His Demand

By shyliekitten

46 2 0

I stumbled into his office looking for a job that would get me out of my home town. Instead I stumbled into h... More

Author's Note


1 0 0
By shyliekitten

The Room

The sun bounced off the glass in the living room burning my sleepy eyes. I yawned once before I slowly sat up feeling my head rush. By the position of ht sun it looked to be around 10 am in the morning. I looked around the penthouse and I began to remember the events from the night before. I groaned feeling the embarrassment wash over me but yet here I was sitting in my bosses penthouse in the middle of Seattle. I stood to my feet and the cold marble floors woke me up quickly. I began to wonder trying to find Kaiden to let him know I needed to get home.

I looked around on this first floor and I found the kitchen and a bathroom but there wasn't music on this main floor. I wondered up the beautiful staircase to was I assume is the bedrooms and I saw several doors. Some leading to guest bedrooms and such then one door caught my eye at the very end of the hallway. I wondered to it curiously. I tried to open up the door handle but it was locked. The door unlike all the had a blue doorknob on it.

"Can I help you?" I heard his husky voice. I turned around quickly caught in my acts. Kaiden stood there slightly agitated with wet hair fresh from a shower he must've just got out of. His pajama pants hung low on his hips showing me a perfect v line that lead to perfect abs and pecks. I drooled a little bit between my legs seeing all of him in front of me. It was simply unprofessional of the both of us. "I was just looking for you uh..." I wanted to ask him about the room but I was too scared too knowing that it had to be locked for a reason.

"Well don't go in there it's non of your business." He snapped at me as he shook out his wet hair with his hand for a moment. "Come on I'll make you breakfast real quick." He said and I nodded sheepishly walking behind him back down to the kitchen. I sat on the bar stool as he opened up the fridge and looked. "Do you like eggs?" He asked and I nodded at him making eye contact. a smirk grew on his lips and he asked me again. "Do you like eggs? Use your words like an adult." He mocked and I blushed a little bit. "Yes sir." I replied quietly.

He pulled out several ingredients before he pulled out a pan and began to cook. "How did you sleep?" He asked after a long moment of us being quiet. "As good as I could on a couch." I snarked and he smiled to himself. "Well I was preparing the guest room for you but by the time I came back down here to find you you made a good spot on the couch so I let you be." I nodded my head at him understanding what he was saying. "Denali I don't ever want you to drink like that again." He said handing me a plate with a omelette in it. 

I picked up my fork and I focused on my plate trying not the make eye contact with him. "Why do you care so much? It's not like it really affects you." I mumbled and he stopped what he was doing and he propped his hands up on the counter bracing himself. "But it did... I don't even want to know what would've happened to you if you didn't accidentally call me." I was quiet for a moment in realization about last night and harm that was done to me. 

My heart sank slightly how alone in that moment I felt but yet it was Kaiden that came to my rescue. A unexpected heart that showed they care. "I'm sorry." I said quietly feeling the shame of my own actions. "When people drink bad things happen I will preach that until the day I die." He said as he finished cooking his own omelette. He came around the bar and took a seat beside me and we ate in quiet. 

I wonder why he keeps telling me not to drink. I understand his scare but what happened to him that he thinks that way? I tried to let go of my shame for not being sober enough and letting my friends pressure me into drinking more and more. But also I defended my own thoughts knowing that even if I was sober I couldn't have fought off a drunken frat boy due to my size. It was the frat boys actions that couldn't be forgiven because he knew exactly what he was doing to a defenseless woman. 

"It wasn't your fault that's not what I' saying." He mumbled before taking the next bite of his omelette. "What?" I was drawn out of my own thoughts at his comment. "You were talking out loud you're right it was the jackass that tried doing those actions against you. It was all his fault not yours I don't want you to think I was blaming you." We stared at each other for a moment and I felt his leg touch mine and stay there for a moment. Like he was trying to comfort me without me noticing but I for sure noticed. 

"Last night you said you were on that side of town...were you really?" I asked him and he shook his head no. "I used your phone service to track where you were and luckily you were only a few blocks from my friends house whose I was at." He explained to me and i Nodded slowly not caring to question his FBI technology. "Thank you Kaiden... You really helped me last night." I said and he shrugged his shoulders finishing his omelette.

"I'm just happy you're unharmed." He said grabbing both of our plates and putting them in the sink with the rest of the dirty dishes he caused. "I would hate to see anything bad happen to you." He said leaning back on the counter. "Why is that?" I asked him softly and he just stared at me seriousness crossing his eyes before they softened into a look I've seen a few times before. "Because I have an instinct to protect you from harm. One I haven't felt in a very long time." 

