Ashley's Diaper Adventures

By mbsfan

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SEARCH "" Ashley's Diaper Adventures is an 80 chapter fiction story involving the life of Ashley Rober... More

Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 7
Untitled Part 8
Untitled Part 9
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Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13
Untitled Part 14
Untitled Part 15
Untitled Part 16
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Untitled Part 18
Untitled Part 19
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Untitled Part 21
Untitled Part 22
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Untitled Part 33
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Untitled Part 51
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Untitled Part 75
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Untitled Part 77
Untitled Part 78
Untitled Part 79
Untitled Part 80
The Lost files CH. 1
The Lost Files Ch. 2
Editors Note & My note

Untitled Part 41

318 4 0
By mbsfan

Christmas time came again. This was my first Christmas without a father. I was awakened Christmas morning by Kelly. She came into my room and was very excited to open presents.

"Hey, Ashley! Wake up! It's Christmas!" she said happily.

"Oh, hi Kelly. Go wake up Brian so he can change Me." she went and got Brian.

"Gee, you two are up early. Even mom's still sleeping."

"I wanna open presents!" Kelly yelled."

"Well, first I have to change your sister. Oh, and is your Pull-Up wet?" Brian asked. Kelly hesitated for a moment and blurted out a quiet "yes." Brian changed me and my sister and kept us in our night gowns. We went downstairs slowly and ate breakfast.

Brian carried me down since I was afraid to go down the steps.

After breakfast, Kelly started snooping around and trying to guess which presents were hers. My mother finally woke up and came down the stairs.

"It must be Christmas. Everyone is awake before me! Merry Christmas girls. Oh, and you too Brian," she said with a smile. I got to open the first present. I attacked the package like a hungry vulture eating its prey. When the paper was off, I noticed it was a new baby outfit.

"Thank you mommy," I said while I hugged her. Kelly was next to open a gift. She opened up a doll that she had asked for and was very happy to have it. She gave my mother a big hug. I also got more baby toys and clothes. I was satisfied with the gifts I got. But something was missing.

"Mommy, where's daddy's gifts?" Kelly asked.

"Honey, daddy doesn't get gifts anymore. You know that."

"Why not?"

"Because he doesn't live with us anymore. Please, let's not talk about daddy on a day like today, okay?"

"Okay mommy.. Uhh, I think I just went pee pee."

"That's okay. I'm sure Ashley needs a changing too, right Ashey?" I nodded. She changed Kelly first since she didn't like the feeling of being wet. I didn't mind. The feeling of the warm pee flowing in my diaper made me fell very good that morning.

We didn't go anywhere really special for Christmas that year. Mom didn't want to travel to Grandma's house again, so we stayed home. I didn't mind. This gave me lots more time to play with all my new baby toys.

The next day, I got a call from Brittany. As you recall, Brittany was the little girl who lived close to me that I had met when I first moved to Colorado. She wanted me to come over and play at her house.

"Mommy, is it okay if I go over to play at Brittany's house?"

"Sure dear. But if you need a diaper change, you'll have to have one of her parents change you."

"Okay." When I got to her house, she showed me all of her new Christmas toys and we began to play with them. While we were playing, a question popped into her mind.

"So, do you still wear diapers?"

"Yes. That's what the bag I was carrying is for.

If I wet my diaper, your mommy has to change me."

"Really? What does it feel like to wet a diaper?"

"It feels good. When the pee is going in the diaper it feels really good. The warm pee feels good in the diaper."

"Wow. I always wanted to know what diapers felt like. It's really that good?" Brittany asked shyly?

"Yes, it's wonderful. And I never have to 'hold it.' I can just go. I don't even remember how to go potty anymore."

"Wow! So it's like you're a baby?"

"Yes. I can't control my pee pee or poop any more." Brittany was totally amazed. We began playing again. I soaked my diaper while we were playing and decided to get changed.

"Where's your mommy?" I asked.


"Cause I'm really wet now and—"

"Oh, she's in the kitchen. Mom!"

"Yes Brittany, what is it?"

"Ashley needs her diaper changed." I could have told her that, but Brittany insisted on telling her mother I was wet.

"Okay. Come here baby, I'll get you nice and dry." I liked her mother. She babied me just like my own mom. She carried me up to the bathroom and changed me into a new Huggies diaper.

After I was changed Brittany and I watched some cartoons on TV. She started asking me questions again.

"What does it feel like to poop?"

"It's okay. Feels all gushy but it smells really bad. I got used to it though."

"Cool. I really want to try a diaper sometime.

But I dunno what my mommy would say."

"Well, you could come over to my house sometime and try on one of my diapers," I said.

Brittany's eyes lit up like a 100 watt light bulb.

"Really? That would be neat. Can I come over tomorrow?"

"Sure," I said. I was happy to be introducing my friend to diapers. I hoped she'd like it so I could have another baby friend.

The next day came and Brittany came over to my house. We went up to my room. She never knew I had a crib before.

"Wow! A crib and changing table! They really do treat you like a baby!"

"Yeah, I only two year old," I said, babyishly. We started playing with my toys, and I showed her all of my baby things.

"So, can I try one on now?" Brittany asked sharply.

"Sure," I said. There were some diapers in my room, so I got one out for her.

"Do you think I'll fit in it?"

