
By ellabella201

14.6K 797 254

After remembering her missing summer Ela finally understands why the Circle has been hunting her down. She an... More

The List Keeps Shrinking
Back Home Blues
Rescue Attempt
Coming Home
Prisons, Shootings, and Mental Breakdowns
An Assassination, Then An Invasion, Now Both?
Escaping the Career Fair
Prison Break
Long Live The King
The Truth Hurts, Doesn't It?
I'm Trying To Fix It
And Everything Went Black
Until We Meet Again
Code Black
Go Be Happy
It's You

The Untold Story Of Alex and Ela

1.2K 49 19
By ellabella201

Just to be fore warned. This is a separate entity from the story. If you guys didn't read the author's note from last chapter that's ok because I will reiterate. Basically I feel really, really, really, bad about not letting you guys get to know Alex. You guy only know Tyler so I wanted to tell the story of Ela when she was with Alex in the Circle. So that's what this is, if you couldn't tell from the title. Another WARNING: THIS CHAPTER/SEPARATE STORY THING IS GOING TO BE REALLY LONG. I MEAN REALLY STINKING LONG. But I really worked hard on writing it and I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you guys will enjoy reading it. So enough of me talking and more of the story.

***In the beginning (aka the bank scene)***

"Come on Jerry. Answer the headset!" I said whispering hopelessly in my headset as I walked down the hallway of the bank. As I got down the hallway I felt someone come up behind me. Suddenly the lights went out and I could barely see anything. There was a dim light that let me see very little.

"It's only you and me buttercup." A male voice said. I turned around to see a guy. I couldn't exactly see his face.  He looked about my age. Maybe a year older. He had spikey blonde hair, I couldn't see what his eyes looked like, or any other of his facial features. It was really dark. He was muscular, very well built. He wore black jeans and a white t-shirt with a leather jacket. "You're still gorgeous." He added. 

"Who are you?" I asked simply, backing away slightly.

"Oh me? I'm Alexander Chase Parker. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." He said with a slight smirk. That I could see. I recognized his voice, but I don't remember anyone's voice being this deep or husky. I did recognize the voice. I just couldn't put my finger on it. I couldn't.

"Um, hi Alexander..." I said slowly. Of course I knew I shouldn't be talking to the boy who appeared out of nowhere and says I'm still gorgeous while I can't see his face and can only make out his hair. But I did.

"Call me Alex." He said cutting me off.

"Alex. So yes. Do I know you?" I asked looking at him trying desperately to make out his face, but failing miserable.

"Maybe, maybe not. Come with me and find out." He said slowly.

"I can't take that chance." I said seriously.

"I can't quite let you know that information yet. Just come with me. I can show you the world." He said convincingly.

"Who are you? Freaking Aladdin? Am I going to get a ride on your magic carpet?" I asked teasingly crossing my arms.

"Babe, looking the way you do you can ride me." He said matching my teasing. Ok, this is now weird. I am now in the middle of a nearly pitch black hallway kind of flirting with a mysterious guy who I can't see at all, so I don't know if he's attractive or not which isn't the point but still, who also appeared out of nowhere, right before the lights shut off, and told me I'm still gorgeous. You cannot tell me this is not weird. This is fucking weird.

"Well, Alex it was very nice meeting you. I really need to go. We should do this again some time. You know, some place where I can actually see your face." I said turning around.

"How about now?" He said before I felt something stick the back of my leg. I got drowsy and droopy and then I fell unconscious on the ground. Learnt stranger danger the hard way.

I woke up from them beating me unconscious for the 4th time. My wrists being tied together rubbed uncomfortably against the itchy rope. Everything was pitch black, since I was wearing a blindfold. I had been blindfolded the whole time. I don't know how long exactly I've been here.  It could've been days or weeks. I really don't know. I haven't eaten in God knows how long. I could feel myself getting more and more week. Mainly because of dehydration. I heard the probably metal door open and footsteps come in. They were lighter than the footsteps the other times people have come in. This person must have not come in before.

"Shit! I told them to go easy on you. Damnit! Stupid bastards." I heard the kid mutter. I remembered the voice.

"Alex?" I mumbled weakly.

"In the flesh." He responded half-heartedly. He untied the blindfold from my eyes. I looked into the pair of eyes that greeted me. A pair of sparkling blue eyes with green speckles. Probably the most beautiful pair of eyes I have ever seen. I shook my head. This kid is a lunatic. He freaking kidnapped you and subjected you to this torture. "I'm going to move you restraints to the front so you can eat. Do you promise not to kill me during the process?" He asked looking at me and I nodded. He untied my arms and I immediately punched him. He caught both of my hands and looked at me. "Ela, I don't think you want to start this shit with me today because we both know who would win." He whispered before tying my hands in a softer fabric. I looked down to see the soft cotton that soothed and comforted my wrists. He places a plate in front of me and I just looked at it then back up at him. I don't think I could eat anything right now, I was so dehydrated.

"You thirsty?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I nodded. He reached into his bag and got out a bottle of water. He opened it for and then handed it to me and I took it and downed the bottle in seconds. Then I ate the sandwich. He handed me another opened bottle of water and took the plate from me. I downed that bottle in seconds and he took it.

"I'm gonna clean up your cuts now." He said with a first aid kit. He cleaned all my cuts, but didn't bandage them. Probably knowing he'd get in trouble for helping me more than he should. Why is he helping me more than he should?

"Jerry. How is he?" I asked slowly.

"Alive." He said simply. I knew that was the most I was going to get on his condition and I had bigger fish to fry while he was still here.

"Who are you?" I asked looking at him.

"I already told you. Alex Parker." He said looking confused.

"No, who are you? We first met and you tell me I'm still beautiful. You said you told whoever they are to go easy on me. I punch you in the face, pretty hard, and instead of beating the crap out of me like any other person here would you let it go. In fact you try to make me comfortable by tying my wrists in soft cloth. You feed me when I haven't been fed in who knows how long. You are being good to me. You're more than likely over stepped your boundary by helping me so much already. So Alex, who are you?" I said seriously looking up at him. His face kind of fell and shook his head.

"I'm nobody." He said shaking his head.

"No, you are somebody. They wouldn't let just anyone in here with me. You'd need some type of clearance. They've been after me for a while. And I know that if the Circle had me, which I'm sure that's where I am, they would only let upper level people come in to see me. So you... you are in the upper level." I said seriously.

"You're too smart for your own good do you know that?" He asked just as seriously.

"Yes. I do know that." I said nodding.

"I could get killed for telling you the things you want to know." He said coming closer to me.

"I can bet that just coming in here could get you killed." I said unflinching.

"So you want me dead?" He asked squatting in front of me.

"No, I'm just using the fact that you came in here well aware of the possible consequences." I muttered noticing how close he truly was. I don't know why I was so tempted to bring my hands to his face and just touch him. He sighed and backed away from me.

"Yes, you're at the Circle's Headquarters. Yes, I'm amongst the upper Circle members. And yes I have the clearance to see you, but I'm not supposed to. Yes, I know what they are planning on doing with you. No I'm not going to tell you, and no there is nothing you can do to force that information out of me. Just know I'm working on getting you out of this stupid room and out of bondage, you're not a freaking animal." He said that last part angrily.

"Why are you so invested in me?" I asked quietly.

"You're a worthy investment." He said simply. I bit my lip.

"Do you know Evan? Evan McKinley?" I asked slowly.

"I knew him." He said nodding.

"What happened to him?" I asked scared of the answer.

"His presence was no loner needed here." He said choosing his words carefully.

"Is that why you're so invested in me? Because you guys were friends and he asked you to watch out for me?" I asked suspiciously.

"Um. I guess you could say that." He said shrugging.

"I don't need protection." I said simply.

"I'm well aware, but in this place during these early stages, it's good have someone to help you out a bit." He said nodding before tying back my wrists behind my back with the itchy rope.

"What do you mean by early stages?" I asked watching him blindfold me again.

"Um, let's just calls this the initiation process." He said before I could hear him moving away from me.

"Wait... are you gonna come back?" I asked hopefully.

"As long as you want me to sweetie." He said simply.

"I mean, I guess I could get used to you." I said with a slight smile. I heard him chuckle before he walked out of the door.

*** Probably around a week or two later (idk man, lets say 2)***

The door opened and I heard his footsteps walk in. I had become accustomed to his footsteps by now. I smiled a little as he approached but hid it instantly.

"You can't hide that smile sweetie." He mumbled as he slid off my blindfold. He came in front of me and took a seat in an empty chair.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said rolling my eyes.

"Of course you don't. Just admit it. You're happy to see me." He said smirking.

"You're early today." I said nodding at him. His face got serious.

"Yea, about that..." He said slowly.

"Uh oh. Must be something serious." I said teasingly.

"You're not going to be in such a good moos after I tell you what I have to tell you." He said shaking his head.

"Am I going to hate you after this?" I asked tilting my head.

"Is that saying that you don't already hate me?" He asked with a slight smirk.

"I hate you less than everyone else here." I added rolling my eyes.

"I'll take it." He said shrugging.

"So will it?" I asked looking at him. He nodded.

