THE DUKE & I |[ Kim Taehyung...

Od Anjaliie__

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Once upon a time... There's this lady,๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿป There's this man.๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿป The man falls for the lady, & What happens t... Viac

| Her 20th birthday |
| His Photograph |
| Revenir |
| Revenir (2) |
| Dreams |
| Fare |
| Hospitality |
| Jealousy |
| La Familia |
| The Notebook |
| Fabric |
| Here Comes Daisy |
| A Day at the Boutique |
| A Day Before the Fair |
| The Vanity Fair |
| Regret |
| The Letter That Returned Back |
| When He Came Over |
| When He Came Over II |
| Louisa Turns 5 l
| The Departure |

| Wrath |

118 15 6
Od Anjaliie__

Have you ever coveted a thing and wanted it to be yours? And, have you ever exuded 'If I want it, I must have it' aura of yours? If you have not, then may be we are going to talk about a person who sticks obstinately to his words. Yes, that's right, we are talking about the Duke of Edinburgh. Duke of Edinburgh, Timothy Stansfield was having a mental breakdown at this point. He could not digest the fact that someone just rejected his proposal. And that also not just someone, but Y/n Williams. The most sought after maid, entire Europe wanted her hand in marriage. Some said, she was hard to persuade. But Tim had his chance. Y/n blind-eyed the chance he had, rejected his proposal and humiliated him. Tim's blood was boiling at this moment. He bites his lips as he comes out of the garden to the fair, the action just indicated that something was going on, in his mind. Something discreet and dark. He walks straight to the wine compartment. Takes an empty glass and motions the bartender to fill his glass. He takes the glass to his lips, and bites his lip once again. He gulps it all in along with his trampled conscience.

He takes it all in, in one go and asks the bartender to fill his glass once again. Jacob who had accompanied him to the fair, notices him chugging one glass after another. Tim's grip on the wine glass tightens and he hangs his head down. Jacob excuses himself from the maiden he was dancing with. Bowing a little to her, he walks to his older brother. He snatches the glass from Tim's hand and takes it away. Tim looks at him furiously. Not wanting to get shouted amidst of well reputed people, "brother" he whispers.

"Your ears are red, what has got into you?"Jacob asks in a calm voice.

"Did you get the book that Neh asked me to buy?" Tim asks him, without answering his question. His eyes appear pinkish white as he looks at Jacob without stopping his eyelashes down.

"Yeah!" Answers Jacob, with a sigh he sits beside him.
Just this moment, the Duke stands up.

"Get up we are getting out of here now."

Jacob could not quite get this unusual behaviour of Tim, but he asks no more questions and decides to follow his lead instead. They storm out of the fair before anybody could notice them. They got into the carriage, Jacob looked outside the window and continued to wonder what caused him such despair. The brothers knew about the grudge he had, and the wrath he got deep beneath that charming smile. He would hate you in such a way that you would think so little about your own existence. Just like Jacob, we can not comprehend the situation of the Duke right now. He was so sure that he would persuade Y/n to marry him. But he could not. Vanity fairs were memorable for the Duke because it made donations to the orphanage. He knew exactly how every children there felt. Because he grew up devoid of parents just like them. Had he born without the title Lineage of his family, he and his brother would have ended in the orphanage too. He always remembers the almighty who have been kind to him, the moment he took birth. He kept waiting for vanity fair every year, just like we all wait for Christmas. He knows that he can play secret santa once in a year and spoil the children to bits. This year he was even more elated because he had arranged lunch and supper for the childrens. But he was more than happy this year. Do you know why? It's because Y/n blessed the fair with her presence. And he was over the clouds when he saw Y/n coming out of the carriage. He had this things planned in his head. How badly he wanted to spend the day until the evening with his lady love! But that could not happen. A child cries when the waves demolish his well constructed sand castle. But a man breaks down, when someone shatters his most coveted thing, and ends up being tough. Throughout the ride Tim let's out innumerable sighs. The carriage galloped into the Duke's abode. It halts when it reaches the palace. Before the chauffeur could open the carriage door, Tim slammed it open and barged out of the carriage. Jacob gaped at this and followed him quietly. The chauffeurs just stood there bowing their head down, stood there until the Duke was out of their sight.

"Lewis!" The Duke shouts.

