
By ellieruewrites37

314K 9K 7.7K

Logan Romano took the NHL like a hurricane- dark and brooding. With his natural talent, brute force and shee... More

✩ 𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎 ✩
✩ 𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚝 & 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 ✩
one| lifesaver
two| a bad day
three| red wine stain
four| stranger
five| worlds worst dog
six| mind games
seven| money on the mind
eight| conditions
nine | moving day
ten | home decor
eleven | challenge
twelve | snooping
thirteen | curiosity killed the cat
fourteen | dinner
fifteen | karma
sixteen | the burden
seventeen | designated drinkers
nineteen | the aftermath
twenty | girlfriend
twenty one | pillow wall
twenty two | hate
twenty three | soon you'll get better
twenty four | matilda
twenty five | hospital bills
twenty six | charity case
twenty seven | trouble in paradise
twenty eight | mission: forgiveness.
twenty nine | bruised
thirty | all or nothing

eighteen | irresponsible

8.3K 272 181
By ellieruewrites37

"Two lines. Romano, James, Kent, Peters, Radcliffe and Orlov- on the left." Coach demands, reading from his clipboard. "Vaughn, you take Anders, Sorenson, Maddox, Quinn and Smithy on the right."

"Hastings, in the net." Greyson whoops, slapping his gloves together loudly.

Carter nods and skates his team over to their line on the rightwing of the rink. He makes a show of glaring at Maddox and rolling his eyes at him dramatically.

I never envy the man that gets paired with that fucker. But I do appreciate the sign of loyalty from Carter.

"Coach. What about us? Where do we go?" One of the newbies on the team asks, gesturing to the group of 6 players still sat on the bench.

Coach Hansen rolls his eyes, knuckles turning white from his death grip on the clipboard. "Did I call out your damn name, Jenson?"

"Uhm," The kid's eyes go wide as he looks to his teammates on the bench for support. "No, sir. I just thought that maybe you made a mist-"

His friend immediately jumps to his side and covers his big, stupid, mouth with his glove. It was a brave attempt to save his buddy from Coach's wrath but he was too late.

The damage was done.

"A mistake?" Coach chuckles eerily. "I don't make mistakes, kid. A mistake is what your Mom made when she gave birth to you."


"If you let me fucking finish talking before questioning me, you would hear me say that I'll be swapping your sorry asses out." He rages on, pointing his finger at the now red face of Freddie Jenson.

"Uh oh. Here we go." Greyson snickers quietly by my side, clearly enjoying the show Coach is putting on for us.

I swear this guy thrives on chaos. As long as the rage isn't directed at him, Greyson thoroughly enjoys it when Coach is on a rampage.

Personally, I try to tune him out. Block out the noise. My most effective way of doing that is to focus on the task at hand- the game or the drill we're about to run.

But today, my mind is drifting a little further than todays practise.

It's drifting back to her. To last week. To what it's been like ever since.

1 week ago

"Mind your step." I rasp behind her ear, my fingers splayed out on her hips.

She shudders. "Mind your grabby hands. You don't want to cross any lines, Mr Romano."

"Trust me, babe." My voice is low against the nape of her neck as she leads us through the crowd. "By the time this dance is done, you'll be begging for me to cross the damn lines."

Nova chuckles, reaching her arm up behind her head and looping it around my neck. She demands my attention, pulling my head down until her lips are dancing across my jawline.

"I only beg when a man's in between my legs, Logan."

My breath hitches. Both at the filthy nature of her words and the sinister sound of my name on her lips

"And out of the two of us, babe, trust. I won't be the desperate one. Don't underestimate me."

Like the little devil she is, November pulls away from me slightly, her nails dragging down my back as she takes my hand and takes us into the centre of the packed dance floor.

We pass Cece and the man she's got her legs wrapped around on our way in. She looks me up and down and uses two fingers to do the 'I'm watching you gesture'. It would be more intimidating if she wasn't so drunk her eyes are crossed.

Nova seems completely unfazed and waves her off with an adorable thumbs up and the sweetest smile.

