Ashley's Diaper Adventures

By mbsfan

44.3K 480 71

SEARCH "" Ashley's Diaper Adventures is an 80 chapter fiction story involving the life of Ashley Rober... More

Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 7
Untitled Part 8
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Untitled Part 16
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Untitled Part 19
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Untitled Part 78
Untitled Part 79
Untitled Part 80
The Lost files CH. 1
The Lost Files Ch. 2
Editors Note & My note

Untitled Part 43

301 4 1
By mbsfan

The next morning, Brittany woke me up early.

"Ashley, wake up."

"What?" I said, in a sleepy voice.

"My diaper is wet."

"Yeah, so?"

"I wet it while I was sleeping. But I'm not a bed wetter," Brittany said quietly.

"Maybe your body got so used to peeing in a diaper that it forgot how to hold it at night?" I questioned.

"Yeah, maybe that's why. I hope mommy doesn't get mad.

"You're mom won't be mad. She thinks it's cute that you're wearing diapers." Brittany got out of bed and went into Mrs. Davis' room. She was already awake and was making her bed.

"Hiya Britty. How come you're up so early this morning?"

"I'm wet. I wet in my sleep."

"That's okay. That's why I put you in a diaper last night."

"But mommy, I never wet at night before."

"Don't worry about it. You can wear diapers for as long as you want. Now, let's get you changed. I can smell it from here." It did smell bad since it had been soaked with pee all night. Mine was wet too, but not as much.

After we were both changed, Kelly was still asleep. I went in to check on her. She was sleeping like a baby with her stuffed bear that Mom had bought her when she was younger. She looked so happy and content while sleeping. I went over to her and gently nudged her.

"Kelly, it's time to wake up. Mrs. Davis has a big day planned for us."

"I'm still sleepy. Let me sleep---oh no!"

"What's wrong Kelly?"

"I'm wet! Really wet!"

"It's okay. I'll get Mrs. Davis to change you.

"No! I want you to change me," Kelly said assertively.

"Well, all right. If that's what you want." Me? I was the one who was supposed to be the baby. But, I knew if I wouldn't change her, she'd have a hissy fit, so I went ahead and did it. Kelly seemed to be in a good mood after she was changed.

"Are you still sleepy?"

"No, I don't want to sleep anymore. I'm hungry!"

"Me too. My tummy hurts cause I hungry. Let's go downstairs." Mrs. Davis was still in her room so I asked if she'd carry me downstairs. I was afraid of the stairs, and so was Kelly.

"I wanna be carried to. Stairs are scary." Mrs. Davis carried the both of us down there, and we ate breakfast.

"I've got big plans for you girls today."

"Like what?" Kelly asked happily.

"We'll, first, we're going to Toys R US and each of you will get to pick out a toy. Then, we're going to Kohl's to get some cute baby clothes for Britty and finally, we're going to go see a movie," Mrs. Davis said.

"Sounds like fun," Kelly said.

"Baby clothes? Me?" Brittany asked.

"Yes, just like Ashey wears. You're my baby girl now, so you should have baby girl clothes.

"Yeah, me should. Thank-u mommy," she said while smiling. She was a little shocked to realize she'd be treated just like a baby, but it looked as if she liked the idea.

After breakfast, Mrs. Davis dressed me and Brittany and helped Kelly put on her clothes. Me and Britty got put into baby seats while Kelly was put in a child restraint that attached to the seat belt. I loved my baby seat. It was the first time Brittany was in hers. She felt awkward.

"Do I really have to sit in this thing mommy?

"Yes, dear. It's for your safety."

"Don't worry, you get used to it," I said. We arrived at Toys R US shortly. Kelly was very excited to pick out a new toy. I picked out a big furry panda bear stuffed animal to add to my collection. Brittany got a babyish story book with buttons to press to hear sounds on each page, and Kelly got a doll. After Mrs. Davis paid for the toys we selected; we all got put back in our car seats.

"I can't wait for you to read this story to me, mommy," Brittany said while we were driving to Kohl's.

"I'll read it to the three of you at bedtime tonight. How does that sound?"

"Good," we all said in unison. When we got to the clothes store, Mrs. Davis took us into the kiddie section. Mrs. Davis began selecting cute babyish outfits for Brittany to wear. Somebody that she knew was next to her and saw her looking at baby clothes.

"Hi Carla. What are you doing shopping for toddler girl's clothes?"

"I'm shopping for my little girl here."

"Brittany? But, I thought she was eight."

"Physically she's eight, but we treat her as if she's two.

"I don't understand. What's this all about? The lady that was talking to Mrs. Davis had a girl in our class at school. She knew Mrs. Davis quite well.

"I'll have to call you tonight and explain it all. It's no big deal, really."

"Okay. Talk to you then," the lady said while leaving.

"Oh no, mommy! Now Becky's mom is gonna know that I wear diapers."

"Don't worry, dear. She's a very nice lady. She won't tell Becky, I'm sure of it.

"I hope not," Brittany said with a worried face. Becky was a blabbermouth, and if she'd find out about Brittany, she'd tell the whole school.

Mrs. Davis found a few dresses, babyish pants and tops for Brittany to wear.

"Come on Britty, let's go in the dressing room and try these on."

"Aww, mommy. I don't wanna!"

"It'll only take a minute. After we're done here, I'll take you all out for ice cream."

"Oh wow! I-cream," Britty said babyishly. She ran into the dressing room.