Lewis is the housekeeper of the Duke's palace. He knows everything that goes on in the Palace. And the Duke considers him a part of his family.

"Yes, your grace." He comes as fast as he could, he pants a little.

"Get my bath ready. I want a warm bath now. Get the supper ready too." He commands.

"Yes, your grace." Lewis answers and runs to inform the man servants of the house.

Neh walks down the stairs, dancing and prancing.

"Brother, you got my book?" He asks looking at the ferocious Timothy. Yes, right now he is Timothy not Tim.

The Duke does not notice Neh and his question, he pass by him swiftly.

"What happened?" Neh asks Jacob.

"Here is your book, brother. And don't mind him, he has been like that for a while. He will be fine. Mood swings maybe."

They both nodded at this and went to their respective rooms.

Timothy goes to his bedchamber and bangs the door close, sits on the couch and pinches the bridge of his nose. That did hurt him. That hurt him when Y/n doubted him. That hurted him more when he realised that he was the one trying to make it all work out, while Y/n was believing the rumours that surface around him. He grunts, when he thinks about all the effort he put into this, while Y/n was the one kicking all of his efforts.
He doesn't know to whom he could talk about all this. He couldn't talk to his brothers, because they don't know about Lily. To calm all the storm and to calm all his inner conflicts, he decides to hop into the warm bath.

Soon, the man servants prepare a bath for him, they arrange all the essential oils beside the tub, which was to be sprinkled on him after the bath. Nothing worries him when he is in the warm water, he releases all the stress when he is at the bath. He gets all purged in the bath. Getting out of the tub, he wraps himself in a bath robe. He feels like he was being purged after the bath.

After getting all dressed, he decides to take a stroll at the library. He feels as if reading would make him feel any better. Opening the huge door, he parts the curtains that cover the huge window of the room. For a few minutes, he is gulped by the beauty of the pinkish sunset. To make the evening, which is the start of the night more refreshing, he picks out a disc and puts it on the gramophone. And soon Mozart's Jupiter symphonies is heard echoing from the gigantic library of the palace. He walks by the bookshelf and decided to read Shakespeare. Neglecting the most sought genres of Shakespeare that is, the comedy and the tragedy, he decides to go for the history instead. He sits by the window with Henry V and dissolves himself within the book. The room now appears orange due to the candle lights and the chandelier hung above. The candles and the chandelier are worth to look at in the evening. Because they shine brighter in the dark, illuminating themselves beautifully.

History is ruthless, history is painful, still Timothy rests his horrendous self in the bosom of history. He keeps on turning the pages. And with his turning page, the time shifts from Twilight to dark. The darkness begins to sweep over the earth. His eyes does not leave the pages of the book. Not until when he hears faint footsteps approaching near. He lifts his head and thuds the book on the table. There's a knock on the door.

"Come in." Timothy says in a warm composed tone.

Two of the manservants arrive, with Lewis behind them. One was holding the cup and saucers on a tray. The other was holding the kettle, and Lewis was keeping both of his hand behind him, his head bent low.

"Your grace." One bowd and takes the tray to his table, the other follows him. He takes a saucer and keeps the cup on it. Then takes the kettle and pours tea into the cup. Tim observes his actions quietly. His gaze shifting from the servant to the cup.

"Less sugar?" Tim demands.

"Yes, your grace."

"Good." Satisfied by his remark, the manservants leave the room.

They leave Lewis standing alone infront of the Duke's Desk. Timothy takes a sip and looks at him.

"Your grace." He greets and stands straight. The Duke nods.

"This came from the Viscount of Glasgow." He hands a letter to the Duke.

Timothy is confused at this. What? Letter all of a sudden. After a few seconds, he uttered "I'll consider this, thank you."

Lewis leaves the room. Tim takes another sip and tears the letter open. It wrote:

To: The Duke of Edinburgh

From: The Viscount of Glasgow
Henry William

Your Grace,
Forgive me for dropping this letter all of a sudden. Salutations on your way. I could not find you at the fair this late afternoon, so sending you this letter. Friday next week, our little Louisa will turn 6. And we are having this small party at our house, just the family members. And we consider you a part of our family. You have been so kind to our Y/n, we cannot repay your kindness. We would be very happy, if you and your brothers would bless the event with our presence and bless our little Louisa.

