Love Lost (Drake & SZA)

By AshleeeLove

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Returning back to the one place that he so desperately tried to get away from. Top NBA star Aubrey Graham fin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (FlashBack)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter From Ash!
Chapter 8
Chaptet 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 31

432 15 20
By AshleeeLove

Aubrey ( The Next Day)

I had another meeting this morning, leaving the boys with Solána. Chubbs and Chris weren't with me this time so they took Nai and Kelly out somewhere. Lana said she'd wait for me and we'd do our own thing. The boys want to spend their whole day at the pool and beach, because of these girls. I keep telling them to cool down.

My meeting went smoothly and everything was finalized. So I'm free for the rest of our time here. I'm not sure what Lana wants to do today. Knowing her she wants to sit on our balcony or the beach and read her books. I know she's a little upset about last night and finding out that the investigator was looking for her. I got my lawyers involved again and they are taking care of it while we're here. Tyler has already said that if he keeps talking that he and Anthony will have him taken care of while in jail. I told him to chill because this is why we're dealing with him talking, in the first place.

Walking into our suite it was quiet so I knew the boys were out with Miles. Probably at that damn pool. I know Solána didn't leave out. Looking around I heard music playing. Yea, she's here. She had her 90s R&B playlist playing. I grabbed some fruit before walking up to our room

" Imani." I walked into our room to hear Soon As I Get Home. How fitting. She was sitting on the balcony in her bikini and sunglasses reading on her IPad. She didn't hear me calling her so I stood behind her for a few seconds.

" You're out here like you're trying to tan or some shit." She jumped some and turned around and hit me.

" You scared me!"

" Mmhmm, give me them lips." I leaned down to kiss her.

" You taste like Henny! See, alcoholic!"

" I had a little something on the way here to celebrate a successful meeting," I smirked and shrugged.

" Mmhmm."

" Come on, I want to take my baby shopping!"

" Aubrey, I don't need anything." She looks at me with that cute little look she gets when she's slightly frustrated. I smiled and kissed her again.

" Nah, we're going shopping, Imani! Now get ya ass up and change. You can't be walking around like that.

" Whatever, Drake." She stood up and walked to the closet.

" Come on, now! You know I've never liked you calling me Drake."

"Yea, because you had all your little side girlfriends calling you Drake. I remember girls calling me saying, oh hi Solána I just want to let you know that I was with Drake. He had me at his practice and all." She smiled while putting on her clothes.

"Imani, you know damn well I wasn't with none of them girls." I shook my head while watching her dress.

" Mmhm, girls would call my job too."

" Yea, I remember you telling me. Most of those girls were trying to mess with me but when I would say no, they would get an attitude and start saying shit to you." My eyes followed her as she moved around in the closet.

"Ok, let me fix my hair and I'll be ready." She says while we walked into the bathroom.

" Can you give me another style?" I asked as I stood behind her while looking at my hair. She stopped what she was doing and looked at me through the mirror.

" Aubrey, I just braided your hair two days ago! It's still fresh."

" I know, but you know me. I can't keep the same style for too long."

" You're going to start paying me..." I heard her mumble before she walked out. I followed her and smiled.

" I do pay you, with this dick! Don't play!"

" Oh shut up, Aubrey! I can't stand you!!" She started laughing.

" It's cool I love you! Aight, let's go." I kissed her cheek before sending Tommy a text saying that we were ready. I also sent a text to Miles telling him that we were out and to make sure the boys eat.

The Mall

Waiting on Solána while she tried on outfits, I was talking to my mom. She didn't know who she was talking to. This is killing me. I kept telling her that I'm Aubrey but she was not having it. Usually, she'll say that her son Aubrey is 15 years old but now, I can see that we're in the next stage.

" Ok, mama. Im going to let you go and enjoy your walk with Anthony." She still remembers him. I find that shit so crazy!

" Ok Bye!" I shook my head. Anthony got on the phone and started talking. I'm still not fuckin with him even though he helped with Lana's situation. I guess you can say I tolerate him for my mom. I have no idea what he was saying because Lana came out in a dress that had me stuck.

" Damn, baby! I'm loving this. Definitely looks sexy as fuck on you!" I couldn't take my eyes off her.

" You think so?" She turned around and I was stuck once again, all I saw were hips and ass.

" Looks lovely on you, beauty!" The guy that was helping her says from the door. I gave him a look before turning back to Lana.

" You want it?" I asked.

" I don't know, the price on this shit is ridiculous." She mentions while continuing to look in the mirror, at herself.

" Baby! What did I tell you?" Standing up, I stood behind her. Wrapping my arms around her while we both stood in front of the mirror.

" Aubrey you know I don't need this expensive shit all the time."

