3 am 》sykes

By Keeleigh_Saunders

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"A lot of things can happen at 3 am" © Keeleigh_Saunders More

New book?? Help!!!
New book!!! (And a slight bitch)


752 56 9
By Keeleigh_Saunders

sorry this was just a short story, but I really enjoyed it and I'm very in love with it!!!

I parked outside a small motel for the night, we had been driving for three days and staying in motels when we felt as though we just couldn't do any more. I turned the engine to my car off and rubbed my tired eyes, Nathan rest his hand on my leg. I looked at him and gave him a tired smile which he returned. It was around midnight now, I stretched my back out and yawned.

"I'll go check us in" I said as I got out the car.

I walked to the reception and collected the keys to our room, I walked back to the car and knocked on Nathan's window. He got out and pulled me into a hug "You did well today"

I nodded "How much further?"

"We should be there by tomorrow evening" He moved the hair away from my face

I nodded again and made my way to our room, I unlocked the door and began to throw all my clothes off before climbing into the bed and watching as Nathan locked the door behind him. He looked at me and gave another soft smile, he threw his clothes off and climbed in next to me. He kissed my forehead and closed his eyes

"Where are we going?" I whispered

He took an intake of breath "I have a place we can stay"


He gave a tired chuckle "My aunts old house which she gave me when she passed"

"Nice" I just about managed before I fell into a deep sleep


"Dylan, wake up" Nathan called me

I opened my eyes to find him fully dressed and sat on the side of the bed, I rubbed my eyes and stretched out "What time is it?"

"Just gone ten" He smiled at me

I sighed and got up, throwing my hair up as I walked to the bathroom "Won't be long"

After I showered I walked back into the room and collected my clothes off the floor, I threw them on and looked at Nathan "Let's hit the road"

"I'll drive today, gives you a break" He came over and pulled me into a hug

I didn't object, I was so tired of driving now. I climbed into the passenger seat and rest my head back, Nathan got in and smiled at me "Here we go"


* 10 years later *

I woke to the sound of my two children arguing with another in one of their bedrooms. I kicked a sleeping Nathan beside me "It's your turn"

He groaned and rolled over wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing along my collar bone "Can we not just take advantage of their loudness?"

I laughed and pushed him away from me "I'm serious, one day they're going to kill eachother"

Nathan rolled onto his back and rubbed his eyes "Fine" he sat up and stretched his arms over his head. I watched as he walked out the room and closed my eyes listening to the three most important people in my life.

"BOYS!" Nathan shouted as he entered their room, the house fell silent before Nathan began shouting again "FINLEY PUT YOUR BROTHER DOWN, YOU DON'T TRY AND TIE HIM TO YOUR BED!"

This was my que to get up, I threw my dressing gown on and walked down the hall to where my husband and two sons were. Nathan and I had been married for the past eight years, before that not many months after we moved in together I fell pregnant with my now ten year old son, Finley. On the year of our marriage I fell pregnant again with our eight year old son, Lukas.

I walked into the room to find Finley shouting at Nathan "But, Dad. I told him if he licked my new toy again I'd tie him to my bed"

Nathan pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at me as I entered the room "They're defiantly more your children than mine"

I slapped his arm and walked over to my boys, I picked Lukas up and sat him on my lap as I sat on the edge of Finley's bed. "Finley, you can't just tie him up and, Lukas...Don't purposefully annoy him"

"But mum, he's always annoying me" Lukas complained


"Finley!" Nathan shouted "Stop trying to tie your brother up and Lukas?!"Lukas looked at him from my lap "Don't purposefully annoy your brother"

I laughed as he just repeated what I had said. He closed his eyes again and suddenly opened them "How about we call Nanny and Grandpa?"

Both boys jumped up at the mention of my parents. My mother and my father both came to Nathan and I's wedding, my mother being released from hospital the year after I left, my dad becoming less and less dependant on alcohol by the day until one day he became T-total clean. The same year Lukas was born and nathan and I were married, they both moved up near to us, making sure they get to see their grand children. I still had never met Nathan's parents, he doesn't even speak of them.

Our wedding was small, with only my half of the family there, and a few friends from school including Josh. Josh has married now, two years previously and the last I heard his wife was expecting their first child. The empty hole in my chest from losing my twin was practically invisible, filled with the love and adoration for my family. Of course I still miss her, I think about her everyday and how much she would've loved the boys.

