Loki's Family

By Irish_Wolves

88.8K 3.3K 548

By: darkoraclegirl Published with permission Five year old Harry is running from his cousin and friends when... More

New friends and new problems
The trials p1
Trial of Albus Dumbledore
Thr Calm before the storm
The grand Asgardian ball p1
The Grand Asgardian Ball p2
A heart is a heart, regardless of colour
On the way to Hoggywarts
A look into things on Asgard
First day and a song
Problems in Asgard are a family matter
History and stuff that matters
Asgard the realm of strife
Nundu in the garden
Musical Hoggy Warts
A smashing ball part one
Stormfront brewing
A smashing ball part 2
Trials and Quirrelmort
Coronation and banishment
Coronation and banishment p2
The road to redemption
New faces and planning
Surprise, you have family!
Family and chaos

Personal history problems for teacher

1.6K 85 20
By Irish_Wolves

As Harry entered the History of Magic classroom, he noticed it could be summed up in one word, 'drab'. Clearly, like the teacher, this class was, in another word, dead.

Runa and Godiva were both bored very quickly, as were Jarl and Ari. Harry, however, was curious about the teacher, and his supposed fixation on Goblin Wars and Goblin Rebellions. After all, as a member of Loki's family, Harry had a great fondness for the Goblins of Midgard, and was friends with a great many of them, even their king, Ragnok, who resided, in secret, at Gringrotts Britain as the manager of the bank, he said he used a cover cause he got a kick out of it when wizards realised with just WHOM they were dealing with when they crossed him and the other Goblins, Ragnok called it his own personal prank on British wizards.

As Binns drifted into the classroom through a wall, everyone took their seats, taking out their history books, and getting ready for class. However, Binns looked like he was bored out of his skull as he suddenly began with the Goblin Rebellion of 1752 led by Urg the Unclean. However, Harry clearly and quickly noted a lie told by wizards when Binns stated the Goblins were at fault for the rebellion starting. Harry knew it was a lie because he had studied Goblin History with the help of Ragnok. Thus, he knew that the rebellions that Urg the Unclean had participated in were for Goblin rights, which immediately rose red flags for Harry.

Harry knew, that Urg's reasoning's for choosing to become a Goblin leader in the rebellions, was because he had been dunked in a pond by a group of pure blooded wizards who had been arrogant and thought they could do it simply because they were human. Needless to say, what wasn't recorded in the history books written by wizards but was by the Goblins, was that the wizards had been caught during one of the Rebellion raids for resources, and had been summarily tortured with Goblin Justice, after all, what was not recorded by humans about Urg, was that he was one of the Goblin's greatest warriors who had a vindictive edge to him.

As Binns began to droned on about another of Urg's 'vicious attacks', Harry finally had enough and snapped, "Professor Binns, you are spouting hatred and lies that were recorded by human wizards," he said, his words causing everyone in the class to either gasp, wake up in the case of those who had fallen asleep, or to look on in shock, surprize or both. "Urg was a righteous Goblin, who fought back against arrogant, oppressing purebloods!" Harry shouted in conclusion.

Binns, for once in his after life, reacted with emotion, he narrowed his eyes, and said something that for once wasn't about Goblin rebellions, or Goblin raids from centuries long past. "One hundred points from Hufflepuff for questioning a teacher about their material they spent their life learning!" he commanded, shocking everyone present.

Jarl's eyes narrowed at Binns, the fact that Binns took so many points from Harry for one thing suggested to him that Binns may truly be pulling a Sif on everyone in his class. It made Jarl itch to strike Binns, but taking a swing at the teacher would be pointless for two reasons, one he's a ghost and thus it would just go right through him, and two it would give Binns reason to speak out against the four Asgardian friends of Harry's being in his class.

Runa wondered if there was a rune she could use against Binns, something to make death more uncomfortable for a long time after she uses it on him.