" And that's what I love about you! None of this shit means anything to you! Get the dress, baby!" I kissed her cheek before turning around to the guy that helped to ring it up. I gave him my card and he walked off.

" Fine, I'm going to go change." She walked back into the dressing room as I walked out. Solán's phone rang as I stood at the counter waiting on her. I looked and saw an unknown number

" Hello?"

" Hello, this a prepaid call from Nicholas Brooks an inmate at Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center. To accept charges press one." The fuck is this nigga doing calling her. I pressed one and waited for the call. I turned around to see the guy showing Solána more dresses.

" Solána? Baby? I'm so sorry! Are you there?"

" Sorry for what, nigga! Why the fuck are you putting her name out there like that. Don't speak on Solána! Keep her name out of your fuckin mouth!"

" Put her on the phone!! I need to talk to her!" He spoke in a hushed tone!"

" Do you really think I'm going to let you talk to her? Nigga, you're fuckin crazy! Don't call my girl's phone again!" I hung up just as Solána walked up next to me with another dress.

" Who was that?" She frowned.

" Nobody..." She snatched her phone and looked at her recent calls.

" Is this a call from jail?" I narrowed my eyes.

" How do you know?"

" Because Dre has been calling me. I answered one time and hung up as soon as I heard his voice. You talked to him?"

" He's been calling? The fuck is he calling for, Lana?"

"I wouldn't know!"

" That was Nick...." Her attitude changed.

" Why the fuck is he calling me?"

"Can we check out? " I asked the worker. He nods. Solána and I both stood there in silence while they handled the transaction.

" What did he say?" She asked as I took her bags and led her out of the store. I looked around for Tommy.

" He wanted to talk to you, begging and shit. Solána, don't talk to him at all. We'll get you another number if we have to. Shit, I'll buy you a whole new phone."

" Aub, I don't need a new phone. What could he possibly want, though?"

" I don't know, don't worry about it." I grabbed her hand as Tommy walked over to us.

" Where were you?"

"Distractions." He nods toward a group of women, watching us.

" Aw shit, let's go! I don't have time to be taking pictures and shit." I gave them a smile and a wave as they got excited. A few were recording us but at the moment I didn't care.

" There you go with that smiling!" Solána mumbles.
I glanced at her with a smirk.

" You jealous?"

" Nope, I can smile too"

Solána (Suite)

Aubrey and I had been back from shopping for about an hour. He was laying next to me at the moment. Mentioning that he wasn't feeling good, I told him to lie down and take a nap. I think he has a bad headache. Sitting back to get more comfortable so that I could read, I was interrupted by Malik. Of course, he was loud.

" Ma!!!"

" Boy, calm your voice! Why do you have to be so loud? Can't you see your father asleep?" He looks at him

" What's wrong with him?"

" He isn't feeling good."

" Pussy..." I heard him mumble.

" Boy! Anyway, what do you need?" I asked. He held his phone up.

" Mr. Nick called my phone. He's in jail? I don't even know how he got my number."

" Wait, what? He called you? What did he say to you?" I sat up and grabbed his phone. Looking through it, I saw that he called Malik about 3 times before he answered.

" He wanted to speak to you but I was down at the pool. He said that once he gets his name cleared that he's going to get us away from Miami. Ma, what is he talking about? He sounds crazy, now" Aubrey sat up.

" That nigga is calling my son now?" He got up from the bed and stormed out after grabbing his phone.

" What's going on?"

" Leek, don't worry about it. If that he calls again don't let the call go through." I said just as I heard Aubrey yelling. I got up and walked downstairs to see him walking outside on the balcony, I followed him. He was talking to Ty I'm sure. Once he gets off the phone he turns and looks at me.

" Baby, Ty just told me that they let Dre out." I stood there in shock.

" After all, he's done, they just let him out free? Ridiculous! This system, I tell you!"

" You don't have to worry about him. I just wanted to let you know."

" Ok.."

" This Nick bullshit needs to come to an end. I'm not going to have him harassing you or Malik!"

" Aubrey he can't do anything, he's in jail! We'll just have to change our numbers."

" That can be done."

" Don't get so worked up about it anymore." I wrapped my arms around his neck as he leaned down to kiss me. We stood there in our own world until we both heard Malik.

" Do y'all ever let each other, breathe?"

The next day

" Where's your brother ?" I asked Chubbs and Chris while we all waited in the lobby for him. I haven't seen him since last night. When I woke up earlier this morning, he was gone. I thought he was done with all his meetings.

" He said he had to handle something last minute," Chris says while Chubbs looked down at his phone.

" Last minute? Like what?" He shrugs and waves me off.

" Lana, I don't know. That's your nigga." Rolling my eyes at him, I turned to Chubbs. He was still looking down at his phone.

" I'm guessing you don't know, either?" He looks up from his phone and eyes me for a second before looking back down at his phone.