"Probably." He replied.

"Ok." I said looking down. "I respect that you're going to tell me though." I said looking back up at him.

"Ok. So... here we go." He said wiping the sweat off his hands.

"So remember when I said that I "knew" Evan and that his "presence" wasn't needed anymore?" He asked and I nodded. "Yea, well Evan McKinley never existed. He was just a fake identity made up by the circle." He said not looking at me. "A fake identity played for many year, by me." He said meeting my eyes.

"You..." I started and then everything started making sense. Everything. Him taking care of me. Him being nice o me. Him flirting with me. It was all because he knew me. He freaking dated me. He was Evan. He was the guy I had fallen in love with. He was the guy that broke my heart. He was the guy that no matter how much I think about how badly he betrayed me for some reason can't get over. He's Evan. Except Evan doesn't exist. He never existed. He was a role Alex played. I started boiling. I was furious.

"Ela..." He started slowly.

"Don't you Ela me!" I spat at him. "I... I... I don't even know what to say to you right now. I don't even want to look at you right now. Just as I began to form a small sliver of an ounce of respect for you I find out who you really are. A lying, manipulative, bastard who only cares about himself." I yelled at him.

"I deserve that. I'm gonna give you time to cool down. You jut have to hear to whole story." He said before walking out of the room. He forgot to place the blindfold on me.

Hours later I heard the door open, but couldn't turn my head enough to see who it was. Yet, I identified the sound of his footsteps by now. I knew who was coming.

"Alex? Or should I say Evan because that's who I know you as?" I asked as he got into my field of vision.

"You know, you really shouldn't be speaking to your captor like that. In any other situation you'd probably be dead." He said looking at me.

"And what are you gonna to do? Punch me? Kick me? Leave me all bloodied and bruised? Well, you came a bit too late my friend; your friends already did the trick. And nothing compares to how much you've already hurt me." I spat at him. I saw him flinch a bit at the harshness of my tone.

"I know..." He said looking down. "I'm sorry." He added mumbling. "But I can explain." He said keeping his eyes fixated on the floor. After a minute of my silence he took a deep breath and spoke. "It really started from the day I was born. I was born and raised in Roseville, Virginia. In the beginning parts of my life everything was normal. I mean my parents were around to take care of my and stuff like that. When I got to the age of 3 they started shipping me off to my grandparents for weeks or months at a time. Saying they had 'business trips'. It was at the age of 5 it was time to enter me in Kindergarten and that's when they sat me down and really told me everything. Well not really everything, just enough. They told me that they were spies and they had to keep our real lives a secret and I would know have to go by the name Evan McKinley when I was out in public. I had to go by this persona of this all American boy. It worked in the beginning because that's exactly what I was, and all American boy, but then I got to the age of 7 and they started training me. They told me I had a bigger purpose and that I needed to fulfill it. So they got me a trainer, one that I now know is from the Circle. He taught me just about everything you guys would learn at Gallagher Academy or Blackthorne. I trained for years, not exactly knowing what for. I kept up my act during school and around friend and then I was training to become a spy during my free time."

"The thing is my parents wanted me to be perfect in everything that I did. So I started playing football, I got amazing grade, I became one of the most popular kids in town. I was the definition of the typical perfect All American Boy. I had the friends, the talent, and the smart. And I was excelling in all my training as well, becoming a quick learning in all types of combat and weapons training. At the age of 10 I started doing missions. They were small at first, but gradually got more and more difficult and dangerous. I didn't really want to do them, but I knew I had to make my parents proud. Then by the age of 12 I got recruited to the Circle. I was doing all sorts of missions for them, quickly moving up the ranks. Nearing the end of Freshman year I got promoted, big time. 3rd in command. I was right behind Jessie. Everything was well, working according to my parents' plans. I was the child every parent was envious of, I was the person in school everyone wanted to be or date, and I was in one of the top positions in the Circle. I was boss. I was doing exactly what my parents wanted. Then... then I got my first mission. You." He said looking up at me for a brief moment before looking back down at the floor.

"They basically laid out everything for me. They needed me to capture you. Any way I could as long as you weren't injured in the process. They needed you here alive. I don't know why, I never really knew why, only Captain knew why and he never told anyone. He just told us what he needed us to know. And I knew I had to capture you. We all knew it was going to take some time. They knew I had to get close to you, to become your friend, to lure you in and bring you to them. I got your picture the night of the fair. I was just gonna go with a couple friends hang out and call it a night, but they knew you were gonna be there and they had a way to make damn sure you were gonna be there too, and that you were gonna meet me. It was no coincidence that you got assigned to me that night. But gosh. There was something different with seeing you in a picture and seeing you in real life. The way you effortlessly pulled off that southern accent, which got better as we spent more time together. The intact innocence that floated around in your eyes, like you hadn't ever been hurt. You were perfect, and I didn't need eyes to see that."

"I went home that day and told my parents I couldn't do it. I couldn't do that to you. I didn't want to. They told me that if I didn't do it that someone else would and it wouldn't be pretty. So I did it, but I wanted to take my time. I tried to delay as long as I really could, and Tyler really helped with that. To be honest. He distracted you. He swept you off your feet and that made it harder for you to get close to me. Which, my love, is why dear old Jessie came into town. He reminded me of my mission and how I needed to get close to you, so I threw a party and invited you over. After that things quieted down. I was relieved that Tyler was with you and you guys were getting close, because then you couldn't get close to me and I wouldn't have to do what I was told to do. Then they stepped in. They made me and some men attack you guys to scare you and to make you guys think it was your friend we were after instead of you. They took Tyler. They took him and then gave him back to crooked agents in the CIA who sent him on a mission. A really long mission. And I didn't know about it until after it already happened and it was too late. I know they were pushing us together. I knew you must've been broken and I was so angry for you. I was so mad that they did this, like Damnit it. They were trying so hard to get me to get you and I couldn't quite understand why. I didn't know what made you so damn special. And I didn't know why they were putting so much freaking work into making your life a living hell. But I couldn't question Mr. Greyson. I couldn't question the Captain."

 "So I kept quiet. I did as I was told and I was to get close to you. So, again they made us run into each other. Again I was forced to look at you in person. Forced to feel the guilt when I looked into your eyes and see the hurt in your eyes. To see how much you changed since the last time. I wanted so badly to make it right. To make all of this right, for you. That night at the fair I went to talk to Jessie, who kindly reminded me again of what I had to do. I was so freaking fed up with people telling me what I had to do, I know what I wanted to do. I wanted to get to know you. I didn't want to get close to you because I had to, I wanted to get close to you because you had this kind of... magnetic force that kind of pulled me in and I wanted to get to know you. Literally just get to know you. That's why I stopped you after you were beginning to walk away. I was gonna quit the mission and be to hell with them and I did. I told them I couldn't do it. They said 'we understand this might be a little hard for you. So we will give you time to adjust.' And I said 'go to hell'. And that lasted for a while. It lasted up until Tyler came back. It was actually before Tyler came back, probably a week or two. They told me that I needed to do this or shit was about to get ugly. I told them I needed time to think about it. Then you came to me and I asked you to be my girlfriend and you said yes and everything was good. I told them we were dating and that I couldn't do it and that they would have to find another chess piece for their plan. And they were calm. I knew I shouldn't have trusted that and I knew I should've known better, but I didn't."

 "I didn't know that they even attacked you at the Government party until you were already in interrogation at MI6. That was some bullshit because I should've known from them, because I couldn't have expected to hear it from you and that really fucking pissed me off. Nonetheless, you had been in interrogation for 24 fucking hours, bastards, and then you came home. And I knew Tyler was gonna be in town and then Jessie was in town and he was like 'Alex, this shit is going down now. You're going to have to be there or else she might get seriously hurt. You have to be her bargaining chip.' I knew that if I wasn't there that they were going to take you down one way or another. And I knew it would be a lot worse if I wasn't there."

"So the day came, you told me you cheated on me with Tyler. I was totally ok with that because I knew what I was about to do was gonna hurt a lot worse. Though, it did hurt like hell by the way. So it's the night of the incident and all that shit happens. I knew you weren't gonna come with me, I knew it and at the time I was really glad you didn't. I didn't want you to be exposed to this world. But looking back on it now, if you would've come with me back then, then they would've gone a hell of a lot easier on you than they are now. And I feel responsible now, but I don't even think you wanna know how I looked after they were finished we me that day you didn't come with me. It was bad." He said with a light chuckle at the end.

"I had one chance to redeem myself. One chance to bring you here and that they day I saw you in the bank. I was contemplating if I should go as Evan or go as me. And knowing that you'd beat me up within seconds if I were Evan, I chose against it. I also wanted you to meet the real me. So yes. Some more shit happened and here we are now." He finished shrugging. I looked at him. Taking in what he just said, it was a lot to take in. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to think.

"Why'd you tell me all of that? What makes you think I'll even believe you?" I asked getting teary eyed. I know I'm not supposed to show emotion when captured, but I had to. How could I not, after everything that he just told me? He got up and walked the two steps it took to get to me. He squatted down in front of me and placed his hands on me cheeks. He looked me dead in the eyes and captured me in his gaze. I resisted the urge to nuzzle into the warmth of his hand knowing that everything about that idea was wrong.