Ari made a mental note of Binns outburst, planning to make sure that Prince Loki would know everything that Binns said in regards to Harry, arguing with him, as well as the lies Binns was spouting to everyone he teaches.

Godiva wondered if she could get in touch with Lady Hela. Having her drop by, even if just to see Harry it would most likely make Binns shit himself, technically speaking, since, at best, Binns would shit out ghostly turds if he could, though that would require some help from Prince Loki that is. But Godiva was sure that Lady Hela and Prince Loki would be happy to do that.

Harry narrowed his eyes at Binns. This was a sign that their belief of Binns pulling a Sif could be true after all. "You may have spent a life time learning Professor, but I was taught by the Goblin King himself as well as told about the Goblin wars by my grandfather. So unless you are calling Prince Loki a liar, as well as the Goblin King, I think you owe me those points back!" Harry said as he crossed his arms over his chest, eyes narrowing more in challenge.

Binns narrowed his eyes, "Just because your royalty doesn't mean you are exempt from the rules, BOY!" Binns hissed, shocking everyone with how much emotion he was showing, "Besides, the little blighters deserve it!" he shouted, "They ruined my family, smeared my ancestors!" he said angrily forgetting himself in the process. "My ancestor, Yardley Platt, did this world a favor killing those disgusting creatures!" his words causing everyone in the class to gasp, "And my family was wiped out by Urg, but because I was a squib, and the last living member of the family, I couldn't inherit, so the Wizengamot took everything!" he shouted.

'So, this is all because of a grudge he holds. Just how many like Sif will I meet in my life?' Harry thought to himself before sighing.

Binns continued on, unaware of Harry's thoughts, "You may think it's wonderful, being royalty, being Asgardian and lording it over us, looking down on us, but to me, your just another filthy magical creature, who needs to shut up, and learn their place!" he concluded with obvious anger and hatred, shocking everyone in the class, needless to say, once this class was over, everyone in the castle would be hearing about this!

Harry gave Binns a smile, as if he wasn't affected by what he said. "So, that's what you think about me? Fair enough Professor, but let's see if you will be so happy to tell that to my aunt, when I ask my grandfather to get her to join us in class next chance she can!" Harry told him. "Oh, and by the way, I have yet to actually bring up my status as royalty to anyone outside this one moment. So for your claims of my 'lording it over everyone' there is nothing to support your claims," Harry then turned to his friends. "I think I've heard enough, care to ditch the rest of this farce of a class with me?" He then gathered his school things and left with his Asgardian friends behind him.

The rest of the class quickly followed Harry, with Binns shouting about mass detentions for everyone for leaving a class without a teacher's permission.


~Later that day, at dinner~

Nym was laughing as she looked at Harry after hearing from the source of what happened in the History of Magic class. Needless to say, it had quickly gotten around that Binns had showed emotion, that he was a racist, and that he hated Goblins, purebloods, and pretty much everyone really. Minerva when she found out had been tempted to call for an American Ghost Specialist since Britain didn't have any due to a difference of laws on Necromancy then the MACUSA did. However, when Harry informed her his grandfather would be taking care of the matter when he got a message out to him, the way he said it, the way that Harry had worded it to her, made a shiver run down her spine, and almost made her feel pity for Binns, even if she didn't know why.

Neville, who had been in the class with Harry at the time it happened, still couldn't believe how easily Harry had stood up to Professor Binns, as well as how easily that Harry had gotten everyone to follow him out of the class. It was amazing to him just how effortlessly Harry had turned things on its head and then left as if nothing had happened. How effortlessly Harry got an entire class behind him to do a walk out of the class with just one sentence, one question. Neville was in awe over it.

Ron, who was quickly growing sick of hearing about what happened in history class, it had him glaring at Harry. As far as Ron was concerned this just showed how stuck up Harry was. That Harry felt himself above attending classes and that Harry felt that he was entitled to change everything that didn't fit with what Harry liked. Ron wanted that for himself; wanted to make it so that Harry would do that for him; to lord over everything just because he could. Ron was going to make that happen...one way or another.