"Hm." I chuckle, not loud enough for Nova to hear but she still catches sight of my smirk.

She spins in my arms, her cool fingers teasing just under the hem of my shirt. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing." I muse and pull her flush against my chest. It's like I can't get close enough to her.

"Just funny how you act all cute and innocent towards your friend but less than 5 seconds ago you were talking about begging a man between your legs."

"Get you a girl that can do both, Mr Romano." She blushes slightly.

I tuck a stay hair behind her ear, my fingers lingering on her cheek. "That sums you up, hm? Adorable one minute and a little devil the next."

"You think I'm adorable?" The grin on her face is cheeky, teasing.

But not as teasing as her fingers that are slowly climbing up my torso.

"I do." I admit, my hands run down her side, fingertips brushing over the curve of her ass. "But I also think that you're a pain in the ass, Goldilocks."

She stiffens as my grip on her hips become more primal. Dominant. Perhaps even protective. "Well, I hate to break it to you but you're no saint either, Logan."

There it is again. My name on her lips.

And there's that reaction again. The tug on my heartstrings. The pull in the pit of my stomach.

"Let's see if you think I'm a saint or not after I've got you in between my bedsheets, shall we?"

I'm joking. I think. Only trying to tease her. Most definitely not. I'm not trying to flirt with her. That's a lie.

Nova hums thoughtfully and maps out the planes of my 6-pack with her nail before responding. I hold my breath as she peers up at me.

"Is that an invitation?"


"Romano!" Coach Hansen screeches by my ear.

I wince at his shrill tone and try to shake off the momentary deafness caused by his fury. "Yes, Coach?"

"Yes Coach." He mocks in a deeper, dumber, voice. "Have you listened to a fucking word I just said?"

"Obviously. I'm not Jenson." I scoff, the rest of the team snickering at my slight dig on the new kid.

Coach skates around me with nothing but rage shining in his eyes. In a flash, he has that fucking clipboard bouncing off of the top of my helmet.

"You dumb fuck." He spits and points to the team of men lining the boards. "If you were listening, why the hell are you still standing in the centre of the ice like a Goddamn moron?"

Oh shit.

I wince as I take a look around the ice and find everyone in formation. Except from me.

"Oh. Sorry, Coach. Won't happen again." My skates glide against the ice quickly as I go to join my team on the left wing of the ice. Each pair of eyes in the rink is glued to my back, burning a hole through my practice jersey.

"Who is she?"

My brows furrow when I turn back to face Coach Hansen. "Sorry?"

"You fuckers only ever seem to think with your dicks. So tell me. Who is the girl that's got you all pussy-whipped during my Goddamn practise?"

I hate him. I hate him for his question. I hate him for his accusatory tone. I hate him for causing the team to erupt into 'oos' and 'ahs'.

But most of all, I hate him because he might just be right.

"It's nothing like that, Coach. I'm just tir-"

"I bet it's that hot blonde he was with at the club." Mother fucking Jenson pipes up.

And if looks to kill, that kid would be buried under 6 foot of ice right now.

"The one with that smile?"

"All women have smiles, you idiot."

"It's the one with the great ass."

Don't punch him in the face, Logan. Don't do it.

"Who Nova?" The very last voice I want to hear snickers. "No way. She wouldn't."

I narrow my eyes at his ugly fucking face. "And why the hell not, Maddox?"

"Er, maybe because I'm the one dating her." He snickers away to his friends like something's fucking funny.

But I'm not laughing.

"So? One date doesn't make her your fucking possession. You don't own her, Ryker. And you sure as shit don't dictate who I spend my fucking time with."

"Look, man, I took her out for dinner and bro-code-"

"Oo, you took her out for dinner." I laugh in his fucking face. "So that means she's yours does it?"

"Listen, dude-"

"No, you listen, you little shit-" I edge towards him, my gloved hands balled into tight fists.

But before I can get close enough to catch the fear in his eyes, Coach slaps the clipboard into my chest and coughs. Maddox instantly backs down while I divert my attention to an oddly calm Hansen.

It's eerily quiet in the rink as we await his rampage. A rampage that never comes...

