Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes Island

By zero252

495K 14.3K 9.3K

The Doctor of Rhodes Island is a good man, but even good men can be broken. He tried to endure the loneliness... More

He's Had Enough
What Have We Done
Welcome Home
For the Greater Good
Silver Bell Tolls
SuperNova Prevention
Know Your 'Enemy'
Have we Angered A God
Living Saint
Farsight Enclave
Trial By Fire
Making An Entrance
Terra's Reaction
Farsight Will Rise
Hello Ch'en
Strategic Value Absolute
Maiden Heart
Flawless Victory!
Can We Survive What's Comming
Enemy Of My Enemy
We Will Fight In The Streets.
Ride Of The Valkyries
Battle Won
The Next Arc
Emotionally Compromised
Prelude To Diplomacy
Underhanded Diplomacy
Angry Lung Noises
The Darker Side Of Reunion
Sleep Easy At Last
Preserve Us
Purge Them!
Stand With Me
White Wolf
Lord of Fiends
I Hate/Like you!
Back In Your Arms
A Good Morning
Broken Too
Lupo's Mischief
Don't Panic
A Life Forever Changed
Running Away
The Law
Amnesia vs Love
Caught Pt1
Caught And Shattered
Calm Before The Storm
First Moves
I'm Done Playing
Enclave vs Rhodes Island
Lost & Gained
Already Broken
A Spark Of Hope
A Lupo's Secret Exposed?
Familiar Stranger
Anomaly Containment Corporation
Angel Of Death
The Begining of a Downfall
The Call
Manipulate Fate!
Artillery spam
Harem Assemble
Over The Top
Lascannon or Bolter
Return of the King
Questions and Answers
Our Duty Ends with Death
Safe and Sound
Guerilla Tactics
Kal'tsit and W Confrontation
Kalina's path
Small Talk
Heroic Ursus Girls
Your Eyes
Father & Daughter
Mostima's Choice

Farseer Agenta

4.8K 160 50
By zero252


A little follow-up of previous chapters, tying up loose ends.

Back to the next chapter.


The Sarkaz Mercenaries fought hard but, in the end, they were no match for the skill and grace of these warriors-the symbol of their Division on one shoulder and the emblem of the Farsight Enclave on the other.

The camp itself had turned into a mess, tents knocked over and blood-stained, supplies scattered across the floor, and bodies of the former occupants had all been slain, dragged to the centre and piled up.

"One still lives, my lady." A synthesised feminine voice called out in reverence.

Inside the former camp of the Sarkaz group, which had lit up the dark forest around, stood three dozen female warriors in white armour with red hair and beautiful swords. Their tails, animal ears and horns could be spotted poking out of their amour. All stood in place, watching another elegant figure emerge from the darkness.

(A.N. Agenta is wearing this)

(A.N. This is her weapon, Singing spear)

Agenta walks into the clearing with a cold smirk and looks at what her first chosen unit of warriors has accomplished. She had watched the whole thing from afar. While she wanted to interfere and join her warriors, she wanted to test them against the naturally strong opponents that Sarkaz were supposed to be.

She was bitterly disappointed.

She expected some casualties on her side, and she had only sent in less than half of her newly named Howling Banshee units. She suffered no losses, not even a wounded. She knew they caught them off-guard, but she still expected some challenges.

Sixty Sarkaz vs twenty Howling Banshees.

Agenta rolled her eyes at the pile of Sarkaz corpses to her right and picked up one of their abandoned weapons from the ground, Looking it over briefly. Agenta was full of disappointment today. Even if these fools landed a clean hit on her girls, these simplistic blades had no chance against their armour. She threw the Sarkaz sword aside.

*Cough, Cough*

A cough caught Agenta's attention as she looked over at the downed Sarkaz warrior who lay there helpless and bleeding out. The final Sarkaz of this group. One of her Banshees was standing near him with her foot pressed on his hand, preventing him from trying to move.

Moving closer, Agenta noticed both his legs had been cut cleanly off, and the poor bastard was gushing blood quickly onto the forest floor. Pained whimpers and gasps could be heard from the man. He soon noticed Agenta and watched her approach with tired, terrified eyes.

Agenta got close and stood over the wounded warrior, looking down at him with a curious but uncaring look. Agenta twirled her long blue-coloured spear a few times until she smacked the backend of the spear next to the Sarkaz's head, making him flinch.

"Fate is fickle, isn't it, boy"


"D-Do you have any idea who I am?!" The Sarkaz wheezed out.

"A dead boy?" Came Agenta's quick and cold reply.

"I am a member of one of the main high-ranking families in Kazdel*Cough* In my family, we are sent out into the world to gain experience, but you attacked and killed me! You have revealed your face to my family and its*Cough*allies." The coughing Sarkaz gasped but smiled, tapping his free weak hand on a bodycam close to his chest.

Agenta looks at the bodycam for a brief moment before smiling at him.

"Then I hope your family and its 'allies' see this last moment of your life and take swift action against us. The Farsight Enclave will respond to any aggression with lethal precision, which I swear as Agenta, Farseer of the Enclave, Bride of Commander Farsight."

Agenta purposefully announces her name, allegiance and standing with Farsight to the Bodycam and receives a shocked gasp from the dying Sarkaz. Agenta blushed momentarily, realising she had said that last bit out loud. So she told the Sarkaz, who would see this bodycam footage in Kazdel, that she was Farsight's bride?! She will be his bride, she believes, but Farsight doesn't know any of this yet. Surely that won't come back to bite her in the ass. Right?