Draco found what happened to Binns funny, but did not show it outwardly. Binns was a fool to let his emotions get the better of him so easily. Whilst it is true that Draco himself might have so easily been ruled by his emotions if his father hadn't been locked up early in his life, the Draco that was raised by his mother, knew how to control his emotions and not allow them to control him. Still, Binns was going to get what was coming to him; there was no doubt about that as he had called the grandson of Loki a filthy magical creature. If Harry didn't tell Prince Loki about that, there was no doubt that those students who came from pureblood families that are loyal to Prince Loki would hear about it and demand Binns be punished for it.

Snape, whilst he didn't approve of what Harry did, he couldn't help but agree with what Harry did. The number of times that he wanted to walk out on Binns's class was too many to count. However one thing Snape did note was that Binns's reaction to the boy was by far worse than anything he himself had done. So needless to say Snape wouldn't want to be in Binns's shoes right now.

Pansy wanted to demand that Binns be removed for the school for speaking the way he did to Harry. Not just because of how Binns insulted the grandson of Loki, but also to show that she supports Harry and hopefully get Harry to open up to her so she could get his support. However she had heard about how Harry had brought up bringing Prince Loki and his aunt to Hogwarts, which would be by far better for Pansy as she could see about getting them behind her cause. So, she was going wait and hopefully get a chance to speak with Harry's family when they appeared at Hogwarts.

Hermione wanted to go over and ask Harry all kinds of question on what he'd learned about the Goblin wars from the Goblin King as well as Prince Loki. When she had read about them she had felt that there was a lot missing from the records. That it was strange that the Goblins seemed to have started attacking with seemingly no logical reason behind it. After all, though the Goblins at Gringotts weren't exactly friendly towards her family, they certainly didn't seem like they would just up and start attacking people. Harry could fill in the gaps that were clearly left out by the witches and wizards who wrote about them. She would have to question Harry about it next chance she got, right now she wanted to finish hear homework for her last class if she could at that moment.

Susan couldn't wait to write home about this and see about getting Amelia to look into Binns family. Partly because she wanted to see if Binns's claims of losing everything because of the Goblins were true, and partly to see if there was anything that Harry, or even Harry's family could use against Binns. Cause that much hatred clearly came from a long standing grudge. So Binns had to have many skeletons in his closet, so to speak.

Pomona couldn't believe the nerve of Binns. Speaking that way to a student was just unacceptable. Binns should be sacked and removed from the school at the very least. Pomona made sure to give the first student in her House who did something right two hundred points to make up for the one hundred points Binns took as well as to reward both the student in her House as well as Harry without anyone knowing she was rewarding Harry. As far as she was concerned, Harry had handled what happened in his History class far better than Binns had. Harry hadn't raised his voice, he hadn't thrown insults, and had removed himself from the class before things could get worse. By far the more mature course then what Binns had chosen to take. And as for Binns, if Pomona had the power to do so she would rip the bastard apart! Harry had explained he was taught about the subject not only by the Goblin King, someone who clearly would have more knowledge about the Goblin wars then any witch or wizard, but also by Prince Loki himself, someone who, for all they know could've been there during the war without anyone knowing it. And yet Binns insulted Harry and all but told Harry that it didn't matter what he was taught by two royals who clearly knew more about the subject then Binns himself. Pomona felt bad for Minerva, knowing that once news of this reached the pureblood families that are loyal to Prince Loki, they will soon be flooding Minerva's office with letters demanding the ghost be punished for his actions. Pomona promised she would give Minerva all the support she can when those letters started pouring in.

Needless to say, all anyone was talking about was the revelation that Binns was a racist, a bigot, and a person who held a massive grudge.