"Because contrary to your beliefs I love you. I am in love with you. I know that. You know that and they know that. They have been using it against me from day one. Not anymore. They can't use that against me anymore. You... you're going to believe me because contrary to what you want to believe you still love me. You do. Damnit Daniela, you are in love with me. I know I betrayed your trust. I know I'm a major asshole. I know all of that, but I also know that you still love me. And that, that thought alone, is what keeps me going. I don't care how much shit I'm going through. How much you yell or scream or tell me you hate me. I don't care, because I know what's true. What's true is that you still love me. You don't want to admit it yet, but I will be here when you do. That's why I told you what I told you. That's how I know you'll believe me." He said seriously before releasing my face and standing up. He blindfolded me before walking to the door. He stopped and turned back. "And I'm going to get you out of here. You're a fucking Queen. You don't deserve to my locked up and tied up like an animal." He said before I heard the door close behind him. I went into full on mental breakdown mode. Screaming and wiggling in my chair making the bruises and cuts even worse than before.

(*** Probably about 3 or 4 days later***)

I don't know how much time passed by, but it has probably been a couple days. The cut on my cheek stung. Maybe because of the sweat or maybe it was because of the tears. I couldn't tell anymore. I struggled against the handcuffs that kept me tied to this chair. After days of struggling against them I felt the skin underneath becoming sore and cut. I couldn't even speak anymore, my throat hurt too much from screaming. I don't know how much more of this I could take. I knew I had to stay strong. I knew that I couldn't give up. I had to get out of here and get home to my family, to my friends, to Tyler. I had to find my dad. I've been blindfolded, but I could tell it wouldn't have mattered if I was or wasn't. There weren't any windows in here. There was probably one door. It was pin drop silent. I haven't had someone come in for a couple days. Then I heard it. The sound of the bulky, probably metal, door opening. I heard two pairs of feet walking towards me. I could feel them as they got closer.

"This isn't working. You keeping me locked up in here. It's not going to get you what you want." I said to the person.

"You're right. That's why we have a much better plan." The man said. I'm not sure if I recognized his voice or not. It was pretty muffled. Before I could even ask what that meant I felt a needle stab my arm and warm liquid flood in.

"What did you...?" I started before the injection knocked me out completely.

I woke up slowly. Twisting and turning, stretching and yawning and the feeling the sharp pain of soreness aching through my bodies. My eyes shot open and I took a look around. I felt around and found a light switch right near me. As I turned on the lights I found myself in a room fit for a princess. It was this silvery grey with royal looking bordering on the walls. The bed was a round, I mean actually circular, king sized with the same colored grey and white bedding. There were white wooden chests and a beautiful brown wooden floor. There was a canopy of white lace and ribbon hanging over my bed. While a crystal chandelier hung in the middle of my room over a luxurious white rug. There where white couches with silver pillows by one wall with white plush chairs in front of it. The room itself was absolutely perfect. Which is what made everything very suspicious.  

I looked down to see my bruises going down and my cuts having bandages on them. My wrists were rapped and my hair was braided neatly to the side. I was clean and smelled really good. I was lounging around in silk, white, pajamas, which, according to the designer, must've cost a fortune.

I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." I replied straightening myself out. I watched as Alex slipped into the room. This was the first time I got to see him in normal light. Not dim light. Not in no light at all. Good bright light. I really got to take him in. All of him in. His features were a lot different than Evan's. His jaw line was stronger. His eyes and hair were a different color. His nose was different. He was just different. Looking at him now I knew I wouldn't have been able to know Alex and Evan were the same person ever.

"How are you feeling?" Alex asked walking closer to me.

"Better. Much better." I said nodding.

"I made sure they put you in this bedroom. I had a hunch you'd really like it." He said smiling.

"I do, and the round bed was a nice touch." I said with a slight smile. We locked eyes for a moment before he looked away and coughed.

"So..." He said scratching the back of his neck. "I really just wanted to see how you were doing. How you were settling in." He said nodding. "And to tell you that you have a meeting with Captain today." He added quickly.

"Oh don't tell me I really have to talk to that man." I said shaking my head.

"Yea, you do. I don't know what about, but I was just told to get you there." He replied shrugging.

"Ok... I guess. I'll be ready whenever you need me." I replied nodding.

"I'll have some people come down with some clothes." He replied taking a step backwards.

"Ok. Thank you." I said simply.

"Oh! I have a surprise for you." He said smiling.

"A surprise?" I asked tilting my head.

"Yes! I think you're really going to like it. I may have pulled a couple strings, but I mean, anything to put a smile on your face." He said winking before opening the door. "Come in." He said and in stepped Jerry. I screamed and hopped out of my bed before attacking him in a hug. He caught me and I stayed there for a while before pulling out to look at him. "I'm gonna give you two a little privacy." Alex said before walking out the door. I hopped off jerry before running after him.

"Alex wait up!" I said before he stopped and turned around.

"Yea?" He asked taking a step towards me.

"I just wanted to thank you." I said slowly.

"Oh, you're welcome love." He said smiling. "And I'll be by in a couple hours to pick you up, so be ready. I have business to attend to so I will talk to you later babe." He said before turning around and walking away. It was weird hearing him call me that, because I know that he was him all along but I didn't know who he really was and I don't know if Alex is the same guy as my ex boyfriend Evan. I feel like Evan is separate from Alex and Alex is separate from Evan, but they have to have the same personality because they are the same person. So Alex is basically the guy I fell in love with, just with a different know, face and body. This is weird and going to take some serious getting used to. I walked back into my room and Jerry was lying on my bed. I lay next to him.

"Your room is so much better than mine." Jerry said looking at the ceiling before looking at me. "Maybe that's the perk of hooking up with one of the commander in chiefs of this place." He said smiling at me.

"Oh shut up!" I said turning a deep shade of red and punching him in the shoulder.

As I got closer to the location we were heading towards, walking through this elaborate labyrinth of a place, I realized how fucking sketchy all of this is. I get drugged to come here, by Alex aka my ex-boyfriend that I still have feelings for. Then when I do get here I'm beat up, which they consider a type of initiation of some sort. And then, to make matters worse. I'm now meeting with Mr. Greyson, aka "Captain" aka Tyler's dad aka the dad of the guy that I'm kinda with but kinda not with because of previously mentioned ex-boyfriend. And this is all very weird and I'm not entirely sure how this is all gonna turn out but we'll see. Alex stops in front of a door and opens it. Jerry walks in first and then I look back noticing Alex isn't moving. He looked back at me and gave me nothing. Show no emotion... that's how it works here. They already know our past. I could get him in trouble. I kept walking into the room and Alex closed the door behind me.

"Here we are. They dynamic duo. How are you guys?" Mr. Greyson asked looking at us.

"Fine." We said in unison.

"Ah! You guys even speak in unison. Wonderful. Wonderful." He said chuckling a little bit. Jerry and I looked over at each other before looking back at Mr. Greyson.

"With all due respect Mr. Greyson, are you going to inform us as to why we're here?" I asked speaking up.

"Daniela White! The girl who has both my son and my 3rd in command wrapped around her pretty little finger. Very impressive." He said diverting his attention to me. I suddenly felt shy and outspoken. "I suppose you could do about anything with the power you have huh? I bet you could get just about anyone to do just about anything for you, am I right?" He asked staring into my eyes. I didn't answer. "And so could you, right Jerry? You have a way with making people just love you... right?" He asked snapping his head to Jerry. "You both... you both have the power of being the most influential people to walk this earth and yet you don't even see your own potential." He said shaking his head as if he were disappointed in us. And for some reason I even felt disappointed in myself. "But no worries my deal little idols, I see your potential and I plan on fully developing it. You... you could have the entire would at your fingertips, crowds of people admiring you. You both would be the definition of the perfect person." He said looking at both of us. "I need you on my team. I have a plan for you guys and you both will become better than you have ever imagined. With us you will be the most powerful duo on the face of this planet. You just have to work with us." Mr. Greyson said as I felt his eyes moving between the two of us.

"Our fathers. We know you have them. We want to see them." I spoke up seriously.

"Your fathers are our best agents. They're working for us now. They are on a mission and won't be back for a while. When they get back we will send you to them immediately." Mr. Greyson said seriously. "If you want we have a way of contacting them, they should be getting ready to go to bed. You can call them both if you would like." Mr. Greyson said holding up two phones. Jerry and I looked at each other before nodding. Mr. Greyson slid us the phones. "Please, step outside, having some privacy. I'll be here. Waiting. Just look for their name in the contact." He said before Jerry and I got up and walked towards the door. "Oh and Daniela, be a dear and send Alex in. I need to discuss something with him." He added as I reached the door.

"Of course Mr. Greyson." I said nodding before walking out of the room. I saw Alex leaning up against the way. His eyes shot towards me. "Mr. Greyson would like to speak with you Alex." I said calmly. He gave me a quick nod before striding into the room behind me. I walked over to the end of the hallways before looking for my dad's name in the contact list. There he was Agent Dan White. I clicked the call button and the phone began to ring.