"Ashey, Kelly, you wait in the hall, okay?"

"Awright," I said. Kelly and I sat down on a bench.



"I think I just went pee pee."

"It's okay. I wet my diaper a while ago. Mrs. Davis will change us." Kelly became quiet for a while and sat very still. A few minutes later there was a horrible smell emitting from her side of the bench.

"Kelly did you—"

"Yes, I went poopy. I'm sowwy," she said, looking down at the floor. I gave her a hug and said "don't feel bad about it. Mrs. Davis will change you when she's done with Brittany." Tears rolled down her face and she started sobbing quietly.

"Ashley, is that you crying?" Mrs. Davis said from in the dressing booth.

"No, it's Kelly. She had an accident in her Pull-Up."

"Oh dear. Don't worry Kelly, I'm almost done in here. Britty was wet so I'm changing her." Mrs. Davis came out shortly, picked Kelly up and took her into the dressing room. Kelly slowly stopped crying.

"Oh, you had a messy accident. Well, don't be sad. You'll use the potty again someday." She removed the soiled, soggy Pull-Up and put Kelly in a new one.

"There, is that better?"

"Yes, thanks," Kelly said shyly.

"No problem. Now, let's go get some ice cream!" That cheered Kelly up.

After we ate ice cream at Dairy Queen, it was time to go to the movie. It was a cartoon movie that all of us had wanted to see. I totally flooded my diaper during the movie, and it leaked since I forgot to ask to be changed while we were at the store. As I got out of my seat when the movie was over, I realized my pants were soaked.

"Oh no!" I said while starting to cry.

"What's the matter, Ashey?" Mrs. Davis asked. I pointed to the front of my pants.

"Oh, looks like those Huggies couldn't hold it all, huh? Can you wait till we get home to be changed?" The bathrooms here are really crowded." I nodded my head. Brittany and Kelly were wet too, but not leaking.

After I was changed into a dry diaper and clothes, it was just about time for supper. As we were eating, Kelly mentioned how much she missed Mom.

"When will mommy be back? I miss her."

"I know you do. She'll be back in a few days," Mrs. Davis said.

"She's gonna be mad at me, I just know it," Kelly said.

"Why would she be mad? You've been a good girl since you've been here."

"No I haven't. I wet and pooped in my Pull-Ups. She will yell at me."


"Mrs. Davis, do you mind If I talk to her alone?" I interrupted.

"Sure, go right ahead. She's done eating anyway." I took Kelly into the den and closed the door.

"Kelly, you and I know that mommy will never yell at us. She hates to yell and be mean," I said, trying to reassure her that Mom wouldn't get mad.

"But she will. She'll be mad that I didn't go potty. She's gonna spank me, like daddy used to when I wet my pants."

"Oh Kelly, you know that's not true. Mommy would never spank us. She told me that."

"But, daddy did, and mommy loves daddy.

"She doesn't love him anymore."

"Do you miss daddy?" Kelly blurted.

"Yes, a lot. I wish we had a daddy."

"Ashley?" Kelly said quietly, trying not to cry."


"Is it okay to cry?"

"Yes, of course it is. It will help you to get all the hurt feelings out." Kelly began to cry while I tried to comfort her. She cried for about five minutes and then began to open the door.

"Do you feel better now?"

"Yes, a little." I went back into the kitchen, along with Kelly, for desert.

"Is everything okay?" Mrs. Davis asked me.

"Yes, everything's fine. I just needed to clear some things up with her, that's all. What's for dessert?

"Chocolate pudding."

"Yes! Me favorite!" I said while giggling. After supper Brittany and I went up in her room to play. Kelly wanted to play with us to, so we let her.

"What kinda games do you play?" Kelly asked.

"We play candy land, shoots and ladders, and sometimes we play house," I said.

"Let's play candy land. I love that game," Kelly said happily. We played three games of candy land and got sick of it. After the third game, Kelly announced that she was wet again.

"I'll go find get Brittany's mommy," I said to Kelly.

"Mommy would be mad."

"Kelly, remember what I said before?"

"Oh yeah, I'm sowwy."

"No problem," I said, smiling. I got Mrs. Davis and she came upstairs. She did the airplane routine with Kelly again, and Kelly enjoyed it very much. After she was changed it's was just about time for bed. I was wet, along with Britty.

"Now, before you three get you're bedtime story, who needs to be changed?"

"I do!" Britty shouted.

"Me too." I said.

"Okay. I'll change Ashey first this time. Come here you lil' stinker," Mrs. Davis said. She put me on the changing table, changed me into a dry Huggies, and put my sleeper on. Brittany's diaper had poop in it, so she took longer to change. She really didn't like having poop in her diaper, and was happy to get a new diaper on..

"Okay, now it's time to hear the new bedtime story that Britty got at the toy store today."

"Goodie!" Kelly hollered. She took us downstairs and we all cuddled on the couch while she read the beautiful story to us. I got very tired when the story was over, and so did Kelly.

"That was a good stowwy. I weally tired now," I said.

"All right, time for bed. I hope you all had fun today."

"Yes, mommy. I had fun," Brittany said.

"Me too," I said

"Me three," Kelly said. I got tucked in first since I was so tired.

"Goodnight sweet angel. Sleep tight." I smiled while closing my eyes. She tucked Britty in and turned out the light. I feel asleep really fast that night. It was a very busy day.

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