Strangers To Lovers

By marie200013

1.1K 886 1

In a world where devotion and love clash, Ella Smith finds herself at a fork in the road. Driven by her need... More

A Date with Destiny at Table Four
"Intoxication and Tension"
"The Unusual Proposal."
"Uncharted Territory of Hearts"
An Extraordinary Night
"Glamour and Distraction"
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.
Chapter 55.
Chapter 56.

Chapter 25.

21 15 0
By marie200013

The last time I saw him, he had either left before I woke up, came after I had gone to sleep, or just sealed himself in his room, making it difficult for me to get in contact with him. At any rate, I was unable to get in touch with him. Despite the fact that I was aware that I ought to have apologized to him, he believed that it was his job to do so. If I'm being really honest, I didn't want him to think that I had second-guessed my choice to kiss him. Due to the fact that I had also been working a lot, I was unable to affirm that it was true. When I contacted Channing, he said that I was trying to make up for the hours that I had lost at Coffee House, which was the reason why Luke was so busy. I never in a million years would have imagined that I would be in a position where I am being driven about by a chauffeur. However, I could see why it was so bad.

It was no longer possible for me to use the car that I had hired. Channing came to pick me up and put me down to Luke's house since I was unable to drive my own car to Luke's house. In the end, we were confronted with the need of exercising further care since I did not want Luke's mother to be aware that I was going through difficulties. "How was your workday?" Following the conclusion of my tour of duty at the Coffee House, Channing made an inquiry. The information that I shared with him was that it was not necessary for you to exit the vehicle in order to get to the home. The individual made a little shuffling gesture and then stated, "Just stay inside in the air conditioning." It was his insistence that I did not have to wait, and he assisted me by opening the passenger door of the automobile. "I do feel bad for you having to pick me up." I do not feel that it is included in your job description. He said, "I really don't mind!" in answer to the question. I questioned him while wearing a wistful smile on my face. "Besides, I do a lot for Luke that is not part of my job description." "Why do you do that?" I inquired about it. "As a favor for my friend."

Who is it that would make the request for Channing to take him up?Who among the group of pals would act in such a manner? This might be Dylan, right? When I had finished getting inside the car and turned around to face the driver, Channing gave me a little nod, and I observed, "You are a good friend." Channing turned around and returned to the driver's side of the vehicle with a little nod. In light of the fact that Channing is often rather chatty, I found it peculiar that he continued to be quiet as we were traveling to Luke's. As soon as he attempted to open the door for me, I was able to prevent him from doing so. "I've got it." My gratitude goes out to you for introducing me to Luke's. He answered, his voice taking on a more enthusiastic tone as I approached the house and took off my shoes at the entryway. I then entered the house. First, I glanced at the mat for a moment. There is no doubt that Luke did not own the footwear. For the sake of certainty, I looked over the railing. In order to be absolutely certain, I went over the fence since the shoes were intended for guys. While I was bouncing down the stairs into the main living area, I screamed out, "Hi Dylan!" and saw a mop of chestnut hair in the kitchen. I was surprised when he told me, "That's you. Make your way over here." My curiosity led me to take a cursory glance at his phone.

My mind wandered to the possibility that he was referring to the house that I had already put an offer on. He proceeded to look over the photographs that he had brought up, which were of a very lovely and modern duplex. The bathtub in one of the bathrooms was jam-packed to the point of being overflowing. In spite of the fact that it was not a Jacuzzi, the bath was satisfying nevertheless. "Well, if the opportunity arose, I would be glad to do business with you," he replied with a wink and a handshake. "I would be glad to do business with you." "Oh, very elegant." It was my question, "Would you live here?" Now, hold on. Can I assume that you are willing to rent me half of this house if your bid is successful in obtaining a bid? I inquired about it. I would be OK with it if I believed that you were a dependable enough and trustworthy person. I would be the one to carry out a credit check in addition to a security check. I said with a surprised tone, "That is not something that I need to accomplish." No matter what I looked for on my own, I had no problem discovering anything. "Here's a tip, Ella." The moment Dylan proposed that we should do this, I was completely on board with the idea; nevertheless, as soon as I carried it out, I felt a sense of remorse. In light of the fact that my back was no longer able to support me while sitting on the couch, I took the choice to leave Luke's flat.