~A few days later~

When word had reached Loki of Binns's transgression, confrontation, and words with Harry, needless to say, he was already in a bad mood before from the coronation ceremony that would happening next summer, but now, well, now he was in a FOUL mood.

Loki had gotten Hiemdal to drop him off outside the castle that is Hogwarts. Had he been in a better mood he would have smiled at the school, thinking back to the founders and his interactions with them many years ago. However he was here because not only had his family been insulted by a ghost, but so had the Goblin Nation. Though Loki could only do so much to this Professor Binns personally, he at least could make sure that it's clear to the children that anything Binns told them was nothing more than lies and that the staff should get started looking for a replacement for Binns as soon as possible. And with Hela coming to deal with Binns herself, as ghosts and the dead are in her domain, Loki took comfort in the fact that Binns would be quickly dealt with. Either the foolish ghost would 'learn his place', as Binns had told Harry, or the school would soon find itself short one ghost and teacher. One way or another, Binns would not be getting away with his crimes.

As Loki arrived at the castle, Hela used her powers over darkness to appear within the castle behind him silently, before smirking as she tapped him on the shoulder suddenly.

Loki turned and jumped slightly in surprise before glaring at her, "Hela, we have been over this. Do not appear behind people like that. It's what puts them off wanting to get to know you better," Loki scolded. Hela would do that from time to time as a child before the Allfather had banished her. He had a feeling it was part of the reason so many had been against her as a child. Taking a breath Loki's disapproving look turned into a smile. "It is good to see you again though. I hope you have been well?" he asked with fatherly concern.

Hela snorted, "I have been fine," she said, "The search for the Death Cheater's remaining soul fragments however, has proven...frustrating...to put it simply..." she said angrily, it had deeply frustrated her that the one sister stolen from her had yet to appear in the realm of Helheim for some strange reason, as she should have done so already, this too frustrated her, as she wanted to get to know the sister she never got to meet. It also frustrated her that she had yet to hunt down the rest of the soul of the one who stole her sister from the living world. Needless to say, combined, both irked her something fierce.

Loki was disappointed to hear that she hadn't gotten far with the search of Lilias's killer. He wanted him to pay for his crimes sooner rather than later. However, as Loki knows very little on the methods his daughter was using to track the other fragments he really couldn't say if this was normal or not. "Well, at least you now will have something to take that frustration out on, given what all Harry has told me of this Professor Binns. I suspect that you will soon have a new addition to your realm," Loki assured her. At the very least this would serve to help calm both of their minds and allow them to focus better on the tasks they have before them. In Loki's case it's showing Asgard that Thor is not ready for the throne, while in Hela's case it is tracking down her sister's killer. "Shall we make our way to the Head Mistress's office? Or would you like to make this a public matter?" Loki asked her.

Hela smirked, "Those of Loki Blood that have been wronged demands a public spectacle, father," she replied with a smirk.

Loki smirked, "True, and it would be much more satisfying to take him down in front of his own class. Let us find the Head Mistress, inform her of what we are going to do, and then get to his class."


~In the Classroom Later~

Harry was stuck, in yet another class with Binns, after the first one, Binns was still acting as Professor, mostly by the grace of the Board, or at least the members who still wanted Dumbledore around anyway, something that disgusted the other board members and had them considering if they needed 'new blood' on the board of Governors. Harry, meanwhile, was wondering when Loki and Hela were likely to show up.

When the door to the class room opened the only one who didn't turn to see who was there was Binns, as he was too focused on what he was saying to notice anything other than his own voice and thoughts, which is why he missed Loki entering the room until Harry called out in greeting to him. Loki gave Harry a smile as he walked over and hugged Harry, ignoring Binns protest about how he was in the middle of a lesson and Loki should wait till class was over to visit.

"I see what you meant by a dull class, this room alone could put all of Asgard to sleep for centuries just by its mere appearance," Loki joked with Harry.