"If you idiots are finished comparing dick sizes, I have a drill I'd like to run. Is that okay with you, gentlemen?"

I give him a stiff nod, my lips set into a firm line, and get back into formation. The last fucking thing I need right now is to be slacking in practise because of that dumb fuck Maddox.

The truth is that I will never get used to the way some of these guys talk about women.

I guess in college I was on a team with good, respectful, men- bar a few dicks of course. I was never exposed to toxic locker room culture. A culture where some of these fools think it's acceptable to chat shit about their latest hookups like they were a conquest, a challenge to beat, a piece of fucking meat.

I can't fucking stand it. As captain, I try my best to draw a hard line over it but the newbies on the team still struggle with the concept.

Sure, I may live for the chase and enjoy my casual hookups with women, but I don't ever run back to the boys in the locker room and boast over how big her tits were or how she let me spank her.

I'm not a fucking horny teenager. But more importantly, I'm not a misogynistic perv.

"Romano, Maddox." Coach calls from the bench. "Seeing as you two want to fight over a woman, you can fight over the Goddamn puck. You're up first."

My eyes roll to the back of my head subconsciously.

I know Coach is trying to punish us, but getting me to face-off with Maddox? Seriously?

Give me a real challenge.

"Play clean boys. I won't be asking maintenance to clean blood up off this ice again, you hear me?" He warns before placing the puck on the blue line.

"You know the rules. First to score gets a point. The team with the most points skips cleanup."

I strap my helmet on, check my gloves and pads are secure, and ready my deathly grip on my stick. The anticipation I feel to completely fucking annihilate this idiot in front of all his friends only grows as Greyson gives Coach the thumbs up to start the drill.

And with the sound of his whistle, we both shoot off from our side of the rink.

My blades slice through the ice as I race towards the puck, my eyes zeroing in on the slippery little bastard as my team shouts on from the sidelines.

There's nothing that makes me focus quite like some not-so friendly competition. So sure, I can hear the other team screaming on my right, but my attention is solely on the clashing of mine and Ryker's sticks.

He may have gotten there first but where Maddox has speed- he lacks precision. And if there's two thing I offer on this ice, it's accuracy and brute force.

I take control of the puck within seconds of our struggle. He huffs loudly and backs down for a brief moment before getting back in the game and taking on a defensive role as I near the goal.

But a brief moment of weakness is all an opponent needs to strike. Kill. Score.

I get to the goal's D before he even has the chance to take me back on and there's nothing for him to do but stand back and pray that Greyson blocks my shot as I take my shot.

Unfortunately for him, my skill of accuracy comes through for me again and the puck sinks into the top left corner.

Fucking beautiful.

"Point to the left team." Coach calls out, stopping the play as he makes a mark of the score on his sheet.

"Fucking bullshit." Maddox scoffs under his breath, sulking like a damn baby.

"And here comes the hissy fit." I joke to Greyson, most definitely not under my breath. It's no fun chatting shit if they don't hear you.

Ryker rolls his shoulders, nostrils flared. "Don't piss me off, Romano. You played dirty and you know it."

"It's just a drill, Mad. It's not that deep." Grey yawns, unfazed by his pathetic outburst.

"That was nothing but a clean play, kid." I tell him with a casual shrug. "Maybe you just need some more practise."

"I can't believe you're being a dick all because of some girl. Just say you're pussy whipped and move on."

"Who the fuck are you to-"

"She's all yours, bro. I don't want any sloppy seconds." He snickers, his fucking gross buddies chuckling away with him. "Its no fun if you've already had her."

I'm about to bury this kid 6 foot under a pile of flaming dog shit.

"Say one more thing about her, Maddox." My voice drops dangerously low in warning as I edge towards him, squared up to his much smaller frame.

"I dare you."

"Jesus fucking Christ!" Coach screams from the side in pure rage. "If I have to listen to one more Goddamn second of this caveman shit I'm going to put a bullet through my fucking brain!"