"Probably. You're small like me." She went into the bathroom and put it on. It indeed did fit her.

"This diaper feels good. Nice and soft."

"Yeah, but it's better when you wet it," I said.

"I have to pee right now." She tried to pee but nothing happened.

"I can't do it. I'm afraid."

"Afraid of what?" I asked.

"I don't know. It's just weird."

"Try to relax." She relaxed and eventually her pee started flowing. She seemed to enjoy it.

"Wow, this feels really good! It's all warm inside. This is really nice," Brittany said happily.

"I knew you'd like it."

"I do. You're so lucky!"

"Maybe you could wear them all day too."


"Tell your mommy you want to wear them."

"She wouldn't let me, I know it."

"Oh well. As long as you're wearing a diaper now, let's play baby. You know how to talk like a baby?"

"No, not really."

"It's easy. Like this: 'I tired,' or, 'I wet.' Stuff like that," I explained.

"Oh, okay. I wet diaper. How's that?"

"Good. Now you sound like me. Hey, I'll be the mommy and you can be the baby, okay?"


"So, did little Britty wet her diaper?"

"Uh-huh. I wet a lot."

"Aww. You need to be changed."

"But I don't wanna. I fine."

"You'll get diaper rash. Come on, it won't take long." This was going great. I loved playing baby, especially with my new "toddler" friend. I ended up changing her so she'd get to know what it was like being changed. She enjoyed it. My mother probably wouldn't have approved of me changing a diaper, but I never told her that Brittany was in a diaper. Shortly after I changed her, she had to poop.

"I gotta go poo poo."

"Well, go." She was afraid to poop too, but eventually she let it go. She didn't like it as much.

"Yucky!" she said with her babyish voice. This time I didn't want to change her, but didn't want anyone to know she was wearing a diaper, so I had no choice. It was a mess. Now I knew what Mom and Brian went through when they changed my poopy diapers.

Brittany had to go home shortly after she was cleaned up. She thanked me for an enjoyable afternoon and skipped happily across the street to her house. It was then supper time and Mom was serving my favorite, macaroni and cheese. During supper, Mom asked me what we did up in my room for so long.

"We played with my new toys."

"Brittany played with your baby toys?"

"Yes. She liked my toys too."

"She's a nice girl. It's good that she's so accepting of you. You should have her here more often."

"I will mommy. Me like her too." Mom changed the subject.

"Ash, we have to go shopping tonight, after supper."

"What for?" I asked.

"Well, Kelly needs more Pull-Ups, you're almost out of diapers, and I have to get a birthday present for Aunt Claire."

"Ok mommy," I said with a smile. I loved going shopping. That night we went to Wal-Mart. My brother stayed home since he had some kind of homework project he had to get started with. I got to sit in the kiddie seat of the kart while Kelly walked along side of Mom. We got to the diaper isle and Mom instantly grabbed a bag of Huggies for girls XL diapers. Then she grabbed a bag of Pull-Ups.

"My big-girl pants, mommy." Kelly said.

"That's right, dear." It was kind of ironic though.

She called them "big girl" pants, but wet in them three fourths of the time. It had been a month since daddy had left, and Kelly still hadn't gotten over her pants wetting. Mom didn't seem a bit concerned.

Next stop was for my aunt's birthday present. Mom got her some kind of necklace. I didn't really pay much attention. On the way to the checkout counter, we passed the toy isle. I acted just like a two year old and started begging for this plush stuffed dog. It was so cute, and I didn't have many stuffed animals.

"Oh mommy. I want that doggy. Can I get it?"

"I don't know. Have you been a good baby girl?"

"Yes mama, I good." People around us looked at me and my mother strangely. They knew I wasn't really two, but I didn't care.

"Ten dollars? That's expensive. But I guess you need a stuffed animal to sleep with, since you're only two. And you've been a good little girl, so it's yours," Mom said while putting the stuffed dog in the kart. I was so happy.

"Thanks mommy. I love you," I said softly. She smiled back at me. Kelly got a little jealous and wanted a stuffed animal too.

"Hey, I want one!"

"But you already have lots of stuffed animals.

How about if mommy buys you some candy instead?" She went for the candy and was satisfied.

On the way home from the store Kelly informed mom that she was wet.

"Sorry mommy, I couldn't hold it."

"It's all right, Kelly. Don't worry about it." Mom made sure that she didn't make Kelly feel bad about wetting herself in any way. I admired my mother for being so patient. Just then I felt a warm stream of urine flowing in my diaper. It must have been all that Kool-Aid I had for supper. When we got home, I decided not to tell Mom that I was wet, and I sat in the wet, soggy diaper until bedtime.

That night Mom changed me as Brian was still working on his project for school. She noticed my diaper was very wet and cold.

"Looks like your diaper has been wet for a while. You should tell me right away so you don't get a rash."

"I know mommy. I sorry." She nodded her head and finished changing me. She then put me in my footed PJ's, set me in my crib, and read me a story. Her voice was so soft and gentle when reading the story to me and made me very relaxed. As she was about to leave, I stopped her.


"What's wrong Ashy?"

"My doggie. Where my doggy?" I asked.

"Oh, that's right. Mommy almost forgot! Let me go get it." A moment later, she returned with my new stuffed dog. It was big enough for me to cuddle with and hug in my arms. I fell asleep while hugging my new stuffed animal. 

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