KISMET (sequence 1) ON HOLD

Da graceaghedo

19 5 0

How can the gods cursed the one person they favoured with a great task..?? How can they foretell my end befor... Altro



1 1 0
Da graceaghedo


"Ejakulieren (ejaculate) for me, my Lord..."I whimpered and I felt his hot liquid spreading through my womb mixing with my release...

A hot burning sensation and I screamed out his name..

He kissed my neck, as I relaxed to his kisses, the hotness cooling off...

"I love you Kamerad..."I breathed out...

"I love you more princess..."he muttered before collapsing beside me...


We all gathered around in a big circle.. The high priestess and seer sitted in the middle with their servants standing beside them..

We all know it was time to seek for the octave....

"As long as the octave is not at our temple, we can't guarantee any Victory.."mom stated

She's narrow minded...

And that's the reason, Kira is always at war with her...

"The blood moon is approaching... We are yet to find the Octave (moon shell).. Victory is determined my our actions and intentions..."High priestess spoke up..

"We should send our knight to accompany the princess..."Father suggested..

"I agree with the king... I'll lead the army.."i spoke up...

"No.... You're the future king of our land... You stay behind..."mom interjected...

"I'm not the chosen one... I'm the chief knight.. I go with my army..."

"The sun and moon appear at different time but their aim is one.. To illuminate the world.. The moon takes over at night so the sun can rest. And the sun take over by day so the moon can rest. Without one, darkness consumes the surface of the earth..."The seer spoke up..

And my gaze fell on my sister..

She seems to understand what the seer was talking about...

It's like the message is meant for Kira...

"The marked one was attacked by the east, if the best knight leaves the city unguarded, they'll attack again...."mother stated

"Prince Tigard will lead the army... The army leaves at dawn tommorow heading to the east first, find those responsible and by our law punish them I'll give you a seal to give to their chief. After the mission is completed let the search for the Octave (moon shell) commence immediately...."My father the chief ordered...

And we answered chorusly...

"Salaam...."dad said dismissively...

My sister, Coco and I sat down under the oak tree...

"Our land is so green and beautiful, it is the beauty of Topeka (capital of Kansas)"My sister spoke up...

"It won't be like this, if we don't succeed... Some of us won't see this land ever again..."she said

"Fate will take its course... We just do our best...."I spoke up...

"What will you miss, if you don't return Coco..?"She asked..

"I'll miss my pa... I'll miss you, my prince and the beauty of the rising sun from this tree... This is truly the beauty of Topeka..."he answered

"I'll miss barging into my sister's room.. I'll miss her smile, her stubbornness, Ziza and our parent..."I muttered

"Hmmmmmmm.... I won't miss anything because I'll be watching over everything and everyone I love..."She replied happily...

"We should head back, eat good meal, take warm bath and enjoy the comfy of our beds... From tommorow to gods knows when, we won't have such privileges..."I muttered and they chuckled...

"Alright warriors... Let's enjoy our nights...."


The People of Kansas all assembled before the temple as they prayed for us..

The seer gave us only a map...

She whispered in my ear saying "think only of the doom that may befall this land, if you don't make it out alive.."

Then with a final parting words, the high priestess said

"When it's time to take a decision.. Remember the words of the seer..."and I rolled my eyes....

Tigard and I decided to travel with 30 knights including Coco, making us a total of 32..

I carried my parrot along with me, I can't go to war without my trustable messenger and secret warrior..

Tema, my loyal parrot...

I embraced my father, brother, friend and mother before climbing unto my horse...

I did not look back as I rode away..

We traveled across the water.. By noon we crossed our boarders..

We rode towards the east and formed a camp in the middle of mount Taqre, few meters away from a small village known as Aqkda.. it shares boundaries with Toga, which is the frontier of the east region...

We sent ten men to haunt and gather woods...

We made a burning fire where we roasted our animals caught from the haunt..

After we finished eating, we heard strange chattering noises..

"Tema..."I called out for my bird. And he came..

"Go!!!"I commanded and he flew away..

"It seems like the village is being attack..."Coco stated..

"Let's wait for Tema to bring his report.."immediately Tema came back and whispered to my ear...

"They are celebrating a festival.."I announced and they sigh in relief...

"I think we should inspect the city, maybe we'll find any lead..."I suggested.

"We can't all go like this, it'll draw unnecessary attention..."Tigard stated...

"Six of us is enough... We'll go in disguise.."

"Kira, Teg, Coco, Pete, Wod and I will go into the city... The rest of you will take turns watching each other... If we are not back before midnight, come for us....."

"How do we identify the thugs...??"Pete asked...

"They all have a similar tattoo... It's like a circle and a cross... The cross came out of the circle"I explained drawing the symbol on the ground...

