Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes Island

By zero252

494K 14.3K 9.3K

The Doctor of Rhodes Island is a good man, but even good men can be broken. He tried to endure the loneliness... More

He's Had Enough
What Have We Done
Welcome Home
For the Greater Good
Silver Bell Tolls
SuperNova Prevention
Know Your 'Enemy'
Have we Angered A God
Living Saint
Farsight Enclave
Trial By Fire
Making An Entrance
Terra's Reaction
Farsight Will Rise
Hello Ch'en
Strategic Value Absolute
Maiden Heart
Flawless Victory!
Can We Survive What's Comming
Enemy Of My Enemy
We Will Fight In The Streets.
Ride Of The Valkyries
Battle Won
The Next Arc
Emotionally Compromised
Prelude To Diplomacy
Underhanded Diplomacy
Farseer Agenta
The Darker Side Of Reunion
Sleep Easy At Last
Preserve Us
Purge Them!
Stand With Me
White Wolf
Lord of Fiends
I Hate/Like you!
Back In Your Arms
A Good Morning
Broken Too
Lupo's Mischief
Don't Panic
A Life Forever Changed
Running Away
The Law
Amnesia vs Love
Caught Pt1
Caught And Shattered
Calm Before The Storm
First Moves
I'm Done Playing
Enclave vs Rhodes Island
Lost & Gained
Already Broken
A Spark Of Hope
A Lupo's Secret Exposed?
Familiar Stranger
Anomaly Containment Corporation
Angel Of Death
The Begining of a Downfall
The Call
Manipulate Fate!
Artillery spam
Harem Assemble
Over The Top
Lascannon or Bolter
Return of the King
Questions and Answers
Our Duty Ends with Death
Safe and Sound
Guerilla Tactics
Kal'tsit and W Confrontation
Kalina's path
Small Talk
Heroic Ursus Girls
Your Eyes
Father & Daughter
Mostima's Choice

Angry Lung Noises

5.6K 168 97
By zero252


I am working tomorrow, so I will have a chapter out for Friday. 

Let's get back into it.


Amiya and her group had been led up to the top floor of the impressive building and in front of Chief Wei's large office doors. Without any moment to get their bearings, Ch'en strode forwards and opened the doors without knocking. 

Wei lifted his head from his paperwork and smiled at Ch'en but raised an eyebrow at who had followed her into the room. Then, he decided to sit back in his chair and pull out his pipe again, awaiting yet another amusing conversation to take place. 

"Miss Amiya and colleagues? I wasn't aware of any meeting happening today" Wei puffs his pipe with an amused look. 

Amiya came to stand in front of Wei's desk, and her operators came to stand behind her. Ch'en again moved around the desk and stood near Wei, although this time, she seemed to be at more of a distance from him. 

"Chief Wei, I hoped to speak to the Enclave on sensitive matters. But, unfortunately, I guess they are no longer here?" Amiya asks, hoping they are here but already know the answer; they all did. 

"You only missed them by a few minutes, Miss Amiya," Wei puffs. 

"I thought you would say that... Did Farsight come? Did he mention the Dokutah?" Amiya asked.

"Farsight was not present, but the one talking on his behalf was an Ursus girl called Misha," Wei informed politely. 

"Misha?!" Amiya exclaimed in shock; operators behind her looked surprised by the revelation. Amiya turned to Ch'en as if to confirm. Ch'en nodded her head. 

"Indeed, she wasn't happy in LGD custody, so the Enclave recruited her, it seems," Wei smirks.

"Maybe if we can speak to Misha, we could make her see reason and talk to us? Then, once Chernobog is returned from Reunion to Ursus, it can be rebuilt, and she could return with our help and support," Amiya tried to reason with herself but stopped when she heard an amused laugh of Wei. 

Amiya looked confused; Ch'en glared at Wei. The other operators looked surprised and unhappy at Wei, who thought he was laughing at Amiya's naive outlook. 

