of the Council of Godheads, including Special Grade Gods (except Chronos and El) by taking absolute control of their personal concept and using it against them.

Primordial Time Overruling: Scarlet King can overrule and overwhelm gods whose concept is purely temporal and tempus-related, such as Aion and Ananke. He can absorb/corrupt/reflect their time power with concentrated anti-conceptual forces.
Primordial Darkness/Night Overruling: Scarlet King can overrule and overwhelm gods whose concept is purely darkness or night-based, such as Erebus and Amatsu-Mikaboshi. He can absorb/corrupt/reflect their darkness power with concentrated anti-conceptual forces.
Primordial Heavenly/Divine Overruling: Scarlet King can overrule and overwhelm gods whose concept is purely heavenly or divine-based, such as Castiel or Michael. He can absorb/corrupt/reflect their divine power with concentrated anti-conceptual forces.
Primordial Creation/Supremacy Overruling: Scarlet King can overrule and overwhelm gods whose concept is purely creation or supreme being-based, such as Chakravartin or Ptah. He can absorb/corrupt/reflect their creation power with concentrated anti-conceptual forces.
Shapeshifting: Scarlet King is an absolute shapeshifter, capable of morphing and altering his own form into anything he pleases with no seeming limitation. He can even imitate the visages of the Four Great Gods with ease, creating many false opinions on them by lesser beings in the Omniverse. Even Nyarlathotep admits that her own shapeshifting abilities are somewhat inferior to those of Scarlet King.

Shapeshifting Inducement: Scarlet King can induce extreme shapeshifting in beings who are infinitely inferior to himself. He can change their appearance, outward personality and hobbies by morphing their existence into something else. For example, he once turned Gabriel into a bloated frog who latched onto people's genetalia and sucked their life-force from there, as revenge for constantly bullying him.
Disease Manipulatiion: Scarlet King can create, manipulate, shape, transform, cause/heal, etc. all forms of diseases, including their severity, contagiousness, methods of spreading, etc. He can control the organisms that spread diseases, including germs, bacteria, virus, or other pathogens on a cellular level, including bacteriophages, microorganisms (microscopic organisms), retroviruses, cells that abnormally grow to make cancerous tumors and cysts, and pathogens that produce genetic mutations.

Disease Acceleration: He can stimulate and accelerate the processes of diseases and viruses within an incredibly short period of time within the bodies of biological beings. He can make a seemingly benign sickness into a lethal and life-threatening ailment at their behest. With enough skill, a user can turn a condition that was thought to be harmless into a fatal affliction in a matter of moments.
Disease Detection: He can sense the presence of diseases and gain detailed understanding about them.
Disease Generation: He can generate diseases and viruses, including mixing illnesses together or creating completely new ones, whether by drawing them from already existing sources or by manifesting them anywhere they want.
Disease Inducement: He can induce any disease/sickness in others. The exact length of the effect depends on both the users skill and power and the targets current state.
Cancer Inducement: He can induce cancer and any kind of cancerous tumor or growth.
Disease Transferal: He can transfer any disease to another being, allowing them to cure the subject while also making another sick in their place.
Infection: He can infect others with different substances. These can range from harmless invading bodies such as nanites to toxic, lethal substances such as poisons.
Pain Inducement: He is able to cause varying levels of pain, including physical, mental and/or emotional, to their targets using supernatural means.
Biosphere Destruction: He can cause great disaster and destruction to the biosphere, disrupt the landscape, cause mass extinctions, pollute areas, cause species to become hostile, etc.
Monster Manipulation: He can create, manipulate, and destroy monsters.
Pestilence Manipulation: He can create, shape, and manipulate pestilence, including pests, locusts that spoil crops, and flies that carry disease. They gain immunity to pests and viruses, but can also create, invoke, and control diseases and viruses.
Animal Manipulation: He can create, shape and manipulate animals, multicellular eukaryotic organisms that form the biological kingdom Animalia. He can command, speak/understand, evolve/devolve, merge with, possess, etc., with all forms of animal life. Weaker users can only influence their behavior, commanding them to do their bidding.
Insect Manipulation: Scarlet King can control various insects. He control them to do their bidding, for example, helping them during situations, using them against foes, and using them to see locations and gather information about a particular place. He can see through the insects' eyes that are controlled allowing them to spy on others. He can also understand or communicate with them, hence creating and strengthening friendships.
Locust Manipulation: He can manipulate and control locusts, a phase of short-horned grasshoppers that, while normally solitary, will amass in great numbers and travel long distances. Locusts have long since been associated with plague as spreaders of disease and famine as destroyers of crops.
Parasite Manipulation: He can manipulate all forms of parasites. He can be used to affect parasites within their hosts, and make them absorb more energy from the host, as well as cause pain in the host in question, as well as even killing the host. He can also be used to control parasites to be less painful to the host, or even remove them.
Rodent Manipulation: He can control various rodents. He control them to do their bidding like, help them during situations, use them against foes, use them to see locations and get information about a particular place, use them for battle, use them for spying on others. The controlled rodents may cultivate bonds with the user, thus creating friendships. Also may empathize or communicate with them.
Pestilence Inducement: He can cause pestilence of any magnitude, ranging from a small region to an entire continent to even a whole space sector. He can lead to far-reaching disease, devastation, and death.
Unidemic Creation: Induce a viral outbreak on a galactic or universal level.