"Just punch each other in the face and call it a day." Carter suggests with a mischievous smile on his face because he knows I'm more than fucking willing to oblige. It'd be my pleasure

Coach shoots him a deathly glare. "Did I not make myself clear about cleaning blood up? Get your shit together, the pair of you."


"Not another syllable." He silences Maddox. "If I hear one more word about this situation, you're both benched from our next game. I don't tolerate bitchiness on my ice. Clear?"

I nod stiffly, eyeballing Ryker as he grimaces away under his helmet like a scolded child.

"Yes, coach." He replies, his voice strained.

"Now get the fuck out of my face." Hansen demands.

I'm relieved that I get to skate back to my side and away from that dumbass I was paired with. Nothing would make me happier than waiting for my next turn and disassociating from this shit show.

I know that as captain, I should show more interest in drills and training. And typically, I'd be stood here with a scrap of paper, writing down notes for each of my teammates to work on.

It's not that I don't take my job seriously. It's just that it's a little hard to focus on a drill when all I can think about is the woman waiting at home for me.

The past week we've spent together has been like living in an alternate fucking universe. And it all started because of one dance.

• 1 week ago •

"I love this song!" Nova screams, jumping and thrashing around with the rest of the crowd.

I keep a tight grip on her hands and watch her carefully as she hangs her head back and sings each word to the song in perfect tune and timing. Her long blonde hair sways from side-to-side, brushing down her back and catching the attention of every man in a 2 foot radius of her.

One shorter man, probably around 5'7, taps her on the shoulder, causing her wild dancing to falter. He grins down at her wickedly and whispers something by her ear.

All the while I stand, my hands still in hers, in total fucking shock at the balls on this man. Hitting on a woman while she's physically attached to another man?

That takes some fucking nerve.

"No, thank you." Nova shouts back to the man and turns away from him, moving herself closer to me and tightening her grip on my hands. I feel a sharp sting from her long nails slightly piercing my callous skin and that's when I completely stiffen up.

"Oh, come on, baby. Just one drink?" The man continues and places his hand on her bare shoulder.

She physically recoils from his touch. I react instantly and pull her even closer, so that my arms are completely wrapped around her waist, and roll my shoulders back.

"She said no thank you, asshole. Move on." I tell him sternly, backing us up into the crowd so that Blondie is further away from the fucking creep.

She continues to sing along quietly to one of her favourite songs, safety tucked into my side but her eyes remain glued to the increasingly angry man.

"What, so I can't offer to buy a woman a drink now?" He scoffs and points a stubby finger at Nova. "You should be fucking grateful."

She stiffens but lets out sweet laugh. "Oh, I am grateful."

She's fucking what?

"It's just that my boyfriend here," Her hand travels up to the centre of my chest and pats twice. "Can get a little jealous. He's a bit insecure, isn't that right, baby?"

I know what she's doing. I don't totally get it, but I can play along.

The only thing I find unsettling is that if you told me an hour ago November was calling me baby, I'd probably be throwing her over my shoulder and begging to take her on the bar-top. But now?

Now it leaves a sour fucking taste in my mouth. Because it's not real. It's all for show. It's all to get a creepy ass man off of her back.

"Exactly. I don't like other men buying my woman drinks." I explain to the jerk, playing along with the narrative Nova's made for me.

"Oh," He chuckles, raising his hands in surrender. "I'm sorry, dude. I didn't know she was taken. You know, I wouldn't let my girl dress like that around other men so I was confused."

By that I think he means that Nova is showing some cleavage, her arms aren't covered and her top splits so you can slightly see her stomach.  Because God forbid she be allowed to show any skin whatsoever.

Fucking asshole.

"No hard feelings, man." I bite out, desperate to get him the fuck away from us before I have my fist rocking his jaw to the side.

I turn my head to face Nova, who's still clinging to my side, and rub her arm soothingly. "Sweetheart, how about we head outside? Get some air."

Her eyes go a little wider as she studies the jerk beside me. "I would love to, baby. It was nice to meet you." She says to him, detaching herself from my side and stating to move her way through the crowd.

I keep my hand tightly clasped in hers but before she can drag me any further away, I beckon Mr Creepy closer. He grins like a fool and willing shuffles in.