Because of the pain in my back, I had to leave the room. I made a mistake when I asked, "Did you ever figure out what you were worried about in Hawaii?" I could have asked that question. "Well, I guess I'll take that tip," I said to myself. My apologies for making that statement. It's not a problem. My apologies for the inconsiderate manner in which I treated you. Can you tell me what Luke shared with me?In response, I said, "Well," and briefly scratched my foot in response to the question. "I haven't spoken to him since then; he has avoided me." A chuckle came out of Dylan's mouth as he said, "You and your brother ought to work on improving your communication skills." "Yeah, I know." "My brother?" "Yeah, Troy's one of the reasons I freaked out about Luke." "You're right, Troy is one of the reasons I freaked out." He seemed to be giving serious consideration to something, as he shifted about in his chair. He responded by asking, "How do you think Luke and your brother are related?"At the time that my brother was taken into custody in February, Luke was present at the pub. I immediately thought, "Maybe Luke—huh, that sounds really bad—because he and my brother seem to look so similar," I said to myself. In a swift and unexpected move, Dylan sprang up and struck my chin with his shoulder. "I just wanted to make sure that my brother did not get arrested for motor vehicle theft or DUI," he said to reporters. "I'm not trying to claim that Luke was involved."

"It's so unlike him to steal a car and crash it." Suddenly, Dylan's shoulder made contact with my chin. We were both surprised. "He had parked at Lang's, why would he steal one?" My pupils drew together as I stumbled backwards into the kitchen counter and my eyes expanded. When he turned his back to face me, he gripped my shoulders and leaned back. I continued to stand there in a stupor, used to Dylan's gruff demeanor. "Huh?"There is no doubt in my mind, Ella.How could he possibly behave in such a manner? Is it possible for me to inform Luke about it? How is it that he scares me so much? Is there a possibility that he is trying to conceal anything from me? With the intention of attempting to push away from them, I drew his arms as far away from me as I could. I strained my eyes and ended up falling to the floor of the kitchen. "Who are you, exactly? It was his response that he asked, "Are you made of marble?" His seriousness was unmistakable; there was no room for doubt. "Do you have anything to do with my brother's accident?" Despite my efforts to inquiry, the query lingered in my mouth till I moved my mouth.In the second that he let me go, Dylan's jaw plummeted to the floor, and his arms fell to his sides. It seemed as if he was yelling with delight and pounding his head heavily against his ear. "What?"

I am curious as to why you act in such a way. Do you have any knowledge of anything?As Ella put it, "He was there with a companion there." It could be you, right? I was informed by Dylan. We questioned one another, "What is the connection?" as we looked at each other and exchanged looks. The comment was made by Dylan, who looked in my way and said, "I wasn't there."In light of the fact that you believe your brother was falsely charged and the reputation that my family has as a legal family, I can see why you might have such a belief; nonetheless, Luke and I would never lie to you under such circumstances. I beg you to put that experience out of your mind because of this. "Then why can't I say anything?" "The night in which your brother was involved in his accident is also the same night in which Levi was involved in his accident." "What is it?" Although I am not acquainted with the whole story, I am aware that Luke and Levi were present at the Lang's on the evening when Levi threw himself in front of a moving car. This is something that I am aware of. It is for a specific reason that he conceals that memory. Kindly avoid from bringing it up on the table. Avoid talking about the Langs since they are a significant issue. Although you are free to talk about your brother, you should avoid bringing up that specific occasion. For a split second, there was complete silence as the horror began to take hold of me. Have you seen Levi get into a car?

Luke went through a challenging time, and I do not want him to go back to that place. When Luke learned about the incident, he was filled with dread and speculated about whether or not he had been involved in the car accident or if he was just experiencing headaches. "Ella? I won't say anything," I asked him. "Is that the reason he was experiencing such a great deal of fear?" My hands were shaking. As I became aware that my vision was growing hazy, I hurriedly blinked my eyes. I had the presumption that Luke could have been involved with my brother, but in actuality, he was with his brother just before he committed himself. I was wrong about that assumption. It felt overwhelming to feel guilty. I felt terrible to hear about him. I was completely unaware of how I would react if Troy were to take such move. As I looked down at the ground, the first warm tear that had been pouring down my cheeks arrived. There was still another one after that. He wrapped his arms around me and enveloped me. In spite of the fact that I am sorry for my actions, Luke is my best friend. "You must do whatever you can to ensure he is safe." "Don't worry about that either." "Please don't worry about this either." "Please don't be concerned about Luke either." I express my regret by saying, "I feel bad, I feel bad for him." "I don't really like sympathy," I murmured and pressed my words into his chest. He repeated it in a soft voice, "You didn't know." "Nobody talks about it, no one expects you to know." Relax and take it easy. "No matter what happens, you have done more good than you have done harm."

