Rebirth of Poisoned Empress...

By alyun100719445

256K 7.9K 604

Shen Liang was beautiful and cold like jade, but he was also extremely cruel to his enemy. Pei Yuanxian who k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Untitled Part 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128

Chapter 72

1.9K 68 4
By alyun100719445

With Shen Liang's single brilliant feat at the Elder Princess's banquet and Pei Yuanxian and Jing Xiran's personal accompaniment, Shen Liang's first day at Tianmen Academy was like a moon surrounded by stars. The abuse he suffered in his previous life seemed like a fleeting dream as it seemed surreal. On the contrary, Shen Qiang's situation had completely changed from before. Those former friends and admirers of hers either avoid her the moment they see her approaching or was nowhere to be seen period.

Shen Jing's situation was not any better off either. But her isolation couldn't be entirely attributed to Shen Liang, but rather, it was because she had instigated Ling Yucheng's actions at the Elder Princess's banquet. The third prince's concubine and the General Ling weren't fools. For her to force Ling Yucheng into such a humiliating situation and still unable to pull himself away, did she think they would let her off easily? It was just that Shen Jing evidently didn't dare bear a grudge against the General Ling and the third prince's concubine. Hence, she pinned everything onto Shen Liang's head.

As for the other young lady of the Marquis Donglin Manor, Shen Qiao, she didn't even dare to show her face. Ever since that day at the pleasure boat, she completely hid herself away in her manor.

Similarly, Shen Xiao and Shen Yang, who were preparing for the Imperial College Exams, were also suffering from a hard time. People were rational and realistic. The more powerful and affluent a person was, the more practical they were. Just how proud and arrogant they were when they stood at the top of the cliff was exactly just how miserable and embarrassed, they were now, having fallen from their high positions. What goes around, comes around. It was high time for them to suffer from the taste of their own medicines. But it was only just the beginning.

"What is this again?" with his mind occupied by matters at home, the moment classes were adjourned, Shen Liang refused Xiang Zhuo and the others' invitiation to their homes and took Qi Yue along with him to hurry home. The Nether Guards had already arrived. Lei Zhen even personally came. But currently, he had engaged himself in a truffle with Yaoguang. The two of them each occupied a corner of the courtyard and both donned an expression that signaled to others a fight could break out at any time. Fortunately, the Nether Guards and Ironclad Guards themselves were not involved in the matter.

"Master!" seeing him, Lei Zhen threw Yaoguang away and turned around. He cupped his fist and respectfully paid his greetings.

"Liangliang, you're finally home. Exactly who is this person? I hadn't even stepped into the courtyard yet and was already being beaten by him." Yaoguang materialized before Shen Liang and pointed at Lei Zhen before his very eyes. His little face was flustered and puffed. It was evident that he had been angered.

Seeing how impudent he was, Lei Zhen's brows furrowed imperceptibly. He suppressed the urge to really give the boy a beating.

"Let's head in first," looking at the two, Shen Liang then took the initiative to enter the room first.

"Ahhh. Ahhhh...." Shen You, who had awakened was sitting in the baby's seat Qi Yue and Qi Xuan had bought for him his morning. When he saw Shen Liang and the others come in, not only was he not frightened, but he also even stretched his hands towards them and called for them. 

Shen Liang immediately felt warm all over. He headed over in long strides and squatted down before the child: "You'er, my name is Shen Liang. I'm your uncle."

Caressing the child's cheeks, Shen Liang's smile was filled with gentleness and warmth. In his previous life, he had always wanted a child, but Qin Yunshen rarely shared a bed with him. He never had the chance to carry a child. But now, he felt as though he had suddenly become a dad.

"Ah. Ah..." no one knew if it was because he understood Shen Liang, but the miniature Shen You excitedly patted the railings in front of the baby's chair. His two legs kicked furiously, as though he was struggling to break free from the confines of the chair.

"Hehe... You'er, be good. Not yet," holding his hand, Shen Liang approached him and planted a kiss on his adorable face. 

Fu Ying, who was about to feed him his milk smiled as he said: "The little master has been exceptionally well-behaved. He hasn't raised a fuss the entire day today."

And Pei Yuanxian and those old men were actually tortured and suffered for three days and nights.