Within seconds, I have my spare hand gripping the collar of his polo shirt and my face towering above his.

His smile instantly drops and is replaced with a look of fear. His breath hitches when I tug him up to stand on his tiptoes.

"Let me be very fucking clear," I start, ignoring Nova as she tries to tug on my arm.

"If I ever catch you treating a woman like that again, I will personally choke you to fucking death. And I will enjoy it."

He gulps. "Don't even fucking think about my girl ever again. Am I clear?"

"Y-Yes, sir. No hard feeling, huh?"

My lip curls up as I roll my eyes at him and drop my death grip on his dumbass collar. The second he's free from me, he scurries back to his loud ass friends with his dick tucked in between his legs and a sour expression on his face.

That's the least he fucking deserves for making November feel so uncomfortable. Piece of shit.

"Alright, hulk." Nova huffs from my side, her hands on her hips and her brows raised. "Outside. Now. It's time to cool off."

She takes my hand in hers, linking her fingers through mine, as she leads us through the packed club. It surprises me as the dance floor parts like fucking Jesus did with the red sea, all for a barely 5 foot 4 woman that is slightly reminiscent of a chipmunk. Or maybe a sleepy, baby panda bear.

Whatever she is, she's not all that intimidating. Yet Goldilocks herself still manages to get us all the way out the back exit without so much as a drink spilled or toe stepped on.

And that is highly impressive.

"Come on." She orders as she drags me to stand under a streetlamp, her back resting against the brick wall.

I breathe in the cool air and welcome the goosebumps it sends flying across my skin. Anything is better than that tropical fucking climate in the club.

Nova watches me intensely, her eyes scrutinising, as I pull out a pack of cigarettes from my jacket pocket, followed by my trusty lighter I've had since college.

She rolls her eyes to the back of her head when I cushion it between my lips and light it up, taking my first long drag.

"That's bad for you, you know."

I blow my cloud of smoke out to the side, far away from her face. "I'm fully aware, blondie."

"It causes all kinds of health issues too." She continues, fiddling with the charm bracelet on her wrist.  "Lung cancer, lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, oesophagus cancer, pneumonia-"

"You done?" I snicker in an exhale of smoke.

Nova crosses her arms across her chest. "Nope. Not even close. You're also at greater risk of a stroke, bronchitis, erectile dysfunction-"

I chuckle at her. "Trust me, baby, I'm all good in that department."

"Oh, I know. I felt it while we were danci-" The second after the words leave her mouth, she's rolling her bottom lip up into her mouth as her eyes blow wide in realisation.

The look on her face screams 'oh shit' as I drop my cigarette to the concrete and put it out with my shoe. I edge towards her and loom over her while she leans against the brick wall, her neck craned so she can stare up at me.

"What can I say? I like dancing with you." I tell her honestly, watching as her chest rises and falls with each breath.

"Oh really?" Nova hums as she reaches out for my hand. But she doesn't take it. Instead, she plays with my fingers, moving and wriggling them around.

"There was one part I didn't like though, Goldilocks."

She drops my hand, a glum look falling on her face, as she diverts her eyes to the floor. "Oh. Erm, w-when?"

"When you called me baby." I pick her hand back up from her side, linking our fingers together, and draw myself closer to her. My body rests mere inches away from hers as I study her reaction.

"Oh, God! I'm really sorry, Logan. I was just trying to get that man to back off and I-"

"Nova." My fingers take hold of her chin as she lifts her eyes to meet mine. "I only disliked it because it wasn't real."

November's lips split into a small smile, a light blush covering her cheeks. "Oh."

"The next time you call me baby," I tilt my head down to reach her height "And there will be a next time,"

I can feel her pulse hammering against her skin as my stubble scratches across her cheek and my lips rest by her ear, my hands gripping her hips possessively.

"It will be real."


"Romano! Quinn! You're up." Coach calls.

I shake my head roughly, like that will clear my thoughts surrounding that night.

But the truth is, I don't think anything can rid me of those memories. They're stuck in my head. Playing on a loop, relentlessly.

