Helping Gwen 10

By AnimeEagleScout

210K 5.1K 2.5K

Ben is driving a while after the final battle in Ultimate Alien and ends up in a portal to another world. Ben... More

Random Portal
Family and Smoothies
Home and Work
Play with Fire
Wrinkle Brain thinking
I thought of it First
Null and Void
don't fuck with Terra [maybe a chapter?]
Grampa Proud
Human Race
Noticable Difference
it's a placeholder title
Malling About
What Grey-Matters
Galvin's Life
Kevin's Reward
Helping Out
Draining Work
Plastic Straws
The Think Tank
The Big Think
start running now. [not canon]
back on the grind.
After Shock
Week Off part 2
Week Off Part 3
Week Off Part 4
Week Off Part 5
Week Off Part 6
Week Off Part 7
Week Off Part 8
Week Off Part 9
Week Off Part 10
Week Off Part 11
Week Off Part 12
Week Off Part 13
Week Off Part 14
Back Home
This is it Part 1
This is It Part 2
Incomprehension[what if]
turtle soup
Time slipping
Birthday Part 2
Birthday Part 3
Birthday part 4
Chapter Title
Ultimate Omniverse Pilot
Jade-s Christ-al
My Greatest Enemy
Ultra's End Goal [Not a Chapter]

Week Off part 1

2.5K 68 14
By AnimeEagleScout

Galvan-B 2 weeks later

CLE-0 had been feeling weird recently.

It was when she was standing near a Food Disperse she had grabbed one she realized she should run a Diagnostic.

Her face circle spun as people passed her without a bother she was standing on in the middle of the sidewalk. 'Diagnostic was better then Problematic.'

She had seen the notification her body was pregnant. "Oh my." She said. She needed to get to a certified Technician to inspect her offspring.

The doctor handed her the end of a tool and she morphed her hand into it.

"Everything is fully operational." The Galvan said "What exactly was the purpose of your visit?"

"Well I had for some reason wanted to eat a Nutrient Bar and thought to run a Diagnostic." CLE-0 said.

"Ok and may I ask the name of the father?" They asked.

"That is what confuses me the only person I've been with was Ben Tennyson." She said.

"Excuse me?!" The Galvan said.

"Yes it was a wonderful night." She said "And he was the only person to."

"Uh hold on." They said walking out.

It was not 5 minutes the sound of the Second Thinker was banging on the door with the First Thinkers following him.

"Second Thinker Grey. First Thinker Azmuth." CLE-0 bowed.

"Ma'am you are potentially carrying the brother of the Second Thinker." Older Azmuth said.

CLE-0's face ring widened "Your Ben's child?" Looking at Grey.

"I'm Ben's Son. I've never been a child ma'am." Grey said.

"Ma'am I must ask. What form did Ben have during insemination?" Older Azmuth asked as the Technician had brought in Bioworkers.

"Uh human? Oh right he could change form with that weird Sonorosian." She said "No he didn't turn into anything except an animal on that massage table."

"Ma'am Ben's body produces Nanoscopic machines in his bone marrow." Grey said.

"But they were only in his blood?" She tilted her head "And they were quite inactive from what I heard from that device on his arm."

"Ma'am they are made to mimic a organics cells like a Stem Cell." Grey said.

"Why does Ben have those in the first place?!" Younger Azmuth asked.

"They mainly prevent atrophy in space and help with repairs of any of his internal components." Grey said covering where Ben got em.

"Ben's nanites were able to target the Reproduction of the Nanomachines and with Ben's body having access to Omni-Energy they had enough power to Kickstart the process." Older Azmuth.

"I'm sorry your carrying a cyborg in there." Grey said "Look I know childbirth is a heavy process and-."

Grey stopped when CLE-0 tilted her head again. "Heavy? A baby Mechamorphs weighs 60 Galactic Stand Units." [translation: a 30lbs egg.]

"Grey, Mechamorph is more effort on the fathers side to produce the Nanomachines then for the mother to manufacture the offspring." Older Azmuth said "However your child is a first for Galvan Prime and B. We brought the correct equipment to check it's biological processes."

The fact the baby was only starting to show signs of malnutrition was corrected by the DNA in Ben's swimmers using the Nanites to make her make a rudimentary Human digestion system.

"So 4 bars every hour and I have to drink water as well?" CLE-0 asked as she is eating a bar.

"And do not think to skip any meals." Grey said "Dad's gonna be pissed if he found out he got you pregnant only for it to die."

"Are you sure your mother wouldn't be mad about it?" CLE-0 asked.

