The Essence of Balencia

By the_ink_of_balencia

1.3K 217 491

When my skin is not my own and the heart is tainted, there is still one thing that will always belong to me... More

I wish to smell heaven
He who reeks
The Water Surveillant
The Warriors in Dresses
The Blood for His Gain
I Heard The Weeping Willow
She Who Smiles
The Enternal Evanescent
The Fire that Sparked It All
The Psithurism
I Desire The Infiräd
She Who Destroyed
The Distribution
The Masked Ones
The Blighted Bay
I Ate The Lemon
He Burned Coal
The Lightening Illuminances
The Era of Zulumat
I Acended From The Dirt
She Stained The Ink
The Creator of All Things
The Birth of Balencia
The Mirage in The Desert
I Saw The Rafflesia
He Feasts blackened
The Dine and Dash
The Lips that Sealed Hers
The Veiled Samurai
I Held a Staff Similar
She Was The Flame Blade
The Clysmic Ocean
The Pandemonium
The Start to Ruler
I Voyage With or Without You
She Was Tamed by Illuminances
The Calling Eminence
The Obsidian Ignite
The Viridian Cure
I Ended The Alsaru
She Awakened
The Mountain Didn't Crumble
The Day of Reckoning
The Sea and In-between
I Am The Blacksmith Daughter
He is The Elevated Summit
The Comforting Musk
The Drink of Death
The Kingdom of Balencia
I Am The Queen
He Honoured The Flames
The Sisters of Yazzir
The Devil Queen and Khushboo
I Turned Destruction Into a Speck of Heaven
The Land of Daweyt (healed)

The Smokeless Fire

29 3 5
By the_ink_of_balencia

The untamed warriors velvety curls bounced and danced in the sombre wind like a delicate shawl basking its ends in the air. She walked slowly with power tangled into her every walk almost giving off sparks for every time her foot hit the ground. Lalzari's midnight brown eyes twinkled like a shooting star escaping the atmosphere heading straight for its target. She walked in front of the leader, just inches away from his face. She wouldn't actually ever dare to fight The Makhulqat, would she? One of the strongest tribes that have such darkness running through their blood that they cannot be saved. How could an unknown maiden ever fight them?

She starred at The Makhulqat leader studying his inhumane features. His skin looked like cracked cement, grey and ill-coloured. The cracks exposing red flesh that heated up into flames and became one with his pale blue smokeless hair imitating the glowing delicate blue parts of a flame. He was made out of fire.

"The sins you do... They will always catch up with you" Lalzari said almost in a whisper (slice!) "ARGHHHHH" The leader screamed in agony as Lalzari's heated emei piercer slit through his throat making him fall to the ground like a speck of dust floating out of existence. And in that moment both The Makhulqat and the three warriors knew there was no going back.

(WOOSH) Ahmali jumped up on one of the gravestones and launched herself like an escaping bullet towards a Makhulqat using the chains between her nunchucks to encapture the dark entity, strangling him.

Meanwhile Mareeb didn't hesitate to drive into action using his slender body to dodge any attacks coming his way and when the chance occured he took out his sword and stabbed the opponents without hesitation.

Lalzari's fist cluttered on one of The Makhulqat's face as she put a hole in his stomach. The sunken man cried and begged with his twitching voice as he plead "don't kill me, don't..." Lalzari saw his eyes but made sure not to meet them, she slammed her fist into his nose to eliminate any vision he might have had. He's hurt, not moving, but Lalzari kept on going. She could smell his fear as it poured out of him and reached up and stuffed itself into her nose. Once he was no longer moving she left him to bleed on the cold ground like an open wound left without aiding.

The fighting royalty's emei piercers got swung out of her hands by another Makhulqat and out of her reach. "It's time" Lalzari breathed as she starred at her fists and backed up. The smokeless entity stared at the fully charged vixen in almost awe. A women, an unknown... This strong? And just like that she launched her fist like a canon towards The Makhulqat's face (BOW BOW BOW).

Images of Jamshar training Lalzari to fist fight, flood the fighting vixens mind. "Side, side dodge. Swing, swing, punch. Good girl!"

Jamshar stood tall as his muscular body danced from side to side, his eyes fixated on his beloved wanting her to fight without hesitation. His coffee coloured dreads hung over his long strong face as he moved like an invisible mountain. His scar ran through his forehead and passed his eyes which reminded Lalzari that in battle there is no hesitation. Jamshar's samurai voice praised the shy girl turning her into a fierce woman. "Pull it back" Jamshar commanded as Lalzari pulled back her fist and fired it towards him.

(POW) Lalzari's fist slammed into The Makhulqat's shoulder in his attempt to dodge. Yet he acted quickly and drew his arm back and drove his fist into Lalzari's nose. Her head flying as her eyes locked on the sky, she stumbled. Her left foot slid on the muddy floor and she braced the heel of her boot against the slushy dirt. Her hands rose to cover her nose, eyes squeezing shut.

"You devil worshipping lowlife," Lalzari snarled as she stepped forward, left leg pulling back and struck out. Her instep slammed into The Makhulqat's shin with a solid crunch like bubble wrap paper being popped. The Makhulqat yelped, his right leg lifting off the ground, head dropping as he leaned forwards. Seizing the back of his head with her fingers, Lalzari forced his skull down and rammed her knee into his face.

"AHHHHHHHH" he exclaimed as Lalzari jolted for her emei piercers grabbing them and ramming them into the back of his skull ending his life like an unborn fetus.