"Something amusing, Chief Wei?" Dobermann asks strictly. 

"Heheh...The fact that you don't know that Chernobog is gone." Wei states that it's supposed to be common knowledge. 

"Gone?" Perfumer asks politely. 

"The Farsight Enclave exterminated every Reunion member in the city. They flattened the entire city to its foundation and then stole the entire thing. It has now vanished; none of our scouts could find it. We only found mass graves where Chernobog used to be." Wei announces matter-of-factly.

Everyone, including Ch'en, looked at Wei, horrified. 

"What?!" Amiya shouted in horror.

"The leader of that group? What did you call her? Talulah? She and most of her other leaders were reportedly killed in the city's second fall." Wei mentioned casually with a puff from his pipe. 

Everyone looks pale from these revelations. 

"How do we know this is accurate?" Nearl cuts in. 

"I will have someone send the body-cam footage of our scouts to Rhodes Island." Wei offers.

"Please do!" Dobermann asks, as Amiya still looks catatonic. 

"W-What about the Renuion in Lugmen?" Kroos asks from behind Nearl. 

"Still active, but something tells me they won't be for much longer, heheh" Wei chuckles at his inside joke.

"We must find them!" Amiya calls out. 

"Now, now, Miss Amiya...Don't rush into things so suddenly." Wei gestures to her sweaty and dishevelled form, knowing of her little sprint over here. 

"But since you're here... I have some news that must be brought to your attention. First, it saves my secretaries from calling Rhodes Island and setting up a meeting." Wei smirks coldly, receiving another glare from Ch'en.

"W-what would that be?" Amiya recovers and asks but is dreading the answer. 

"Due to the current circumstances, the threat Reunion still poses in Lungmen and the external instigators that would threaten us, I have had no choice but to accept an agreement with the Farsight Enclave. Unfortunately, I cannot get into the agreement's details, but I must inform you that Lungmen no longer requires Rhodes Island assistance in the city." Wei smiles coldly and the shocked look that Amiya is giving him.

"B-But! Our agreement! The agreement you made with Kal'tsit!" Amiya stutters, at a loss for words. 

If looks could kill, Wei would die under Blaze's glare. Dobermann looks ready to argue. Nearl is stoic but is saddened by the news, and Perfumer and Kross stare at Wei in shock.

"I'm sorry, Amiya, but the paperwork was signed. There is nothing I can do now. I had to think of the safety of Lungmen, yes? I cannot afford to make the Enclave my enemy." Wei looked sorry, but Ch'en knew he couldn't care less for the feelings of those standing before him.

"S-So that's it then? Do you need us to leave the city?" Amiya looked ready to cry. 

"Not necessarily, Nothing in the Agreement said you had to leave the city, So stay if that would stop you from crying?" Wei looked at the teary-eyed Amiya uncomfortably.

"How will we explain this to Kal'tsit?" Amiya asks forlornly to know one. 

Wei raised an eyebrow. He knew Lady Kal'tsit was a formidable woman. So why would Amiya say it like that, as if it would break Kal'tsit's heart? Surly Kal'tsit is not currently vulnerable? 

"...Anyway... I have decided that Ch'en will be Lungmens representative to Farsight" Wei smirked at Ch'en.

Ch'en snaps her head to Wei with a blush and an angry, shocked expression, thinking, 'That Bastard!' Ch'en almost drew her sword out of its sheath and shouted. 


"You have little choice, Ch'en" Wei smiles at the fuming Lung woman. 

"I will not go anywhere near that man... other than to arrest him," Ch'en growls at Wei. 

"Man? Yesterday he was a pig... It looks like you're getting over your heat," Wei smirks.

Ch'en stares at Wei in horror. 

Wei laughs and adds one final insult to her injury. "Why are you blushing?"

"I-Im not! I'm furious." Ch'en grits her teeth in anger and embarrassment. 

Amiya and the other operators watch the back and forth with mixed feelings. 