"This damn well better be important Greyson, because I'm exhausted right now." My dad answered from the other line. I choked up as tears began to well up in my eyes. "Captain?" He asked again slowly.

"Hi daddy." I said slowly, quietly like I was scared this wasn't real.

"Pumpkin?" He said just as slowly. "Ela, is that really you?" He added.

"Yea it's me daddy." I said nodding though he couldn't see me. "Dad, I missed you so much. I thought you were dead!" I said seriously.

"I know baby. I know. But I'm not, everything's ok." He said reassuringly.

"And you're working for them?" I asked shocked.

"It's a really long story baby. I'll tell you when I get home." He said while yawning.

" I don't wanna go, but you're tired and I don't want anything to happen to you because you were too tired to do your mission." I said noting his tiredness.

"Ok baby. We will talk soon. I love you." He said sweetly.

"I love you too daddy. So much." I said as a tear fell from my eyes.

"I'll talk to you later, bye." He said slowly.

"Bye." I said before letting him go and handing up. I turned around and saw Jerry looking at me. I walked over to him.

"We have to do this." He said looking down at me.

"I completely agree." I said nodding before we both walked back into the room.

"So how was the talk?" Mr. Greyson asked as we slid him back the phones.

"Great." We said nodding. "Where do we sign?" We asked again in unison. Mr. Greyson smiled cheekily. I didn't bother looking over at Alex. I didn't want to know what he was thinking right now. I didn't want to know if he wanted me to say yes or if he didn't. I'd get his opinion later. There was no going back now, and I didn't want to.

"Alex. Get them the paperwork." Mr. Greyson said clapping his hands together. Alex went over to a filing cabinet and pulled out two sets of paperwork. "This goes over the rules, regulations, and requirements of everything. You are only binding yourself to a month of training and 2 months of service. This is one of the shorter binding paperwork considering your ages." He said nodding at the thick stack of paper. "Sign the first page and last page." Mr. Greyson said. I signed quickly and slid it to him. He took them and smiled widely.

"So..." I said capping my pen. "When do we start?" I asked smirking.

"Now." He replied before pressing a button. "Alison, come here quickly. And tell Erick to prepare for action." He said before looking back at us. Within minutes a beautiful blonde girl with green eyes.

"Yes Captain." She said looking at him.

"Would you show our lovely new recruits to the operating room?" Mr. Greyson asked looking at her.

"Sure thing. Follow me." She said directing her attention to me. We got up.

"Alex, go to make sure everything goes well. And, try not to get too caught up in Ms. White's beauty this time." He said laughing.

"Sure thing sir. And I'm not too sure about that." Alex added nonchalantly before walking towards me. We got outside and he pulled me closer to him.

"You didn't have to do that." He whispered to me.

"Yes. I did." I said not looking up at him.

"No, you didn't. There's a way out of this. I don't want you to get sucked into something way over your head. You don't understand. You didn't even read the paperwork. You don't know what you're getting yourself into. You have no idea what you just signed up for Ela. No idea." He said stopping me and forcing me to look at me.

"Then enlighten me. Tell just exactly what I've gotten myself into. If it's of for you to do it, then it's ok for me to do it." I said looking into his eyes.

"Do you think this is a fucking game Ela? This is the big leagues. This is not fake missions you do for your Cov' Ops class. This is serious. And I didn't get myself into this, my parents did. This, this world, was predestined for me. You can leave." He said seriously.

"And I will, in 3 months." I said shrugging.

"By then it'll be too late. There's no turning back. What you do here will stay with you forever. You're gonna go on missions and you're gonna start regretting a lot of things." He said sighing.

"I was your biggest mission. Do you regret me?" I asked quietly.

"I could never regret you. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. I just regret what I did to you." He said shaking his head.

"I'm going through with this." I said biting my lip.

"And I'll support you through that decision if that's what you really want." He said looking in my eyes.

"This is my decision. This is what I want." I said nodding.

"Then let's get you to the operating room." He said beginning to walk. We got to the room and he let me in. "I'll be waiting for you when you get out." He said smiling. I walked in.

"Ah. The beautiful Daniela. I didn't have to do much with you my dear. Come in. Come in." A man with a strong French accent said waving me over to him.  I took a look back towards Alex, but the door was already closed and he was probably already gone. So, I just walked over to the table and sat down in front of the man.

"So, what is all of this?" I asked looking around. It was just a normal room, but it had a large dark galls window and a door leading to the other side.

"This is the operating room. Where we change you into the person we need you to become, physically. With you two, you have to be, and I quote, 'The most perfect looking pair of people to ever have walked this planet.' So, that's what I'm here to do. I've already designed how you're going to look and everything. Would you like to take a look at the people you are both about to become?" He asked tapping on his computer.

"Sure." Jerry said looking over at me. I nodded and the man turned his computer around to face us. I looked gorgeous. My hair would change from dirty brown to a chocolate brown, my baby blue eyes would be grey like my dad's, my face would slim out, along with the rest of my body ad much more. I smiled and looked up at him.

"Perfect." I said nodding.

"Great! Excellent. Now, let's begin. I need you both to change into this gown for me." He said handing us two hospital robes. We took them and he stepped outside. I stripped to my underwear before slipping the gown on. We told the man he could come back in.

"Ok, so now we're going to go into the other room. Follow me." He said walking. Jerry and I took a hesitant look at each other before following him. We walked into a rom with a lot of equipment and two human sized machines. "Get it." He said pointing to them. I got into the smaller "female" one and Jerry got into the other. The man hooked up some stuff to our bodies, and a breathing mask to our faces before closing the machine and walking away.

"I'm going to fill the mask with anesthetics, to put you guys to sleep before turning on the machines to do the full body renovations. This process will take a couple hours and depending on how much your body responds to it, depends on how long you will be sleeping for after the procedure is over." He said through a microphone. I nodded my head slightly, though I don't think he could actually see me doing it. Soon I heard machines power on and heard the light hum of gas being released. My vision began to get blurry and I could feel myself losing consciousness. Then I was out.

(***Exactly 3 days later***)

I woke up to the beeping of a heart monitor. A sound that has become all too familiar to me. I cracked my eyes, only to be delightfully surprise of it being dimly lit in here. I opened them up a little bit more and tried to move a bit, noticing how exactly sore I was. I settled on just moving my eyes and head for now. I heard light snoring and turned my head to see Alex passed out. I smiled a bit before reaching out to touch him, but bringing my hand back. I didn't want to wake him. I just looked at him for a little while before realizing how dry my throat was. I noticed the glass of water next to me. I saw that there was a note next to it. I picked it up.

Ela, Just in case I'm not here when you wake up because they sent me on a mission or something. Make sure they have you call me when you wake up so I know you're ok. I know I said I'd be there when you got out, and technically I was, but still. If I'm here disregard this message. –Alex.

I smiled at the message and put it back. I looked over at his sleeping face again and smiled. His eyes started to flutter open.

"Hey there sleeping beauty." I said causing him to smile and rub his eyes.

"Hey babe." He mumbled in his deep morning voice. "Oops, sorry. We're not... sorry." He said sitting up and shaking his head.

"No, it's ok. Really." I said looking at him.

"Ok." He said nodding.

"What time is it?" I asked. He pulled out his phone and clicked the on button lighting it up. The way he was positioned next to me and the way he had his phone tilted I could see that there was a picture of him and I on his lock screen. That made my heart melt into a little puddle.

"8:15." He responded quickly. I wanted to ask him why he still had a picture of us, but I didn't really care, I was just kind of shocked that he did. "Hey do you need anything? Are you hungry or something? Cold? I can get something for you." He said rushing.

"No, I'm fine. A little sore but fine." I said placing a hand over his, which was resting on my bed. "Actually there is one thing." I said causing him to sit up straighter.

"Anything." He said seriously.

"Can you carry me to the bathroom? I'm too weak to walk that far and I really have to go." I said smiling up at him.

"Of course." He said laughing a bit before lifting me up bridal style and carrying me to the bathroom. He set me down in front of the door. "Can you handle it from here?" He asked opening the door for me.

"I think I can manage. Thanks." I said before walking in and closing the door behind me. I really had to go to I went straight for the toilet then I went to wash my hands and look at myself in the mirror. My once mid- back length light brown, almost blonde, hair reached a rich deep, dark chocolate brown that now touched slightly past my shoulders. My once baby blue eyes changed into a near grey color, like my father's eyes. My old, chubbyish, round face was replaced with a slim, oval shape. My lips were plumped and pinker than ever. My old body type slim, lanky, Vase shape turned to a perfect hourglass figure. My old B sized boobs grew to perky C.  My flat ass pushed up to a nice rounds shape. My old height of a mere 5'1 grew to be a solid 5'5. My skin was evenly tanned to a nice olive tone. Just like the design on the computer, but better. Yea. I could definitely get used to this. I opened the door and saw Alex there waiting for me. He carried me back to my bed and laid me down gently before tucking my in.

"Not to sound rude or anything, but what are you doing here?" I asked looking over at him. He smiled before looking back at me.