"Hehehaha*Cough* ...You have no clue what power my family wield in Kazdel! You can't beat a united Sarkaz; none in Terra could stop that!" The dying Sarkaz shouts with as much passion as he can.

"You lost this war before it even started, Fool!" Agenta sneers down at him, raising her spear.

The Sarkaz starts gurgling in defiance and shock, looking down to see a spear in his chest before his killer violently twists it twice before pulling it out.

(A.N. Space marine in the gif is the Sarkaz warrior, and Agenta is the Farseer)

The Sarkaz looks one final time at Agenta in pale shock before his eyes go hazy, and he passes with one last gurgle from his throat.

Agenta watched the life leave the Sarkaz as she reached down and pulled off the bodycam with an emotionless smirk. She bought it up to her eye level and turned it to face her, smirk still in place.

"Can a united Sarkaz stand against a united Enclave?"


In lungmen, in a hidden underground location that was a sewer, stood four figures around a wooden table, a reunion flag pinned to the wall behind them, and Reunion soldiers scattered around doing their own thing. These four figures were Mephisto, Faust, Crownslayer and Skullshatterer.

"Any news?" Faust asks, looking at Crownslayer.

"Nothing, None of our channels are working," Crownslayer asks alarmingly.

"Hmmmm..." The three stare at Mephisto.

"Mephisto?" Faust asks.

"Hmm?" Mephisto replies to his friend.

"What do you think?" Crownslayer asks.

"What do I think? We need answers, not theories," Mephisto chuckled.

"Well...Skullshatterer should return to Chernobog and reestablish the connection with the rest of-" Faust starts but is cut off but Skullershatterer.

"THEY HAVE MY SISTER!" Skullshatterer shouts at all three, making them jump.

"Seriously?" Mephisto looks at Skullshatterer, not looking interested in the slightest.

"They have your sister?" Crownslayer asks curiously.

"Yes...My sister, Misha... She's working for the Farsight Enclave..." The others look at him with surprise. Mephisto turns to him with a wide toothy grin.

"Then Skullshatterer will stay here and retrieve his sister, and Crownslater will return to Chernobog." Mephisto commands, a grin still on his face.

Skullshatterer's sister is with the Enclave? That's perfect. It would be a great boon if he could get hold of their technology or personnel. He could use Misha to get into the Enclave to advance his experiments hehehe.

The other three around the table look at Mephisto in worry. He has been grinning to himself and giggling for a while.

"...Yeah... I'm going back to Chernobog," Crownslayer says, happy to get away from Mephisto.

"Umm, I will find my sister... I will get her away from them," Skullshatterer says firmly.

"Yes! Do that... She may have knowledge about those Enclave losers that we could use for Reunion!" Mephisto butts in too quickly.

Faust gives Mephisto a strange look but shakes his head. Nothing to worry about, he's sure.


In the far North, a massive structure could be seen crawling slowly further into the mountains out of site. The ruined city that was once known as Chernobog still stands but will soon be wiped clean, and something new will be created on the foundation of the old city.

On the ruined structure and following on either side were two massive Divisions, One Division belonging to the Seneschal and the other to Mal-Mal. All races of Terra that made up the Enclave Divisions were either wearing Green army fatigues with upper body armour or black skeleton armour that glowed a sickly green.

The noise was unending across the mountains as the old city and its militant escorts crept further into the distant expanse. The marching of feet, engines, aircraft and tanks drowned out any sounds for miles.

"Lord Seneschal! Lady Mal-Mal!" A voice calls out behind them, which enters their earpieces so they can hear.

"What is it, lad?" Senechal and Mal-Mal look behind and see's Youngblood approaching.

"We have captured someone that has been following us for a while" Youngblood gets close and salutes.

"Truly?" Mal-Mal looked amused by someone actually being able to evade their sensors. Senechal looks alarmed and surprised that someone would be stupid or brave enough to get close to their large intimidating forces.

"Bring him here," Seneschal orders.

"Her," Youngblood corrects.

"Bring her here then," Seneschal rolls his eyes.

Youngblood salutes and runs off again, leaving the two leaders behind.

"Not like you to show an interest in a single intruder, Mal-Mal," Seneschal quirks an eyebrow at his friend.

Mal-Mal smirks, her connection to her soldiers, that have already seen their visitor has piqued her interest.

"Hey!*Growl* Let me go!" Both turn to see Youngblood and a few dozen Division soldiers escorting an angry, yelling white-haired Lupo.

Youngblood is rubbing his arm. Bite marks could be seen. The two leaders approach the large group and stare at their intruder.

"Seneschal! She bit me!" Youngblood yelled. Seneschal silences him with a glare.

Mal-Mal approaches the restrained and feral-looking Lupo, who sees the approaching woman and glares at her defiantly.

"Care to tell us who you are, girl?" Mal-Mal asks the Lupo politely but firmly.

"Where's Texas!" Lappland shouts.



How was that?

It looks like Sarkaz will get stuck in soon. Assuming they can unite against us. *Wink, Wink*

I didn't forget about Lappland, and I'm just trying to make it, so all girls in the harem get screen time, as it were. It is slowly building up where the girls get more and more.

Just so you know, Lappland may seem obsessed with Texas currently, but that's not a permanent thing. Farsight needs to work some of his magic on her.

Finally, Farseer Agenta reveals herself.

I own nothing.

Thanks for all the votes and support.

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