And the truly fucked up thing is, I don't seem to mind.

"Don't take this the wrong way, Novie, but you look pretty rough right now." Cece winces awkwardly at me as I sip on my black coffee. "Are you okay?"

I rub my temples slowly and sigh. "Lets just say I had a long night."

"Ooo. Has Mr Romano been keeping you til the witching hours?" She teases, wiggling her brows at me and smirking.

A scoff leaves my lips as we take a seat on the freezing cold bench in Washing Square Park. "Less Logan keeping me up and more an old lady with pneumonia and a 7 year-old with a nail stuck down their ear."

"Sexy." Cecelia snickers, handing Stanley a doggie biscuit out of her palm.

"I know it's all part and parcel of the job but oh my God," I groan and drop my head back. "If I have to be on one more night shift I might just implode from exhaustion."

She raises her brow at me. "Is that even medically possible?"

My scowl is enough of an answer for her.

"If you're so damn tired why aren't you at home, napping, on that gigantic couch of yours? Surely that's a better use of your time then walking a dog."

I watch closely as Stanley runs through a pile of leaves, a large stick in his smiley mouth. "I think you're forgetting that this is my job. Stan has to be walked twice a day."

"And I think you're forgetting that you're practically engaged to your boss. I'm sure he'd forgive you if Stanley missed a walk or two." Cecilia bumps her shoulder into mine as I sip on my piping hot coffee.

If I could get an IV drip of caffein, I would.

"We're not practically engaged, Cece. We're not even practically dating- or practically friends." I tell her, revelling in the way I can see my breath in the frosty air.

December has well and truly begun and I couldn't be more thankful for it. It really is the most wonderful time of the year.

And this year, I might just have enough money saved up to actually buy my little brother a present. Or go skating in central park, to buy some Christmas lights for the outside of my parents house, to treat my family to a meal out.

This year is going to be different. I'll make sure of that.

"So what are you then?" She asks, taking the stick from Stanley and throwing it into the park for him to fetch. "Because this whole week you've been floating on air, Nove. Looking like a disney ass princess singing a cheerful tune all the time."

I look down at my gloved hands and wring my fingers together. "This week has just been... different. He's been different. Less grumpy, more understanding. Less cursing at me and more making me laugh. Heck, two nights ago he even cooked us both dinner. That's never happened before."

"Sounds to me like he's starting to like you, Novie."

"I don't know about that." I blush, gulping down another mouthful of coffee. "But I can certainly get used to this version of him. It's nice not arguing all the freaking time."

There's something about a non-hostile, non-grump, non-asshat Logan that is extremely likeable. And extremely charming.

So much so that it's pretty dangerous for me to be around him...

"Well I'm still rooting for you two. There's nothing I want more than for you to bag that sexy ass man with some sexy ass money in his pocket."

I roll my eyes at her, a smile on my lips, as Stanley trots back over to us. I take the stick from his mouth and wag it in front of him.

"You ready? This is a big one." I warn before reeling my arm back and tossing his stick as far as I can throw.

Stan practically buzzes in excitement as he watches it whizz away deeper into the park. He waits in anticipation for it to hit the ground and when it finally does, he sprits off for it.

"Damn, he's quick." Cece muses, watching the young puppy bound across the park and behind a group of trees.

I finish off the last of my bitter coffee and flick my eyes shut, deeply inhaling the cold air and smell of the pretzel cart to our left.

"I've never seen you so exhausted, Nove." Cecilia comments with concern in her voice.

My fists rub circle on my closed eyes. "I guess working a full time job looking after Stanley, plus school assignments, plus shift work has taken its toll on me."

"Maybe you need to cut back on things. You know, do less and take some me time."

"Cece," I sigh, peaking my eyes open. "I can't quit this job. If I didn't have this, I'd still be working in that cafe and a nightclub. And I can't quit college. I've just got to adjust better."

I blink away the black spots in my vision and sweep my gaze across the park as she replies. "I know, I know. I'm just worried about you. I don't want you to-"

My stomach drops. My breath hitches. My heart skips at least 4 beats.