Illusion Manipulation: Scarlet King can create, shape and manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are. He can create complex and detailed worlds, he may be able to only alter the way he or the target are perceived.

Illusion of Death: Scarlet King can leave others in a broken state, where their mind is instantly led to believe that they have, are and will continue dying for eternity.
Reality of Death: At the same time, Scarlet King has no issue into turning this 'illusion' into the reality, as seen of his punishment over Dr. Bright and Hanged King over trying to overthrow him. He also inflicted his son Cthulhu with this ability, which eventually caused him to transcend the concepts of Life and Death as a whole.
Hallucination Solidification: Scarlet King can Solidify illusions.
Holographic Projection: Scarlet King can Project illusions based on only sight.
Illusion Attacks: Scarlet King can Attack using illusion energy.
Illusion Constructs: Scarlet King can Create constructs out of illusions.
Illusion Destruction: Scarlet King can Destroy illusions.
Illusion Generation: Scarlet King can Create/generate various types of illusions.
Illusion Negation: Scarlet King can Negate illusions.
Illusion Reflection: Scarlet King can Reflect any illusions that are used against themselves.
Illusionary Environment: Scarlet King can Change the environment with illusions.
Illusive Appearance: His appearances, even when he is using a vessel, are very illusive and incomprehenisble, as the Facility Guards on the site had trouble locating his mortal body without the use of specialized tracking equipment.
Mind Manipulation: Scarlet King can control the minds of others with targets being completely subject to his mental control. If the victims were placed into a semi-conscious state, they may not have any recollection of the previous actions that they performed while under its effect.

Command Inducement: Scarlet King can command other beings by giving them orders to do their bidding no matter what the victim thinks or feels.
Hypnagogia Inducement: Scarlet King can project hypnagogic/waking dream hallucinations into the target's subconscious mind.
Absolute Persuasion: Scarlet King's charisma and immense presence can compel people by speaking, the victims are unable to disobey; the seemingly cogent commandment is far too compelling. He is easily able to overpower a command given by Gate Guardian to Cthulhu's children and the former's commands are said to have an 'absolute God-like persuasion effect that extends to everything in existence'.
Persuasion Immunity: Scarlet King himself is immune to any/all persuasion by outside forces, including his step-father God, his mother Asherah and his biological father Azathoth. Only beings such as Driuna and Benzaiten can even affect his mind slightly, moreso convincing him to be less brutal than doing any significant effects.
Mind Obliteration: Scarlet King has the ability to obliterate the minds of every being below Primordial-level, completely eradicating their consciousness and leaving them in a vegetative state. During the war, when awakened, he destroyed the minds of at least 50 Sacred Gear users at the same time.
Omnislayer: Scarlet King can kill/destroy any being and slaughter entire races of even the most powerful entities.

Usurp Worth: Scarlet King can throw a wrench in the works of destiny by taking the place of a so called chosen one for himself. He can wield legendary weapons they shouldn't be able to, steal the spotlight from the guy expected to win or do the great feat that everyone thought only one guy could do. Scarlet King was able to usurp and destroy the immortal Diablo and Sargeras, who were created by Ycnágnnisssz and were supposedly fated to be the rulers of Hell.

Personal Probability Manipulation: Scarlet King is able to alter himself and even the world, being able to manipulate any/all probabilities that has any involvement with him, allowing him to have literally, absolute control of his fate, future, and even his own past, with virtually no limit to what he can do.

Truth Denial: Scarlet King can deny what is real in the world by lying to himself, he literally lies to everything, effectively making facts be based on lies. The difference between this power and truth manipulation is, while truth manipulation technically enables the user to alter reality by turning lies true. This power views reality as a sentient being lies to it and makes reality accept those lies. Scarlet King was able to deny the 'truth' that Asherah or Satan were stronger than him and reversed it into a 'false assumption'. Also, once someone is hit by any of his spears, Scarlet King can deny the 'truth' of them ever dodging or blocking them afterwards, which is how we was able to defeat Satan in the first round.

Reality Warping: Scarlet King can create, shape, and manipulate reality just by thinking about it; while weaker users are limited to what is already considered "real", stronger ones can make changes from nothing. He may alter something as tangible as physics and the universe to something inconceivable like logic.