"Ask any artist about the design... I believe they took shelter here. Because he was injured, he couldn't have gone that far without treatment..."I muttered...

"Salaam..."We greeted each other before wearing our robe...

Wod and I team up as we went north wing... This place was crowded as people danced around enjoying their festival..

We searched around but found no lead... A white dove caught my attention and I walked towards it...

"Oheda!!!"Wod and I greeted the trader in their language...

"Oheda"he replied...

"How much for her...??"I asked

"100 cowries... She a trained instrument.."

"Hmmmmm 60 cowries can I afford..."

"80 cowries..."

"65 cowries fair bargain..."I stated firmly...

"Sold..."he said opening his hands to collect the money and I paid him up...

The bird squawk happily...

"Sisa..."I repeated after her...

"You do like bird alot..."The trader pointed out.

"Yes I do..." And sisa bite his neck...

He groaned loudly, scratching his neck and I noticed he has a burnt mark on his neck...


"I've had worst..."he replied..

"Sorry for asking personal questions but how did you get that scar..??."I asked..

And he suddenly looked uncomfortable

"I'm princess Kira, from Kansas..."I introduced myself

"The marked one...??"he asked

"Yes.."I showed him my wrist...

"You can trust me..."

"Follow me..."he said...

"Wod stay behind and watch his goods..."I instructed before taking off with him...

He brought me to a hut, which seems like his house..

It has a molded small cave used for burning firewood that keeps the hut warm...

"He threatened me and burnt me with my own wood..."

"Who was he...??? When did it happen..??"I asked

"It happened about few days or a week ago.. He was seriously injured..."

I took a charcoal from the cold ashes, I drew the tattoo..

"Did he bear this mark..?"I asked

"Yes, on his right arm...."

"Where can I find him..?? Do you know where he was heading to after you treated him..?"I asked

"I escorted him to Toga... He headed towards the region's gate..."

"Thank you so much.... May the gods of our land bless and protect you and your offspring..."

"I've heard so many things about you princess.. But keep in mind, he's a walking poison... He deals with deadly poison and rumor has it that he is the sword of his master Bathoe... The powerful and brutal chief of the region...."

"Thank you so much sir.... Sorry I didn't get to know your name..."

"It's better that way... Go and conquer.. my people have lived long enough in fear of Bathoe's wrath..."

"I'll bring justice... I promise..."I bowed at him before walking out of his hut...

Both of us following separate path, I met Wod where I left him with sisa...

I called Tema and sent him to signal the others to return back to the camp....


We rode before the first cock crow, we arrived at Togo before sun rise. We knew the chief was already aware of our arrival at his boarder gate..

We arrived at the gate of the region at sunset and headed straight to the central with our army..

When we arrived at the central..

The chief's army were awaiting our presence showing hostility.

We were trapped in the central..

Even though I explained to them we brought our sealed decree by our chief they attacked us...

They had about fifty army... And more surrounding the palace..

We battled with them, our men made way for us as the six of us went past through into the palace... Taking down any guard that tries to stop us...

Coco, Tigard and I headed into the chief's Chambers...

We met about 15 bandit that bears that tattoo and the chief himself...

"Seeing you alive angers me alot... How did you survive...?"Bathoe asked me..

"The gods saved me...."

"We are not here to overthrow your rule but you left us with no choice..."Tigard spoke up...

"Kill them...."Bathoe ordered...

The three of us formed a triangle, as we take down each of them on after the other..

"Do not let their weapon slash you... It contains poison..."I warned them as I struggled with one that was forcing his sword on my neck...

Tigard stabbed him from behind, I maneuvered him and slice his throat with his own sword...

We were left with two men and Bathoe...

"We see again..."I recognize the man from the river...

"The chief is mine..."Tigard announced..

Coco face off the last thug...

He charged towards me swinging both of his sword...

Just as i was few step away from him, I climbed unto a drum, I jumped up and held the rope my hand could reach...

In a swift motion, using my left hand to hold unto the rope dearly, i cut off his head..

His blood splashed on my face..

And I jumped down....

Staring at his bloody head in disgust...

"You're evil..."Bathoe yelled before he was silenced for good...

"That was easy..."I announced...

"I'll sound the bell while you stick their heads on a pole..."Tigard said to Coco...

"I'll send father the message..."I said.... I grabbed an empty scroll from Bathoe's table.. i wiped my face with my thump and stamped it on the left side of the scroll. Before washing my hand and face with a jar of water.. Then I took little amount of bathoe's blood from the floor and stamped it at the right side before using the ink to write the message...

I called on Tema and tied the message around his leg and sent sisa to accompany him...

So she can get acquainted with the road to my land....


The people gathered around including the family of the late chief..

They all gasped as they saw the head of Bathoe on the pole...