The golden lightening activated rushing through Lalzari's veins as she seized some of The Makhulqats from behind like a cobra and the group of them hurtled towards the ground like a meteor unleashing a cataclysmic explosion. Her golden illuminances firing up and slicing The Makhulqats from unknown places. The intensity of her blows could crush a mountain and with her last blow (POW).

The Makhulqats existence came to an end as they fell from the sky like rain, scattering all over the ground. "Hmph... Just like that they laid on the ground outside the very own graves they used to dig, adorned with the finest of stones, carved with the finest of detail for worship. Yet it couldn't save you in your last moments." Lalzari bespoke as she smudged the dry blood off her face only spreading it.

Ahmali's chest rose and fell quickly as the little warrior had become worn out from the fight. Her small hands covered in blisters and bruises from the nunchucks she held onto. Lalzari stared at Ahmali noticing her tired body, her flustered skin from the cold, and legs filled with blue and yellow shapes of pain.

"Ahmali? Do me a favour" Lalzari said as the voice of her snow guardian was like a charging battery for Ahmali and she rushed to Lalzari nodding enthusiastically ready to do anything her sister told her to.

"Cover yourself from now on. There are a lot of bad people. Honour your vessel" she said as she took off her shawl once more and wrapped it like a skirt on the little warriors exposed legs. Ahmali stared at her snow guardian not use to someone caring so much about her. She was use to just existing not being protected with such things. With Lalzari she was noticed.

Loud galloping infiltrated the quiet graveyard and from a distance what looked like a flock of domino pieces fell together in black flowing fabric that could only be The Khanhawar Women. Their horses slowed down as they reached the once battlefield and laid eyes upon the lifeless bodies of The Makhulqats. Malaa at the front of the flock threw her leg over her sandalwood horse sliding down its side. Her eyes widened as the sight of blood and destruction was laid out on the muddy ground like splattered paint on a canvas.

"Wha- what did you do, ye?" She said with no musical ring to her normally humming accent. She said so in a tone that was unfamiliar to the exhausted vixen. Malaa stepped forward, her eyes avoiding Lalzari's as if she was afraid to look at her.

"You killed them all? How could you?" Malaa continued as her eyes met Lalzari's with such disgust it broke a piece of Lalzari that she would never be able to regain. Am I not recognisable? The sadden maiden questioned herself as she stood quiet not knowing what to say to Malaa's accusations.

"What have you become, ye? Are you a murderer that just kills now? You were suppose to persuade not drive them out of existence! That's what Laham could've done!" Malaa roared as she stepped backwards as if Lalzari was a carnivore ready to devour anything that came her way. The electrifying words of her battle companion hurt her so bad her legs started to shake.

"I-I tried but they were evil" Lalzari defended. Another Khanhawar came off her horse and bellowed "Malaa! That's enough! You wasn't here you don't know what happened!"

"Not now Rhae!" Malaa hissed as she continued "how do you know they were evil! Did you see what was in their heart? You have no right to take lives!" Lalzari looked around at The Khanhawar Women, some stood in suprise and others in agreement, she glanced at Mareeb with his head down almost in embarrassed, her eyes ignored Ahmali as she couldn't bare to see if there was disgust in the child's eyes too.

"Malaa! Do you think I want to kill! Do you think I enjoy all of this! How can you accuse me of being a cold-hearted killer?!" Lalzari panted with such emotions it reminded her of all the times she stood alone and perhaps she would always stand alone for there didn't seem to be a single soul that understood her.

"MALAA! STOP! These were bad people! They worked with the Boblas! They killed children! Raped women! They worshipped the dead and the wealthy! They were going to hurt me too!" Ahmali roared, her defending words almost bringing tears to Lalzari's eyes as finally there was someone who spoke for her.

"The Boblas?" Malaa questioned confused and embarrassed of her accusations as she was confronted by the small child.

"YES! They worshipped darkness and was never going to change! They wanted to erase every tribe but their own!" Ahmali explained as she came to stand by her snow guardian. The graveyard was quiet once more as Malaa contemplated on her actions and sudden temper.

"Out of all people... I didn't think you'd be the kind to misunderstand" Lalzari muttered loud enough for Malaa to hear and be overflowed with guilt.

"I'm sorry, ye! I was tired from the battle with Talbazar. We defended them they're heading back to the castle" Malaa explained but Lalzari stood with her hair like closed curtains against her face, her head down starring at the same spot. The Khanhawar Women got back on their horses and before riding into the distance Malaa repeated,

"Sorry... I don't know what got over me. Forgive me, I'll find you soon again" yet Lalzari once again didn't answer but heard every word.

Once the Khanhawar Women had disappeared into the forest, the stillness over the graveyard seemed even more ominous than before. Mareeb stood in silence throughout everything which was probably for the better as Lalzari's feelings towards him still resided in her heart. Ahmali pulled the humiliated vixen down towards her tucking her thick curls behind her ear opening up the curtain. She laid her finger on her chin and lifted her face up to meet hers.

"I'm so proud of you! Come! It's time to head back" she said as a faint smile reappeared on Lalzari's face, clearing her thoughts like clouds revealing the bright sky.

Lalzari got back up with her emei piercers putting her hair back into a bun. She turned around and dragged The Makhulqat leader's dead body by his collar. She stared at his lifeless face pale and yellow, eyes sunken and dry, wrinkles formed as if he was in great agony and a smell that reeked.

"His soul is suffering..."

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