Ari, Runa, Godiva, and Jarl all bowed to Loki, happy to see him and knowing that Binns was about to pay the price for his lies and his treatment of Harry. Though the four friends were a little surprised how Binns was acting like he wasn't afraid. Clearly the man's ignorance knew no bounds. Or perhaps it was the lack of Hela at Loki's side that had Binns so unafraid of what was about to happen to him.

~Song Start: X-Ray Dog: Dethroned extended~

Suddenly shadows began to lengthen towards a point in the floor behind Loki, as the light in the already shaded room with its closed drapes grew darker, the torches grew dim, and the pool of shadows began to grow bigger, until it was the size of a decent round table for four people. Then, suddenly, a figure began to rise out of the pool of shadows, and as they rose, the shadows dripped off them slowly, revealing the form of a rather beautiful looking woman dressed in green. The headdress of the woman had many twisting horns to it, giving it an intimidating crown like appearance to it, her face was like some artist had chiseled away stone to reveal a perfect woman, and her outfit was a dark green with black trim going all over it. Needless to say, everyone who was present from the houses of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff had different reactions to her appearance, and the manner of it too, of course. When she finished appearing, and the shadows had finished dripping off her it became clear that she was really, really tall, in fact, she was at least a foot taller than Loki, she turned to Loki and almost purred, "Its soo good to be out of the realms of Hel and Niffleheim again Father," she purred out happily, drinking in the fear and awe she had rot with her appearance.

Loki gave her a bright smile, having enjoyed her entrance greatly and the reactions it had gotten her. "Hela, this is your nephew, Harry. Harry, allow me to introduce you to your first aunt, Hela."

Harry, though surprised by Hela's appearance smiled at her, was happy to finally have the chance to meet her in person rather than just keep hearing about her from Loki. "Hello aunt Hela, nice to meet you."

Ron was pretty sure he needed a change of pants right about now. That woman was Harry's aunt, the daughter of Prince Loki, and the ruler of the dead? He'd heard so much about her through myths and what other pure bloods had to say on the matter, but none of it matched the woman before him now. For starters she was not half-skeleton like the myths said, nor did she appear weak by any stretch of the word. In fact Ron was pretty sure that Lady Hela could crush him with nothing more than a look. Clearly not someone to take lightly, even Ron with his low intelligence could see that trying anything with Hela around would not go well for him.

Neville almost dove under his desk in fear of Hela when she appeared. She was more frightening to him than anything else he had ever seen. A small part of him felt that if a certain Dark Lord ever met her he would die from freight alone. And there was Harry, smiling up at her without any fear at all. Neville's respect for Harry shot up greatly at that.

Susan couldn't believe it, here she is, in a classroom with Prince Loki and Lady Hela. How many witches could claim to have been in the same room as both of them, let alone Lady Hela who, as far as Susan knows, has never visited Earth before in person, and yet here she is, looking equal parts beautiful and freighting to all who gazed upon her.

Next to Susan was Hannah Abbot, her best friend and dorm mate. Hannah, being a pureblood, had grown up with the Old Gods, just like many purebloods, but, seeing two of them in person, she, much to her self-loathing, crapped her pants. After all, Hela's entrance had been anything but subtle, and nothing short of frightening.

Justin Finch-Fletchley, a Hufflepuff in Harry's year, detested Harry, he came from a devout Christian mundane family, one which was a tad bit crazy, while they may have accepted that Justin had magic, they had not taken the news that the Old Gods were in fact, real, very well. Needless to say, Justin had a deep seated hatred of Harry, and now to see two of the Old Gods in person, it made his blood boil, but also caused him to shit his pants in fear...twice.

Seamus Finnigan was trying to make himself as small as possible while also making sure that his wand, while close at hand, should he need it, wasn't about to cause an explosion because of his fear. After all things tended to blow up around him even if he didn't mean too and the last thing he wanted was for Hela to see him as a threat to either her or her family.

