I Thought It Would Be Me (Spa...

By OhHale2TheNo

51.3K 1.5K 349

Spencer thought that after all this time, It would be her. More

I thought it would be me
If only
Why can't that be me?
That day
Please read
That's Not Her
He loves me
Is It True?
Will you marry me?
What is wrong with me?
It was always me
I Don't Deserve Her
This is my life now
I need you
Just Listen
I'm Ready
Please don't be mad
Sparia Night

Those Three Words

2.2K 87 13
By OhHale2TheNo

Aria's POV

I remain frozen as I try to take this all in. She loves me. My best friend loves me. How can she love me?

I look at her body curled up on the floor and sigh. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. What are you supposed to do when you find out your best friend loves you?

"Spencer....?" I mumble as I feel a tear roll down my cheek. "Spencer...how long have you-"

"Why do you care?" she interrupts. "You know what, why are you even here right now? Shouldn't you be with him?. After all, you're getting married, so why don't you just go running back to him?" She spits.

"Because I want to be with you right now" I reply as more tears make their way down my face. "Spencer please...y-you have to believe me I had no clue what was going on. But I'm here now, so please tell me everything so I can understand?"

Spencer's POV

I sigh and after a moment of silence I give in. "six years" I whisper as I feel ashamed of myself.

"Spence...I can't hear you. Please come over here?" She asks, patting the bed next to her, but I don't move. I turn my head slightly, not looking at her and take a deep breath. "Six years" my voice shakes, louder this time. My head drops down to keep my face hidden; it's too embarrassing.

"S-si...six...years... ?" She whispers faintly. I give a small nod and feel tears surround my eyes again.

"But Spence...we've only been friends for six years..." She replies softly. I sniff and bury my face in my knees because I don't think I can show my face ever again. I don't think I can talk to her ever again without wanting to sink into the ground and disappear. God knows what she's thinking right now. There is a high chance that I have just lost my best friend for ever in three seconds, with three stupid words. I love you. I regret ever saying that to her. It will never mean what it used to, and it will never mean the same thing ever again. I've lost everything I ever had, everything that gave me a reason to smile, all because of three words. Just three, stupid, stupid words.

"So...you...you've liked me since we...met?". She says weakly as she realises what she had just said. I guess there really is no good way to react to a moment like this.

I try to reply but my involuntary cries take over, releasing everything. Everything I have ever felt towards her has built up inside over six years, and now its all rushing out of my system. All the hope I ever had towards this working out, all the hope I never should have relied on, instead of excepting the truth. You know how I feel about hope. Everyone does; it breeds eternal misery.

I curl up once again and it takes me by surprise when I soon feel a pair of arms wrap around my body. Well you know what they say; expect the unexpected.

We stay there in silence for what seems like forever before I finally build up the courage to speak. "Aria, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" She answers calmly.

"Why do you always go back to him? After everything he's done to you, for some reason you forgive him and take him back each time. Why do you do that to yourself Aria? He doesn't deserve you" I finally manage to look up at her and she sighs deeply.

"I don't know. I'm just as confused as you are, Spence. Part of me knows this is wrong and that I shouldn't be with him, but most of me doesn't seem to want to let go. If I say yes, I'll be with him forever. If I say no, I'll lose him forever, and I'm not ready for either of those things".

"Does that mean you're going to say yes?" I ask, half regretting it because I am beyond terrified of the answer.

She looks down and nervously plays with her hands, without a word.

*Heyy guys I am soooo sorry for the long wait! I really wanted to update but I've had so much going on and I know that doesn't really seem like a good excuse it's the truth. If I could have updated I would have. Anyways, here's the next chapter for you and I really hope you enjoy it and hopefully I can update more often now the
At the exams I actually care about are over. Thanks for those who still read this, and don't forget to comment :)

-H xx

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