"Ma'am, I am a synthetic lifeform." Grey said "Ben produced me from his own DNA sequenced as a Galvan. I have no mother. But I know Ben will want to know. When was the last time you spoke with him?"

"When he called asking about the Tetramand Princesses finding out about the Malcontent." CLE-0 said.

A Mechamorph walked by wearing a shirt and jacket.

"Congrats on the baby." He said getting a polite wave and a "Thank you."

"Who was that?" Younger Azmuth asked.

"Uh I think his name's AER-O." CLE-0 said "Friendly one he is. Yet i can't recall the time he emerged from the ground."

Grey took one look and said "So about the Tetramand leak?"

"Oh well I talked to a friend who spoke to a friend who-" She starts.

Azmuth waved Grey to wait Mechamorphs need to say the whole chain. They are able to give whole stories even from light-years away but they get screwy if they need to speed up about it.

Tetramand- 2 days after "Calm...Panik"

The Galvans of the HQ had arrived for a car show with a few of the Plumbers ordered to get a few parts that they 'Misplaced'. "You were the one who lost it."

"No I wasn't."

The two went back and forth as they approached the collection of Gar Red Wind.

All works of craftsmanship that were his own hands doing. Why did he make a car out of money? Because Lar Night Gale the king of the other hemisphere of the planet was seen driving one forged of gold and he wouldn't take that laying down.

The two old men had grew up close. Childhood friends you'd say until their families had declared a 10 year war. What started it?

Because that's why. Tetramands like fighting and it was a Odd Decade. 10,670.

10,690 was planned to be a wild one. But the planet was in peace times and as such smithing and artisan work were plentiful.

As well as the dick measuring.

Gar had brought been walking with his daughter browsing the works.

"Gar Red Wind." A voice that sounded like a shallow grave.

Gar and Loona turned to see the other Tetramand Warlord Lar Night Gale and his granddaughter on his arm Solara Night Gale.

"Lar/Gar." Both said.

"Loona/Solara." The girls said.

"So am I to get another attempt to bring your disgraced son back into the council?" Gar asked.

"No. Hulka slayed him swiftly. Was warned about my dipshit sons plans." Lar said "My granddaughter needs to find a husband."

"I'm officially starting taking offers." Solara said "Have you found one yet Loona?"

"No. No man has proven his battle worth." Gar said sneering. Damn it he had tried nearly every Tetramand in the galaxy and even Exhausted and starved for a week she had fought off the suitors.

Lar had lucked out with having a son Kolar who fought and won a hand of a woman who was with child with the year.

Gar had gone for the Romeo method of Tetramand Tradition of going for an enemy house his lovely wife. Their union had merged the Red Winds and the Spine Eater families so by the time Loona was born she was rivaling Kolar's Daughter.

A small price to pay for the houses uniting but that also meant Lar beat him to the Elders Council. The ones that hadn't died in battle and hadn't dishonored family were treated better then any royalty and were respected for their insight and wisdom.

And Gar wasn't allowed to join cause he didn't have a grand child yet. "Thems the rules. Your spawn haven't spawned then you ain't allowed to join."

Gar honestly didn't care as much he did except Lar made sure to remind him of him making it there before him.

Kolar had been dishonored when he had attempted to weaken Loona for his Nephew. Try being a key word when enough poison to put a terran blue whale down was flowing through Loona system she had still beat that scrawny weakling.

He had even started looking off planet and one seemed promising had rejected the offer saying "Too skinny."

'Damn Vilgax you were my only-'

"It's Ben's fault anyway." Blukic said.

"How?" Driba said.

"If he didn't kill Malware we'd be on Galvan kicking back." Blukic said.

"Your right." Driba said.

"Excuse me Galvan's." Gar said.

"Warlord Gar of the Red Wind." Driba said saluting while Blukic bowed.

"Your supposed to bow!"

"No we're in uniform and the family is-" Driba started before he yelped and saw Lar "Warlord Lar Of the Night Gale." Bowing.

"At ease." Both Warlords said.

"Both of us signed with the Plumber Inniative. You Plumbers prove your cause honorable." Lar said "It's a salute for you."

"What was it you were speaking of?" Gar asked.

"An Alpha Rank Officer who killed Malware." Blukic said.

"Say more." Lar said.

"Oh he's a jerk." Driba said "A Monkey gets a few Augs and suddenly his shits too good for a Galvan to examine."

"Look at me Mr Augmented Human all tough." Blukic said doing a dance.

"Augmented?" Lar asked "And Malware is that Galvanic Mechamorph that degrades machines correct?"