"Really? As expected of our You'er," hearing this, Shen Liang was even happier, like a man silly from just becoming a dad. One could only imagine how he would dote on Shen You and his own future children.

"Ah. Ah...." Shen You seemed to really like Shen Liang and kept calling after him.

When Fu Ying saw this, he hurriedly called out: "Alright now, little master. Uncle is busy. Why don't we head over to the room next door and finish our milk, alright?"

"Ah. Ah..." perhaps it was because he heard the word "milk," but Shen You's attention was immediately captured. Fu Ying threw Qi Xuan a look. The latter immediately understood and along with the chair, picked up the baby, making the little rice bun giddy and excited as he thumped his limbs around joyously. 

"What are you doing, standing for? Have a seat." After sending the little one away, Shen Liang withdrew his smile and waited until they had all sat down before demanding with a stern face: "Speak now. Exactly what is it?

The dignified leader of the Nether Guards and one of the seven commanders of the Ironclad Guard were arguing like children, tit-for-tat. If this was spread out, they'd become a laughing joke.

"I'll speak first!" Yaoguang fought to say. He gave Lei Zhen who sat across from him a fierce glare before finally saying slowly: "This afternoon, Uncle Fu sorted out all of the items and necessities the little master lacked onto a list. After lunch, I directly headed out to purchase the items, but when I returned, just as I was about to enter the courtyard, a certain someone raised a hand against me! Thank goodness I have fast reflexes, or I'd been slapped down by him."

"Who told you to scale the walls like a thief rather than walking through the doors like a normal person? You even deliberately attempted to hide your aura," Lei Zhen felt quite melancholy as well. When he took over for Tianquan, they didn't tell him there would be another person. When he saw him acting so suspiciously, Lei Zhen immediately became vigilant and regarded him as someone with malicious intents. 

"I.... What I bought are all what the little master would need and use. What if other people were to find out?" aware that he had been negligent but still unwilling to admit his mistake, Yaoguang stiffened his neck and derived a ludicrous excuse.

"The items are all wrapped in the package and the package is in your arms. As long as you aren't willing to hand it over, how many people in the manor would be capable of getting it from you?" Lei Zhen looked at him like he was looking at a fool. He had to seriously consider whether the Ironclad Guards truly were as strong and intimidating as the rumors stated.

"It's better to be safe than sorry," Yaoguang was stubborn and insisted.

Shen Liang, who was caught between the two of them had developed a general understanding of the issue. Taking advantage of the brief moment when the two didn't talk, he raised a hand and forced the issue to a stop: "Alright now. It was only a misunderstanding. Yaoguang, do you not need to return to the duke's manor?"

With Pei Yuanxian's character, he should have already passed an order to handle the City of Wangyue matter. As one of the seven commanders of the Ironclad Guards, Yaoguang shouldn't have been excluded from this execution of plans.

"Yes. The boss did say we had an important mission. But didn't I just have to chance upon this unlucky person just as I was about to drop off the little master's items?" With Shen Liang's words, Yaoguang suddenly recalled that he indeed had things to do. He then stood up: "Liangliang, I'll head back first. When the mission's over, I'll return. You can't forsake and not want me anymore then."

In just the few short days of interaction, compared to the master, he found himself enjoying protecting the Wangfei more.

"Alright," Shen Liang hid a smile and nodded. Yaoguang only left after casting Lei Zhen another fierce glare. Shen Liang, Lei Zhen, and Qi Yue, the three of them who remained behind couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief unanimously. He finally left.

"What is it with you though? Why did you personally pay a visit?" After sending one of them away, there was still another one here to handle. For Lei Zhen to come here personally, Shen Liang truly didn't expect this.

"I'm here to protect you," being renowned proved to be both a good and a bad thing for him. It would've been too risky for him to come alone. For him to be here, it was also only decided after a long discussion with Yuan Shao and the others.

"But..." Shen Liang's eyebrows furrowed imperceptibly. No one knew. He was only scared. In his previous life, Lei Zhen and the others had died exactly because they were close to him and protected him fiercely... Even though he was left with no choice but to use the Nether Guards for the child, he never intended them to personally handle the matter.