"I've been here for the past three days. The whole time you've been out." He said simply.

"You didn't have to do that. You're 3rd in command you must have more important things to do than to look at me while I sleep." I said seriously.

"Well frankly, I quite like you when you're sleeping. You're not quite as sassy as you normally are and don't ask too many questions." He said smirking.

"Oh whatever." I said rolling my eyes. "Seriously though, you must have more important things to do. A mission? An interrogation? Training? Something?" I said biting my lip.

"Oh those things can be done by any Agent here. Captain knows where I wants to be and that's here by you. Now, if there's something so very important that it needs my immediate attention, then by all means I would get up and leave, but that hasn't come up yet." He said simply. "Well... I mean there is a meeting I have to attend soon, but that's not for another half an hour or something like that." He added shrugging.

"Alrighty then. So, what are the next steps for me?" I asked moving on.

"Well, we're going to be starting your training soon. As you already know your training is going to last for a month. And..." He said before he got a beep. He took out his phone and checked it. His face fell and he put his phone away angrily.

"What?" I asked worried.

"I have to go." He said getting up.

"Alex, is everything ok?" I asked sitting up more.

"It's going to be. I just have to go handle some business. Get some rest I'll be back later." He said before placing a delicate kiss on my forehead. "Ugh fuck! Again, I'm sorry. We're not.... I'm sorry." He said pulling away from me.

"It's ok, but Alex..." I said grabbing his hand. He stopped and looked at me his face relaxing a bit. "Be careful." I said slowly.

"I will. It's not big deal Ela, I'll be back in a couple hours tops." He said walking towards the door.

"Wait Alex." I called causing him to turn and look at me, one hand on the doorknob. "Do you like my new look?" I asked smiling. He laughed a bit before answering.

"I have to admit, I'm really gonna miss those baby blues, but you're still gonna be the girl I fell in love with no matter what you look like." He said before sending me a wink and walking out of the room.

(***Um, Probably about two weeks later. Yea, 2 weeks later.***)

Pound. Pound. Pound. My feet pounded against the pavement, while my heat pounded in my chest. At this point I could hear my heart almost dying. We've been running for a solid hour and a half without a break. An hour and a half! I mean I have run for longer than this, but not without a break. This training that I've had to endure for the past couple weeks has been absolutely brutal. When we begin training it's like Alex turns into a completely different person. Brutal, unforgiving, harsh. More like a drill sergeant than anything. I mean, I'm sure this is how it's always been. He's been trained to train others like this. Unforgiving, harsh, like a drill sergeant because that creates the best outcome but still. Every training session I've felt like I was about to die. Like I've done training at Gallagher Academy and thought I was fairly in shape, but now I'm seriously reconsidering that. I feel weak and feeble and completely unprepared now. Maybe that's why the Circle is so powerful, because their agents are trained like freaking soldiers.

I felt the first raindrop fall on my face. I pushed through the light drizzle. I wasn't going to let rain stop me and I could handle this running a little longer without dying. I kept running looking at Alex in front of me who seemed completely unphased by it all. Then the downpour started. I was soaked within seconds. I looked up Alex again who still seemed unphased. I shook my head. This is complete madness.

"Alex. I need a break." I said panting.

"No breaks. We're almost there." He yelled back to me over the sound of the rain.

"Alex..." I started before he cut me off.

"Ask me again and we're running an extra 100 yards." He snapped. I closed my mouth and kept running. Soon I started seeing Alex's truck up ahead and I knew that we were almost done. I started running a little bit faster to get there. We stopped and I glared up at Alex.

"Listen to me this one time because I'm not going to repeat myself. We don't give breaks during our training because you're not going to get a break on the field. If you're running away from someone who is trying to kill you then you can't just say 'oh I'm a little tired I need a break. Let me stop and rest.' No you're gonna haul ass out of there. We're building stamina for missions. We are preparing you for what you're going to face out there. You take a break you die! So, stop your pouting and your anger at me for training you like how you're supposed to be trained." He said before taking a sip of his water.

"I was getting trained perfectly fine at Gallagher Academy. After every training session here I feel like I'm going to die. Over there they prepare you too without making you feel like your heart is going to explode." I yelled angrily.

"Well maybe if Gallagher Academy was so damn great you shouldn't have signed the papers here! You should've gone back to Gallagher Academy and we wouldn't be having this argument, would we?" He yelled back slamming on the hood of his car.

"Is that what this is? You punishing me because I signed those papers and you didn't want me to?" I asked crossing my arms.

"No! This is me protecting you! Yes, I may be training you a little harder than normal, but that's because I want you to be prepare out there. I want you to be the best Agent." He snapped back at me.

"I don't need you protecting me. You pushing me this hard isn't protecting me..." I screamed before he cut me off.

"Yes it is! You know why I'm training you so hard? Why I want you to be the best? Because if you're better than all your opponents then you won't die! I've seen so many people get so fucking hurt out on the field or even killed because their trainers went too easy on them. Or they weren't prepared enough. Or some other shit like that. When I send you out there. When I'm forced to let you go and do these missions I need to know that you're prepared. So I don't get that damn phone call saying that you died in action. Because that... that damn phone call is the one thing, the only thing I fear most in this world." He said yelling the beginning and then gradually calming down. I didn't notice how close we were until I looked up and his eyes met mine and I could feel the heat coming off his body. "Because loosing you, and knowing it was my fault, would destroy me. It already has." He said before he pressed his lips against mine. I pulled him closer wanting, needing, him. Then I remembered what he did and pushed him away.

"No! You betrayed me. I can't..." I said as I stepped away from him. "You gained my trust and used it against me." I added as tears fell down my face. "I loved you." I finished in a whisper.

"I know. And I'm so sorry. Words cannot describe how sorry I am for what I have done to you. You... you were my weakness. They knew this. They knew how much I loved you and they used that against me. Whenever I wouldn't do something they would threaten to kill you and I would bend. Even though I knew they wouldn't do anything to you because they needed you. Still, the thought... the possibility of them doing something to you scared the hell out of me. Yes. You were my mission. You were the biggest, most important mission of my career and I fucked it up by falling in love with you. You were my mission and I fell in love with you. I should've died for that. They should've killed me for that. I failed my mission because I fell in love with my target. I was tortured for a while after that, because of that. Yet, no matter what they did to me I still loved you. No matter how much I knew you must've hated me, I still love you. Damnit Ela, you are my weakness and in this profession you can't have any weaknesses. But I don't care because I love you. I love you and I will never stop loving you. I don't care if you move on and marry someone else and have kids or whatever. I am always, always going to love you. I don't care if you never forgive me for what I did to you, I'm always going to love you and I need you to know that throughout that entire time we were dating and before that, everything I said about how I felt about you was true. All my love and affection was true. I did love you Ela, I really did. And to this day, right now and every moment in the future I will continue to love you. I am in love with." He said boring his eyes into mine. I didn't know if it was rain or tears or both that ran down my face. I looked up into that boy's vulnerable eyes and broke.

I brought his face to mine and placed my lips delicately on mine. His lips rubbed gently on mine for a while before the kiss turned hungry. His hands wandered around my body. My arms wrapped around his neck as I pulled him closer to me. I nibbled on his bottom lip. We kissed until the rain stopped. He pulled out and started kissing up and down my neck. Then he rested his forehead on mine.

"I love you too Alexander Chase Parker." I whispered causing him to break out in the widest smile I've ever seen on anyone ever. He picked me up and spun me around.

"I love you. I love you. I love you." He said kissing all over my face, I laughed uncontrollably. I knew that this, we, could end up badly but I didn't care. I didn't care, because I love him. I hated him for what he did to me but I was never really over him. I wasn't. I love him. I do. And I want to be with him. Alex opened the car door for me and I placed the blindfold on. I couldn't watch how we got to and from the headquarters. You know, just in case I decided to leave and all that jazz. It took us a while to get back to the headquarters. We walked through the halls soaking wet. Alex was walking me back to my room.

"Alex. We've been looking all over for you." A lady voice said causing us to turn around.

"Hey mom. Dad." Alex said looking at the faces. Wow. His parents were even more attractive when they were their normal selves. Alex was a spitting image of his dad with spots and characteristics of his mom thrown in there.

"Oh, Daniela. So lovely to see you here." His mom said smiling at me.

"Yes, rather a shock as well." His dad said looking over at his son.

"Daniela has signed a temporary 3 month contract with us." Alex said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"That's nice. Daniela, you are going to love it here with us." Alex's mom said beaming at me. "My son will be able to show you the ropes." She added glancing over at Alex.

"Thank you Mrs. Parker. I sure hope to enjoy my time here. Your son has done a wonderful job in training me so far." I said nodding. Alex squeezed my waist.

"Well mom, dad. I must be taking Daniela back to her room. She's a bit soaked and we don't want her catching a cold." Alex said drawing his parents' attention to the facts that we were both dripping wet.

"Oh. Yes. Of course. We must catch up Alex. And Daniela, let's catch lunch sometime." Alex's dad said smiling at me.

"Of course. We would love that, right Alex?" I said looking up at me. He looked down at me and hesitantly answered his parents.