"What do you mean?"As Dylan turned around to face me, he said, "Luke is definitely smiling a lot more these days," and I felt a little bit of a surge of excitement in my chest. In continuation, he said, "I will do it because of you." Sebastian smiled as he gave me a little head massage and said, "I'm just trying to pay it forward." My whole quality of life has also been significantly enhanced by Luke. That makes me very delighted to hear. Now is the time to dry your tears before he gets back to his house and thinks that he is the one who prompted you to cry. Almost immediately after he finished speaking, the sound of the front door being shut could be heard again. I started to go up the stairwell, and Dylan gave me a shake of the head as I reached it. Instead, he was standing in the way of my progress. "If it's his mother, stay still." I turned my head to gaze at the railing that surrounded the foundation of the home. Luke's head appeared, providing us just a brief view of his face. While I was waving to him, Dylan tilted his head to look up at him. We were met with a frown from him. Dylan's response was, "Wait, your face," after which he quickly wiped his face with a portion of the front material of the shirt. I, my As the bottom started to rise up to my belly button, I batted his hands away and readjusted it. I did this while giving him a sneering look.Please don't stare at me in that manner. "I'm wearing one of my best shirts," Luke remarked to Dylan as he entered the kitchen. "I'm wearing it." The question that Dylan posed was, "How did you manage to get in here?"

Luke said, "I changed the passcode," at the time. "Nothing," Dylan said in response. While Dylan moved down the stairs three at a time, his lips curled lower as he went, and I fought the urge to smile in order to conceal my grin. In light of the fact that he had just left, I questioned how he could have remembered my password. As he sighed, "I'm going to be leaving," he said. Suddenly, he screamed, "You two ought to talk!" I was called upon by him from on high. "Why are you always in suspicious positions whenever I get home?" "Bad timing?" His moan could be heard. "How was your work?" I inquired. "I'm leaving." "I'll be back." "I'm leaving." With a scowl, he said, "You two ought to talk." "See you later!" Subtly, I grinned when Dylan called me on the phone. It wore me out completely. I was on the verge of turning in my work. His attention was piqued by that. My response will be short. "I'm moving out." From what he had stated, it seemed like he was taken aback. "It's six in the morning." "I am quite busy." "I am going to be moving out." "Dylan is buying a house." "You're going to live with him?" "No." "He's going to rent me out." And with a grimace on his face, he said, "Why would you think that?" What gives you the right to think that? "You should just stay here?"

He heaved a sigh and was attempting to react. What he said was, "I'm fine." I let out a sigh, despite the fact that he was having difficulty spoken. "Do you have any sense? It seems that you are no longer present in this world. "I am of the opinion that I am to blame." As he struggled to say anything, I let out a sigh. My time spent in Hawaii is something I would want to talk about with you. You were wrong, despite the fact that I am aware that you have avoided me because you felt that it was your fault. After the horrible experience that my brother went through, I longed to go back to my hometown. In a stooping position, he had his arms crossed over his chest and was bending over. Earlier in the day, I had planned on expressing my anger at you. "Why did you not tell me about it?" I questioned whether or not you were the one who made the mistake. During our prior conversations, I said that I had heard of you before, but I'm accustomed to working by myself. "Well, don't you have me now?" The fact that I was with Luke caused my heart to beat very fast, and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Despite the fact that I was uncertain as to whether or not I deserved him, I want him. What I was with him was OK with me. The next time, he informed me about the situation and added, "Tell me so that I don't get it wrong."

Specifically, this provides a response to the question, "So you don't mind me kissing you?" I gave a little nod and shook my head. "So you really don't mind me doing that again?" I wore a smile. "So you really don't mind me kissing you again?" I indicated with a nod. I moved closer to him, feeling comforted by the fire that was on his face. I pulled away as soon as my lips came close to brushing against his. "I apologize, but that's all I can think of right now." In a condescending manner, he said. As soon as I was able to force myself to forget about his proximity to me, I reacted with, "That's it?" As I took a big breath and slowed down, I made an effort to avoid thinking about his face being so near to mine. "Usually, I do not kiss on a first date." "But we've already been together." He released his grip on my hands, and I went to the side. "Is that proper, without Dylan?" As I inquired, a grin began to develop over my forehead. I assume that is OK. "That's right, without Dylan." "Are you free tomorrow night?" He responded by asking, "Are you excited to meet with me?" "When it's up to you, yeah." He responded by saying, "You don't mind talking about that, do you?" and I became red in the face.

"I don't mind talking about anything." "Ella, are you really moving out?" "That's true." "Yes, that's true." According to him, "You don't have to." He stated this in a careless tone. When he continued, he said, "I should get my own place though," and then he added, "Don't worry, just come over." "Well, just think about it." "Don't worry, just come over," he told me to do not be concerned. "I can clean Levi's room if you're sleeping on the couch," I murmured, scrutinizing him. "Please don't worry about it." Watching the water, he saw that it did not move at all. He suggested that he would continue to reside in the room that had previously been used by his brother." Despite my inability to respond, I picked up on what he was saying. The last time he touched it was many months ago. At that point, nobody had been able to enter it. That was the only vestige of him that remained. The only thing he had to offer me was that. I was therefore at a loss for what to do.

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