That's The Spirit

By JoyBoy825

10K 286 60

Jaune arc was just like any other kid just wanting to make his dream a reality of wanting to be a hero and th... More

need a little help (its decided)
Jaune's Bio
Spirit Guides
Where Promises Lie
The Deafening Silence
Stiching the scars of the past
Chasing The Monsters Away
chasing the monsters away part 2
A New Beginning
We all start somewhere


1K 32 11
By JoyBoy825



-Time,,Timeskip,Place or flashback-

[Limit Break]


(Author's Notes)


As rays of sun light strike on our young hero eyes flutter open and readies his day and has to get ready for school so he prepares for what the day has instore for him as he

*Checks the time is*

- 6:39am-

Jaune:'Oh crap I over slept i'm gonna be late!' *he gets up quikly starts to change while having trouble putting on his shirt and pants when ready while having on a blue hoodie, socks and favorite sneekers he sprints down the stairs and gets a toast of bread in his mouth and goes to the door for his backpack* but is stopped by a voice

Violet/Mom: "Jaune where are you going?" questioned mom in a confused tone

Jaune:" ate or ool!" Jaune replyed in panic tone with his toast still in his mouth

Violet/Mom:"Jaune Miles Arc don't eat with mouth full I taught you manners young man finish eating first then speak" she reprimanded Jaune

Jaune:*gulped down the toast* "sorry but I'm going to be late for school!" He said and was ready for a full sprint straight to school but was stopped frozen in his by what his mother said next which baffled him

Violet/Mom: " Oh you don't have to worry about that Jaune"

(I don't own this)

Jaune: "huh" were the only words that could be found saying in that instance

Violet/Mom: "Since you have challenged your father into a duel I called the school that a family matter had come up and their was no need for further explanation and said that they understood but don't let this get to you young man this is only for the duel and it is a one time thing am I understood" she sayed the last part in a serious tone and a sacry look on her features

(I don't own this)
Jaune:*nodded his vigorously* which he could have gotten whiplash "y..yes ma'am!" he answered in a nervous tone and sweating buckets

(I don't own this)

-Timeskip few minutes later at Jaune's training spot-

Jaune sees what's engraved on the tree

(AN: What the title says)

He arches a brow confused and tries to translate

Jaune: "What the hell?"that's what he thought it meant

"Close but that's not what it stands for" said a voice * Jaune turns around* and sees Cloud on his laying on the tree with his arms crossed

Jaune: "Oh so what does it mean then?" He tilts his head to the side in curiosity

Cloud: "It will be a reminder for when we are training" he said a small smirk was shown on his features

And that sent chills down Jaune's spine and another jumped in
" and since you challenged your father into a duel and is risking your dream that you hold so dear and near your heart"

*Jaune turns around* and sees Noctis laying on the grass under the tree with the shade covering him from the sun light

Cloud: "We were just given the amount of time we have been bestowed" he said while glancing at the tree with the words engraved in the bark of the tree

Noctis: "And that is 2 weeks from now might I add" said Noctis just sitting down now

While they kept talking Jaune started having a dark feeling on his stomach and it was not something that he was liking and felt like asking was going to make it even worse

Cloud: "And you still need more time to practice your swordsman ship" he said *walking towards the young blonde*

Noctis: "Not just that but also how to use a, spear, gun, and multiple different types of fighting stances and styles" *doing the same as Cloud*

And that feeling was starting to get stronger and not helping with his heart from jumping out of his chest and was slowly under standing what the feeling was

Cloud: as he was right next to Jaune "and so me and Noctis came up with a training plan" he said in a monotone voice

Noctis: "and since you have always wanted to be a hero we are happy to make sure you become the hero you always wanted to be but better" he smiled at Jaune but it held no comfort nor malice which was scaring the boy

*they both put their hand on each side of the boys shoulder* and it felt cold like when you jump into the pool in winter in the morning cold

And now he understands what the three words mean it wasn't a a curse or question

'WELCOME TO HELL' thought both Noctis and Cloud at the same time

It was a warning, greeting,and an apology at the same damn time!

And the only thing he could say was

AN:And that's it for this part but I'm in a bit of a pickle on which way the story should go And I need your help again on what I should do and question and Answer are down 👇 so remember your affecting the story

The question is: should Jaune meet with the rest of rwby and npr in a young age like meeting, Ruby, Yang, Nora, Ren, etc. And become childhood friends




You choose the fate and destiny of what this story shall become and what it shall entail but anyways hope you enjoyed see you nex time bye also the voting will end on the 24. So choose now

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