We stared at each other for another long moment as I let his words sink in. My heart was pounding in my chest at this situation began to deepen. "Do you have feelings for me?" I asked him and he stared at me for a moment thinking of his answer. He straight his posture before he spoke and his walls were up again. "No I don't have feelings for you. You're my employee and I would hate to see anything bad happen to the people that work for me. Who would I have as my receptionist?" He questioned me and I took a deep breath letting my accusations subside.

"I don't know maybe someone more qualified than me." He smirked at me breaking the seriousness. "You're not going to let that go will you?" He asked me moving around the kitchen nd I smiled as well. "Not until you stop believing it. By the way where's my phone?" I asked and he pointed towards the couch. "I plugged it up for you so it was charged. It has been going off all morning it was Ari but I didn't want to answer cause it wasn't my place." I nodded standing up and going to grab it.

Kaiden's phone went off with a call as well and he wondered into another room to answer the call. I looked at my phone to see I had 20 missed calls from Air 5 from James and several text messages from Ari. She was freaking out asking me where I was so I decided to call her. It rang once before she answered. "where the fuck are you?" She said in a worried tone and I took a deep breath. "After I left last night some dude tried assaulting me but Kaiden was able to get the guy off me and save me."

"Who is Kaiden?" She asked me and I paced back and forth hugging myself. "Mr. Harl my boss. In fact he took me back to his house and I'm still here." I continued to explain to her and she hummed. "How did he find you?" She asked and I sighed brushing my tangled hair away from my face. "He was in the area and I accidentally called him when I was pushed so he knew I was in trouble." I could hear James on the other end of the phone. "Is that Denali?" I could tell he was worried as well and Ari talked him down to calm him assuming him that I was fine.

"Just know I'm safe and I'm fine I don't even have a scratch." I assured her and she sighed over the phone. "I'm just happy you're alright." I said Kaiden walk back into the room his eyes tied to his phone in his hand. "I gotta go I'll talk to soon." I said hanging up after she said goodbye. "I'll take you home shortly. I have a business call I have to jump on real quick but after that we can leave." I nodded my head at him. "This is a odd question but do you mind if I borrow a hair brush?" I asked him and he looked up froths phone.

"You can take a shower if that would make you feel better." He answered and I nodded feeling bit spoiled by his luxurious life. "Upstairs door to the left I'll bring you a towel." He said and I nodded as we parted ways and I found my way to the bathroom. The bathroom was covered in black marble and the shower curtain was all black as well. I found a hair brush under the sink and I brushed my hair out before I stripped off my clothes and I hopped into the stay shower.

When I was done washing my body with lavender soap I turned off the water and I heard the door open. I peak from behind the curtain and I saw Kaiden standing in the doorway holding a towel. He glance at me his eyes scanning what he could see in the crack of the curtain. "Thank you." Is all I could whisper his eye staying locked with mine and I let my mind slip to places I shouldn't be in. He placed the towel down on the floor so he didn't have to walk in and then he shut the door behind himself.

I jumped out of the shower and I wrapped myself in the towel and I looked around for the party dress I was wearing but instead all I found was a pair of high waisted jeans and one of his button up shirts. I put the clothes on that were given to me and the jeans fit perfectly surprisingly. I walked out with my towel in my hand I met Kaiden down in the living room. "Thank you for the clothes. "I said and he nodded his head he was sitting on the couch with his laptop on his lap. He closed the screen then stood taking a good look at me. Then a brief smile showed on his lips.

"I'm happy those jeans fit I was curious to see if they would." He said and I shrugged my shoulders. "How did you know they were my size and how did you get them?" He shrugged his shoulder as well. "Oh just a wild guess by eying it." He said then he walked towards the elevator where his coat were hung up. "Are you ready to go home?" He asked me and I nodded my head ta him grabbing my phone and putting on the heels I was wearing last night.

We got not the elevator and we lower down to the garage floor once more in which we got in a different car. A Volvo s60 was nothing less then luxurious to ride in and I could tell that he hadn't owned this car long because it was clearly the newest model. I sat in his car quietly as we listened to music on a low volume. I gave him directions to my apartment and he just followed them no questions asked. When we pulled up to my apartment he looked at it with judgement in his eyes. "Is this it?" He asked in a stern tone.

"It doesn't look very safe." He continued and I gathered my things. "Well I'll be moving in a week to a better and safer apartment in Seattle so I don't have to deal with it long." I explained trying to make up for my lack of luxury living. He looked at me and then he gave me a full body glance once more. "Be safe I will see you Monday morning." He said and I nodded saying goodbye and climbing out of the car and making my way up to my apartment. 

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