Amiya stared at Ch'en. The angry blushing Lung would be Rhodes Island's key to the Farsight Enclave. 

They all leave the office after Wei asks them politely. Amiya had to explain this to Kal'tsit, but could she? Her mentor was not well currently. Amiya continued to stare at Ch'en's back as they left. Ch'en would be the one to help them. 

Ch'en was fuming! Not only had she been humiliated in front of Terra, but she also lost her first kiss to the person who humiliated her, and now she had to work alongside him?! The nerve or Wei. That also meant she couldn't arrest him; this day was getting worse and worse for the angry Lung. 

*Angry Lung Noises*


A few miles outside Lungmen, the sun had just sunk below the horizon, darkness falling across the land, and a large group of sixty Sarkaz Mercenaries were travelling towards the city. They had stopped for the night and camped just inside a forest for cover and would be at Lungmen by tomorrow afternoon. Their leader, W, decided to go to the city ahead of them and find an excellent place to make their base while in the city. 

Most of the Sarkaz slept, but some sat around fires, keeping warm in the cold night. One short Sarkaz handed a taller Sarkaz a cup of coffee, who spat it out in disgust. 

"Your coffee sucks! I'm not drinking this crap!" The taller Sarkaz mocked.

The shorter Sarkaz glares at him, "I'm not your mother, Asshole. Make your own Terra damned coffee." Before storming off, Making other Sarkaz around, the two laugh at the taller one.

Off at the perimeter of their camp, a dead Sarkaz Merc could be seen being dragged effortlessly into the tree line, a large trail of blood behind him. Across the perimeter, the Mercs were being killed silently and pulled into bushes. Those in the camp had no clue what was happening or what was about to happen. 

"Hey! Dan? where are you" A half-naked female Sarkaz Merc calls out into the forest, looking for her secret lover. She heard rustling in the bushes and smiled lustfully; she approached the bush and saw a white blur jump out at her. Before she could scream, her neck felt sore and attempting to speak only resulted in blood flowing out her mouth. Her eyes rolled back, and her head fell from her shoulders. 

In the darkness of the night and serene forest, ear-piercing howling could be heard around the Sarkaz camp. Every merc asleep woke to the horrible sound from the forest around them, chills running down their spines, and they grabbed weapons and clothes.

"What the fuck is that!?" Someone shouted before being cut in half. 


"Die, Die! di-Ah! Nooo!" 

Sarkaz Mercs looked frantically around where the sounds of battle and death were coming from, mainly the outskirts of their camp. However, it wasn't long before they noticed feminine figures in strange armour, wielding large beautiful swords sprinting at them, howling loudly. 

Battle-hungry Sarkaz grabbed their weapons tightly with grins on their faces, regardless of how shocked they were and charged at the Howling aggressors. 

The camp became a battleground of Large clumsy but strong Sarkaz vs fast, agile sword dancers that danced around every swing their larger opponents threw at them. 

The taller Sarkaz from earlier, that spat out the coffee, managed to smack one of the Howling ladies away; that pounced at him and laughed at the recovering sword dancer on the floor but immediately looked shocked as another appeared in front of him and stabbed her sword right through his stomach. 

Laying on the floor, the Sarkaz spits blood and looks around at his companions and friends as they are being cut down without mercy. But, unfortunately, their strength wasn't capable of matching their speed.

One of the Howling attackers stood over him and looked down at him, her expression hidden behind her mask, not overly concerned with the massacre/battle around her. 

The Downed Sarkaz tried to spit blood at her. "Go on then, bitch... Finish it,"  He grits in pain. 

The white armoured lady with long red hair raises her pretty sword and shoves it into his sternum, into the soil below.

As the light left his eyes, he heard only one thing before passing.






I enjoyed this chapter. Unfortunately, I had three hours to do it before work. 

I hope you enjoyed it.

Does anyone get the reference that's hidden? 

Thanks for everything and for voting


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