"Oheda!!! I'm prince Tigard from Kansas, sent by my father for a thug that tried to kill my sister, princess Kira.. But discovered that Bathoe sent these thugs... He Declined the order by my chief which is a crime punishable by death... The region cannot be ruled without a Chief.. it is your duty to choose a new leader..."

"You're fit to rule us, your highness..." A councilor spoke up

"I'm afraid I can't... That decision should be decided by you councilors... We plead for shelter and promise to depart by dawn..."

"You saved us from a tyrant your highness... Stay as long as it pleases you and we'll give you the best hospitality...."

"Oheda!!"I greeted...

"Oheda..."they replied chorusly...

"You're a hero brother..."Kira spoke up embracing me.

"I'm no hero without you... Where's sisa...??"i asked as we walked back to the shelter camp..

"She went with Tema..."

"That's good, she should get used to Topeka (capital of Kansas)"

"Where are we headed to from here...?"I asked...

"To the South... We travel south tommorow"She replied..

"I get goosebumps whenever that place is mentioned.. Those people will kill us at first sight, that's if we're able to even make it out alive from Ekdas... I'm not sure the octave will be found in such a place..."

"We have to comfirm by searching through the city's sacred ground..."

"Walking into their land is like proclaiming your death..."I muttered..

"That's the risk we have to take for the safety of our land or doom may befall us.."

"Salaam"Pete greeted

"Salaam...."my sister and I responded

"We didn't find anything here.." Pete stated...

"Salaam"Coco and wod greeted

"Salaam..."we replied

"Okay, we'll head south tommorow.... We need to eat and sleep while we can... We don't know the kind of danger that await us over there..."

"South is not really as dangerous as we heard, I rode for South once during the reign of this current chief, but the only problem is the high wall of Ekdas, i was allowed to pass because it was the crowning ceremony of the new chief else I would be dead immediately I stepped foot at the wall...."Pete stated...

"But the region has become more peaceful and loving than we once heard about..."Wod added....

"We need to eat, bath and sleep.... Our journey commence tommorow"Kira said dismissively..

"Salaam..."They bowed before walking away...

"Oheda"a servant greeted

"Oheda..."We responded

"Your highness your dinner and bath is ready..." She stated...

"Thank you.... Please lead the way..."

"See you later..."Coco said dismissively..

"We're going together...."I stated

"Being our best friend gives you the royalty treatment..."Kira muttered and Coco chuckled as we walked along with us....

"Will your Lord visit you tonight.."I muttered to my sister and she burst into laughter..

"I reek of blood.. I wouldn't like to make him impure with my stinky smell and hands...."she replied..

"Oooohhh!!! You won't think of that during the lonely days.."i said and she rolled her eyes...


Tema and Sisa arrived midnight, their squawking call woke me up from my slumber..

I felt a presence by my side and I knew he was with me..

I doze off feeling relaxed and calm..

After the first three cock crow, we began out journey to the South..

We were given lots of food and water...

When we rode past the gate of Aqkda, I was hoping to see the trader but I didn't...

At noon we crossed through the fountain lake, at night we made a camp in a deserted bush and laid there.. At dawn we commence our journey, we strive harder and by noon we arrived at the high walls of the ekdas...

Ekdas is Known for its mysterious magic force.... They are the protectors of the southern region...

The weather suddenly changed, as we were left in thick darkness....

"Calm down everyone and step down from your horse...."Tigard instructed..

We couldn't see each other but our heavy breathing helped create awareness of the nearest person...

"We need light...."Someone spoke up...

I can't use my magic like this, it'll raise suspicion and it'll create awareness and draw unnecessary attention towards me..

I heard strange whistling sound....

"We're not alone... Stay together...."I whispered loud enough for everyone to hear me...

"Tokche.... We're Kansas... Sent by our chief from Topeka (capital of Kansas) We wish to travel south... Please grant us our wish...."I shouted to the unknown presence....

We waited for a moment or so but no response, only a whistling sound was heard..

"I don't think they understood what you said..."Tigard whispered...

This is so creepy strange...

"We just have to try...."

"Are you sure you passed through this place...?"Tigard asked

"Yes your highness but something strange is going on here... Like really creepy strange... "Pete answered...

"Em... Tokche..."I greeted again..

And green eyes surrounded us...

"It's a trap...."I panicked....

Taking advantage of the situation at hand, I created fire from my mind surrounding us, which serve as a form of light...

"They're monsters...."Someone screamed...

"Get..."the voice was cut short as he was slammed hard towards the other monsters and shredded into pieces....

"That did not just Happen..."I mumbled to myself...

"Attack....."Tigard charged...

But we were sent flying back, as some unlucky knight we're shred into pieces...

"We're all gonna be dead meats...."Wod cried.....

And he was right....

We're all gonna be dead meats

© Winner Godwin


Grace Aghedo

May 2022

All rights reserved......

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