"Where's Stanley?"

"Hm?" She asks, sitting up straighter.

I'm frantic. My eyes zooming across the park desperate to see a flash of reddish fur. "W-Where the heck is Stanley? I- I can't see him."

"He was just over there two seconds ago." Cece replies pointing to the trees Stan was running through less then five minutes ago.

"He's not there. Cece, he's not there! Where the heck is he?"

"Okay, deep breaths, Nova. I'm sure everything's fine. He's got to be around here somewhere. He wouldn't of gone far."

"He's not trained, Cece." I stress, leaping up off the bench and standing on it to get a higher view of the gigantic park. "He doesn't understand recall. He doesn't understand that he shouldn't go so far away."

She jumps on the bench with me, her hand shielding her eyes from the sun. "Think positive, Nove. He's never ran away before, I bet he's just hiding behind a bush or something."

"Stanley!" I call out, my voice aching from shouting so loud. "Stan! Stanley!"

I hope and pray that Cece is right. That he's just playing a silly game and thinks hiding from me is funny. That he's actually 2 feet away from me, smiling with his stick in his mouth.

But deep down, I know that's not the case.

I can feel it. Right in the pit of my stomach. I know that something is wrong. I know that I've lost him.

"Okay, you stay here and see if he comes back. I'll search down there." I instruct her, jumping off the bench with his bag of treats clutched in my shaking hands.

"Should I call for some help?" She asks, her own voice wavering in panic.

I nod numbly, my voice getting caught in my throat. "Ask anybody that passes by. And the pretzel guy- just anyone! We have to find him."

"We will, Nove. I promise we will. Everything will be fine."

But from the tone of her voice, I know she doesn't quite believe that herself. I know that she's just as unsure as I am.

"Stanley!" I shout as I jog down the path, my head whipping from side to side to check all areas. "Stan! Come on, let's go home!"

I continue to pace around the park, looking behind every tree, checking in every bush or rabbit hole he could have fallen into.

"Stanley!" I scream time after time, my voice quickly getting hoarse from all of my desperate calls.

I even venture to the play park, searching around the picnic tables where food may have been left and walking circles around the cafe to see if he had gone inside.

But still, nothing.

I slide my phone out of my back pocket, my fingers shaking as I send an update to Cecilia.

Me: Found anything?

Cece💋: No luck. Nobody's seen him.
Cece💋: you?

Me: I've ran around 80% of this park and nothing. Not even a single hair.
Me: I'm so screwed

Cece💋: maybe we should call for help
Cece💋: I could ask Greyson to come down?

Me: And risk Logan finding out I've lost his dog?!?!
Me: No way, he'll shoot me on the spot.
We just need to keep looking

Cece💋: you do know that we'll have to tell him at some point or another, right?
Cece💋: it's already been 20 minutes Nove

Me: give it 20 more and then i'll call
Me: keeping asking around and please DO NOT MOVE SPOT, he might come back looking for us

Cece💋: yes sir🫡
Cece💋: good luck❤️

"Hi, sorry, excuse me." I get the attention of a young mother and her two children. "I'm sorry but have you seen a lost dog running around here?"

"I'm not sure, sweetie. What does he look like?"

I whip my phone out again and show her a picture of Stan I took just this morning. "He's about yay big, answers to Stanley. Probably has a stick in his mouth and he wears a green collar."

"No, I'm sorry, babe. I haven't seen him. I'll let you know if I do?"

"Yes, yes, please. Thank you, erm, here's my phone number." I scrawl it down on a loose napkin resting on the picnic table. "Please call me if you find him."

I rush away from the play park and into a more wooded area, thick with trees and shrubs Stan could be hiding behind.

"Stanley!" I scream, looking behind tree after tree, through bush after bush. I even go as far as searching inside the dens children have made with sticks and leaves.

All to turn up empty handed.

"Stanley!" I call again, rushing back out to the main grassy area.

A jogger spots me pacing around in despair and approaches me with a frown. "Are you okay? Do you need help finding him?"