But then, I may not have the life I have now if she was still with us. I shook this thought and watched as both boys bounded around Finley's room, chanting to themselves. I looked to Nathan who winked back at me "Maybe even stay the weekend?"

The boys gasped and looked at another and back at their dad nodding frantically. I laughed quietly to myself at their eagerness, Nathan nodded and walked out the room, I stood and told them both to behave before walking out and following Nathan back to our bedroom.

He took the house phone from it's holster and dialled my parents number, he winked at me again before it picked up.

"Hello, Marie" He smiled "We're all good this end, how about you?... Good, yeah, I was going to ask if you wanted to have the kids this weekend?... Brilliant, thanks Marie, they'll be ready in 15 minutes for you, bye"

He threw the phone over to the end of the bed where we were both sat "A kids free weekend, what are we going to do?"

He edged close to me but I shoved him back "Well, first we're getting them ready to go"

He chuckled and stood up, I followed him out of the room and headed for Lukas' room while Nathan made his way back to Finley's room. I pulled Lukas' pack up bag out from under his bed and began to pack bits up for them, ready for their weekend. Once I was done, I pulled some clothes for Lukas to wear today and walked back to Finley's room. Nathan was sat on the floor with the boys climbing over him, still only in his boxers. I laughed and leant on the door frame.

Nathan looked up at me "Finley is packed"

I shook my head, smiling at the three of them "How about you two boys get dressed? Lukas honey, I've got your clothes here"

Lukas came and got his clothes from me and began getting himself dressed, Finley on the other hand picked his own clothes out and got himself dressed also. Once both of them were done we all went down stairs and placed the boys pack up bags by the front door. We sat them both at the table and gave them a bowl of cereal each, they finished just in time for there to be a knock at the door.

I opened it and was met with the smiling faces of my parents, I hugged them both and invited them in. The boys ran at them screaming with glee, my mother greeted Nathan and chuckled at the fact he was still in nothing but his boxers "Did we interrupt the making of child number three?"

Despite my twenty eight years of age, I still managed to blush at her comment "No mom, we woke up to your eldest grandson trying to tie his brother to his bed"

My dad laughed and ruffled both their hairs "They're boys, let them have their fun"

Nathan laughed and handed both the pack up bags to my dad "They're full of beans"

My mom picked Lukas up and planted a big kiss on his cheek "Well you wont let us take them for a weekend so you two can have sometime"

I scratched the back of my neck "They're my children, it's my responsibility to look after them, not constantly asking my parents to look after them for me"

They both nodded before my dad pulled me into a hug "You two enjoy your time together"

Nathan put his arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple, we both said goodbye to the boys and thanked my parents again before they left and we were consumed in silence. Nathan came over to me and wrapped me in his arms "Time to ourselves"

I looked up at him and pressed my lips to his, I took his hand and we began to clumsily make our way up the stairs, stopping on nearly every step, craving the taste of the others lips. When we got to the top we were so lust filled I opened the nearest door to us, which happened to be the spare room. I broke away from Nathan and looked around the room, Nathan did the same.

Taking my waist in his hands he kissed down my neck "Why do we have a spare room?"

I shrugged my shoulders, and he looked up at me "Seems like a waist of space"

I nodded and clicked onto what he was getting at "You want another baby?"

He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders "Why not? I mean, we both work, we have the funds, we have the space. The boys are older now, I mean... Do you?"

I smiled and kissed his lips softly "I would love another baby"

He smiled and attached his lips to mine again, pushing us down onto the floor "Let's now hope your mom doesn't actually interrupt the making of baby number three"


I squeezed Nathan's hand as the midwives and doctor rushed around me, I was used to this place. Giving birth to my third child, I was told to give my final push before the sound of my new born baby filled the room. I laid my head back, exhausted with the effort of birthing him.

"Another boy" Nathan sniffed and kissed my temple

I smiled and looked as he pulled his phone out to check the time, he chuckled out loud as my baby was passed to me "What?" I whispered tears blurring my vision as I looked over my newborn child

"You're not going to believe this" He turned his phone over to show me the time. I smiled and kissed him "It's 3am, it's our time"

Nathan looked at the baby in my arms "Our crazy unexpected time"

Nathan placed his finger in our baby's hand, I watched as the small fingers curled around his. Nathan smiled and kissed my forehead

"A lot can happen and 3am"




I want a Nathan/Dylan thing!!!

Anyway, this book has now finished and I wanted to thank you all so much for reading it. I love it so much and am very sad to see it go


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