"Yes. We would." He replied still looking at me.

"Great! How about Friday? We're leaving town Saturday." His mom beamed happily.

"Friday sounds great, but as Alex said before, we really must be going." I said taking a step forward.

"It was wonderful seeing you." Alex's dad said.

"Likewise." I said nodding. Alex spun me around and without another word to his parents he walked me to my room. I opened my door and looked up at him.

"Your parents are delightful." I said smiling at him.

"Yea, they're up to something. I don't know what it is." He said suspiciously.

"Oh hush." I said placing a hand on his chest. "Anyways, I need a shower and to change." I said clawing at my clothes.

"Yes. I don't want you getting sick. I'll come check on you later." He said nodding.

"Later." I said smiling.

"Later babe." He said before leaning down to kiss me. "Gosh I missed that." He mumbled happily against my lips. I laughed before he kissed my cheek and walked away.

(***A month later***)

"Listen, we warned you guys, it wouldn't end pretty if you messed with us. You just decided not to listen to us." Jerry said as I hid behind a wall. "We gave you options. Damn good options. And you ignored it." He said before tsking.

"Those options were bullshit. You can go to hell." Alejandro replied.

"Well, I'm sorry you think that. But now you know what's going to happen to you, right?" Jerry asked them slowly, as if talking to a child.

"What are you going to do? There are four of us and one of you." Alejandro said and I could hear the smirk on his face.

"On the contrary Alejandro. You don't actually think my partner would go in alone did you?" I asked making an entrance behind them. They turned around and looked at me.

"And between the two of us, the four of you don't have a chance." Jerry said shrugging.

"Oh yea?" Alejandro asked. Before they could even get out their guns Jerry and I shot them all dead. Without hesitation, without a thought, without mistake. Four perfect clean shots and four dead bodies in a messy pile. We threw our guns on top of them before I spoke into my head set.

"Come take out the trash." I said before sliding down the rope off the roof landing on my 6-inch heel I stepped into the limo with Jerry following in behind me.

"Mhm. Yea. I got up. Make sure the boys don't leave a spot." Alex said as I scooted next to him in the limo. "Alrighty, see you when we get back." He said before hanging up. "Hey babe." He said pecking my lips.

"Hey honey." I said smiling back up at him.

"Ugh! Guys! Gross." Jerry groaned causing us to laugh.

"Jerry, my man. Let me find you a girl!" Alex said throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"Nah. I think I'll be fine." Jerry said shaking his head.

"You know, random hook-ups won't keep you satisfied forever." Alex said pointing at him.

"Yea, but they'll keep me satisfied for now until I can find someone." Jerry replied smirking. "Besides, I don't wanna settle down right now. This is my prime time Alex. Prime time." Jerry added pounding on his chest. I rolled my eyes before taking off my trench coat revealing a beautiful red gown with a gorgeous open, lace back.

"Babe you look outstanding." Alex whispered to me.

"I'm waiting for that." Jerry mumbled at us.

"What?" I asked looking over at him.

"What you guys have. It's so clear that you guys are in love. And I don't want to just find someone to find someone. I want to find someone and have that love at first sight kind of thing going on." Jerry said looking at us. I smiled.

"You'll find it Jerry, but you gotta start looking bud." Alex said nodding at him.

"Yea, whatever." Jerry said shaking his head. We arrived at the event and stepped out of the limo. Flashing lights of cameras were everywhere. We walked inside of the gala.

"Mr. Parker." The greeter said to Alex. "And Mr. and Ms. Porter." He said looking at Jerry and I. According to our new identities we were Victoria and Vincent Porter, wonder twins and incredible socialites. With a few connections and a lot of string pulling the whole of Europe's top 10 percentile knows who we are know. "Right this way." He said directing us to the crowd. He showed us to our seats and left.

"Let's mingle shall we." Alex said lifting us up. Alex didn't need a fake name here. He was on the other side of the world. He could use his real name, where as we couldn't. If our names were released in the press and shown in America, then we'd have some serious problems. We walked through and found the host.

"Vince, Tori, Alex. So glad you could make it!" Giovanni said coming up to us in his strong Italian accent. He gave Alex and Jerry bro hugs and kissed both of my cheeks.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I said smiling up at him. Giovanni is a young, 18, year old who is preparing to soon take over his dad's business. His dad, and his business, has connections to the Circle. So Gio knows my true identity, he's even been down to the headquarters a couple times.

"I know how boring these galas can be. Which is why I wanted to give these to you in person. You guys are the first people I'm inviting to my 19th birthday." He said handing us invites. There was a card attached to different bottles of champagne. I got a bottle of Moët & Chandon Dom Perignon White Gold. Each one of these bottles coast a little more than $2,000. I guess that's what you can do when you're stupid rich. Alex is used to this type of stuff, as he too has been born to an incredible rich family.

 The envelope was ivory. I opened it and the card had his name on it with the family crest. The outsides were lined in gold. I mean pure gold. The inside was simple. A VIP pass was placed on the inside. I looked up at him.

"Of course you guys are going to be in the VIP section." Gio said answering my unspoken question. A birthday party with its very own VIP section.

"We'll be there." Alex said nodding.

"And we'll definitely be savoring these bottles." Jerry said holding up his bottle.

"Oh Vince. Share that piece with a pretty lady, on me." Gio said lightly punching Jerry's arm. Causing him to laugh.

"So, Tori, what are you going to do for your birthday in a couple months?" Gio asked looking at me.

"Oh I'm probably going take a trip somewhere. Possibly Australia." I said smiling at him.

"Australia is amazing. That would be an awesome birthday trip." Gio said nodding.

"Gio!" Someone called from somewhere.

"The son of a billionaire has to go and fill his socialite duties. I'll catch up with you fine people later." He said before running off somewhere. I took one last look at that bottle of $2,000 bottle of champagne and realized how used to this lifestyle I was getting. Yes, I could and was getting used to this.

The night ended and Alex and I were lying in my bed.

"Thank you again for my shoes." I said resting my head on his chest. He won me a pair of Kendall Jimmy Choo Pumps in an auction at the gala. They were absolutely gorgeous.

"Anything for my queen." He said before kissing the top of my head.

"Tell me a story." I said quietly.

"What do you wanna hear?" He asked gently.

"Tell me a story from your past." I said simply.

"Ok. I'll tell you story from my first day of high school. Now, I had just come back from a mission the night before and I had to be up at 7 to get to school. I slept through my alarm and missed my school bus. So the day was already off to an amazing start. I missed breakfast so in the middle of class my stomach starts making whale noises. So Duncan gets so fed up with my whale noises that he throws a candy bar at me. So I go through the rest of the day falling asleep in all of my classes. Then at football practice I wasn't watching where I was going, ended up with a ball in my face and a black eye for a week." He said as I was laughing my butt off.

"Tell me again how you ended up the most popular guy at the school?" I asked in between laughs.

"By making a joke out of it. I wasn't mopping around about how horrible my first day of school was. I kind of just let it play out. And with my natural charm and charisma, everyone couldn't help but love me." He said with a slight smirk.

"Ok babe. Whatever you say." I said patting his chest.

"You know when I first met you I was telling my friends all about you. I was smitten. I kept telling them how pretty you were and how nice you were and how much I really wanted to get to know you. I think they were pretty sick of it. They were telling me how Gallagher Girls were off limits to the general public and that I should've known that by know. It was like you guy were mystical creatures that we were allowed to look at but never touch. In both of my worlds you were untouchable. In my real world, I couldn't date you because you were my mission. An assigned task for me to complete. I was never to get close to you, you know that. In Evan's world you were untouchable because Gallagher Girls would never go for a normal guy like me. All Gallagher Girls were heiresses, socialites, or others of high upbringings. You guys were the poisonous fruit on the tree. Something we all really wanted, but could never have. So when I saw you again on your birthday, I told my friends that I saw you. I also told them I invited you to the party. They absolutely thought I was insane. Jason asked me if I was on drugs. Declan was about ready to put me in a mental hospital. And Ben really didn't know how to react. They were pretty sure I lost my mind that day. I can tell you they were beyond shocked when you actually showed up that night. Like beyond, beyond shocked. I was a freaking legend. I got a Gallagher Girl to come to my party. This is not a normal day event. Then I got you to start coming to parties more and more and bam, bam shizam we ended up going out. Everyone was like flipping there shit." He said before I cut in.

"Were Gallagher Girls really that big of a deal. I mean, I never thought they would think of prep school girls in that way." I said looking up at him.

"You girls are the people every girl wants to be and every guy want to date. I mean it one thing to date the most popular person in school. People will be envious for a while and then realize it was bound to happen. But, when you date a Gallagher Girl. That's a whole new ballpark and I had hit the home run. But I didn't really care about all of that. I was really happy that you were just mine. I wasn't paying attention to either one of my worlds because I had you, and you became the center of my world." He said looking down at me.

"I love you." I said smiling.

"I love you more." He replied leaning down to kiss me. "I have a surprise for you." He mumbled against my lips.

"What is it?" I asked excited.

"I'm going to take you to see someone very important tomorrow." He said rubbing circles on me cheek.

