Where We Began

By ImpluseThoughts

1.5K 121 0

Brooke is a good girl that has it all; a seemingly perfect family, stellar grades, and an amazing friend grou... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight
chapter forty-nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty-one
chapter fifty-two
chapter fifty-three
chapter fifty-four
chapter fifty-five
chapter fifty-six
chapter fifty-seven
chapter fifty-eight
chapter fifty-nine
chapter sixty
chapter sixty-one
The Part You Didn't Know You Needed

chapter ten

19 2 0
By ImpluseThoughts

"Hey loser," Cole said behind me as he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my head waiting for me to figure out what I was looking for in my locker.

"Hey yourself," I laughed, grabbing my purple binder for physics, my first class of the day.

"Did you have a good night last night?" He whispered in my ear.

"I did I just don't remember falling asleep," I smiled turning slightly toward his face.

"You fell asleep around 3:30," he smirked,"and you snore."

"I don't not!" I said offended as I turned to hit him. He caught my hand, knowing exactly what was coming and held it at my side pinning me to the lockers.

"Yes BG you do," he laughed, "it's a cute little snore tho."

"You stayed up and listened to me sleep then told me I snore," I tried to sound offended but it didn't work when Cole lightly brushed his lips against mine, leaving me wanting more.

"I didn't listen for long. I fell asleep shortly after you," he assured me picking up my bag and taking my hand to lead me to class.

"Is it just me or are people staring?" I asked as we walked down the crowded main hallway.

"Of course they're staring," Zane said appearing out of no where to walk on my other side.

"But why tho?" I asked noticing the smile on Cole's face which made me smile too.

"Because the popular girl is walking down the hall holding hands with the pothead after he just kissed her against the lockers," Zane said in a matter of fact tone, "you know how kids are with all their judgements. They probably think you're fucking to be rebellious."

This made Coke snort laugh as my mouth popped into the perfect 'o'. Teenagers are assholes. We've walked down this hallway everyday together for the last four years and no one has paid it any mind. Now it's some big deal because we kissed in the hallway. I guess people thought I would fall subject to Zane before anyone else but I wasn't sleeping with anyone. I had never slept with anyone.

"Don't overthink it BG. They're all assholes," Cole spoke noticing how my brain was trying to make sense of everything.

"Yeah," Zane agreed, "I would be more worried about all the rumors we will get to hear at lunch."

"You know my reputation as a whore," I joked, "who knows rumor may have it we had a threesome or something this weekend."

Zane spit his Gatorade everywhere and Cole laughed at my remark.

"I hope you know I'm not correcting anyone," Zane said trying to clean the Gatorade off his face with his shirt.

"Fuck it. Let them talk," I said as I grabbed Cole by his shirt collar and pulled him down to kiss me in front of everyone.

"Jesus Matthews! What the hell did you do to her?" Zane asked Cole after my very public display, something that I would've never done with anyone else.

"I have no idea but I think I like it," Cole laughed, handing me my bag as I walked into my classroom and he went off with Zane to the Agri building.

"Did I really just see what I think I saw?" Shayla, one of my good friends who I didn't get to hang out with much anymore since she had her son last semester and only came to classes for the first two hours of the day asked.

"Unless we're both hallucinating," Jadyn, the only guy in our class of five chimed in, "I think we did see that."

"Y'all mean our little innocent Brooke laying one on Cole Matthews right in front of Ms. Sharon?" Natalie joined in.

"Did you finally kiss him?" Kaitlyn asked coming into the room as the tardy bell rang, completing our small class.

"Yes I did just kiss Cole in the hallway," I said feeling the pink start to grow across my cheeks, "no I wasn't aware Ms. Sharon was there tho."

"Y'all are cute together," Jadyn said, if I didn't know he had the hots for Kaitlyn I would swear he was gay sometimes.

"Thanks," I smiled as our teacher finally entered the room, putting an end to our conversation to start class.

It was only first hour which meant I had four more classes between now and lunch when I would get to see Cole again unless I skipped Ms. Sharon's class. Maybe skipping her class today wasn't a bad idea considering she had seen everything in the hall and was probably writing my detention slip as I sat pondering my options.

"Mrs. Bearing," the secretary came over the intercom disrupting my planning, "we need Brooke Grayson in the office."

"Ooo," my four friends said in unison as I gathered my things in my bag to head to the office.