"Yes! Yes, thank you." I sigh and smile at him. "I lost him about a 45 minutes ago, over there." I point to the last place I saw him.

"Okay, do you want me to search there and you check near the fountain?"

"Great, great, thank you so much. Erm, this-" I show him the same picture I've shown at least 20 people today. "This is Stanley. He should be wearing a green col-"

"You're looking for a dog?"

I recoil slightly. "Yes, of course."

"Oh." He chuckles, backing away from me. "I thought you lost your child or something."

"So? What difference does it make?"

"Yeah, erm, I'm not a big fan of dogs so... I'm gonna go now." His words trail off at the end as he places his headphones back in and awkwardly starts to jog away from me.

I'm left in shock, my mouth hanging open slightly as the man becomes a dot- running further and further away.

"That was mean." I whisper, the panic of Stanley being lost for nearing 50 minutes now truly crushing me.

I can feel tears prick the corner of my eyes at the thought of him being out there, all alone and probably afraid. And what makes it worse is that it's all my fault.

My. Freaking. Fault.

"Stanley! Stan!"

I was irresponsible. I should have watched him more closely. I should have kept him on the leash. I should of kept him in my sight.

But I didn't. I messed up. Big time.

"Oh, Nova." Cece sighs as I return back to the bench we were sat on earlier. "Don't cry please. You know I cry if you cry!"

She wraps her arm around me as I rub my bloodshot eyes. "I can't believe we haven't found him yet. I- I've searched everywhere, Cecilia. I've hounded person after person and no one has seen him."

"I've had no luck either." She groans. "What are we going to do?"

I cast my eyes down to the watch on my wrist.

It's been 55 minutes since I noticed he was gone. He could be anywhere by now. He could have been kidnapped, ran over, injured, hungry- the possibilities are endless.

All because of my irresponsible, stupid, selfish self. I put my needs above Stanley's. And now he's gone.

And I need to face the music.

"There's only one thing we can do." I tell her, sliding my phone out of my pocket and scrolling down to the contact I wish I didn't have to call right now.

* Calling Logan Romano *

Cece takes hold of my hand as the phone rings. I wait, my breath hitched for his voice to cut through.

"Hey, Blondie." He answers after the 3rd ring.

My heart sinks even deeper. "Logan..."

"What's wrong? Where are you? Are you okay?"

"Logan, it's Stanley."


Hello my angelllls

How are we all this fine August afternoon?

Lets sing it together y'all -




Happy August my besties🩷

What are our thoughts on this chapter?

A bit of a longer one today (about 6200 words), my faveee kind of dual POV and, as always, a lil bit of angst and drama😉

Poor Stanley you guys! Feel so sad for Nova!!!

honestly, as a dog owner, I think if I lost my dog I would throw up and have a full blown psychological breakdown😂😂😂

What tf else happened this chapter? Ermmmm

Oh! Some steamy flashbacksssss!!!!
I was having too much fun writing those i'm ngl, i love me some angst, some tension and some possessive men😍😍😍

I feel like we were really getting somewhere with these two... lets just hope Stanley being lost won't undone all that hard work


In other news- how are you my loves?

I'm doing well! About to go on holiday thank the lord, hopefully will be able to gets lots of writing done over this summer!!

My goal is to post at least 3 chapters in August but we'll see how it goes.

If you haven't checked it out already, I posted the final bonus chapter of my 1st story, Breaking the Ice, and made a very special announcement!!


To all my new readers over here, I urge you to check out 'Live a Little' and get acquainted with one of my original babies, Holden.

I'm so so excited about his story but I'll be working on it off line until some point in 2024. Right now, this story is my main priority🩷

Speaking of this book, I'm currently considering a rebrand. I've just never bonded with the name and book cover so I'm definitly thinking about a switch up but i don't want to confuse anybody!

Lmk if you have any thoughts/feelings you want to share xxx

As always,

- Vote, comment, follow, etc
- check out my other works
- Follow me on instagram (ellieruewrites)
and tiktok (ellieruewrites)

Stay safe my babies 💌🪩🌷🦋🪞🧖🏼‍♀️🥂🪽

All my love,

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