"Who?" I asked raising my eyebrow

"You're dad. He flew in tonight, so I'm going to take you to go see him." He said squeezing my waist.

"Yay! Seriously?" I asked getting excited.

"Yup." He said nodding. I brought his face to mine and kissed him all over.

"Thank you!" I said smiling.

"You're welcome my love. As I said before, anything for my queen." He replied kissing the side of my head. "Go to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us." He added pulling mee closer to him. I nuzzled into him.

"I'm in love with you Alexander Parker." I mumbled before falling asleep.

The next day Alex drove me through Italy. We drove up to this cute little apartments style house. Alex pressed in the code and walked through the gate. He pulled out his spare key and opened the door. Alex brought in the Chinese.

"Knock, knock. Is anyone home?" Alex calls through the house.

"Upstairs Alex. I'll be down in a minute." My dad called from upstairs. I felt the butterflies rattling around in my stomach from excitement. After all this time I was going to see my dad.

"I brought a surprise for you." Alex called back up to me and wrapped his arm around me.

"I hope it's food, because I'm starving and there's no food here." My dad yelled back causing us to laugh.

"It's something a little better than food." Alex replied.

"Fine!" My dad said before I heard him walking down the stairs. He spotted me and smiled. "Baby girl." He whispered looking at me.

"Hi daddy." I said before running up to him and attacking him in a hug. It's been so long since I've hugged him. Since I looked at him. I missed him so much. I squeezed onto him tighter. "I missed you so much." I whispered.

"I missed you too baby. I missed you too." He said putting me back on the ground.

"Oh, and I have some food for you too." Alex said from behind me.

"My daughter and food! You're racking up bonus points today!" My dad said giving Alex a hug.

"I know. I'm pretty awesome." Alex said shrugging and bringing the food into the kitchen. We shared out the food before sitting around the table to talk and eat.

"So I'm sure you want to know what happened to me right?" He asked.

"Yea. I do." I said nodding.

"So I didn't get kidnapped by the circle. I got kidnapped by this other organization that was going to use me for ransom. Jerry's dad came along and they were going to sell us to the highest bidder, since we're two of the top Agents in the world. Well, this organization owed the Circle a debt and so the asked for us as payback. We went to the circle and they told us that we had to work for them for two years before we could be released back to our families. That was the same amount of time they gave to most of their captures anyways. So we signed the paperwork and went through training and went on a couple missions. I realized that this organization isn't at all what people make it out to be. Over the past couple years I've really enjoyed working for them. And I got to harass this kid a bunch." He said punching Alex.

"Dan has probably been bullying me since day one and I'm his boss!" Alex said sending my dad a look before they both broke out into laughter. I smiled. They are friends. This is good.

"Then I found out that he was dating you and it all went down hill from there." My dad said shaking his head.

"Oh shush up. You knew she was always in good hands with me." Alex said rolling his eyes. 

"Yea, other than the fact that you were assigned to kidnap her. Or did you push that thought to the side. Obviously you did because you still dated her." My dad said shaking his head again. "Ela, what did you see in him? He's actually quite a stupid child." My dad asked pointing at him.

"I actually don't know." I said shrugging.

"Babe!" Alex groaned at me causing me to smile at him.

"Babe?" My dad asked looking at Alex. "Babe?" He asked again looking at me. "Are you two going out again?" My dad asked looking between us.

"Yea." Alex said quietly.

"Didn't you learn the first time?" My dad asked repeatedly punching him. I kept laughing.

"Come on! Look at her cute face. I can't help but fall in love with her." He said beaming at me. I felt warm on the inside just by the way he looked at me.

"So what do you plan on telling your kids when they ask how you two met? Oh son, dad was sent to kidnap your mom so that she would come and work for this scary, but not so scary spy organization but he ended up falling in love with me and la de da here we are happily ever after." My dad asked looking at me. I ignored the fact that my face started heating up at the mention of having kids with Alex.

"Yup, that sounds like the perfect way to tell them." I said nodding.

"Oh please make sure Grandpa Dan is there so I can laugh at the story." My dad said smiling at me.

"We'll make sure to shoot you a text." Alex said simply.

"Great." My dad said smiling. We spent hours after that just talking and catching up. I caught my dad up on everything that's happened in my life since he left and he told me that his time ends in a month but he's thinking of staying and working for them but he'd come home and visit first to talk with mom and Vanessa. It was a great day. I was so happy that I was able to talk to him and get to really spend time with him. Since I hadn't been able to do that in a really long time. I took a nap on the way back to the headquarters because it had been such a long day.

(***About a month later***)

"I'm taking you out today." Alex said waking me up.

"Ok babe, but can I sleep in a little longer." I said rolling into his chest.

"My love, it's already 12 p.m. come on silly. Get up baby." He said tickling me. I laughed myself awake.

"Ok, ok, ok. I give up. I give up." I said rolling out of bed and walking to my closet. I picked out a nice sundress before heading into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and changed. I put on light make-up because Italy in the summer is hot! I walked out and Alex was waiting for me with a wide smile. I grabbed his hand and leaned into him.

"Hello my love." He said kissing the top of my head.

"Hello to you too my love." I said looking up at him and pecking his lips.

"Are you ready for a spectacular day?" He asked getting excited.

"Yes!" I said happily.

"Great, because I have a wonderful day of sightseeing and other adventured planned for us. Since you haven't gotten the chance to really tour or anything because of being suck in here training and doing missions." He said pulling me towards the garage.

"This is true." I replied as he blindfolded me.

"So I'm going to take you out to lunch and sightseeing and it's going to be great." He said before he started driving.

Over the course of the day we ate at this cute little family owned restaurant. We went all over the place sightseeing and took a crapload of pictures. Now we're taking a stroll through the Boboli Gardens. This place was absolutely breathtaking. There was this tunnel pathway made of trees and it was just gorgeous. There were not that many people out here today.

"Babe." Alex said as I looked around.

"Yes." I whispered trying to take in the beauty of this place.

"You know I love you right?" He asked slowly.

"And I love you." I replied glancing over at him quickly before continuing to look around.

"I mean from day one, it was one of those love at first sight moments for me. I knew that you were different, that you were special. All along I knew that you were the one person I was meant to spend my life with. I knew that I had found the love of my life. When I look at you I feel at home. When I see your smile I melt on the inside. I hold you and never want to let you go. I don't know what I'd ever do if I lost you and I don't want to loose you." He said seriously causing me to look at him.

"Babe, you're not going to loose me. Never. I promise." I said placing a hand on his face and smiling at him.

"I hope so. I really hope so, which is why I come here today to ask you." He dropped to one knee and I felt the tears already starting to come up. "Will you, Daniela White, make me the luckiest man in the entire world by becoming my wife?" He asked looking at me and revealing a gorgeous ring. I thought about everything that has happened in my life. I thought about all the hurt I felt. Everything. I thought about everything that has happened leading up to this point. I realized that I am in love with the man standing, or kneeling, in front of me and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I want him. I choose him.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! A million times yes." I said nodding and crying. He beamed and placed the ring on my finger. "I love you." I said as he stood up. He kissed me and lifted me up and spun me around.

"God I love you so much. I couldn't have asked for anyone better than you." He said looking me in my eyes.

"And I you." I said rubbing my nose against him.

"We have a wedding to plan." He said smiling.

"Yes! We do!" I said laughing.

"We're getting married!" Alex yelled to the around 50 or so people that were surrounding us. They started clapping which made me laugh even harder.

(***A month later***)

"Alex, I have to go back. I have to go." I said looking at him.

"No! No you don't. You really don't." He said shaking him head.

"Yea. I do. There are things I have to do there. I still have to finish my senior year, and I have to tell my friends I'm getting married, and there are a lot of things I still have to do." I said looking at him.

"You can go to school here. And everything else here! We're getting married. On June 10th to be exact. We already booked a freaking castle over looking the ocean in France. We are getting married and your leaving me." He said looking incredibly hurt.

"I'm not leaving you. I'm going to come back to you." I said taking a step closer to him.

"Come back to me? You're not even going to remember me!" He yelled angrily.  "You're dad is here. I am here. We're going to get married and start a family. And you're going to leave me." He said sadly.

"Come with me." I said looking at him hopefully.

"Babe you know I can't. I have to run things here. And I don't live there anymore." He said shaking his head. "Ela baby, please don't go. Please. I'm begging you. Don't go." He said getting on his knees and pleading with me. I dropped down on the floor with him.

"I'm going to come back to you. We're going to get married and we're going to have big, expensive, lavish wedding for the books. And we're going to have kids and we're going to tell them the story of how we met with them sitting on my dad's lap. And we're going to be happy. I'm going to come back to you." I said holding his face.

"You damn well better. I can't lose you. I can't." He said softly.

"You're not gonna lose me. I love you too much. I chose you remember? You're the one whose ring is on my finger. You're the one I'm getting married to on June 10th. You're the one." I said smiling at him before pecking his lips. "You're the one." I mumbled against his lips.

The next day we were on a train to the town over from Barcelona. It was night time when we got there. We reached the dock and the awaiting boat. Alex look at me with tears forming in my eyes and I hadn't realized how much I had actually been crying. My face was covered in tears. I looked over at Alex from the dock.