For once in his after life, Binns was well, and truly, scared, and for good reason. As soon as she had appeared, he suddenly felt a presence telling him that his one true ruler was present, and that he should be respectful. Needless to say, once the hubbub had died down, he cleared his throat, and stuttered out, "L-lady Hela!" he said, and did a bow of respect out of fear. Inside his mind, however, he was cursing the Potter brat for bringing in a being that could control him.

Hela, however, merely raised an eye brow at seeing the ghost, before recognition came to her. "Cuthbert Binns," she began with a drawl, " Daiphron 'Bloody Binns' Binns's grandson," she said, "Descendant of Yardly Plant, the 'great' Goblin murderer, and grandson of the man who set off Urg the Unclean to go on his crusade for rights he never should have had to fight for, thousands if not millions dead because of your family, its notable members and not so notable members combined causing trouble and chaos wherever they went," she paused, "To think, YOU would be the one who foolishly insulted my family's honor?" she said with a smirk, sounding amused. The whole time she was speaking she had, after moving to stand closer to Harry, begun to stoke his hair almost like she was petting a cat. The slow movement of her hand on his head showing her care for her young nephew to all who were watching her. She then reached for her cape, and gave it a shake, and suddenly the green on green cloak changed, no longer was the underside a darker green then the back, and, what's more, faces could be made, or at least, what looked like faces. They were expressing agony, pain, and constant suffering, she ignored the intakes of breath, "Behold, Cuthbert, your fate, your soul will join my cloak, where the souls of those who tried to 'cheat death' are sown, as well as those who dared insult my family's honor, or tried to cheat me out of a deal that had been struck with me," she said with a now growing grin of viciousness.

Loki did his best to mask his shutter of fear at the sight of the souls trapped in his daughter's cloak. It had been quite some time since he'd last see it with his own eyes and it still was a haunting sight to behold, he also noted it had increased in the number of souls that had been sewn into it. However he couldn't let himself be seen fearing his daughter's cloak, even if no one would fault him for it.

Harry, who had shut his eyes and leaned into his aunt's touch barely paid any attention to what was going on around him. He loved the way Hela's hand felt against his scalp and couldn't help but give a little yawn as he started to feel sleepy. Clearly having his head petted like this was something that relaxed his body to the point of dozing off, not that Harry would complain later for it.

Ari, Runa, Godiva, and Jarl were shocked at the sight of Hela's cloak. They'd all heard the stories of Hela from Loki and Freya, but seeing it first hand was something else and made them all shiver in fear. Even Jarl couldn't help but look away from the faces of the souls within the cloak and shut his eyes, reminding himself that Lady Hela was only here for those who had insulted her family. Still the sight of that cloak would forever haunt the four friends in their nightmares for some time to come.

Neville had not lasted long when the first soul appeared in Hela's cloak; he had fallen off his seat as he passed out from the freight.

Susan and Hannah had only just been able to keep themselves from screaming in fear before Hannah joined Neville in unconsciousness. Susan meanwhile, once the shock wore off, found herself feeling some small trace of pity for those who had cheated death. However if anyone thought cheating death is a good idea then perhaps they deserved that fate in the end.

Ron couldn't believe what he was seeing. A cloak made from the souls of those reaped by Hela? The very thought of it made him sick, but a part of him could see the usefulness of such a thing. And if he was able to threaten people with a fate like that then there was no doubt in his mind that he would be able to get anything and everything he wants.

Seamus felt his body lock up in fear quicker than if someone used the full body bind curse on him. Justin was also frozen in fear but he was also repulsed by the cloak. Only a Heathen God would wear a cloak made of souls after all.

Binns, unlike everyone else, wanted nothing more than to flee, but, sadly, he was frozen in place by the power of the death goddess looking at him, willing him to remain still and in place, preventing him from fleeing.