Yours faithfully,
Henry Williams
Viscount of Glasgow

He sighs, folds the letter, closes his eyes for a couple of seconds. He is grateful enough for the Viscount 's kindness in the letter. He just did not wanted to see Y/n's name in the letter. Her name in the letter disgusts him. The name which once he jewelled in his heart becomes unknown to him. He does nothing but but detests Y/n the more he hears her name.

*At the table, during the dinner*

Timothy chews his food slowly. His head still hung low.

"Brother." Nehemiah calls him.

Timothy looks at him in a blank expression.

"I loved the book, thank you." Neh answers in Glee.

Timothy does not want to disappoint him. So he curves his lip a little, forcing a slight smile to him.

"I'm glad tha you like it." He says and picks the salad from his plate.

"By the way, how was the fair like?" John puts a question infront of him.

"Oh, you don't know the crowds were insane. And they even played Mozart." Jacob answers before Timothy could answer their question.

"I'm so jealous of you." Joseph directs his statement to Jacob.

"Don't tell me, there were pretty maidens too?" James inquired.

"And, was there a piano competition?" Sam asks.

Jacob puts his fork at ease and answers one by one to them. "Yes, they were pretty ladies. The food was incomparable. And the piano competition went great. Jo sang the welcome song though. She was looking pretty."

"Yahh!! Brother please, consider taking us to the fair next year." Pleaded James.

"Yes brother, we promise to behave decently. We won't let you down." Said Sam, the sluggish one, who has this thing for piano.

"Sure I would." Answered Timothy concentrating on his food once again.

"Who is this Jo, and why is she pretty?" James asked.

"You don't know Jo? (Jacob answers in disbelief). Jo is Y/n's sister. And I heard in the fair that she plays the piano. And she plays well."

The Duke coughs at hearing Y/n's name. He takes the water and completes it in one go.

"Brother, did you see Y/n at the fair today?" John asks.

Jacobs kicks his foot under the table.

"Ow" he screams.

"Can we atleast eat peacefully. (The Duke roars) You all are grown ups so behave like one. And stop talking about the girls on the table. From today onwards, no talk about them on the table, Do you get it?" He asks raising his pitch a little.

"Yes, brother." They all say in unison.

"And also.."he continues

They all look towards his direction.

"The Viscount sent letter. Little Louisa, Y/n's youngest sister turns 6 next Friday. Her birthday falls on next week. We have to prepare a good banquet for her. Not because I'm interested. But because they think us as a part of their family. And we should offer them the kindness they deserve. And James, prepare a healthy pony from your stable. Little Louie likes pony. And, You all would accompany me to the Viscount's house next week. We're going to stay a night there, so be in your best behaviour. And help each other during our stay in their manor. It's our duty to arrange for her birthday and make it memorable. Mr. Lewis will look after the palace while we are gone. So keep your room clean and tidy, especially Joseph. Don't let your windows open at night. Alright?" He ends his monologue.

"Yes, brother." They reply.

"Good." He says, wiping his hands and taking last sip of water. He leaves the table.

"Ohmygod, it would be so fun." Cries Neh.

"I know right. We have never been anywhere except Edinburgh." Says John bending a bit in the table.

"God, we can't wait for the Friday to arrive." Sam says happily.

"And I can't wait to meet Jo." Says James lost in his imagination.

"Aish!!!" Tch tch's Joseph at his remark.

"Brother!!" Says Neh irritably.

"Stop thinking about flirting every single time. Sheesh." Argues Jacob throwing a grapes at him.

"Yahh!!"" James shouts, throwing a carrot at him.

The only one that emptied the salad bowl was the Duke. While the others started a meaningless tantrum and began to throw the fruits out of the fruit bowl. As usual the dinner at the Edinburgh palace was a chaos. The cooks can do nothing at this hour but gape at the childlike behaviour of the Duke's precious brothers.

Author's note:-

Hello my little princesses.🦋🌼✨ I hope you all are doing good and aren't sick. This chapter is highly unedited. Bear with the grammatical mistakes, if I have any. And how are you still alive?! Someone came live thrice a day, how glad I am.🥺💜🌼🦋 Go stream Namjoon's "smoke sprite", Hobi's "on the street", and Jimin's "Set me free" for good skin.🌝🤌✨ Until next time.🌼💜

Pokraฤovaลฅ v ฤรญtanรญ

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