As I opened the door to the office I seen my probation officer standing, talking to the school nurse. Great. Another less than random drug test. Last year my sister skipped enough school after our dad died it caught the attention of the state. The state frowns upon kids not being in school so we were sent to court where we were ordered to take court mandated therapy and assigned a probation officer. Being that I was the older sibling I was somehow responsible for making sure she got to school since I drove us and I was also given the P.O. and a therapist, despite my perfect grades and attendance.

"It's going to be a long day isn't it?" I annoyedly remarked taking a seat in one of the plastic chairs.

"If you would just pee in the cup then I could go on about my day," Officer Brown spat.

"I just peed in the cup on Thursday," I rolled my eyes, "what makes you think anything has changed in four days."

"Well," her voice was worse than the howler monkeys, "it seems as tho you have changed who you are spending your time with."

Oh so this was about Cole. I started dating the stoner guy so I'm obviously smoking too. This bitch. Who was she to make those assumptions and why did she think it was any of her business anyways? I'm 18 now I don't think she or the judge holds any power over me now that I'm not a minor. I guess we will find out when I go to court Thursday morning. For now I will consider this my last time to be a pain in her ass like she is in mine with her snarky attitude.

"So are you going to pee in the cup," she bitched.

"Not right now," I smiled, "I just went pee. Guess you should've got her earlier."

"Well you can't leave the office until you pee in the cup," she hissed, I knew it annoyed her that I didn't bend to her will to make her go away like everyone else.

"Fine by me," I sighed, plopping my bag in the chair beside me and grabbing my water bottle from the side pocket, "not like I have anything better to do today than sit here and drink water."

"I'll call your class and let them know you won't be returning," Ms. Watts the secretary said trying to hide her smile, "should I call your next class as well?"

"Yes ma'am," I said as Officer Brown glared at me, "could I also let my mom know that she will have to pay for yet another drug test since Officer Brown here has a hard on for me to be a screw up."

Ms. Watts barely kept a straight face as Mr. Ray the counselor and Mr. Singer, the Dean and my AP Biology teacher busted out laughing in the counselor's office and quickly shut the door before the she devil herself could butch at them.

"I'm leaving," Satan spoke, "and when I get back I expect you to have peed in the cup so I can arrest your little smart mouth for illegal substances."

"Just for your information, not that you give a crap, I won't be popping for anything because I don't use substances of any kind," I spat at her standing up to face her across the counter that separated the secretary desk from the entrance where students sat.

"We will see about that," she glared at me again before walking out the door to go try and break some other kids soul at a different school.

"She has it out for you, ya know?" Ms. Watts said from her desk.

"I know," I said, sitting back down in a chair closer to her desk and the principals office, "I just don't know why. I have perfect grades and attendance and I do extra curriculars so there's no reason she should be so set on me being a trouble maker."

"Maybe she thinks you're hiding something," she replied, "either way I would pee in the cup and have the nurse check it instead of her. She may just say you failed to be a bi- rude." She caught herself right before calling her the name everyone was thinking.

"I'll pee right before nurse Bee heads to the other campus I guess," I said, looking in my bag for something to read.

"I'll have Zane go grab your class work through fourth period then," Ms. Watts said getting on the intercom to call Zane to the office, she knew we were attached at the hip and he knew my classes and where my locker was.

"Ah man did the she devil get you again?" Zane said when he appeared in the office minutes later.

"You know she did," I laughed, "I'm planning to stay in here until at least halfway through fifth period if you would be so kind to go collect any class work I may have today from Mr. Seabough and Mrs. Klein and inform them I've been taken hostage by Satan herself."

"No problem," Zane laughed as he went to grab my things returning shortly after with two assignments for me to do while in captivity.

"Try not to be too much of a smartass," Zane said as he was about to walk out the office door, "and I'll tell Cole he doesn't have to walk you to class since the fuzz caught you."

"Thanks Zane," I laughed as he went on his way.

Only four hours until lunch and I planned to drink as much water as I could before peeing in that cup. Little did Officer Brown know she just got me out of all my classes for the morning and I didn't even have to ask. I knew the morning would drag on so I went to sit in the comfortable rolling chair in the conference room and decided to take a nap after doing ny class work. I never slept in school but I was tired and had nothing better to do seeing how that bitch had me exiled.

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