Hela then started using her powers to control the dead, "Cuthbert, you are here by commanded by one who rules the dead to join those in my cloak, do so now!" she commanded. Much to Binns's fear, he started being pulled by some force towards the cloak; everyone could only watch in awe as a ghost was pulled, flailing and screaming, towards the death goddess before disappearing into her cloak.

Once Binns disappeared into the cloak, Hela patted Harry on the head and said, "Well, that's done, one misbehaving ghost sent to a world of punishment and torment," she said cheerily, needless to say, her tone and words caused a shiver to run up the spine of everyone who had witnessed it. She then summoning a pool of shadows and stepped into it, disappearing soon afterwards as she sank into it.

Harry turned to his grandfather and said, "My aunt is cool grampy!" he said, his words snapping everyone out of their shock and causing some to laugh at what Harry had called Loki.

Loki shut his eyes and took a breath, planning to have a few words with Darcy about teaching Harry to call him that. "She is wonderful, isn't she?" Loki replied, smiling at Harry before turning to the class. "I do believe this means you will be without a teacher for this class until a replacement is found. Your Head Mistress should have a suitable one soon for all of you. However," Here Loki turned back to Harry. "Do keep me informed should another such teacher prove to be here. Be they living or dead, they shall be removed and replaced. Do take care of yourself Harry," Loki gave Harry a tight hug and a kiss to his forehead. "Now then, I have much to do back in Asgard. I shall give everyone your love when I see them," Loki then left the room, his work and visit finished for now.

Everyone was soon in a rush to leave the room and start the one thing that made Hogwarts infamous, gossip, after that.


~Headmistress's office later~

Minerva sighed, as Pomona and Flitwick sat in front of her, of the four heads of houses at Hogwarts, well, three now that Snape had been removed from teaching and demoted to assistant Potioneer, only Flitwick and Pomona could be trusted.

"Well," Minerva started, "I managed to...'talk', Horace Slughorn into taking his old position of Potion Master of Hogwarts back, he will also be made the head of Slytherin House," she sighed, the man might be a cheap ass opportunist, but he knew his potions, some said even better then Snape did, he would make for a great replacement to the old bat of the dungeons ny far. "As for History of Magic, I have managed to find a squib with a mastery in History of Magic currently visiting the British Isles from America, he is just the kind of blood we need at Hogwarts, we will give him a trial run for the rest of the year, and see how he does, alright?" she then turned to them, awaiting their thoughts.

"A squib teacher, this will at least show the children that squibs, while lacking the ability to do magic, still contribute to the magical community, and the fact that he's American could allow for us to open possible communication with Ilvermorny!" Pomona offered, a little excited on having an American teaching one of their classes.

Flitwick smiled, "Under the old board, the one with Lucious," he shuddered in disgust at the name of the man, "No American would have ever been allowed to step foot in this school, and, much as I hate to say it, Albus is going to have a conniption when he finds out, he was, after all, always against change of new things," he added as his thoughts.

Minerva nodded, "Your right, Albus could be a problem, but if he is, it just gives us more reason to throw weight at the board and have the old fart fired," she smirked at that happy thought.

Pomona smiled brightly, "There won't be anything the board can do when he crosses the line regarding that. And any attempts on their part to try to get Albus returned a second time would only serve to show that they need to be replaced because their thoughts are more towards themselves and what Albus can do for them rather than for the students."

Minerva smiled, "Thank you for your support on this, with you two, most of the other teachers will also show support," she said.


~A few days later~

As Harry sat in the History of Magic class, he smiled, a new history professor had apparently be found the day of Binns's 'passing on', and was set to start today. Needless to say, Harry's year would be the first to experience the new teacher's teaching methods.

As everyone found their seats, the door to the teacher's chambers opened and a man in a suit with a black tie stepped out, he was of a muscular build and had short brown hair. He also had blue eyes, and was about six feet tall. All in all, he carried an air of professionalism to him.

"Hello class," he said, "You may call me Professor Coulson," he said with a smile.


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