"You don't have to do this. You don't have to go." He said grabbing my hand.

"Yes I do." I said nodding.

"But you don't want to." He whispered.

"No. I don't want to leave. But I have to babe. I have to." I said looking at him.

"Ok. I'll be here waiting for you when you get back." He said quietly.

"Alex. I love you." I said making him look at me.

"I love you too, just please make sure you come back to me." He said as a tear rolled down his face. I wiped it away.

"I will. I'll come back to you." I said rubbing his cheek gently.

"Ok. You sent the ring to yourself right?" He asked seriously.

"Yea, and all the other jewelry I got." I said nodding.

"I hope the girls like them." He said with a weak smile.

"They will." I said returning his smile.

"Ela. We have to go. The sun is rising quickly." Quinn said from the boat.

"Coming." I yelled back to her. "I guess this is goodbye. Until next time my love." I said beaming up at him. "You are my love and I'm going to come back to you." I said nodding.

"You are the love of my life and I'll be waiting for you to come back to me." He replied nodding. He brought his lips down on mine and I just savored him for a while. I just let him kiss me and I felt the butterflies in my stomach and the love in my heart. I pulled out and walked to the boat. Soon we were off.

I felt the ocean mist hit my face. The blindfold against my eyes was starting to get itchy. I couldn't itch it because my hands, too, were tied. I sat patiently feeling as the boat bumped over a wave. We sped down the ocean. If my calculations were correct it was almost sunrise. I knew she was in a hurry. She had to get us to a drop off point. She had to make it look like we escaped instead of just leaving. I knew my decision to leave would result in this. I'm glad they let me leave instead of killing me. Over the course of the past 5 months Jerry and I have gained their trust and their friendship. It doesn't excuse them for trying to kidnap me, but I will live. I know they are not finished with me, but nonetheless they have decided that they will obey my wishes and let me go. Alex had the hardest time with this. He begged me nonstop not to leave. He pleaded and bargained so I would stay. I know this decision is going to break him. After everything we've been through. After it all. My heart breaks  knowing that I'm breaking his heart. Even after everything that he's done to me, I still love him. And these past 5 months have proven to me that he loves me too. More than anything else in the world. I wish I could stay and have a family with him. Make a life with him. I know I can't, not now. And maybe after going home and settling back in, not ever. We both know that me leaving is more than likely the end of us. If we're meant to be then we'll be. If we're not then we move on with our lives and forget about each other.

The boat came to a slow and steady stop. I heard the ocean all around us. Yet in the distance I heard a city. Yes, a city. We've reached the drop off point. One of the many places around the world the Circle releases their captives after they're finished with them instead of killing them. I knew the process. I've been to a couple of drop offs during the course of these 5 months. I know what they do. They take you all the way out to one of these drop off points. We sit here for 5 minutes, giving you time to think, as if you haven't been thinking about it the whole ride here. Then they will ask you if you are absolutely sure that you want to leave. You will reply: yes or no. If yes they will inject you with a serum that will take away all your memories of the time you were with them. They've got it down to a science. By the day. They know how much to give you to block out the about of time they want you to forget. Then they will take off your blindfold and ropes before leaving you. If you say no, then they will turn around and go back to the headquarters.

 I had 2 minutes and 30 seconds left of my 5 minutes. Was I really sure I wanted to go? I mean, I could have a family with Alex, a secure job, and a future back at HQ. What did I have back home? I left for a reason. I do have friends who love me. I have my sister and mom. I don't think they could handle me staying since dad left. I had to go home. I have responsibilities there. I have people there.. I can't live with myself knowing that they think I'm dead. I can't. They have to know. They have to know I'm ok.

"Are you sure you want to leave us?" She asked slowly.

"Yes." Jerry and I said in unison.

"Ok. Just know, we will miss you guys. You are welcome home anytime. We will take you back. We'll always take you back." She said softly. Well that's a new one. I have never heard her, or any other officials doing the drop off, say that to anyone. I nodded slightly before she stuck my arm. I felt the serum go into my body. She undid my blindfolds and then the restraints around my hands and feet. I watched as she injected Jerry with the serum.

"Well..." I said standing up.

"I guess this is goodbye." Quinn said looking at us. Her red hair pushed out of her face into a slick ponytail.

"I guess so." Jerry said simply.

"Oh I'm going to miss you guys so much." She said before pulling us each into a hug.

"We're going to miss you too." I said softly.

"You can change you're mind. We have an anti-serum back at HQ. We can go back right now." She said trying to get us to stay.

"We have to go." Jerry said looking at her.

"Ok. Well goodbye loves, until next time." She said looking at us.

"Until next time." I whispered before Jerry and I jumped off the boat and into the rough waves. Swimming for a while I got weak as the ocean became stronger and I sunk.

I felt the water hitting my feet and my soggy clothes sticking to my body. I coughed letting out the water that once filled my lungs. I opened my eyes, but the salt burned them, forcing me to shut them once again. My lower left abdomen screamed out in pain, and felt like it was on fire. Whatever that wound was, the ocean water was naturally cleaning it. I open my eyes again and was able to keep them open long enough to take in my surrounding. Yes, I am clearly on a beach. Yes, I'm clearly washed up on a beach. Yes, I may be my own only chance of survival. I must get help. I tried to lift my head but the pain that shot through my body at that was paralyzing. I could only imagine how much worse it would be if I tired to lift any other part of my body.

"¡Ayuda! ¡Ayuda! Necesitamos un poco de ayuda!" I heard a lady voice calling out for help in Spanish. She rushed over to me, probably wondering if I was alive. I made a little grunting noise to reassure her that I was very much alive and very much in pain. More people surrounded me before I was flipped over onto a little stretcher. The pain was so overwhelming that my body actually shut down and made me go unconscious.

I woke up again, but this time in a bed. I was bandaged up, but still in a lot of pain. I looked over and saw a glass of water and two pills next to it. I reached over and took the pills and downed the water. Soon a girl came into the room.

"Oh good, you're awake." She said in full Spanish.

"Hi. Where am I?" I asked looking up at her.

"Cresta de la Academia del Rey in Spain. You woke up on the beach injured. Can you tell me what your name is?" She asked sitting next to me.

"Victoria Porter. I have a brother name Vincent Porter. Can you tell me how he is?" I asked looking up at her.

"He's doing fine. He's still asleep." She said nodding.

"Ok. I think I'm gonna go back to resting now." I said laying back down.

"Ok. Just call if you need anything. And if you need to use the bathroom I left a pair of crutches by your bed." She said pointing to the crutches leaning on the edge of the bed, that I somehow missed.

"Thank you." I said smiling at her. She left the room and I grabbed the crutches. I crutched over to the phone. I called Alex.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey babe its me." I said quietly.

"Oh babe. You're ok. Oh thank God. Where are you?" He asked worried.

"I'm at this boarding school." I said looking at him.

"Babe you know you can come back right now if you wanted to. Just say the words." He said pleading.

"I can't. I have to finished what I started." I heard footsteps coming "Crap, babe. Someone's coming. I gotta go. I love you so, so, so, so, so, much. I'll be back soon." I said before hanging up the phone. I started crutching towards the bathroom when the door opened. It was the girl from before.

"I'm sorry. I forgot I had to change your bandaging." She said holding the medical supplied.

"It's ok. I was just going to the bathroom. You can go for it when I get out." I said before entering the bathroom.

Over the course of the week Alexandria, the girl who has ben taking care of me, and I have gotten really close. We've just been talking and I've been able to give her some good advice on life and relationships.

(***A Week Later***)

I cracked my eyes open shocked to see unfamiliar surroundings. Where am I? What am I doing here? How did I get here? I sat up and found myself in a small little, dorm room looking room. I cute, rather large bed with elegant brown comforter covering me. I looked down at unfamiliar clothing. A pair of grey shorts and a white tank top. I took the sheets off my body and made a move to walk when a sharp pain panged both my head and my side. I clutched onto both sites of injury waiting for the pain to subside. I lifted my shirt to find a bandaged patch in my lower left abdomen area. I got up again, feeling less pain, before going over to the window. I looked and an unfamiliar site met my eyes once more. The buildings were spanish looking and I could see the sea from my window, so I'm assuming I'm in Spain or somewhere like that. There was a light knock on the door before the door opened revealing a petite teenager, around my age, with curly brown hair falling to her lower back, wearing a her school uniform.

"Buenos días, Victoria. Me alegro de ver que estás haciendo y en movimiento." She said smiling before walking in.

So, guys. I really hope you enjoyed that. I know a lot of you wanted insight into Ela's missing summer and a lot of you wanted more Alex. So here ya go. I really really enjoyed writing this. It's a new kind of perspective on everything so that's really fun. Um, school's almost out, so I won't be writing until school is over. I shouldn't have spent so much time writing this, I should've been working on my school work, but I'm so done. Nonetheless, I love you guys and I hope you guys have an amazing last week or couple weeks of school. Or if you're done I hope you have an amazing summer. Again I love love love you guys and thank you so much for reading.

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