Reality Departure: Scarlet King can depart/exit reality, allowing him to completely leave it behind and exist separate from it. This would prevent him from being affected by any power that requires one to be in reality.
Reality Seperation: Scarlet King exists outside the concepts of reality, and as such is immune to just about anything that would affect or harm them, whether it's any changes or halts made to space, time or reality; any potential changes made will be rectified and restored and regenerated to its original state. Any changes to the reality will be noticed by the user, aware of the differences between the original and any changes.
Immense Combat Skills: Scarlet King is a very proficient hand-to-hand combatant, varying from longe-ranged fights to close-ranged and from ancient to modern. He was able to defeat Castiel without much trouble using his immense skills and power. In addition, he could also force Amenominakanushi out of his personal pocket dimensions whenever the latter tried to attack him.

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Scarlet King is a very proficient hand-to-hand combatant, possessing masterful skill in using it as his primary means of attack. He is equally lethal using punches and kicks, and is highly unpredictable. His fighting technique is incredibly destructive, using his speed and reflexes to quickly take out his opponents. He is skilled enough to hold his own against stronger opponents for extended amounts of time.
Attack Prediction: Scarlet King could easily interpret and predict his enemies' attacks and react to the incoming attack, brush off, or avoid the incoming attacks even from a dead angle.
Combat Perception: Scarlet King could instantly understand his opponents' thinking and fighting methods, allowing him to anticipate his opponents' moves. He could understand his enemies' strategy, he is able to find their flaws and weaknesses and take them down with little effort.
Weapon Proficiency: As the both the strongest of the children of Asherah and the formerly the strongest lord in Hell, he is extremely proficient in all forms of weapons, from close to long-range, and from ancient to modern.
Master Swordsman: Though he rarely uses a sword, he has proven to be extremely skilled with it, capable of keeping up and overwhelming fellow masters of the sword, sometimes with ease.
Master Spearman: He is a Master Spearman, possessing skills, techniques, and abilities unable to be replicated by any mortal beings. He possess immense spearmanship skill, capable of wielding the spear to its utmost potential. He could easily use their light-spear wielding skills to their utmost potential, and taking out numerous opponents with it.
Perceptive Combatant: Scarlet King is an incredibly skilled swordsman and hand-to-hand combatant, striking with lethal precision in combat. He is very methodical in battle. He isn't very detailed-oriented, but can discern at least fifty hundred ways a battle event could start, continue and conclude and find the way that is most beneficial for him. He is also extremely methodical, capable of quickly learning the main styles of his opponents and countering them with appropriate skill. His perceptiveness is more 'big-picture' type, coming up with lethal combos once he knows what he's dealing with and not awaiting his opponent's next move once he sees an opening. His ruthlessness and unrelenting combat style is the complete opposite to Xadldir's unmatched analytical style.

Genius-Level Intellect: Scarlet King is a genius in a very reverse way. Ironic to his ideals, his mind is more advanced than most beings in Omniverse, including those in Council of Godheads. He can go about spreading madness and destruction in various ways, finding the paths that will earn him the greatest success. However, he isn't as smart as his greatest adverseries like Xadldir, Driuna and his rivals/partners G.O.D and Ara Devi.

Master Tactician: A master Tactician with a silver tongue. Scarlet King manipulates events in SCP Multiverse as he pleases. He sees complicated tactics as something folly, though ironically, he is able to come up with advanced tactics that can keep even Pre-Existential Entities on their fours.
Adaptation: Scarlet King could easily adapt to the conditions and environments around him, allowing him to virtually fight in any possible situations.
Master Manipulator: Though preferring to sway others with his brutal and compelling honesty, Scarlet King can be exceedingly deceitful when he wants to. He, Ara Devi and G.O.D have manipulated entire multiverses into a vicious cycle of meta-insanity. He was also able to convince Dr. Punktruffen and Sweet Madame that Cthulhu could be contained in a similar manner to Larry, despite them witnessing his true power in the past.
Master Teacher: Scarlet King possesses extensive, if not innate, knowledge of and experience in teaching/training others, helping them to acquire knowledge, skills, techniques, and competence in different fields (martial arts, scientific fields, etc.).
Astrokinetic Combat: Scarlet King is able to utilize cosmic energies with his physical combat, granting his both vast power and flexibility to use several different powers. While this makes him extremely powerful, it's also quite difficult to control in fine precision, though Satan has managed to overcome this slight flaw.
Omnipresence: Scarlet King is present everywhere at the same time, referring to an unbounded or universal presence. It is related to the concept of ubiquity, the ability to be everywhere and nowhere (at once). Scarlet King is usually an incorporeally present like an invisible force of being that's literally everywhere yet unseen, felt or heard unless they wish to be interacted with, positively or negatively effecting any and all things in existence by the users presences and will.

Flight: Scarlet King has shown the ability to fly without wings without any effort.

And he has the powers of his past reincarnates and has the powers of his enemies.

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