" He didn't say..." I was about to say something until I glanced to my right and saw Aubrey talking with 2 girls. Of course, he was smiling. While talking he glanced over at me while I sent a glare his way. His smile went away immediately and wrapped up the conversation. One of the girls tried to hug him but he stopped her and walked over to us.

"About time, nigga! Waiting on you all of this time!" Nai rolls her eyes.

" I had to handle some last-minute business." He looked at me and grabbed my hand.

" Good morning...." I gave him a look.

"Good morning, baby." He tries to lean in but I stopped him. He chuckled.

" Where have you been?"

" I had to sign some shit that wasn't signed yet. I was in a conference room in here."

" Who are your little friends over there that still have eyes on you?" He turns around, letting out a sigh as he turns back to me.

" Just some fans, love."

" Seem like they want to be more than fans," Kelly says. I raised my eyebrows and smirked.

" Imani, you know it ain't nothing like that. Come on..."

" Mmhmm... Keep your smiles for me, only."

" What?" He laughed while we walked out to our waiting trucks.

" Dad, my mom was about to smack you! She had that look." Malik laughs while getting into our truck.

" She's violent." Aubrey stopped me before I could get in and turned me around. Giving me a smirk before kissing me.

One Hour Later

" Y'all better listen to these instructors!" I gave both Malik and Jaylen a look while they were laughing at something.

" That's alright. When their little asses end up dinner for the camel, just shrug and turn your head, Lana." Chris laughs.

" Shut up!" I shook my head as Aubrey wrapped his arm around my waist.

" You look good in this shit, Imani."

" Oh hush!" I mumbled as one of the instructors led us to the camels.

" Nai, you'll be fine." I heard Chubbs say to her. I looked over and saw her shaking her head.

" Here you go, ma'am." I was helped onto the camel, looking at Aubrey as he smiled at me.

" Damn this nigga big as shit!" I heard Jaylen say.

" Uh uh! Y'all are lucky I'm already on this camel!" I gave both of them a look. Aubrey then got on behind me. Hearing him mumbling something, I turned around to see him grinning.

" What?" Asking while I felt his hand try to grip my ass.

" You said to keep my smiles for you!"

" Nigga, you're so corny!"

" You love this corny nigga, though. Don't even roll your eyes... I should take you right back to the suite and show you how corny I am." Everyone was on the camel's and we all started following the instructor. I could hear Malik and Jaylen joking around while on their camel.

" Is that all you think about?" I took my phone out of my crossbody and snapped a few pictures of us and everybody else.

" Come on, Imani....."

" Aubrey!!"

" What, love? Oh, shit, look at Nai." I turned around to see her looking so scared. Chubbs was laughing but also trying to help her.

" Oh, my God." Mumbling while recording her.

" Damn, Imani! That's messed up. How are you going to record your bestie like that."

" Oh please, she'll laugh at it later."


" Now this is what I'm talking about!" Malik jumps on the 4-wheeler after putting his helmet on.

" You're lucky they're letting you two ride by yourselves. Don't be trying to do any of that crazy shit y'all see on IG. They will ban you!" Aubrey says to Malik and Jaylen who were barely listening.

"Behave!" I said to both of them.

" Aight, Ma! We hear you!" Malik says as we were all situated.

" Oh shit!" I took off not realizing how fast it was.

" Damn Lana! You're talking about them and you'll be the one banned." Aubrey laughed.

" Oops." I smile while we took off.

" Ma! Get at me!!" Malik yelled while speeding ahead of me. Aubrey drove up next to me.

" Lana, you should have just got on with me."

" Why? I'm fine!" I drive ahead of him and he followed.

" You probably shouldn't be on this, anyway," Aubrey said as we both stopped. Everyone else was riding around.

" What?"

" Nothing," He grinned and took off.

" Ugh, I can't stand him!"

Aubrey (2 am)

" Fuck! Solána!" Kissing her neck while sliding in and out of her. Fuck she was so wet. I'm not going to lie, this shit has me weak as fuck. She doesn't even understand what she does to me. No bitch can do this to me.

" I'm going to cum....."

" Nah." I slid out and picked her up, carrying her outside on the balcony.

" Aub....." I sat down with her in my lap, bringing her lips to mine.

"Put it back.... in.." She lowered herself onto me just as I said that.

" Oh yessss." She moaned out all I could do was watch as she rode me.

" Shit, baby.... Work that shit!" She kept her pace where staring down at me intensely. Fuck, this look she was giving me...

" You know this is your pussy, right?" She whispers. At this point, I was ready to take over again. Grabbing her, I held her in place and flipped her over.

" Yea it's mine! You better not forget that shit!" Pounding in and out of her until we both let go.

" I love you," I whispered

"Shit, I love you too..."



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