"Yes Gar was the one who forged the box they used as his cell." Driba said.

"No Lar did that." Blukic said.

"No it was Gar." Driba said.

"Actually if memory serves it was Mar who did that." Gar said.

"Yeah that man has built anything and everything." Lar said.

The two were rivals but against Mar's Craftsmanship they were beat.

"Back to this Ben." Solara said.

"What of the combat?" Loona asked.

"No one knows!" Driba exclaimed.

"Guy was in a Stinger for 26 hours or so and when he walked out he was shirtless and covered in dead Nanomachines." Blukic said.

"And worst of all he somehow removed Malware from the Master Helix!" Driba said "He permanently killed him!"

"No worst of all he refuses to tell the council what he did." Blukic said.

Loona and Solara looked at one another and their father/grandfather had hurried off.

"My third maiden tournament is [equivalent to 3 days earth time]." Solara said handing her an invite to spectate.

"I've already had 5. free for alls are so much more entertaining." Loona said crossing her lower arms "Bet the first guy knocks you on your ass."

"Hopefully." Solara said "Cause if he's good enough to beat me that means the guy strong enough for you is in the Night Gale."

When the two separated a Sotoraggian family members who were there for the car show had ducked behind a car.

SevenSeven had picked up the info about a target in the guild being stolen. By a Plumber!

An arm out the port on his shoulder tapped his Implant and saved the recording and then he lifted TwoTwo up to see the other cars.

Space station restaurant

EightEight, Middle sister of the Digit Assassins and first to incorporate the Nanobots was kicking back with a drink when she got the notification.

The arm on her hip tapped her phone as she was knocking back her drink, helmet on as was Sotoraggian custom, mouth slot opening forming a insect like straw.

She had spit her drink out but a floating cup caught it "No spitting in my restaurant!" The bartender shouted.

She flipped him off and dumped the rest on the floor but a bucket jumped out from under her chair catching it.

The image of that kill stealing Plumber was missing. Her Heads up display had read the only info avaliable.

Alpha Rank Plumber and human.

The door opened and the youngest Digit Assassin walked in pointing to his sister.

Mutated Sotoraggian SixSix pointed to the bartender and a drink floated on a tray over to him as he sat across from her.

The link in their helmets was kicked on. A picture from was handed to her that seemed to be from a second hand source.

"Oh my apologies." A Mechamorph was brawling with someone and got flung right on SixSix. Spilling his drink and in his scrambling trying to fix it merged into SixSix's helmet.

EightEight flicked out a EMP pellet and the Mechamorph rippled and froze stiff. They had about 30 minutes before the thing regained the ability to move. That was a waste of a favor to get the few she could.

"Tennyson." SixSix said "Gwen...Omnitrix...Same...Name."

The picture of SixSix memory circuit of his times working for Vilgax had confirmed the two were related if the outward appearance.

"Shit." EightEight said "Augs?"

"Nothing...Available." SixSix 'said' "Call...Vilgax?"

EightEight remembered last time SixSix teamed up with him and nearly killed her little brother.

"No." EightEight said "Family only."

"Sev...Intel." SixSix said as a video of invites to the tournament being arranged from Gar and Lar.

EightEight swirled her drink and downed it "Fuck it I'm joining the Free-for-All." She said flicking a few gems onto the table walking on the Mechamorph's ridged body.

Max Tennyson

Returning home around 11 with his dogs walking beside him his neighbor waved "Max glad you made it back. Who are these two?'

"Thanks. Meet Fido and Big Mama. A pair of Old Dogs that lived long enough to sit on a porch." Max said. The two had passed the torch to their next eldest and refused to leave Max's side.

Max walked to where his trailer was but he saw a brand new black and green one.

Max approached reaching for his sidearm.

"Identify yourself!" Max shouted.

A green ring moved to look at him "Guy's Max is back!"

"Grampa!" Gwen shouted before the door shifted to a clear screen door so Max could see her then KITT slowly opened the door when Max holstered his weapon and hugged Gwen.

"Hey pumpkin." Max said "Who's this?"

"Oh Ben's car." Gwen said "It's name is KITT and he usually cooks dinner and drives me to school."

KITT waved the mirrors.

"Uh what is a Galvanic Mechamorph doing as Ben's car?" Max asked.

"Oh he's not an actual Galvanic Mechamorph." Gwen said "Apparently an Evolved Mechamorph can make drones bind to things that obey commands."

Max watched the side of the RV shape like a dog house.