"Master, protecting you is our responsibility and purpose!" his tiger eyes locked firmly onto him as Lei Zhen said forcefully. To outsiders, the Nether Guards may be an extremely terrifying and mysterious army, but to them, from beginning to end, they were just a team of bodyguards for their masters. If they couldn't even do this much, then there truly was no need for the Nether Guards.


He just knew Lei Zhen would say that.

But the more he was like that, the more worried Shen Liang was. However, he didn't refuse: "Alright then. But just you alone will suffice. Don't call Yuan Shao and the others here as well. I'm sure you've seen my courtyard already. I'm afraid we won't even be able to derive a room for even your stay."

Speaking of his, Shen Liang also began to deliberate whether it was time he changed courtyards. Children need quite a bit of room to move and work around. Zhonglin Courtyard was simply too small. But the bigger courtyards were all centralized near the main courtyard and near the second and third families. Shen Liang didn't want to live near them. He was afraid he would find himself unable to endure it one day. If he had to face them every day, he might very well order the Nether Guards to kill them. Then they really would be getting off cheaply. The pain and suffering he went through in his previous life, he had to make them go through it as well!

"There's no need to bother with preparing a room for us," they were bodyguards who remain obscure and hidden at all times. They didn't necessarily need to live in a room.

"...." Why do I feel like all you are planning to come over?

Shen Liang felt speechless. It was only after a long while that he said: "No matter who has to end up with the shorter straw, it can't be any of you. Yue Ge, head to the front yard and see if the Marquis has returned yet."

"Liangliang, are you preparing to see the Marquis?" Qi Yue and the others were aware of Shen Liang's intentions and plans. They found themselves unsettled and anxious.

"Not me. I will go with You'er. Go now, so that I have a general idea in my mind," after some deliberation, Shen Liang decided to take the initiative to attack. If he waited until they were found out, then with his father's temper, he wouldn't even listen to Shen Liang's explanation.

"This... alright then," Qi Yue was startled but when his gaze met with Shen Liang's firm one, he could only swallow everything he intended to say.

"I know what I'm doing. Don't worry."


Shen Liang's words didn't comfort him at all. But when considering all of Shen Liang's actions and plans recently, Qi Yue felt more ascertained. When he had left, Shen Liang couldn't help but laugh: "I've made you see a joke out of us. Yue Ge grew up with me. He just loves to worry since young."

"It's good to have someone worry. His loyalty is unmatched by anyone."

"En, which is why I will do my best to treat them well," Shen Liang and Lei Zhen looked at each other and exchanged smiles. Shortly afterwards, the two of them discussed the layout and arrangements of the Nether Guards again. By the time Qi Yue returned, they were already seated at a table and drinking tea leisurely.

"Liangliang, the Marquis has already returned and is currently in his study."

"Alright," hearing this, Shen Liang stook up and headed next door. When he saw that Fu Ying had already put Shen You to sleep, he briefly summed up his plans before personally learning how to wrap Shen You up in the quilt. He then carried him and took Lei Zhen and Fu Ying along with him to see the marquis. 

In the main courtyard where Liu Shuhan lived.

"Madame, madame. Not good. Madame..." 

After Liu Shuhan lost her authority and standing, Shen Ruiting seemed to have gotten wind of it as well and issued another restraining order. Now Liu Shuhan couldn't even her morning greetings to the old madame anymore. She had been locked up in her courtyard for days now. Liu Shuhan was worried about her maiden family, but also afraid that the Elder Princess's anger would lock onto her instead. She suffered from a state of anxiety all day and didn't have the heart, much less the time and energy to care about Shen Liang or the other families. 

"What are you being so noisy for? The madame is resting," the personal maid's scolding immediately restrained the reckless and frantic younger maid. 

Liu Shuhan's voice then sounded from within the courtyard: "What is it for there to be so much commotion?"

"Ma, madame, the fifth young master carried an infant and was seen heading to the main courtyard. He seemed to be looking for the Marquis."

"What?!" Liu Shuhan, who had her hair down and disheveled and was only wearing her inner garments rushed out. The younger maid was immediately frightened as Liu Shuhan's personal maid, who served her all year round hurried in for a cloak to wrap around Liu Shuhan. 

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