Love, Really? (A Harry Styles...

By jhutch_1d_fanfics

1.3K 43 22

Clary, a shy, innocent girl, just graduated and decided to move to the city. She expects to have fun, meet fr... More

Love, Really? (A Harry Styles Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

113 3 2
By jhutch_1d_fanfics

~Chapter 4~

Some point between decorating my room, and playing on my phone, I somehow fell asleep. 

I awake to Harry knocking on my bedroom door. 

"Ugh, what is it?" I ask getting up. I open the door to see him standing there smiling. 

"I'm taking you out for dinner!" he says happily. 

"What? No, I never agreed to that!" I say, confused. 

"You didn't have to, now put on a dress and lets go!" he says. I fold my arms. 

"No." I say stubbornly. He looks surprised, and that's exactly what I want. He's not always going to get what he wants. 

"No?" he asks. I nod nervously, but then I continue more confidently. He strides up to me, and I get a bit scared, but I stick in my spot. When he stands right infront of me, looking down. He smirks. He grabs my head, bends down a bit, and kisses me gently. I'm shocked, and my feelings are everywhere. Do I kiss him back, or push him away?! I don't have time to pick, because he pulls away and looks at me confused. 

"You didn't like it?" he says-- he almost looks, sad? 

"No, I mean, I don't know!" I sigh. 

"Just let me take you on a date. Please?" He asks pouting. 

"Ugh, fine. Let me get changed." I say closing the door but he stops it with his foot. 

"And wear something fancy." he adds in before I slam the door shut.

I slip on a aqua blue skirt that sits mid thigh and a white collared top. I then put on pink flats and do my hair in a braid. I look at myself in my full length mirror and sway a bit, watching my skirt fly around. I smile softly and walk out of my room. Harry's there wearing a blue button up top and black jeans. His eyes sparkle when he sees me and I blush. 

"Lets go." he says grabbing a jacket and leading me out the door.


I slide into the leather seats of his car and adjust my skirt so I'm not showing much. 

"So where are we going?" I ask. 

"It's a surprise." he says simply. I shift in my seat. 

"I swear if your taking me to some sort of rape dungeon..." I say. He laughs and I smile. He holds his hands up in the air as if I just accused him of something. I unlock my phone and text Belle, 

Hey, we have to meet up soon, have news! 

Wait-- did I just call Harry... news?


Harry hops out of the car and helps me out. The restraunt we stop infront of looks beautiful. It's called "The Golden Lotus". There is a sign on the side of the door that has a pink lotus on it. 

Inside is a dark timber, all over, with black tables and pink candles. It's really something. Harry walks to the front desk, taking my hand gently, and I can feel the butterflies he's giving me. 

"Reservation for 2, under Harry Styles." he says. I giggle softly. The man leads us to a table, he stops me just as before we reach the table. 

"Watch out, he's a player." he hisses. I'm shocked, and my heart beats fast, but for now, I ignore it. 

"So, Styles." I say giggling some more. He smirks. 

"Shut it, Fray." he says mockingly. I grin and pick up a menu. I thought it would be a Chinese restraunt, but it has risotto's, pastas, steaks, a lot of different things. I decide on the chicken and mushroom risotto. 

"Ready to order?" Harry says as I put my menu down. 

"Yep." I say, and just on time the waiter comes. 

"What can I get you two?" he says grabbing out a notepad. 

"I'll get the seafood marinara." Harry says. 

"And I'll get the chicken and mushroom risotto." I add. We hand in our menus. 

"Any drinks?" the waiter adds. 

"Two waters?" Harry says and the man walks away. Note to self, Harry is good with people, unlike me. 

"So, why did you move to the city?" Harry asks. 

"I wanted my own place, something different," I say "also, Im thinking it might help with my creativity." 

"Creativity?" he asks. 

"Yeah, I want to be an artist or a writer." 

"Well, if it helps, you could... draw me like one of your French girls." he says winking and posing. I giggle. 

"Yeah, sure." I say.


The night consists of us having dinner, and can I say it was AMAZING and talking. Harry was a different person when I met him a day ago. God, I met him a day ago. I saw him as a player, I mean, that's what he seemed like, but now he seems different, sweeter. But could the man be right? 

We enter the apartment and I walk around touching the wall to try and find the lights. I finally find them, after walking into a coffee table. Harry and I stand awkwardly in the living room, not knowing how to end the night. He breaks the awkwardness by crashing his lips into mine. This time, I know. I run my hands through his hair. The kiss is passionate, yet gentle, and when we break away I'm embarrassed. Why? I don't know. I've never felt this way about someone. I wasn't looking for this, I can't have any relationships. I blush furiously and run to my room. Harry runs over just as I close the door and lock it. 

"What's wrong Clary?!" he says knocking on the door. I cover my head in my hands. I work up enough courage to open the door. 

"I know what kind of person you are, all you want is sex! Your a player Harry, it didn't take me long to realise! At the club, when you were looking around, you were looking at the girls, not just the atmosphere, weren't you?" I yell. He looks shocked, but he doesn't reply, so I know it's true. 

"Your such a player that people know, you must get around a lot, huh? You probably thought you could just use me and be done!"  

"No!" he raises his voice, which shocks me. "It's different with you, Clary! Can't you see! If I wanted you for that, I would've done it already! You know nothing!" he yells. "I want to settle down," he adds softly. "I don't want to be known as the 'man whore'." he says, his eyes red. And I feel a pang of guilt. 

"Goodnight, Clary." he says closing my door. I feel guilt hit me like knifes as I slip off my outfit and exchange it for my nightgown. I flop onto my bed and drift off into sleep, still feeling my heart pang in  my chest.


I wake up to the coffee maker buzzing. I open my door slowly to see Harry ruffling his hair and picking up a mug. I don't know what to do. Do I go and tell him sorry? Or just avoid him for the rest of my life? It could work, I mean, I could... No, go and talk to him.

"Harry?" I say walking out of my room slowly. He turns around, a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Yeah?" he says walking to the couch and flopping down.

"I'm sorry, I should'nt have judged so fast. It was wrong and, your nothing like that. Its just, I've been with people like that and it didn't turn out well and I don't want to go through that again." I say, surprised that I've opened up so much.

"Its okay, its normal to judge." he says walking over to me.

"So can we forget about last night?" I ask. He nods and kisses me softly.

"Of course." he says.



yayyy clary and harry action (:

so if you liked this chapter please make sure to vote and leave a comment because it would mean the world!(:

thanks so much for the reads xx

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