"Uh let me talk to Ben about making Sentient-"

"Magister Tennyson I am an AI. I am not a machine spirit or a conscious creature." KITT said "I was Ben's Car computer system. The only reason I cook food is Ben loaded that in there. My intelligence is AI. Nothing more."

Max looked at the circle and walked in.

"Ben." Max said.

Max opened the door to see a head of white hair next to a familiar head of brown.

"Ben!" Max shouted causing the room to react by ejecting Ben out the bed and sending him to his feet at attention.

"Magis- Grampa Max." Ben said as his eyes seem to be rapidly looking at pages of information.

The girl was wearing a red version of the Green pajamas pants and black tank top. She looked around and yelped when Max was standing there.

"Glad your haven't forgotten the basics." Max said "Now wanna introduce me to this young lady?"

"As Magister Tennyson or as Grampa Max?" Ben asked.

"We're both off duty." Max said.

"This is Albeta, she's a Galvan that got stuck as a human replicating the Omnitrix." Ben said.

"Magister Tennyson. Your grandchildren speak highly of you." She said turning whiter then she normally was.

"Hello. Sorry for startling you two but when a guy finds his grandson in bed with a young lady he's gotta make sure both of them are being safe." Max said.

"We weren't-" The both of them started.

"Ben's warm." Albeta said seeming scared.

"I've dated a Uxorite." Max said "Be careful about humans. Warm blooded means we are a little...too cuddly if you let em."

"Noted." She said.

As Ben had lead Max around explaining the upgrades to the Rustbucket and showing how to use the work stations Max put a hand on Ben's shoulder. "You're nervous."

"How can you tell?" Ben asked.

"Your my Grandson. You hide it well behind your training but your stressed and not telling me something." Max said.

Ben looked back to see Albedo seeming to be trying to hide.

Ben gestured for Max to get to the front seat and the wall closed.

"Does the name Albedo set off any flags?" Ben asked.

Max's eyes widened. "You mean..."

Ben materialized the Ultimatrix. "Mine made this. His Brain was rotting from being in a corrupted body and did alot of bad." Ben pointed out the door "She was starved and unable to do anything to help herself because she was a copy of Gwen's body. She's only now gotten to a state that could be healthy but if she's booted off planet...I'm the only one with an exact fix for her."

Max grabbed Ben's shoulders and said calmly "Tell me what it is your doing and Has she done anything significant?"

"Her matrix is called the Betatrix. It syncs to either mine or Gwen's so it isn't hooked directly to the main stream." Ben explained "We go too far and it's basically a hunk of metal. There's also a shut off on both me and Gwen's so if she does anything we can stop it."

"Albeta have you done anything that would put you on any lists?" Max asked.

"I'm currently in possession of a level 12 Polymorphic Crystal in my wrist and I entered Terran space without paperwork." Albedo said rubbing the back of her head "I also kinda...*gulp* my have..."

"She came after me once and after her Bootleg Omnitrix glitched out she ran." Gwen said.

Max seem to be thinking "How did you get the crystal?"

"I bought it." She said "It cost me alot but it was purchased legally."

Max asked Ben to use his computer.

Ben gestured for him to sit and Max was looking around "Techadon?"

"Yep." Ben said.

Max held his badge to it and logged into his work account.

5 minutes later Max closed the system and said "Your paperwork will be ready to sign by tomorrow."

"It was that easy?!" Gwen looked at Ben.

"Not for a Magister." Max said "So any plans today?"

"Was gonna call Azmuth and get a few things checked out before we headed into the desert with a cooler and some targets." Ben said.

"Really?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah you two seem in good enough health to go actually train with your Matrix's." Ben said "I need to just...Enjoy myself today. I want to enjoy my day off instead of sleeping."

Max watched Ben sit at the table and punch in a code.

"You got Grey what you gonna do with it?" The Galvan on the screen said.

"Gonna ask what's goin' on?" Ben said.

"Council on my ass about Malcontent." Grey said "You ready for your by weekly Bug Report?"

"No mistransforming. Left Eye Twitchy when near Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dipshit." Ben said.

Grey flicked a phone like object and a hologram appeared.

"Everything showing working order. Your just annoyed." Grey said "Keep me posted."

"Solid." Ben said "Can you bring Azmuth in?"

Grey flicked his finger and a glowing ball hit a target.

Grey whistled as Azmuth Prime walked in "Yes? Oh Ben calling in."

"Hey Azmuth." Gwen said.

"Gwen. Is this an emergency?" Azmuth asked.

"It's so we prevent an emergency." Ben said.

"Alright." A chair formed of hardlight "Let me hear it."

"I need you to run a check on Gwen's Mana reserves."

"Ben you are aware that is not something the Omnitrix can measure correct?" Azmuth asked.

"Omni flicker the Time Out mode on and off please." Ben said.

Azmuth watched a surge of power and a sudden loss. "Wait..."

Azmuth punched a few things in and suddenly a new bar appeared. "I..."

"If it works then it's not stupid." Max said.

"I'm not mad you thought of it. I'm made it was that easy." Azmuth said "Well your Mana reserves are at a substantial level. What purpose was this for?"

"I'm taking everyone to the desert and setting up some training methods we use to do." Ben said "I wanted to let Gwen take off the limiter and cut loose."

"Well if that was it you've succeeded." Azmuth said.

"One final thing." Ben said "Can you check the Betatrix from it's link?"

"I was told you removed it's ability to do expressly that." Azmuth said.

"I mean look at it through Gwen's Omnitrix." Ben said "Omni pair device. Please."

"Pairing Betatrix." Omni said.

Azmuth watched Albedo didn't change at all when the connection transferred.

"Ok let me look at..." Azmuth squinted at it. "Am I reading this right?"

"Your gonna need to be more specific." Ben said.

"Albedo get over here!" Azmuth said.

"I didn't make that!" Albedo said.

"And who did?"

Albedo and Gwen pointed to Ben.


"When I found Albedo and she passed out I took off her Omnitrix and made a few adjustments." Ben said.

"I want an exact explanation. NOW!" Azmuth said.

"Well you said the Primus link could only support 1 Matrix so I was thinking of it like a wifi router. Why hook the speakers to the internet when a Bluetooth connection would be fine. It's not powered by Primus and only is connected so she can't...blow up."

Azmuth pinched the space between his eyes "Ben...this is a fully functional Matrix."

"Yes I-" Azmuth held up a hand.

"No it's a Fully. Functional. Matrix!" Azmuth said "Albedo isn't required to be a copy anymore."

"So she can go back to being a Galvan?" Gwen asked.

Albedo face went a little down.

"If the default species is changed." Azmuth said "Ben...this is big. You managed to find a work around that I hadn't considered."

"Come on." Ben said "You'd probably-"

"Ben. Galvan doesn't have a equivalent to Terran Bluetooth." Azmuth said "This...this has everything on it the Prototype had and none of the issues."

"Uh then I wanted to get to a discussion about a few things I found out I could do."

Ben pulled up a transformation and held the dial to Max.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Azmuth shouted.

"Yeah uh I can kinda...trick the Matrix into changing Grampa into one of my transformations." Ultimate Upgrade said.

"How long?" Azmuth said.

"Uh...3 hours I believe." Ben said.

"Ben...Please give me a second." Azmuth said walking out of screen.

Grey watched Azmuth working faster then he had ever seen Azmuth move in his life.

"Uh so you guys are going-"

"BEN! ACTIVATE THE PRIMUS LINK RIGHT NOW!" Azmuth shouted off screen.

Ben closed his eyes and the notification of the Galvan rooting through his system had him sighing.

"Sorry guys I thought-" Ultimate Upgrade was reaching for his Ultimatrix when Azmuth shouted for him to don't deactivate it.

Ben turned into a cloud then a snake form coiling into a brick trying to shrink into himself.


"Nothing!" Ben said "Everything was the pieces from the Ultimatrix I drove into this universe with."

Azmuth moved Grey's screen to show the display of both the Omni-Pellet and Polymorphic Crystal blowing up but the hologram of Ben's was only showing a moderate strain.

"Azmuth stop yelling at my Grandson and talk." Max said.

Azmuth had breathed and ran a hand over his head. "Ben...there is somehow more power then you should have feeding the transformations. It's not drawing externally and it isn't the Omni-Tether. I...I..."

"Azmuth sit down you look on the verge of a Heart Attack." Max said.

Azmuth sat back and rubbed his face " there Anything...Anything you've added? Any Adjustments you've made?"

"No." The Cube said "I only thought of doing it because the thing was able to turn Kevin and Gwendolyn into stuff. So I thought to try it intentionally."

"I need to look this over." Azmuth said "Grey archive this and...go enjoy yourselves."

Grey mouthed an apology and hung up.

Albedo looked at her Betatrix.

Ben had felt a hand on him his eye turned to see Gwen petting him.

"Let's just go enjoy our day." Gwen said.

Ben looked to his alternative Grampa and said "You good to drive?"

Max nodded as he headed to the driver seat.

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